Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.

Your serfdom is far from over. Its only the form of it that's changed and instead of you dumb Bingos buying into the devine right of Kings you traded in it for believing in the inalienable right of Capitalists to own all the resources you need to sustain your life.
You don't even understand what serfdom was. It's not even as complicated as the simple arithmetic you find so challenging ffs.
You don't even understand what serfdom was. It's not even as complicated as the simple arithmetic you find so challenging ffs.
Is that you shied away from stating what it actually is? Do you have any confidence in yourself? :dunno: :laugh:
You're half the prison population and commit 90% of the hate crimes. 'White privilege' is just another fiction you parasites peddle hoping to get free shit is all. You're going to love the banana republic you want to create; you'll get to compete with your beloved hood rats over old cans of dog food when you get your wish. lol
Come on Dumb Dudley, you are just pulling racist numbers out your ass. Racist like you have enjoyed white privilege all your life.
Well, here's the thing. Last time I got pulled over by a cop, for a busted headlight, he was very polite, didn't even give me a ticket, just told me to put my brights on until I got it fixed.

If I were a black dude in the same town, he'd have gotten three of his buddies to show up, and they'd be searching my car for contraband. I've seen it happen.
Were you obnoxious towards the cop? since I doubt you were, that's why you were treated that way. As for seeing it happen, were you monitoring the Cops's radios to see what kind of priors the black guy had, or if he had outstanding warrants, or if he refused to cooperate with the cops by showing ID? Not showing a valid DL is cause for arrest and its normal procedure to search every car that is impounded during an arrest.
Well, here's the thing.

As a white male (Cisgendered and heterosexual), I realize that I am privileged in this society. That I will be treated better by the police, by employers, by shop keepers, merely by virtue of my race and gender.

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The "privilege" you're feeling are the leftovers from the fact that your white male ancestors created the modern world we have been living in.

I don't feel any 'guilt' about it. I revel in it.
Look at the convienent stories these sorts always have ready to go. So, a Police officer has time to pull whitey Joe over for a “busted headlight”. Lol! (In crowded high traffic CHI?). Who has ever had a “busted headlight” since 1980 that was not result of a crash? Anyone? Daytime or nightime? Does ILL have a lights on law 24-7? If at night Whitey Joe should know and fix it in advance?
Wasn't in Chicago (It was in the suburb I live in.)
IL has no such law. My car has a sensor that turns on the lights when it is dark enough.
The light burned out, and I had an appointment with the dealer to replace it.
You can't really fix these things by yourself like you could in the good old days.

Allegedly the stop went great because whitey Joe is not black (allegedly). They did not search for guns or drugs. Wow! Has a Police ever searched anyones car on this site? Anyone?
Um, yeah, all the time. That's the point. Pretextual stop. Then the search.

If a black guy is pulled over and it is his license plate, his registration, perhaps they are informed right away they are dealing with a ten count rap sheet, or a convicted felon for dealing and illegal firearms.

or the Black got lippy right away? Refusing ID, yelling curse words, pig, etc. Maybe white joe did not? so they dig deeper to the troublemaker car, whats he hiding? What is he afraid of? We’ve all seen it over and over.
Contempt of cop isn't a crime.
Were you obnoxious towards the cop? since I doubt you were, that's why you were treated that way. As for seeing it happen, were you monitoring the Cops's radios to see what kind of priors the black guy had, or if he had outstanding warrants, or if he refused to cooperate with the cops by showing ID? Not showing a valid DL is cause for arrest and its normal procedure to search every car that is impounded during an arrest.
It's amazing that you guys always have an excuse.
The light burned out,

uh huh, got it. Your headlamp just burned out. Anyone?

Then a cop pulls you over for a “Law they don’t have” daylight running lights. Nice story Joe.

did the sensor quit working “for one light only”. Lol!
In CA they immediately demand DL, proof of INS & registration. I think at that time they go back to their car to look into it?
uh huh, got it. Your headlamp just burned out. Anyone?

Then a cop pulls you over for a “Law they don’t have” daylight running lights. Nice story Joe.

did the sensor quit working “for one light only”. Lol!
Light bulbs burn out.

Yes, it was at night.

Not sure why you read all these things into a story that aren't there...
Um, you never heard of the Irish mob during prohibition?

True, they never got to the level of the Italian Mob, which exists to this very day.

We, of course, have romanticized white mobsters with movies like "The Godfather".
I dont recall them collecting welfare,,

and what about the women and children being trafficked to perverts for sexual abuse??
I dont recall them collecting welfare,,

and what about the women and children being trafficked to perverts for sexual abuse??

What about them? Seems to me that the problem there is American Perverts who can't get a woman the old fashioned way.

Just like the problem with illegal workers are the American Greedy People who don't want to pay other Americans a fair wage.
What about them? Seems to me that the problem there is American Perverts who can't get a woman the old fashioned way.

Just like the problem with illegal workers are the American Greedy People who don't want to pay other Americans a fair wage.
figures you wouldnt care about women and children being sold into sex slavery,,

what is a fair wage??
Those of us with brains already know this. But it is good to remind everyone.

If you hate the West and white men, just stop using the technology we developed. Bye.

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.
Consider that universities, when they were small outfits reserved for the elite, could find the West Virginia math genius John Nash, cultivate him at Carnegie-Melon and Princeton, then send him to MIT to do research resulting in a Nobel Prize. Now an eccentric boy like him is probably drugged by some angry woman in elementary school. If he makes it through that experience, he’s trashed for his whiteness for years, and then rejected probably at all top schools. Then his credentials don’t get him the interviews he would need at top corporations, banks, law firms, consulting firms, etc. And if does manage the interview, he might not get hired anyway because of diversity quotas. And if he even gets through that, he will be subjected to diversity training, and possibly hobbled in promotion. The only white guys who get through all this are connected, wealthy. The John Nash type - very unlikely he’s even recognized.
This is what American society is doing to itself in real time.

White men, and white women, took america from absolutely nothing to arguably the biggest world super power in record time. And we stayed there for a VERY long time. They created the country we now live in, everything we have is based on what they did. And when did it all start to go downhill and we began losing prosperity and power" when anti white, anti America and forced diversity began to rise up. It is not a coincidence.

Look at the history of the entire world. Every single major country that rose up and pushed us forward as a species was white or Asian based.

Look at mankind's advances in science, physics, engineering, architecture, literature, math, medicine, electrical, mechanical, aerospace, and so right down to iglets on your shoelaces. Whites and Asians are responsible for almost all of it.

None of that is racist, it's simply observably true.

Why wouldn't you want the people with the best track record be in charge?

That's like oreo saying "we built a huge empire on oreo. It's made of hugely successful, number 1 cookie in America, made us billions and billions of dollars and so on. But we feel we need to change the oreo and get rid of everything about it that got us where we are because........I don't know why but we dont have enough diversity always being number 1 and we need to change it up by making ourselves number 5, then 9, and eventually being sold to another company because we go bankrupt. Now that's diversity!"

Same thing here.
The amount of things you fan boys imagine I am is hilarious. :laugh:

We don't have to imagine anything. You're just some old white faggot poseur, is all. You can't get male attention in real life so you have to do it on a message board. Your fellow faggots don't go for anybody older than 16 or so.

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