Memo Offers More Proof That Former VP Mike Pence Betrayed America

You must mean like the roughly 1,083 unconstitutional and illegal things that the Dems have done since 2015, but it has never stopped any of them.
That's an awful lot of conspiracy theories. But retrospect, it would only be a fraction of the 30,000 plus lies trump told while in office.
Pence needs to be tried, and convicted, for treason.
Correct, this is way too little far too late for him to escape his fate. Along with trump of course, Stone, the militia leaders who coordinated the attack and anyone else involved in the devious strategy. The entire group of psychopaths.
it would only be a fraction of the 30,000 plus lies trump told while in office.
All of which were essentially HARMLESS except to trigger people like you. Meantime, your Obumma and Biden have told lies that actually did more harm than any 500 Trump ever told like:
  1. You can keep your doctor.
  2. You'll save $2500 a year if you vote for this!
  3. I'm going to SMASH the virus if you elect me.
  4. My 48 years in Washington Foreign Affairs experience will make me decidedly better than the incompetence of Trump.
Meantime, I don't remember who my doctor even used to be, I'm out an additional $10,000, We now have a million dead of Covid's six strains, and after four years of peace and stability, Joe is about to usher in a Russian war in Ukraine, China stealing Taiwan and the South China Sea, the Norks launching missiles again while Iran develops the bomb.

And NO ONE likes Joe Biden.
All of which were essentially HARMLESS except to trigger people like you. Meantime, your Obumma and Biden have told lies that actually did more harm than any 500 Trump ever told like:
  1. You can keep your doctor.
  2. You'll save $2500 a year if you vote for this!
  3. I'm going to SMASH the virus if you elect me.
  4. My 48 years in Washington Foreign Affairs experience will make me decidedly better than the incompetence of Trump.
Meantime, I don't remember who my doctor even used to be, I'm out an additional $10,000, We now have a million dead of Covid's six strains, and after four years of peace and stability, Joe is about to usher in a Russian war in Ukraine, China stealing Taiwan and the South China Sea, the Norks launching missiles again while Iran develops the bomb.

And NO ONE likes Joe Biden.
Trump's laws have no effect on me, I'm immune to his nonsense. Unfortunately he has a profound effect on many of his simple-minded followers that's why the capital was defiled and are very Nation was threatened by him. You still have the delusion that people actually like trump. They went along for the ride, most now regret it. The idiots still follow him.
Trump's laws have no effect on me, I'm immune to his nonsense.
Gee, so then just BORN that way?

that's why the capital was defiled
That's right. Exactly NO ONE would listen to Joe if he told them to do anything.

and are very Nation was threatened by him.
The only threats we have to worry about now are from the dangerous old man in the WH now.

people actually like trump. They went along for the ride
He just held a rally yesterday that had lines of cars back 30 miles.

Line waiting to see Joe: 30 feet.
You must mean like the roughly 1,083 unconstitutional and illegal things that the Dems have done since 2015, but it has never stopped any of them.

Ok. That makes it all ok then?

There is no mechanism for the Vice-President to overturn the election results.
Gee, so then just BORN that way?

That's right. Exactly NO ONE would listen to Joe if he told them to do anything.

The only threats we have to worry about now are from the dangerous old man in the WH now.

He just held a rally yesterday that had lines of cars back 30 miles.

Line waiting to see Joe: 30 feet.
Trump has held continuous rallies since before he was elected president, at first glance you think how insecure this person is. But it serves a purpose when all you do is tell lies they have to be reinforced constantly in order to seem like the truth. His rallies are indoctrination seminars. He has a cult following. That is about as sick as you can get. I realize I am talking to the wind so I'm ending it right here now. Try to have a good day, I realize that might be difficult for you, I plan on it. Goodbye and good riddance.
Ok. That makes it all ok then?
Like arming two factions equally in a war, that makes it possible that conservatives have a chance of holding their ground up against the continuous, full frontal assault of the communist left.

There is no mechanism for the Vice-President to overturn the election results.
There is no sense either in impeaching a president who is leaving office in under two weeks anyway but Pelosi did it. Even less in still "investigating" the event a year later when you already claimed to have all of the facts in the impeachment but Adam Schiff did it. There is no sense in impeaching a president over alleged whistleblower testimony whom half the people on the committee in charge had never even seen nor met either much less hear the testimony themselves, but that didn't stop Jerry Nadler. In war, there are no rules--- only survivors. If you don't like that then you must have a real bone to pick with those in the democrat party who started it.
Trump has held continuous rallies since before he was elected president
Ever see anyone run of office (other than Joe) who didn't??? And win??? (other than Joe)

But it serves a purpose when all you do is tell lies
Glad to see you come clean and admit it.

His rallies are indoctrination seminars.
Just as are every lecture by Pelosi and all the rest on the Left you follow.

He has a cult following.
You belong to a cult, too.

That is about as sick as you can get.
That is your first step toward mental health again.

I realize I am talking to the wind
That comes from facing backwards.

so I'm ending it right here now.
Hope you remembered me in your will.
Gee, so then just BORN that way?

That's right. Exactly NO ONE would listen to Joe if he told them to do anything.

The only threats we have to worry about now are from the dangerous old man in the WH now.

He just held a rally yesterday that had lines of cars back 30 miles.
Gee, so then just BORN that way?

That's right. Exactly NO ONE would listen to Joe if he told them to do anything.

The only threats we have to worry about now are from the dangerous old man in the WH now.

He just held a rally yesterday that had lines of cars back 30 miles.

Line waiting to see Joe: 30 feet.

Line waiting to see Joe: 30 feet.

Like arming two factions equally in a war, that makes it possible that conservatives have a chance of holding their ground up against the continuous, full frontal assault of the communist left.

There is no sense either in impeaching a president who is leaving office in under two weeks anyway but Pelosi did it. Even less in still "investigating" the event a year later when you already claimed to have all of the facts in the impeachment but Adam Schiff did it. There is no sense in impeaching a president over alleged whistleblower testimony whom half the people on the committee in charge had never even seen nor met either much less hear the testimony themselves, but that didn't stop Jerry Nadler. In war, there are no rules--- only survivors. If you don't like that then you must have a real bone to pick with those in the democrat party who started it.
The concept of a second civil war in the United States is an affront to all Americans on both sides of the political spectrum. It's only a dream for extremists and other crazy people in America. As far as addressing atrocities against the United States, there is no time limit.
The concept of a second civil war in the United States is an affront to all Americans on both sides of the political spectrum. It's only a dream for extremists and other crazy people

Unfortunately for us, they all seem to be fanatical leftwing communists allied with the democrat party who have that dream.
Unfortunately for us, they all seem to be fanatical leftwing communists allied with the democrat party who have that dream.
How do you explain that the OP that started this thread is a far right extremist then. It takes two to tango, and this is a dance for extremists only.
I went back and read all the posts, YOU are the only one who mentioned civil war.
Sorry, douchebag, I guess you just missed all the progressive Trump-haters out there talking about wanting one.
Sorry, douchebag, I guess you just missed all the progressive Trump-haters out there talking about wanting one.
I think this idiotic talk of war rightly hangs on the extreme trumpers, they're willing to die for the idiot. Mind you're not for the United States but for the man trump. God only knows why they'd pick a loser like him.
I think this idiotic talk of war rightly hangs on the extreme trumpers, they're willing to die for the idiot. Mind you're not for the United States but for the man trump. God only knows why they'd pick a loser like him.



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