Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.

Well, here's the thing. Last time I got pulled over by a cop, for a busted headlight, he was very polite, didn't even give me a ticket, just told me to put my brights on until I got it fixed.

If I were a black dude in the same town, he'd have gotten three of his buddies to show up, and they'd be searching my car for contraband. I've seen it happen.

Look at the convienent stories these sorts always have ready to go. So, a Police officer has time to pull whitey Joe over for a “busted headlight”. Lol! (In crowded high traffic CHI?). Who has ever had a “busted headlight” since 1980 that was not result of a crash? Anyone? Daytime or nightime? Does ILL have a lights on law 24-7? If at night Whitey Joe should know and fix it in advance?

Allegedly the stop went great because whitey Joe is not black (allegedly). They did not search for guns or drugs. Wow! Has a Police ever searched anyones car on this site? Anyone?

If a black guy is pulled over and it is his license plate, his registration, perhaps they are informed right away they are dealing with a ten count rap sheet, or a convicted felon for dealing and illegal firearms.

or the Black got lippy right away? Refusing ID, yelling curse words, pig, etc. Maybe white joe did not? so they dig deeper to the troublemaker car, whats he hiding? What is he afraid of? We’ve all seen it over and over.
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While u were in Europe living in caves.

Not sure about that , but they would defiantly be Candidates for Useful Idiots of Marxism and socialism ( Kinda The way Black Folks are Revisionis history wrote into Woke Scripts of Historic Eras like in “ A Gentleman in Moscow “ or absurdly into most of the recent era Robin Hood Movies ...
I'm sure of it. Sub-Saharans were living in the stone age or serving as slaves to more advanced people of North Africa when whites started exploring their regions.
View attachment 953913

I've told you this before. Natives in Africa would bath in cow urine and roll round in the dirt for bug protection. Blacks are a pretty stupid race. Don't take my word for it. Go to YT and search for police videos. Blacks abound.

Dem whites suffer from this mental dis-ease. They idolize the indigenous thinking they are gods. Here is a video on it. See if you you filthy dems relate...maybe you can recover from your mental illness commies.

Great video, spot on.
Those of us with brains already know this. But it is good to remind everyone.

If you hate the West and white men, just stop using the technology we developed. Bye.

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.
Consider that universities, when they were small outfits reserved for the elite, could find the West Virginia math genius John Nash, cultivate him at Carnegie-Melon and Princeton, then send him to MIT to do research resulting in a Nobel Prize. Now an eccentric boy like him is probably drugged by some angry woman in elementary school. If he makes it through that experience, he’s trashed for his whiteness for years, and then rejected probably at all top schools. Then his credentials don’t get him the interviews he would need at top corporations, banks, law firms, consulting firms, etc. And if does manage the interview, he might not get hired anyway because of diversity quotas. And if he even gets through that, he will be subjected to diversity training, and possibly hobbled in promotion. The only white guys who get through all this are connected, wealthy. The John Nash type - very unlikely he’s even recognized.
This is what American society is doing to itself in real time.

Don't you worry we hire da whitez.
I'm sure of it. Sub-Saharans were living in the stone age or serving as slaves to more advanced people of North Africa when whites started exploring their regions.
Jesus you're stupid and a failure of history. :laugh:

Other whites were the first slaves of European empires. The vast majority of whites were already serfs by the time Europe decided to support its colonies with chattel slavery.
Jesus you're stupid and a failure of history. :laugh:

Other whites were the first slaves of European empires. The vast majority of whites were already serfs by the time Europe decided to support its colonies with chattel slavery.
Then reject the euro power structure on that continent that is forming a globalist government. Near all you support are involved with or used by them.
Jesus you're stupid and a failure of history. :laugh:

Other whites were the first slaves of European empires. The vast majority of whites were already serfs by the time Europe decided to support its colonies with chattel slavery.
Nope, serfdom was pretty much done in the west. You, no doubt, are of Reverend Al school of history.

I get that you don't get math because it's racist, but history? FFS!
Nope, serfdom was pretty much done in the west. You, no doubt, are of Reverend Al school of history.

I get that you don't get math because it's racist, but history? FFS!
Your serfdom is far from over. Its only the form of it that's changed and instead of you dumb Bingos buying into the devine right of Kings you traded in it for believing in the inalienable right of Capitalists to own all the resources you need to sustain your life.
So what is it for white folks that are stealing? White privilege.

You're half the prison population and commit 90% of the hate crimes. 'White privilege' is just another fiction you parasites peddle hoping to get free shit is all. You're going to love the banana republic you want to create; you'll get to compete with your beloved hood rats over old cans of dog food when you get your wish. lol
Your serfdom is far from over. Its only the form of it that's changed and instead of you dumb Bingos buying into the devine right of Kings you traded in it for believing in the inalienable right of Capitalists to own all the resources you need to sustain your life.

Pretty funny, Bingo. Did you steal that from some goofy 70's vintage black'sploitation film?
What? I'm not afraid of the globalist boogeyman. I think we have to work with our neighbors to make positive change.

Outsiders making deals would fleece your dumb arse out of everything you own then put your kids in slave labor you dumb OX. You’re only exist now thanks to the brilliant founders and keepers of America over 200 years Providing protection. Of couse you’re OK with “Globalist”. Too dumb not to be.
Pretty funny, Bingo. Did you steal that from some goofy 70's vintage black'sploitation film?
It's common fucking sense which is why you dumb Bingos are still slaves to your betters. I mean it was your people cheering to be tickled on by the rich, wasn't it? :dunno: :laugh:
Outsiders making deals would fleece your dumb arse out of everything you own then put your kids in slave labor you dumb OX. You’re only exist now thanks to the brilliant founders and keepers of America over 200 years Providing protection. Of couse you’re OK with “Globalist”. Too dumb not to be.

I love you Cosplayers confidently making up these fantasies and then arguing like they're real.

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