Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.

Not a fantasy. You do present yourself as a stereotypical angry, hate the white devil, self-pitying loser.
Again more cosplay. The pitiful are you Sad Boys who can't even stop the social and demographic take over of your own country. Hence the emotional need for these fantasies. :laugh:
The far left wing doesn’t understand or simply will not acknowledge that police officers don’t know who they are dealing with. In this country, there’s all sorts of drug dealers and dangerous, criminals, armed with weapons. That is something that people have to respect and acknowledge.

Years ago when I was 18, I had marijuana in my car and a smoking device and a black police officer pulled me over for a traffic violation . He smelled marijuana, probably saw a smoking device and wanted to search my car. I rudely said to the officer “what about my constitutional rights”. I ended up spending a night in a holding center for that attitude.

Do I think that black police officers are racist against whites? Nope. In fact, I thanked that black police officer a few years later when I saw him at a St. Patrick’s Day parade. He taught me a good lesson.

a tiny percentage of Black people might feel that if a white cop pulls them over for a traffic violation even a minor one that they are getting racially profiled. That is wrong. And they might think that they have an ability to raise their voice or talk back to police officers in a rude manner. That’s not how the civilized world works. There has to be accountability for all of us.
I am not responsible for "All Over the World", Guy, we were talking about HERE IN THESE UNITED STATES!

How many "Sex slaves" are here in the US, right now, and where are they being kept?

Oh, yes, your accusations have been reported.

Sissy boy tattletale snitchy fag crying again?
Enough to pay for food, housing, and necessities.
Where? Akron? Dallas? Do they get to live waterfront Pebble Beach 17 mile drive? SF? Beverly Hills? SHUP dummy you irritate normal people.
Those of us with brains already know this. But it is good to remind everyone.

If you hate the West and white men, just stop using the technology we developed. Bye.

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.
Consider that universities, when they were small outfits reserved for the elite, could find the West Virginia math genius John Nash, cultivate him at Carnegie-Melon and Princeton, then send him to MIT to do research resulting in a Nobel Prize. Now an eccentric boy like him is probably drugged by some angry woman in elementary school. If he makes it through that experience, he’s trashed for his whiteness for years, and then rejected probably at all top schools. Then his credentials don’t get him the interviews he would need at top corporations, banks, law firms, consulting firms, etc. And if does manage the interview, he might not get hired anyway because of diversity quotas. And if he even gets through that, he will be subjected to diversity training, and possibly hobbled in promotion. The only white guys who get through all this are connected, wealthy. The John Nash type - very unlikely he’s even recognized.
This is what American society is doing to itself in real time.

Yes, we cock Asians are such victims. :rolleyes: Another day, more whining.
Resentful people who can’t be responsible, disciplined and achieve trying to wipe out those who did and can.
Who will pay for all your free shit then dummies?
Again more cosplay. The pitiful are you Sad Boys who can't even stop the social and demographic take over of your own country. Hence the emotional need for these fantasies. :laugh:

You poor, dear. I guess that's your issue. Your hate for white people is not enough. There is a new demographic replacing you and you're incensed by that.
You poor, dear. I guess that's your issue. Your hate for white people is not enough. There is a new demographic replacing you and you're incensed by that.
Who's replacing me? :dunno: :laugh: I'm mixed and mixed race births are up over 200% in the last decade while pure white births can't keep up with pure white deaths. Me and mine are this countries future and the culture we're going to be replacing yours with is going to be a multi racial, Afro, Asian, Latin mix.
The far left wing doesn’t understand or simply will not acknowledge that police officers don’t know who they are dealing with. In this country, there’s all sorts of drug dealers and dangerous, criminals, armed with weapons. That is something that people have to respect and acknowledge.

Years ago when I was 18, I had marijuana in my car and a smoking device and a black police officer pulled me over for a traffic violation . He smelled marijuana, probably saw a smoking device and wanted to search my car. I rudely said to the officer “what about my constitutional rights”. I ended up spending a night in a holding center for that attitude.

Do I think that black police officers are racist against whites? Nope. In fact, I thanked that black police officer a few years later when I saw him at a St. Patrick’s Day parade. He taught me a good lesson.

a tiny percentage of Black people might feel that if a white cop pulls them over for a traffic violation even a minor one that they are getting racially profiled. That is wrong. And they might think that they have an ability to raise their voice or talk back to police officers in a rude manner. That’s not how the civilized world works. There has to be accountability for all of us.
I think many African American police officers have balanced views of what is going on.
Who's replacing me? :dunno: :laugh: I'm mixed and mixed race births are up over 200% in the last decade while pure white births can't keep up with pure white deaths. Me and mine are this countries future and the culture we're going to be replacing yours with is going to be a multi racial, Afro, Asian, Latin mix.

You're only the future of failure and ineptitude.
Who's replacing me? :dunno: :laugh: I'm mixed and mixed race births are up over 200% in the last decade while pure white births can't keep up with pure white deaths. Me and mine are this countries future and the culture we're going to be replacing yours with is going to be a multi racial, Afro, Asian, Latin mix.
Replace those you hate and do better. You are acting tribal. Which is forcing the ones you hate to eventually act tribal for survival. Our IQ's are in decline. And that affects so much. So much.
You're only the future of failure and ineptitude.
If that were true you'd be able to stop us from replacing you. If you can't stop yourselves from being replaced by people you deem failures, what does that make you? :dunno: Put down the make believe and have a moment of self awareness guy. :lmao:
If that were true you'd be able to stop us from replacing you. If you can't stop yourselves from being replaced by people you deem failures, what does that make you? :dunno: Put down the make believe and have a moment of self awareness guy. :lmao:

You're not replacing anyone.
Replace those you hate and do better. You are acting tribal. Which is forcing the ones you hate to eventually act tribal for survival. Our IQ's are in decline. And that affects so much. So much.
Good. White racist pieces of shit aren't my tribe and they should act in their best interests because I sure as fuck am going to act in the opposite. Some things we're just going to have to fight about until the other loses. Don't be such a bitch about it. That's life.

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