Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.

We don't have to imagine anything. You're just some old white faggot poseur, is all. You can't get male attention in real life so you have to do it on a message board. Your fellow faggots don't go for anybody older than 16 or so.
How many different things is that now fan boy? I'm a white Haitian sock of IM2 am I? :dunno:

You know, even more make believe doesn't make you seem less frail. :itsok:

figures you wouldnt care about women and children being sold into sex slavery,,

what is a fair wage??
Enough to pay for food, housing, and necessities.

That was easy.

If you cared about supposed sex slavery, legalize prostitution and regulate it to make sure everyone there is there willingly.

Same with drugs.

You make something people want illegal, and then wonder why the market does bad things to get it to them.

It's like you people learned not a thing from Prohibition.
Enough to pay for food, housing, and necessities.

That was easy.

If you cared about supposed sex slavery, legalize prostitution and regulate it to make sure everyone there is there willingly.

Same with drugs.

You make something people want illegal, and then wonder why the market does bad things to get it to them.

It's like you people learned not a thing from Prohibition.
if americans arent getting paid enough why bring in illegals and pay them less??
we arent talking about prostitution,,
we are talking about human trafficking of women and children to be sex slaves,, and I bet you would love sex slavery to be legal,,
if americans arent getting paid enough why bring in illegals and pay them less??
we arent talking about prostitution,,
we are talking about human trafficking of women and children to be sex slaves,, and I bet you would love sex slavery to be legal,,
Sex slavery only exists because prostitution is illegal.

Do you think that someone is keeping a sex slave in his house somewhere?
Sex slavery only exists because prostitution is illegal.

Do you think that someone is keeping a sex slave in his house somewhere?
slaves dont get paid and are always abused,, its even worse for the children,,
there are millions of slaves being kept as we speak and youre defending the practice,,
slaves dont get paid and are always abused,, its even worse for the children,,
there are millions of slaves being kept as we speak and youre defending the practice,,
Millions? Really?

Where are they being "kept"?

I'm sure there are some immigrants who are being abused, because you clowns have made immigration and sex work illegal. But certainly not millions.
It's common fucking sense which is why you dumb Bingos are still slaves to your betters. I mean it was your people cheering to be tickled on by the rich, wasn't it? :dunno: :laugh:

Easy there, Bingo. It seems you're still a slave to your self-pity and sense of entitlement.
Millions? Really?

Where are they being "kept"?

I'm sure there are some immigrants who are being abused, because you clowns have made immigration and sex work illegal. But certainly not millions.
youre waste of human life,,

you know there are sex slave both adult and children all over the world and you want to play stupid games,,

I would ask why but we both know why dont we,,

  • 6.3 million people
    • Some 6.3 million people faced situations of forced commercial sexual exploitation on any given day three years ago — and nearly four in five of those victims were girls or women, ILO said. Children accounted for more than a quarter of the total cases.
    Sex trade to slavery: A UN agency says criminals reap $236B a ...
As a white Christian man, if I was living in an eastern country, I would respect their culture and history. That’s common sense and a part of being kind. I did that while living in Cambodia and Thailand. It would be appalling for me to suggest that the non-white majority people in these countries are privileged.

What does not make sense with the pro BLM American is their attitude. The blm attitude is trying to normalize hate speech and divisiveness.

They are living in a country where white men specifically Christian men are largely responsible for our civilized culture. I know that there are other civilized cultures in the eastern world.

But the West was founded by white Christian explorer. Non-white and non-Christians have also been able to thrive in the western world. In the eastern world non-eastern people and Christian people have been able to thrive throughout history.

the blm attitude is not about mutual respect they are openly racist against white people. They insult the history of Christian Europeans. It as if they are intentionally trying to turn people racist against blacks by making provocative and dumb comments . Thankfully, American blacks do not accept the victim hood BLM status. We are all descendants of slaves and slave owners.
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Probably under one percent of the American population believe in things like reparations for blacks, or the idea that white people are privileged. These are very provocative and hateful ideologies to hold.

It’s that same one percent that insults the founding fathers, they will say things like

“when was America ever great” ignoring how America had a better middle during the post World War II economic boom.

“white people were living in caves in Europe”, ignoring the awesomeness of the Roman Empire

There’s almost never any substance to a far left wingers argument….. They call people racist, they insult the history of white Christian Europeans.

again if I was living in a country in Africa, I would respect African history. I do respect African history. I don’t know what is like to hold hateful ideologies toward different looking people
youre waste of human life,,

you know there are sex slave both adult and children all over the world and you want to play stupid games,,
I am not responsible for "All Over the World", Guy, we were talking about HERE IN THESE UNITED STATES!

How many "Sex slaves" are here in the US, right now, and where are they being kept?

Oh, yes, your accusations have been reported.
I am not responsible for "All Over the World", Guy, we were talking about HERE IN THESE UNITED STATES!

How many "Sex slaves" are here in the US, right now, and where are they being kept?

Oh, yes, your accusations have been reported.
its best you just shut the fuck up because youre making us sick to our stomachs watching you defend sex slavery,,
its best you just shut the fuck up because youre making us sick to our stomachs watching you defend sex slavery,,
Except no one was defending it....

Just pointing out that it isn't a problem like you claim it is, at least not in this country.

Wouldn't be a problem at all if we had sensible laws.

So let's bottom line this. You hate Brown people. You don't want more brown people living here.

But you can't come right out and say that, so you try to create strawmen to get outraged about like "Sexual slavery" and "drugs".
Those of us with brains already know this. But it is good to remind everyone.

If you hate the West and white men, just stop using the technology we developed. Bye.

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.
Consider that universities, when they were small outfits reserved for the elite, could find the West Virginia math genius John Nash, cultivate him at Carnegie-Melon and Princeton, then send him to MIT to do research resulting in a Nobel Prize. Now an eccentric boy like him is probably drugged by some angry woman in elementary school. If he makes it through that experience, he’s trashed for his whiteness for years, and then rejected probably at all top schools. Then his credentials don’t get him the interviews he would need at top corporations, banks, law firms, consulting firms, etc. And if does manage the interview, he might not get hired anyway because of diversity quotas. And if he even gets through that, he will be subjected to diversity training, and possibly hobbled in promotion. The only white guys who get through all this are connected, wealthy. The John Nash type - very unlikely he’s even recognized.
This is what American society is doing to itself in real time.

Consider the Dark Ages
its best you just shut the fuck up because youre making us sick to our stomachs watching you defend sex slavery,,
Best to have a troll like that on ignore. Although I give you credit for trying to engage with that type of poster. You’re dealing with a poster in Joe who has called other posters racist with no evidence to back it up. He engages in the most provocative, insulting behavior one can imagine.
Were you obnoxious towards the cop? since I doubt you were, that's why you were treated that way. As for seeing it happen, were you monitoring the Cops's radios to see what kind of priors the black guy had, or if he had outstanding warrants, or if he refused to cooperate with the cops by showing ID? Not showing a valid DL is cause for arrest and its normal procedure to search every car that is impounded during an arrest.
Well your continuously raising good points.

Most interactions police officers have with Americans regardless of their color are good peaceful interactions.

BLM folks who are either racist to the core or brainwashed by BLM leaders don’t understand or care that black police officers exist in this country in large numbers.

The anti police American goes against common sense. Not too long ago even the mass media/hollywood celebrated the idea of becoming a firefighter or police officer. Now they insult the idea by suggesting our police officers are “systemically racist”

Lastly a small percentage of Americans most of them if not all of them left-wing fanatics believe it’s OK to get in the face of a police officer and scream at them, or that it’s OK to disobey a lawful order of a police officer. To be edgy or rude to a police officer for no good reason. Those far left wingers don’t care that we live in a country where drug dealers carry guns and police officers always have to worry about this when dealing with anybody they pull over.

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