melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

So what do you want to do with the Jefferson Memorial and Monticello?

Would you be in favor of removing the statue in Washington and replacing it with a statue of Freddie Gay or Eric Garner?
Monticello is privately owned, so I have no control over what they do.

As far as the Jefferson Memorial goes, that does present an interesting dilemma. The Jefferson Memorial's intent is not to celebrate the defense of slavery like these other statues that are being removed. What I would do is leave the Jefferson Memorial, but also include a history of Jeffersons's stance and history on slavery.

Now if NYC wants to take out a Jefferson statue, that would be their decision and I have no problem with that either.
You do realize that most Chinese were no better than serfs, right?
But for that short 3 year time span, they were no longer slaves. So a guy 1750 years before Jefferson had the guts to ban slavery. It isnt about what time a person lived's about a person's character. And it should be pretty obvious that while Jefferson did help to create America, he was a failed, gutless leader.
Calypso Jones said:
Oh...and who might those white racists be? and how did you make that determination? WHO gets to make that deterimination if ever you get your way?

you know what buddy....your soul is black.

Those would be the racists in the South who fought to preserve slavery and the racists in the North who profited off the products and textiles produced by those slaves. The North fought to reestablish the Union, not out of desire for black equality and they proved that when they sold out Black Americans to Jim Crow segregationists for the next 100 years.

As for who gets to make that determination? We all do, no thanks to your slaving, raping heroes. Turns out when you can't use violence to suppress the liberty and freedom of others you cucks lose.
Monticello is privately owned, so I have no control over what they do.

As far as the Jefferson Memorial goes, that does present an interesting dilemma. The Jefferson Memorial's intent is not to celebrate the defense of slavery like these other statues that are being removed. What I would do is leave the Jefferson Memorial, but also include a history of Jeffersons's stance and history on slavery.

Now if NYC wants to take out a Jefferson statue, that would be their decision and I have no problem with that either.

How do you know that the purpose of a statue of Robert E Lee is to celebrate slavery- instead of just honoring the memories of the ancestors of the Southern Honky?

BTW, do you think that the WWE should be forced to remove the Fabulous Freebird from the Hall of Fame after this publicity photo?

How do you know that the purpose of a statue of Robert E Lee is to celebrate slavery- instead of just honoring the memories of the ancestors of the Southern Honky?

BTW, do you think that the WWE should be forced to remove the Fabulous Freebird from the Hall of Fame after this publicity photo?

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Cuck boys like you act like you'll die if you don't get to venerate slavers and you know what? I'm ok with that.
How do you know that the purpose of a statue of Robert E Lee is to celebrate slavery- instead of just honoring the memories of the ancestors of the Southern Honky?

BTW, do you think that the WWE should be forced to remove the Fabulous Freebird from the Hall of Fame after this publicity photo?

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WWE is a private company. If this is what they want to be known for, so be it.

How do I know why these statues of Robert E Lee were erected to celebrate slavery and to intimidate blacks? I am not going to go into the entire history of the Jim Crowe era on a message board. There are entire books written about it. Which you would read if you actually were sincere in wanting to know the answer to your question.
Or you could just remove the statue that shouldn't have been there in the first place.
That is why the Jefferson Memorial is a tough call in my opinion. It wasnt erected to celebrate slavery, but at the same time it honors a man that was a pretty horrible person in regards to slavery. My idea was to keep the statue, but explain his horrific stance on slavery, how he wanted an all white America, etc at the statue site. What do you think? I mean the statue wasnt put up until the 1940's, so it's not like it's been there all that long. Tough call IMO.
Or you could just remove the statue that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Most of the taxpayers thought it was appropriate to commemorate those who died in the War of Northern Aggression.

Some of my relatives, including one of my brothers, live in the Southlands of America.
Most of the taxpayers thought it was appropriate to commemorate those who died in the War of Northern Aggression.

Some of my relatives, including one of my brothers, live in the Southlands of America.
Most of the taxpayers back then were also racists. Most taxpayers today are not racists (or so I'd like to think). Times change. History evolves. Why should people be commemorated and honored who died in defense of keeping people enslaved? Seems pretty repugnant to me. Then again I"m not a deplorable.
That is why the Jefferson Memorial is a tough call in my opinion. It wasnt erected to celebrate slavery, but at the same time it honors a man that was a pretty horrible person in regards to slavery. My idea was to keep the statue, but explain his horrific stance on slavery, how he wanted an all white America, etc at the statue site. What do you think? I mean the statue wasnt put up until the 1940's, so it's not like it's been there all that long. Tough call IMO.
You mean during Jim Crow segregation.
Most of the taxpayers thought it was appropriate to commemorate those who died in the War of Northern Aggression.

Some of my relatives, including one of my brothers, live in the Southlands of America.
Most folks in the South were racist or turned a blind eye to the racism that was going on.. I doubt many of the black taxpayers signed on to that bullshit.
But for that short 3 year time span, they were no longer slaves. So a guy 1750 years before Jefferson had the guts to ban slavery. It isnt about what time a person lived's about a person's character. And it should be pretty obvious that while Jefferson did help to create America, he was a failed, gutless leader.

And it didn't keep, and the Chinese emperors practiced polygamy and used Eunuchs.

The peasants at the time were no better than slaves, but you think you made a point. LOL.
There is a big difference between someone who practiced slavery in Revolutionary Virginia, and someone who turned against their own nation to protect it, eighty years later. The context of their societies had changed drastically in the years between.

Jefferson had some pretty glaring character faults, but he also wrote our founding document. We put up statues to him to commemorate his contributions to building and protecting our society and its ideals of equality. We do need to teach how often he fell short of those ideals, to be sure, but at the end of the day he helped build to nation we now enjoy.

Lee did the opposite. In a time when the nation and world were moving away from slavery, he deserted his nation in order to retain it He commanded young men into the line of fire to prevent the nation from becoming a "more perfect union." I don't think rewarding him with a place of veneration represents our country's ideals, at all.
And it didn't keep, and the Chinese emperors practiced polygamy and used Eunuchs.

The peasants at the time were no better than slaves, but you think you made a point. LOL.
I certainly did make a point. Would you like to talk about all the other leaders who banned slavery before Jefferson?
I'm assuming the same thing that happened to Washington's slaves IN VIRGINIA.

I have no idea what you are chasing nor does it matter.
Here. Read up on Washington and his slaves.

History Channel - Washington's Slaves

If you think other slave owners would just let freed slaves leave without trying to recapture or otherwise harm them, you are a fool. If you think those freed slaves would have any place in any society in America, you are a fool.

You are viewing those people through the prism of today's standards.

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