melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

ENOUGH with the lies. WE"ve all had our fill. THe left STOLE this election. NO WAY IN HELL did this moron who couldn't draw a crowd of 30 win this election fair and square. we've watched the left support and defend the radical domestic terrorists antifa and blm. Your Propaganda arm of the dem party ie the USn fake news (ENE)Media defends the lefts evil, treasonous, fraudulent activity and tactics. WE KNOW The LEFT lies and is INTENTIONALLY destroying this nation and your eyes are shut to the evil and the damage being done.

Under Donald Trump no rights were taken from anyone but you cannot say that now. NAME when the right of thse people were taken from them. What is concerning to me is when good men lose the ability to discern good from evil. Abortion is wrong, criminals do not get to run free harming innocent citizens. Homosexuals do not get to start race wars because they're unhappy with the current leadership and mentally ill trans do not get to sit in positions of power over sane God fearing (or otherwise) normal people. NAME ONCE where their RIGHTS were taken from them. You' have opted to take up the defense of the side of evil. You won't get to do that forever.
Enough with the lies? You just blasted off about a half dozen lies in that one post alone. Face it. You're a deplorable that most of America despises. You'll be put back in your place soon enough as most of your club of deplorables moves on, only to leave die hard deplorables to fight the fight. Your short lived time of glory is over with.
We didn't bring them in. It was a curse on America and one i'm sure our founders regretted. Still. In spite of the horrid conditions that brought them was a blessing to them. This nation Fought a war to free slaves. Thousands and thousands of whites died on both sides so that would happen. You'd think there'd be a little gratefulness for that but dems can't have that.
Oh, I more than happy to celebrate when white racists decide to kill one another. Lol.
A lot of people had that idea back then. They also weren't fond of Catholics and non western Europeans.

Different morals in a different time. Applying our standards then is just as dumb as applying their standards today.
Then explain why some leaders from 2,000 years ago had the guts to ban slavery in their societies?
Enough with the lies? You just blasted off about a half dozen lies in that one post alone. Face it. You're a deplorable that most of America despises. You'll be put back in your place soon enough as most of your club of deplorables moves on, only to leave die hard deplorables to fight the fight. Your short lived time of glory is over with.

don't count on it buddy.
Then explain why some leaders from 2,000 years ago had the guts to ban slavery in their societies?

Because more than likely they didn't have a need for slaves?

Or they had a slave class, like the Helots, that were more serfs than slaves, but pretty much the same thing?
I don't believe Washington had the descendants Jefferson did, or had to worry about.

Of course he did. Unfortunately he didn't own all the slaves working at Mount Vernon and they went to his descendants.
don't count on it buddy.
I am counting on it. Trump was a flash in the pan. The second election proved that. And lol how you are still questioning a President with a 29% approval rating in January 2020 was not re-elected. Gee I dunno maybe America was SICK of that deplorable piece of shit and elected him out. It's how our country works. You animals can try to subvert democracy, but you'll continue to fail. Your time is over with.
Because more than likely they didn't have a need for slaves?

Or they had a slave class, like the Helots, that were more serfs than slaves, but pretty much the same thing?
Actually it is because they believed slavery was wrong.

Your premise says that all of a sudden, there was no need for slaves. For that to of happened, invention(s) would have had to appear overnight to eliminate the need for slaves. Which didnt happen.

Whether you like it or not, people way before Jefferson realized slavery was wrong and did something about it. You can keep defending Jefferson all you want, but the bottom line is he was a pretty horrific human being. That helped found America.
Oh, I more than happy to celebrate when white racists decide to kill one another. Lol

Oh...and who might those white racists be? and how did you make that determination? WHO gets to make that deterimination if ever you get your way?

you know what buddy....your soul is black.
LOLOL Try again buddy.
Why should I? What I said is correct. I could list off a bunch of others before Jefferson that banned slavery as well. But you could just as easily look it up yourself. Which you wont. You'll continue to live in a state of denial.
Actually it is because they believed slavery was wrong.

Your premise says that all of a sudden, there was no need for slaves. For that to of happened, invention(s) would have had to appear overnight to eliminate the need for slaves. Which didnt happen.

Whether you like it or not, people way before Jefferson realized slavery was wrong and did something about it. You can keep defending Jefferson all you want, but the bottom line is he was a pretty horrific human being. That helped found America.

So what do you want to do with the Jefferson Memorial and Monticello?

Would you be in favor of removing the statue in Washington and replacing it with a statue of Freddie Gay or Eric Garner?

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