men show your abortion pride!


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?
No, I don't support abortion of my children..The only thing I destroy that I have created is a bad piece of masonry work....
I've never paid for an abortion, but I do operate a clothes hanger stand outside of Planned Parenthood. I'm making a killing. No pun intended.
children are our future .....unless they are dreamers ....right gop?
Illegal immigration advocate Democrats are racist
Brown Berets; “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die … Through love of having children, we are going to take over.
since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?
What's the matter? Feeling convicted? Your body, your choice right? So... No need to feel shamed. Did you answer the other posters OP? I've never felt a glimmer of shame, nor ever held secret, the excersizing of any of my rights. Have you?
children are our future .....unless they are dreamers ....right gop?
"Our" children. Not Mexico's. The illegals; what you call Dreamers, are Mexicos future. Not ours. Why do you want to steal Mexico's future, by robbing them of their best and brightest? Sounds pretty selfish, and what libs would call "racist" to me.
since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?
We have all paid for an abortion because the government takes our taxes and pays unplanned parenthood to abort 33,000 liberal babies a month. At one time I was against abortion, but after realizing what you libtards are doing for the country, I salute you for being such patriots and preventing the Dimocrap party from ever again gaining power. I think my taxes are being well used and am willing to write in a few more dollars just to see more liberal women use their CHOICE.

Blog: Are liberal women really proud to have abortions?
Taking a nod from the gay pride movement, abortionists are calling on women to celebrate their abortion experiences on Twitter with the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion. Really.

since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?

I'm sorry, do you have a clip of a male who is proud of paying for an abortion like the actress I posted who was loud and proud about it?

There is Dr. Gosnell. Have you ever heard of him? Probably not because the media is hush, hush about him, even though he was the largest mass murderer in US history. For you see, he was an abortion doctor who was caught with a myriad of health inspection failures, but instead of closing him down cuz abortion is a political football, they just stopped coming around. That was in the 1970's. He continued to practice for about 30 years and over those years continued to abuse women and viable infants. It was later learned that he killed enough women and viable infants to win the highly esteemed rank of the countries biggest mass murderer.

He showed his pride by having a jar full of aborted fetus' on his desk. I reckon it gave him inspiration every day just looking at it.

Did I mention that Dr. Gosnell target minority women for abuse cuz he figured he could get away with it since they did not have access to proper legal council?
since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?

I'm sorry, do you have a clip of a male who is proud of paying for an abortion like the actress I posted who was loud and proud about it?

There is Dr. Gosnell. Have you ever heard of him? Probably not because the media is hush, hush about him, even though he was the largest mass murderer in US history. For you see, he was an abortion doctor who was caught with a myriad of health inspection failures, but instead of closing him down cuz abortion is a political football, they just stopped coming around. That was in the 1970's. He continued to practice for about 30 years and over those years continued to abuse women and viable infants. It was later learned that he killed enough women and viable infants to win the highly esteemed rank of the countries biggest mass murderer.

He showed his pride by having a jar full of aborted fetus' on his desk. I reckon it gave him inspiration every day just looking at it.

Did I mention that Dr. Gosnell target minority women for abuse cuz he figured he could get away with it since they did not have access to proper legal council?

Hush, hush? Gosnell was one of the top news headlines across the country for weeks.
since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?

Who says it's shameful? If women feel that way, they should prevent it in the first place.... and, if they think it's OK then there is no need for shame.

I've had men tell me about paying for an abortion, but never a woman telling me about having one.....
children are our future .....unless they are dreamers ....right gop?
Dreamers are illegals being used to push a NWO agenda that degrades the lives and livelihoods of our children and their children. The original Amnesty for illegals degraded our cities whether you like it or not. If the billionaire class that desires to take care of these poor people want to do so they can take their marbles to those countries where the illegals are coming from and setup up to help them there. But that is not what they have been doing they have been destroying the jobs of American citizens and shipping manufacturing jobs elsewhere plus they have been importing illegals to degrade the citizenry here. if you want a Dreamer to support feel free to do so but do it in the country that they originated from.

BTW, anyone proud of having an abortion and spreading that as a proud moment in their lives is one sick puppy.
children are our future .....unless they are dreamers ....right gop?
Dreamers are illegals being used to push a NWO agenda that degrades the lives and livelihoods of our children and their children. The original Amnesty for illegals degraded our cities whether you like it or not. If the billionaire class that desires to take care of these poor people want to do so they can take their marbles to those countries where the illegals are coming from and setup up to help them there. But that is not what they have been doing they have been destroying the jobs of American citizens and shipping manufacturing jobs elsewhere plus they have been importing illegals to degrade the citizenry here. if you want a Dreamer to support feel free to do so but do it in the country that they originated from.

BTW, anyone proud of having an abortion and spreading that as a proud moment in their lives is one sick puppy.

It would be VERY RARE ------but there are some odd people in the world-----some people
children are our future .....unless they are dreamers ....right gop?
Dreamers are illegals being used to push a NWO agenda that degrades the lives and livelihoods of our children and their children. The original Amnesty for illegals degraded our cities whether you like it or not. If the billionaire class that desires to take care of these poor people want to do so they can take their marbles to those countries where the illegals are coming from and setup up to help them there. But that is not what they have been doing they have been destroying the jobs of American citizens and shipping manufacturing jobs elsewhere plus they have been importing illegals to degrade the citizenry here. if you want a Dreamer to support feel free to do so but do it in the country that they originated from.

BTW, anyone proud of having an abortion and spreading that as a proud moment in their lives is one sick puppy.

It would be VERY RARE ------but there are some odd people in the world-----some people
They are a strange lot too...

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