Men need tampons too!

I assume they decided it would be good for their business

That makes you as astoundingly stupid as the moron marketing genius behind this.

Men have literally ZERO need for this product. So let's look at the possible results shall we....

No one cares and their products see no change in sales. Because men have no use for products designed for periods.

Some conservative women take offense to their biological functions being trivialized in such an asinine manner and they switch brands.

So in conclusion we see that your average leftist/progressive is a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD who is willing to risk profits for the sake of pixy dust and fairy tales.

Class dismissed

Quite impressive. Of course, they didn't ask my opinion, so I didn't have a say in the decision. I only assumed they thought it would help their bottom line because that is the only reason corporations do anything. You should go directly to P&G headquarters and tell them exactly what you wrote above. I'm sure they will immediately fire their head of marketing and hire you to make all those decisions from now on.Everybody knows an old idiot on a discussion board is better equipped to run a multi-million dollar company than the people doing it now. Congratulations, and let me know how all that works out for you.------------- dumb ass.
50 yrs ago if you had told me what our politicians would be trying to push on us I would have told you that you were crazy. It ends up though that a good portion of our citizens are totally insane. Men with beards and a penis can be women according to an exPrestdents daughter. What a disgrace.

You think P&G is a political group?
You think P&G doesn't have a few politicians in their pocket?

who TF is paying attention to this Gramps?

Thank you.

One really has to wonder why with all of the “winning”, blob supporters start 29-30 threads a day and do nothing but bitch about the tiniest crap

Remember when you weirdos begged the public to normalize men taking c@#k in their ass and chicks with dicks? It all starts out as the “tiniest crap”....we’ve caught on to your not so clever ways...we intend to nip your fith in the butt before you really get a chance to start pitching it...Sucks for all the fucked in the head twisted fucks...huh?
50 yrs ago if you had told me what our politicians would be trying to push on us I would have told you that you were crazy. It ends up though that a good portion of our citizens are totally insane. Men with beards and a penis can be women according to an exPrestdents daughter. What a disgrace.

You think P&G is a political group?
At this point they are. Why would you ever cater to the faggots and mentally ill for a product that only sells to real women having periods? You’re moving your business to people who literally will never fucking need your product.

How is that explained other than political?
Women that pretend to be men would use that product.
Apparently fudge packing has become so near universal among liberals that tampons are sought after by a majority of their (temporary?) males. Not clear whether it's to soak up the blood from rough trade or just because they like the feel of a little company deep down inside. But is it true that male tampons are actually made from recycled tires?
It is a sound business decision to avoid being the target of the LGBTQ community hate groups, which the media would love to cover and promote.

who TF is paying attention to this Gramps?

Thank you.

One really has to wonder why with all of the “winning”, blob supporters start 29-30 threads a day and do nothing but bitch about the tiniest crap

Remember when you weirdos begged the public to normalize men taking c@#k in their ass and chicks with dicks? It all starts out as the “tiniest crap”....we’ve caught on to your not so clever ways...we intend to nip your fith in the butt before you really get a chance to start pitching it...Sucks for all the fucked in the head twisted fucks...huh?
LMAO! Looks like you are in quite a fuss over a fucking tampon.

who TF is paying attention to this Gramps?

Thank you.

One really has to wonder why with all of the “winning”, blob supporters start 29-30 threads a day and do nothing but bitch about the tiniest crap

Remember when you weirdos begged the public to normalize men taking c@#k in their ass and chicks with dicks? It all starts out as the “tiniest crap”....we’ve caught on to your not so clever ways...we intend to nip your fith in the butt before you really get a chance to start pitching it...Sucks for all the fucked in the head twisted fucks...huh?
not sure what c@#k is and I really don’t care.

I do know that winners don’t have so much anger...every single day.

who TF is paying attention to this Gramps?

Thank you.

One really has to wonder why with all of the “winning”, blob supporters start 29-30 threads a day and do nothing but bitch about the tiniest crap

Remember when you weirdos begged the public to normalize men taking c@#k in their ass and chicks with dicks? It all starts out as the “tiniest crap”....we’ve caught on to your not so clever ways...we intend to nip your fith in the butt before you really get a chance to start pitching it...Sucks for all the fucked in the head twisted fucks...huh?
LMAO! Looks like you are in quite a fuss over a fucking tampon.

You whack-jobs need to understand...this has very little to do with "tampons" and everything to do with calling you koooks out on yet another whackadoodle attempt.
Nah, it has everything to do with the constant venting of anger from Trump supporters.

You don’t even know why you’re angry
I assume they decided it would be good for their business

That makes you as astoundingly stupid as the moron marketing genius behind this.

Men have literally ZERO need for this product. So let's look at the possible results shall we....

No one cares and their products see no change in sales. Because men have no use for products designed for periods.

Some conservative women take offense to their biological functions being trivialized in such an asinine manner and they switch brands.

So in conclusion we see that your average leftist/progressive is a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD who is willing to risk profits for the sake of pixy dust and fairy tales.

Class dismissed

If you think men have no need for that product, your wife has never interrupted your game on TV and insisted you go to the store NOW!
Y'know there are days when I think the left can't get any more insane, then shit like this pops up and I realize there will never be an end to their lunacy.
And who is it that presents us with such idiocy such as this ? Progressives !!!! And who do Progressives vote for ?
I assume they decided it would be good for their business

That makes you as astoundingly stupid as the moron marketing genius behind this.

Men have literally ZERO need for this product. So let's look at the possible results shall we....

No one cares and their products see no change in sales. Because men have no use for products designed for periods.

Some conservative women take offense to their biological functions being trivialized in such an asinine manner and they switch brands.

So in conclusion we see that your average leftist/progressive is a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD who is willing to risk profits for the sake of pixy dust and fairy tales.

Class dismissed

If you think men have no need for that product, your wife has never interrupted your game on TV and insisted you go to the store NOW!

Wouldn't "Pussycat" be a better username for you ?
I assume they decided it would be good for their business

That makes you as astoundingly stupid as the moron marketing genius behind this.

Men have literally ZERO need for this product. So let's look at the possible results shall we....

No one cares and their products see no change in sales. Because men have no use for products designed for periods.

Some conservative women take offense to their biological functions being trivialized in such an asinine manner and they switch brands.

So in conclusion we see that your average leftist/progressive is a COMPLETE FUCKING RETARD who is willing to risk profits for the sake of pixy dust and fairy tales.

Class dismissed

If you think men have no need for that product, your wife has never interrupted your game on TV and insisted you go to the store NOW!

Wouldn't "Pussycat" be a better username for you ?

Cool. We're naming other posters now.? Well you look like you should be "Braindead Idiot."
I for one appreciate Always doing this

Now if my SO ever prefers that brand and I'm forced to buy....Well at least the cashier might think I use em to get drunk at work or something.

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