melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

You're all over the place....drug use, slavery, covid. Bottom line is these statues are being removed because it's far past time we stop celebrating the defense of slavery on public property. Unfortunately, there still exists in this country animals such as yourself that just cant let it go.
Who on this planet isn't a slave towards something?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The reason why I am all over the place is because I do try to consider everything that I don't overlook for whatever reason.
I certainly did make a point. Would you like to talk about all the other leaders who banned slavery before Jefferson?

It's a moot point. So basically anyone in history has to be un-personed if they don't meet the SJW moral standards?

What a bunch of whiny pussies you are, pajama bois.
Those would be the racists in the South who fought to preserve slavery and the racists in the North who profited off the products and textiles produced by those slaves. The North fought to reestablish the Union, not out of desire for black equality and they proved that when they sold out Black Americans to Jim Crow segregationists for the next 100 years.

As for who gets to make that determination? We all do, no thanks to your slaving, raping heroes. Turns out when you can't use violence to suppress the liberty and freedom of others you cucks lose.
I agree with you on most of this.

I am a freedom/liberty guy all the way. The only time I get angry is when others are trying to suppress freedom/liberty.

Freedom cannot prevail if it is not equally applied to all. I don't know anyone who wants to suppress the liberty of others except those who promote Marxist ideology.

Are you really for freedom/liberty? If you are, I do not consider you an enemy. I don't care what race/background you come from.
I agree with you on most of this.

I am a freedom/liberty guy all the way. The only time I get angry is when others are trying to suppress freedom/liberty.

Freedom cannot prevail if it is not equally applied to all. I don't know anyone who wants to suppress the liberty of others except those who promote Marxist ideology.

Are you really for freedom/liberty? If you are, I do not consider you an enemy. I don't care what race/background you come from.
There are no Marxists hiding under your bed chicken little.
Are you kidding? They can't even define "Marxist".....:heehee:
Are YOU kidding? I have defined it some many times, I am getting tired of you motherfuckers ignoring it and asking again.

I will define it for you RIGHT FUCKING NOW if you agree going forward that I have defined it and NEVER ask again.
Sounds like fake news.
Nope, it will be melted down and replaced with a new sculpture. The statue was placed there to intimidate blacks. It was never the intent of the statue to honor RE Lee. The man who paid for and placed the statue was a well known segregationist.
Lol. Are you afraid of education? You said you could demonstrate the ways liberals wanted to destroy liberty so lets see it chicken little.
How many statues of Hitler do you see in Germany? Robert E Lee lead an attempt to divide this nation. I am a southerner and I always held southern pride. But the statues were placed there to intimidate the local black population. The Civil War is over. The south lost. Get over it. I did...
How many statues of Hitler do you see in Germany? Robert E Lee lead an attempt to divide this nation. I am a southerner and I always held southern pride. But the statues were placed there to intimidate the local black population. The Civil War is over. The south lost. Get over it. I did...
You know good and goddamn well that the target of Charlottesville is NOT Robert E. Lee.
Which has nothing to do with my point that Jefferson knew it was wrong.
He knew it was wrong. Of course he did.

What could he do about it?

You tell me what would have been appropriate for Jefferson to do. Again, there is no real underground railroad in the 1790s. There is no large abolition movement. Certainly not in Virginia.

There was no place for black people in 1790s American society outside of slavery.

Where would they go? What would they do? How would they live?
Don't get off topic. Have you ever heard of The Frankfurt School?

We'll get into liberty after I address the Marxist issue.
Asking me if I know the Frankfurt School isn't demonstrating how liberals are trying to destroy liberty. I know what the Frankfurt School is, I also know who Karl Marx is and what critical theory is. I also know Marx's link to these social theories no more invalidates them than the slaving Founders proximity to ideas of individual liberty or freedom invalidate them.

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