Memorial goes up to cop killer

I left a watermelon there but they ate it. Do you know why they buried him 6'? Because deep down, he's a good negro.

There was no reason for the grieving by loved ones on either side of this
to get so ugly.

After Cho shot and killed students at Virginia Tech, he was included as one of the victims mourned; at the college memorial, 33 balloons were released including one for Cho.
The difference was the family apologized to the victims' families and public
and worked with authorities. So this helped facilitate the healing.

Similar to the recent shooting rampage of Elliot Rodger, where
the fathers who both lost sons reached out to each other and vowed
to work with authorities on prevention of such tragedies.

More healing needs to happen before communities can come together in that way.

But if you look at the progression, communities are responding much better than when that mass shooting occurred at Columbine, and the families of the gunmen refused to cooperate and caused survivors additional grief, compounding their distress and grief process.

At least the wife apologized for her remarks, very likely made in emotional distress or taken out of the fuller context of grief and shock and anger this had to happen at all.

Let's just support everyone in having respect for the grief going on, and for the community to heal and correct these problems otherwise escalating into violence and crime.

Nobody deserves to suffer additional anguish under these circumstances any more than they already do.
Let's not wish more suffering or retribution, but encourage problems to be resolved
so we don't have to read any more horrible sad stories like this which could be prevented!

My deepest thoughts, prayers and sympathy to the families and communities affected.
May they find peace through greater insights on how to work together in a shared commitment to correcting the causes of division and injustice.
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It is the culture in which he was nurtured. There are many great negro members of our population.

All of you died-in-the-wool racists can kiss my money-makin' ass!
This has less to do with occupation or race, but more to do with character. More people loved and liked the criminal than the cop. That is why people showed more personal respect for him when he died.

The man that this cop was will sooner be forgotten than the the man that this criminal was.
Exactly! The dead perp was a low-life, worthless being...likely looked up to in the hood by younger punks and local hos. It is a total shame that bastards like him are emulated, but that is just a product of a culture that glorifies criminals, drug dealers, rapper dudes and cop killers. The dead cop was just wearing the wrong uniform!
This has less to do with occupation or race, but more to do with character. More people loved and liked the criminal than the cop. That is why people showed more personal respect for him when he died.

The man that this cop was will sooner be forgotten than the the man that this criminal was.
Exactly! The dead perp was a low-life, worthless being...likely looked up to in the hood by younger punks and local hos. It is a total shame that bastards like him are emulated, but that is just a product of a culture that glorifies criminals, drug dealers, rapper dudes and cop killers. The dead cop was just wearing the wrong uniform!

It is a result of the concerted efforts of the entertainment industry, democratic politicians, and the education system that pushes this notion of victimology on our society.

They beat us over the head. Look at the criminal Eric Holder claiming that ALL CRITICISM of obama is due to racism. All of it. When all else fails, go to what always works. Then the MSM just falls in line, and many get scared off.

You would have thought the election of the first "black president" would have softened the discord. No, it has gotten worse and the administration is not exactly helping. They are exasperating this election year. This is what they do. This is one of their major strategies. It is that obvious.

These actions and responses are the result of a group of people who refuse to accept responsibility since they are told night and day that their plight is not their fault. As a result anger and mass crime ensue.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” - Booker T Washington, 1911

See more at:

The American Vision | Booker T. Washington on Black Victimhood

Here has been the democratic plan, since Lyndon B Johnson stated it.

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again."

Somehow some way, they are still convinced that the white man is to blame for everything that is wrong in their lives, despite a half black president, Oprah, countless black doctors, lawyers, etc etc etc.

The victimology movement is that important that lucrative to powerful individuals. It will never be let go. It is still alive and well.

Look at the they just....fall for it hook line and sinker....every time.
Thats funny. :lol:

White people kill more people than any race in history.

Cite your source.

Read a history book. Start with Stalin and Adolf then lets compare numbers.

Want to discuss the black empires of Africa over the centuries and how many of them butchered each other?

Let me know. You will not let me know, so I will let you know anyway.

* Egyptian Empire (1570 BC - 1070 BC)
* Kushite Empire (780 BC - 656 BC)
* Carthaginian Empire (575 BC - 146 BC)
* Ptolemaic Empire (305 BC - 30 BC)
* Aksumite Empire (50 - 937)
* Makuria 340s AD to 1312 AD
* Kanem Empire (700 - 1376)
* Wagadou Empire (750 - 1076)
* Fatimid Caliphate (910 - 1171)
* Almoravid Caliphate (1061 - 1147)
* Almohad Caliphate (1121 - 1269)
* Mali Empire (1235 - 1610)
* Ghana Empire
* Mamluk Sultanate (1250 - 1517)
* Ethiopian Empire (1137 - 1974)
* Songhai Empire (1340 - 1591)
* Jolof Empire (1360 - 1549)
* Bornu Empire (1396 - 1893)
* Oyo Empire (1400 - 1835)
* Adal Sultanate (1415 - 1555)
* Benin Empire (1440 - 1897)
* Sennar Sultanate (1502 - 1821)
* Kaabu Empire (1537 - 1867)
* Luba Empire (1585 - 1885)
* Lunda Empire (1660 - 1887)
* Aro Confederacy (1690 - 1902)
* Asante Union (1701 - 1894)
* Kong Empire (1710 - 1894)
* Bamana Empire (1712 - 1896)
* Sokoto Caliphate (1804 - 1903)
* Liberian Republic (1847 - 1980)
* Toucouleur Empire (1861 -1890)
* Wassoulou Empire (1878 - 1898)

AFRICAN KINGDOMS - Kingdoms of Ancient African History


Say, did you know Mao Zedong was not white? He is responsible for the deaths of an estimated 50-70 million people.

How about Pol Pot? Ever heard of him? No? He was not white either.

Oh, let me get more specific with your ignorant, brainwashed ass.

Idi Amin Dada


Idi Amin Dada was president of Uganda from 1971-1979. Idi Amin killed more than 500,000 Ugandans including opposition leaders, foreign investors, and even archbishops. He did not kill all these people with guns. In fact, he killed some with his bare hands, he buried some alive and fed others to his hungry crocodiles. He raped almost all the beautiful girls surrounding his palace. He also confirmed to eating human flesh and in fact they found several human heads in his refrigerator.

If you still don't believe Idi Amin was a mad man, here is the title he coined for himself: "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Dr. Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular".

Mobutu Sese Seko


Mobutu Sese Seko was president of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1965 to 1997 and killed an uncounted number of people during this time period.

Mobutu forced all television news channels to precede the evening news by an image of him descending through clouds from the heavens.

Mobutu killed all opposition leaders in broad day light and murdered countless others in the dark. Mobutu was overthrown by Laurent Kabila another mad man.

Charles Taylor


Charles Taylor who was president of Liberia from 1997 to 2003 was the cause of the Liberian civil war and the deaths of untold number of innocent people in Liberia.

He encouraged his followers to use rape as weapon and together they raped several innocent girls and destroyed several families. He also encouraged his followers to cut off the hands of people so they cannot rebel against him and together they caught of the limbs of several innocent people including babies and toddlers that is why you see so many Liberians today with no limbs.

Jean-Bedel Bokassa


Jean Bedel Bokassa who was a military ruler of Central African Republic from 1976 to 1979 when he was overthrown. He destroyed several innocent lives including the lives of all opposition leaders.

He killed several people and took their properties and enriched himself.

He was also a cannibal who ate the flesh of his enemies including the flesh of the opposition leaders he killed.

Robert Mugabe


Robert Mugabe holds the Guinness book of records as the oldest mad man (by circumstance) alive in Africa. Robert Mugabe is 87 years old and one of the oldest mad men alive in Africa and he continues terrorizing his poor countrymen. He is 87 but don't let his age deceive you.

Robert Mugabe uses his anti-west propaganda to commit most of his crimes. he hides under the shadows of "anti-west" so people over-look his wicked plans. He chased the white people out of his country and took away their properties including their lands. Robert Mugabe however decided to enrich himself with those properties and gave the lands to his immediate relatives and friends while the poor people had no land to even farm on.

He has been in office for more than 3 decades. Robert Mugabe has killed an uncounted number of people and he continues to kill. Zimbabweans have suffered a lot in the hands of this wicked mad man for more than 3 decades yet this monster doesn't want to leave the poor Zimbabweans alone.

Most people especially women and children in Zimbabwe go to bed hungry every single day yet Mugabe doesn't seem to care.


Let me know if you want me to educate you on how the transatlantic slave trade started and how it was black tribes and empires of west Africa who enslaved the conquered and traded them to Portugal for guns and other essential things so they could expand their territories along with other factors.

Let me know if you want me to tell you all about Anthony Johnson who was a black man and the first slave owner in America.

Don't you hate truth? :eusa_shhh:
Cite your source.

Read a history book. Start with Stalin and Adolf then lets compare numbers.

Want to discuss the black empires of Africa over the centuries and how many of them butchered each other?

Let me know. You will not let me know, so I will let you know anyway.

* Egyptian Empire (1570 BC - 1070 BC)
* Kushite Empire (780 BC - 656 BC)
* Carthaginian Empire (575 BC - 146 BC)
* Ptolemaic Empire (305 BC - 30 BC)
* Aksumite Empire (50 - 937)
* Makuria 340s AD to 1312 AD
* Kanem Empire (700 - 1376)
* Wagadou Empire (750 - 1076)
* Fatimid Caliphate (910 - 1171)
* Almoravid Caliphate (1061 - 1147)
* Almohad Caliphate (1121 - 1269)
* Mali Empire (1235 - 1610)
* Ghana Empire
* Mamluk Sultanate (1250 - 1517)
* Ethiopian Empire (1137 - 1974)
* Songhai Empire (1340 - 1591)
* Jolof Empire (1360 - 1549)
* Bornu Empire (1396 - 1893)
* Oyo Empire (1400 - 1835)
* Adal Sultanate (1415 - 1555)
* Benin Empire (1440 - 1897)
* Sennar Sultanate (1502 - 1821)
* Kaabu Empire (1537 - 1867)
* Luba Empire (1585 - 1885)
* Lunda Empire (1660 - 1887)
* Aro Confederacy (1690 - 1902)
* Asante Union (1701 - 1894)
* Kong Empire (1710 - 1894)
* Bamana Empire (1712 - 1896)
* Sokoto Caliphate (1804 - 1903)
* Liberian Republic (1847 - 1980)
* Toucouleur Empire (1861 -1890)
* Wassoulou Empire (1878 - 1898)

AFRICAN KINGDOMS - Kingdoms of Ancient African History


Say, did you know Mao Zedong was not white? He is responsible for the deaths of an estimated 50-70 million people.

How about Pol Pot? Ever heard of him? No? He was not white either.

Oh, let me get more specific with your ignorant, brainwashed ass.

Idi Amin Dada


Idi Amin Dada was president of Uganda from 1971-1979. Idi Amin killed more than 500,000 Ugandans including opposition leaders, foreign investors, and even archbishops. He did not kill all these people with guns. In fact, he killed some with his bare hands, he buried some alive and fed others to his hungry crocodiles. He raped almost all the beautiful girls surrounding his palace. He also confirmed to eating human flesh and in fact they found several human heads in his refrigerator.

If you still don't believe Idi Amin was a mad man, here is the title he coined for himself: "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Dr. Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular".

Mobutu Sese Seko


Mobutu Sese Seko was president of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1965 to 1997 and killed an uncounted number of people during this time period.

Mobutu forced all television news channels to precede the evening news by an image of him descending through clouds from the heavens.

Mobutu killed all opposition leaders in broad day light and murdered countless others in the dark. Mobutu was overthrown by Laurent Kabila another mad man.

Charles Taylor


Charles Taylor who was president of Liberia from 1997 to 2003 was the cause of the Liberian civil war and the deaths of untold number of innocent people in Liberia.

He encouraged his followers to use rape as weapon and together they raped several innocent girls and destroyed several families. He also encouraged his followers to cut off the hands of people so they cannot rebel against him and together they caught of the limbs of several innocent people including babies and toddlers that is why you see so many Liberians today with no limbs.

Jean-Bedel Bokassa


Jean Bedel Bokassa who was a military ruler of Central African Republic from 1976 to 1979 when he was overthrown. He destroyed several innocent lives including the lives of all opposition leaders.

He killed several people and took their properties and enriched himself.

He was also a cannibal who ate the flesh of his enemies including the flesh of the opposition leaders he killed.

Robert Mugabe


Robert Mugabe holds the Guinness book of records as the oldest mad man (by circumstance) alive in Africa. Robert Mugabe is 87 years old and one of the oldest mad men alive in Africa and he continues terrorizing his poor countrymen. He is 87 but don't let his age deceive you.

Robert Mugabe uses his anti-west propaganda to commit most of his crimes. he hides under the shadows of "anti-west" so people over-look his wicked plans. He chased the white people out of his country and took away their properties including their lands. Robert Mugabe however decided to enrich himself with those properties and gave the lands to his immediate relatives and friends while the poor people had no land to even farm on.

He has been in office for more than 3 decades. Robert Mugabe has killed an uncounted number of people and he continues to kill. Zimbabweans have suffered a lot in the hands of this wicked mad man for more than 3 decades yet this monster doesn't want to leave the poor Zimbabweans alone.

Most people especially women and children in Zimbabwe go to bed hungry every single day yet Mugabe doesn't seem to care.


Let me know if you want me to educate you on how the transatlantic slave trade started and how it was black tribes and empires of west Africa who enslaved the conquered and traded them to Portugal for guns and other essential things so they could expand their territories along with other factors.

Let me know if you want me to tell you all about Anthony Johnson who was a black man and the first slave owner in America.

Don't you hate truth? :eusa_shhh:

I asked for numbers not a list of African empires. Whatever the numbers are I'm pretty sure Stalin and Adolph have them easily beat by themselves. Whites own the world record in killing people. Its what they do best. Go look up all the genocides just starting with columbus. Gimme a break dude.

BTW Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in the US. Only a fool would believe that. The first recorded slave owner was Hugh Gwyn.

BTW if you are going to list empires at least get the years correct. Kemet (Egypt) has been around since 4000 BC
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Read a history book. Start with Stalin and Adolf then lets compare numbers.

Want to discuss the black empires of Africa over the centuries and how many of them butchered each other?

Let me know. You will not let me know, so I will let you know anyway.

* Egyptian Empire (1570 BC - 1070 BC)
* Kushite Empire (780 BC - 656 BC)
* Carthaginian Empire (575 BC - 146 BC)
* Ptolemaic Empire (305 BC - 30 BC)
* Aksumite Empire (50 - 937)
* Makuria 340s AD to 1312 AD
* Kanem Empire (700 - 1376)
* Wagadou Empire (750 - 1076)
* Fatimid Caliphate (910 - 1171)
* Almoravid Caliphate (1061 - 1147)
* Almohad Caliphate (1121 - 1269)
* Mali Empire (1235 - 1610)
* Ghana Empire
* Mamluk Sultanate (1250 - 1517)
* Ethiopian Empire (1137 - 1974)
* Songhai Empire (1340 - 1591)
* Jolof Empire (1360 - 1549)
* Bornu Empire (1396 - 1893)
* Oyo Empire (1400 - 1835)
* Adal Sultanate (1415 - 1555)
* Benin Empire (1440 - 1897)
* Sennar Sultanate (1502 - 1821)
* Kaabu Empire (1537 - 1867)
* Luba Empire (1585 - 1885)
* Lunda Empire (1660 - 1887)
* Aro Confederacy (1690 - 1902)
* Asante Union (1701 - 1894)
* Kong Empire (1710 - 1894)
* Bamana Empire (1712 - 1896)
* Sokoto Caliphate (1804 - 1903)
* Liberian Republic (1847 - 1980)
* Toucouleur Empire (1861 -1890)
* Wassoulou Empire (1878 - 1898)

AFRICAN KINGDOMS - Kingdoms of Ancient African History


Say, did you know Mao Zedong was not white? He is responsible for the deaths of an estimated 50-70 million people.

How about Pol Pot? Ever heard of him? No? He was not white either.

Oh, let me get more specific with your ignorant, brainwashed ass.

Idi Amin Dada


Idi Amin Dada was president of Uganda from 1971-1979. Idi Amin killed more than 500,000 Ugandans including opposition leaders, foreign investors, and even archbishops. He did not kill all these people with guns. In fact, he killed some with his bare hands, he buried some alive and fed others to his hungry crocodiles. He raped almost all the beautiful girls surrounding his palace. He also confirmed to eating human flesh and in fact they found several human heads in his refrigerator.

If you still don't believe Idi Amin was a mad man, here is the title he coined for himself: "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Dr. Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular".

Mobutu Sese Seko


Mobutu Sese Seko was president of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1965 to 1997 and killed an uncounted number of people during this time period.

Mobutu forced all television news channels to precede the evening news by an image of him descending through clouds from the heavens.

Mobutu killed all opposition leaders in broad day light and murdered countless others in the dark. Mobutu was overthrown by Laurent Kabila another mad man.

Charles Taylor


Charles Taylor who was president of Liberia from 1997 to 2003 was the cause of the Liberian civil war and the deaths of untold number of innocent people in Liberia.

He encouraged his followers to use rape as weapon and together they raped several innocent girls and destroyed several families. He also encouraged his followers to cut off the hands of people so they cannot rebel against him and together they caught of the limbs of several innocent people including babies and toddlers that is why you see so many Liberians today with no limbs.

Jean-Bedel Bokassa


Jean Bedel Bokassa who was a military ruler of Central African Republic from 1976 to 1979 when he was overthrown. He destroyed several innocent lives including the lives of all opposition leaders.

He killed several people and took their properties and enriched himself.

He was also a cannibal who ate the flesh of his enemies including the flesh of the opposition leaders he killed.

Robert Mugabe


Robert Mugabe holds the Guinness book of records as the oldest mad man (by circumstance) alive in Africa. Robert Mugabe is 87 years old and one of the oldest mad men alive in Africa and he continues terrorizing his poor countrymen. He is 87 but don't let his age deceive you.

Robert Mugabe uses his anti-west propaganda to commit most of his crimes. he hides under the shadows of "anti-west" so people over-look his wicked plans. He chased the white people out of his country and took away their properties including their lands. Robert Mugabe however decided to enrich himself with those properties and gave the lands to his immediate relatives and friends while the poor people had no land to even farm on.

He has been in office for more than 3 decades. Robert Mugabe has killed an uncounted number of people and he continues to kill. Zimbabweans have suffered a lot in the hands of this wicked mad man for more than 3 decades yet this monster doesn't want to leave the poor Zimbabweans alone.

Most people especially women and children in Zimbabwe go to bed hungry every single day yet Mugabe doesn't seem to care.


Let me know if you want me to educate you on how the transatlantic slave trade started and how it was black tribes and empires of west Africa who enslaved the conquered and traded them to Portugal for guns and other essential things so they could expand their territories along with other factors.

Let me know if you want me to tell you all about Anthony Johnson who was a black man and the first slave owner in America.

Don't you hate truth? :eusa_shhh:

I asked for numbers not a list of African empires. Whatever the numbers are I'm pretty sure Stalin and Adolph have them easily beat by themselves. Whites own the world record in killing people. Its what they do best. Go look up all the genocides just starting with columbus. Gimme a break dude.

BTW Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in the US. Only a fool would believe that. The first recorded slave owner was Hugh Gwyn.

Yeah, you hate truth. Don't blame you......

If I were you.....
Want to discuss the black empires of Africa over the centuries and how many of them butchered each other?

Let me know. You will not let me know, so I will let you know anyway.

* Egyptian Empire (1570 BC - 1070 BC)
* Kushite Empire (780 BC - 656 BC)
* Carthaginian Empire (575 BC - 146 BC)
* Ptolemaic Empire (305 BC - 30 BC)
* Aksumite Empire (50 - 937)
* Makuria 340s AD to 1312 AD
* Kanem Empire (700 - 1376)
* Wagadou Empire (750 - 1076)
* Fatimid Caliphate (910 - 1171)
* Almoravid Caliphate (1061 - 1147)
* Almohad Caliphate (1121 - 1269)
* Mali Empire (1235 - 1610)
* Ghana Empire
* Mamluk Sultanate (1250 - 1517)
* Ethiopian Empire (1137 - 1974)
* Songhai Empire (1340 - 1591)
* Jolof Empire (1360 - 1549)
* Bornu Empire (1396 - 1893)
* Oyo Empire (1400 - 1835)
* Adal Sultanate (1415 - 1555)
* Benin Empire (1440 - 1897)
* Sennar Sultanate (1502 - 1821)
* Kaabu Empire (1537 - 1867)
* Luba Empire (1585 - 1885)
* Lunda Empire (1660 - 1887)
* Aro Confederacy (1690 - 1902)
* Asante Union (1701 - 1894)
* Kong Empire (1710 - 1894)
* Bamana Empire (1712 - 1896)
* Sokoto Caliphate (1804 - 1903)
* Liberian Republic (1847 - 1980)
* Toucouleur Empire (1861 -1890)
* Wassoulou Empire (1878 - 1898)

AFRICAN KINGDOMS - Kingdoms of Ancient African History


Say, did you know Mao Zedong was not white? He is responsible for the deaths of an estimated 50-70 million people.

How about Pol Pot? Ever heard of him? No? He was not white either.

Oh, let me get more specific with your ignorant, brainwashed ass.

Idi Amin Dada


Idi Amin Dada was president of Uganda from 1971-1979. Idi Amin killed more than 500,000 Ugandans including opposition leaders, foreign investors, and even archbishops. He did not kill all these people with guns. In fact, he killed some with his bare hands, he buried some alive and fed others to his hungry crocodiles. He raped almost all the beautiful girls surrounding his palace. He also confirmed to eating human flesh and in fact they found several human heads in his refrigerator.

If you still don't believe Idi Amin was a mad man, here is the title he coined for himself: "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Dr. Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular".

Mobutu Sese Seko


Mobutu Sese Seko was president of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1965 to 1997 and killed an uncounted number of people during this time period.

Mobutu forced all television news channels to precede the evening news by an image of him descending through clouds from the heavens.

Mobutu killed all opposition leaders in broad day light and murdered countless others in the dark. Mobutu was overthrown by Laurent Kabila another mad man.

Charles Taylor


Charles Taylor who was president of Liberia from 1997 to 2003 was the cause of the Liberian civil war and the deaths of untold number of innocent people in Liberia.

He encouraged his followers to use rape as weapon and together they raped several innocent girls and destroyed several families. He also encouraged his followers to cut off the hands of people so they cannot rebel against him and together they caught of the limbs of several innocent people including babies and toddlers that is why you see so many Liberians today with no limbs.

Jean-Bedel Bokassa


Jean Bedel Bokassa who was a military ruler of Central African Republic from 1976 to 1979 when he was overthrown. He destroyed several innocent lives including the lives of all opposition leaders.

He killed several people and took their properties and enriched himself.

He was also a cannibal who ate the flesh of his enemies including the flesh of the opposition leaders he killed.

Robert Mugabe


Robert Mugabe holds the Guinness book of records as the oldest mad man (by circumstance) alive in Africa. Robert Mugabe is 87 years old and one of the oldest mad men alive in Africa and he continues terrorizing his poor countrymen. He is 87 but don't let his age deceive you.

Robert Mugabe uses his anti-west propaganda to commit most of his crimes. he hides under the shadows of "anti-west" so people over-look his wicked plans. He chased the white people out of his country and took away their properties including their lands. Robert Mugabe however decided to enrich himself with those properties and gave the lands to his immediate relatives and friends while the poor people had no land to even farm on.

He has been in office for more than 3 decades. Robert Mugabe has killed an uncounted number of people and he continues to kill. Zimbabweans have suffered a lot in the hands of this wicked mad man for more than 3 decades yet this monster doesn't want to leave the poor Zimbabweans alone.

Most people especially women and children in Zimbabwe go to bed hungry every single day yet Mugabe doesn't seem to care.


Let me know if you want me to educate you on how the transatlantic slave trade started and how it was black tribes and empires of west Africa who enslaved the conquered and traded them to Portugal for guns and other essential things so they could expand their territories along with other factors.

Let me know if you want me to tell you all about Anthony Johnson who was a black man and the first slave owner in America.

Don't you hate truth? :eusa_shhh:

I asked for numbers not a list of African empires. Whatever the numbers are I'm pretty sure Stalin and Adolph have them easily beat by themselves. Whites own the world record in killing people. Its what they do best. Go look up all the genocides just starting with columbus. Gimme a break dude.

BTW Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in the US. Only a fool would believe that. The first recorded slave owner was Hugh Gwyn.

Yeah, you hate truth. Don't blame you......

If I were you.....

Where are your numbers so we can compare? :lol:

Everyone knows that the negro race is the most violent race of "humans", that why everyone tries to avoid them
This is why your people have by far the highest rates of STD's, children out of wedlock, and abortions
This is why your people have by far the highest rates of STD's, children out of wedlock, and abortions

Tank, Theowl32, and others like them, say these things on message boards cause they wish they had the courage to talk like this to black people in person :)
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