melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Many did not see it as wrong. I noted that. Jefferson understood it was.

And he also understood that many of his fellow citizens saw it as perfectly acceptable, a fight for another day.

Not something to be re-fought 150 years later for political gain.
And he also understood that many of his fellow citizens saw it as perfectly acceptable, a fight for another day.

Not something to be re-fought 150 years later for political gain.
So what you're saying is Jefferson as a leader didnt have the guts to do the right thing at the time.
What does Caesar have to do with the history of the United States?

History evolves over time whether you like it or not. In the early 20th century, a bunch of racists decided to put up a bunch of statues celebrating Confederates and the defense of slavery, keeping the black man in his place via intimidation. In the 21st century, we are righting that wrong. Maybe one day history will decide once again having statues of people defending slavery in public places is once again acceptable in a civilized society. I wouldnt hold my breath though. Those statues are NEVER going up again.

Julius Caesar was in favor of Slavery.

So if we are against slavery, should we be opposed to honoring the deceased leader?

But the opposition to Robert E. Lee et al has nothing at all to do with slavery whatsoever. It has to do with the 21st Century hatred of liberals for contemporary southern Honkies- none of which ever owned any slaves at all.
So what you're saying is Jefferson as a leader didnt have the guts to do the right thing at the time.

He didn't have the consensus or the means. He was a man of his times, a progressive of his times.

You must be a millennial. Your "everything comes easy" attitude shows it.
bertram said:
It's comical how the trump Nazis claim to defend the individual's liberty. But their defense ends when it's the individual liberties of women, minorities, homosexuals, transgendered individuals, immigrants (legal and illegal), and the list goes on of individuals the trump Nazis are more than pleased to see their rights taken away.

The trump Nazis' "patriotism" is extremely limited and selective.

ENOUGH with the lies. WE"ve all had our fill. THe left STOLE this election. NO WAY IN HELL did this moron who couldn't draw a crowd of 30 win this election fair and square. we've watched the left support and defend the radical domestic terrorists antifa and blm. Your Propaganda arm of the dem party ie the USn fake news (ENE)Media defends the lefts evil, treasonous, fraudulent activity and tactics. WE KNOW The LEFT lies and is INTENTIONALLY destroying this nation and your eyes are shut to the evil and the damage being done.

Under Donald Trump no rights were taken from anyone but you cannot say that now. NAME when the right of thse people were taken from them. What is concerning to me is when good men lose the ability to discern good from evil. Abortion is wrong, criminals do not get to run free harming innocent citizens. Homosexuals do not get to start race wars because they're unhappy with the current leadership and mentally ill trans do not get to sit in positions of power over sane God fearing (or otherwise) normal people. NAME ONCE where their RIGHTS were taken from them. You' have opted to take up the defense of the side of evil. You won't get to do that forever.
And he also understood that many of his fellow citizens saw it as perfectly acceptable, a fight for another day.

Not something to be re-fought 150 years later for political gain.

Nothing stopped him from ending the practice in his own back yard.
Jefferson did not think slavery was right. BUT, he was concerned about the method of freeing them...because to free them at once and for all would have flooded the country with uneducated, often vengeful, bands of roving blacks who would resort to God knows what. Much like what we have today in Blue cities and states. The left keeps these blacks in these areas,..uneducated, unemployed, dependent and then trots them out every election time to retain power with big political promises that are quickly forgotten the day after re election.
Julius Caesar was in favor of Slavery.

So if we are against slavery, should we be opposed to honoring the deceased leader?

But the opposition to Robert E. Lee et al has nothing at all to do with slavery whatsoever. It has to do with the 21st Century hatred of liberals for contemporary southern Honkies- none of which ever owned any slaves at all.
There are thousands of Caesar statues across the US? I did not know that.

As to your second point, you're delusional. Bottom line is that statues on public property celebrating the defense of slavery have no place in our society in the 21st century. Why do you defend this abomination? See, that's why civilized people like me call people like you deplorable.
Jefferson did not think slavery was right. BUT, he was concerned about the method of freeing them...because to free them at once and for all would have flooded the country with uneducated, often vengeful, bands of roving blacks who would resort to God knows what. Much like what we have today in Blue cities and states. The left keeps these blacks in these areas,..uneducated, unemployed, dependent and then trots them out every election time to retain power with big political promises that are quickly forgotten the day after re election.
It is a fact that Jefferson wanted a whites only America and had plans to ship off all the blacks to anywhere but the US.
Nothing stopped him from ending the practice in his own back yard.

Except that his estate relied on their labor, and at the time the concept of emancipation was still in it's infancy. You aren't talking about the mid 1800's, you are talking about the late 1700's. Even the Brits still had their slaves, and the Spanish and Portuguese were far more brutal slavers than the Americans were.
Jefferson did not think slavery was right. BUT, he was concerned about the method of freeing them...because to free them at once and for all would have flooded the country with uneducated, often vengeful, bands of roving blacks who would resort to God knows what. Much like what we have today in Blue cities and states.

Washington freed all his slaves. Granted it wasn't until his and Martha's death but he didn't seem too concerned over the ramifications of doing that.

Martha did and released them early but all the same, they were freed.
We didn't bring them in. It was a curse on America and one i'm sure our founders regretted. Still. In spite of the horrid conditions that brought them was a blessing to them. This nation Fought a war to free slaves. Thousands and thousands of whites died on both sides so that would happen. You'd think there'd be a little gratefulness for that but dems can't have that.
Except that his estate relied on their labor, and at the time the concept of emancipation was still in it's infancy. You aren't talking about the mid 1800's, you are talking about the late 1700's. Even the Brits still had their slaves, and the Spanish and Portuguese were far more brutal slavers than the Americans were.

As I noted, Washington set up the release of his slaves in his will.
It is a fact that Jefferson wanted a whites only America and had plans to ship off all the blacks to anywhere but the US.

A lot of people had that idea back then. They also weren't fond of Catholics and non western Europeans.

Different morals in a different time. Applying our standards then is just as dumb as applying their standards today.

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