Men...who is single?

Here's another question, since we are talking about single guys and single gals.

Would anyone prefer one particular ethnicity over another? Or would you care? I mean, who woulda thunk I would be hot after native americans, being irish and german and actually finding one that didn't mind I was not one of the nations? So many gorgeous NA's out there, too. Would guys want to date a NA lady? Hispanic? Asian? Nordic? India indian?
Yeah. Good question, that, and on topic too! We are all doing pretty good so far!! Bravo to us! Thanks guys, for participating. It is turning into a real eye opener. For other ladies, too, I'm sure. ;)
Maybe we should have a hook up forum, lol. Steal some PoF folks. LOL

I'm not seeing anyone right now.
Too bad A&D is not in to girls and my friend isn't either. I would hook them up. Both so pretty. And single. :)
But you two are a lot alike. If I can get her to, I will hint for her to join so you and she can become pals like you and I are. Between the two of youse...and some poking and prodding from me...we can find those elusive single decent guys hiding here. ;)
Of course I would ask this thread to be deleted if she did join later on. She might be mortified. Then again........maybe she would get a kick out of it. :lol:
Was talking to a girlfriend of mine today, just jabbering on the phone. She lives in Los Angeles and said finding a decent man is difficult. I said its a HUGE city...why so hard? She said she has no clue and thought about going to a dating website. I said let me poke around where I hang out and see what I can find and if any seem appropiate for her..I will give her the link to this thread. But ya gotta go thru me first cuz she is my friend and I wanna vet ya first. :lol:

So....who is single? 40's to 50's. Kids ok but doesn't mind an extra pair. Has security, with a full time job. Owns their own home or is making payments on their own home? Doesn't see women as just a pussy for a short time but wants a lasting relationship and doesn't mind starting off SLOW. No boozers or druggies either. Can be spiritual but not hard core ___________(insert religion here). Likes to laugh, takes care of himself, isn't obese or a bone rack..a nice in between average sorta guy. Tactful, honest, discreet. In short..someone all women look for that have the same qualifications.

About her:
Stunning. Dark hair, green eyes, tannish during the summer. Not fat. No skinny. Curvy. Peaceful but can have a temper. Loves animals. Spiritual but no particular faith I believe.

That's all you need to know for now.

Step right up. Post a little about yourself and a pic too if you have one. I will send her the link..IF this thread doesn't turn into something I don't want her to see, lol.

I just met a nice lady on pof. 41 and I'm 44. Its free and she can look through and find her type then just say yes or maybe and guys should reply. Don't pick the players or bad boys. Curvy means fat. Tell your friend to put down the bag of chips and get in the gym if she ever wants Jim inside her. Lol
But you two are a lot alike. If I can get her to, I will hint for her to join so you and she can become pals like you and I are. Between the two of youse...and some poking and prodding from me...we can find those elusive single decent guys hiding here. ;)
What state?
Was talking to a girlfriend of mine today, just jabbering on the phone. She lives in Los Angeles and said finding a decent man is difficult. I said its a HUGE city...why so hard? She said she has no clue and thought about going to a dating website. I said let me poke around where I hang out and see what I can find and if any seem appropiate for her..I will give her the link to this thread. But ya gotta go thru me first cuz she is my friend and I wanna vet ya first. :lol:

So....who is single? 40's to 50's. Kids ok but doesn't mind an extra pair. Has security, with a full time job. Owns their own home or is making payments on their own home? Doesn't see women as just a pussy for a short time but wants a lasting relationship and doesn't mind starting off SLOW. No boozers or druggies either. Can be spiritual but not hard core ___________(insert religion here). Likes to laugh, takes care of himself, isn't obese or a bone rack..a nice in between average sorta guy. Tactful, honest, discreet. In short..someone all women look for that have the same qualifications.

About her:
Stunning. Dark hair, green eyes, tannish during the summer. Not fat. No skinny. Curvy. Peaceful but can have a temper. Loves animals. Spiritual but no particular faith I believe.

That's all you need to know for now.

Step right up. Post a little about yourself and a pic too if you have one. I will send her the link..IF this thread doesn't turn into something I don't want her to see, lol.

I just met a nice lady on pof. 41 and I'm 44. Its free and she can look through and find her type then just say yes or maybe and guys should reply. Don't pick the players or bad boys. Curvy means fat. Tell your friend to put down the bag of chips and get in the gym if she ever wants Jim inside her. Lol
I highly recommend newcomers to the thread to READ THE WHOLE THING. My friend is not "chunky", nor does she cram her face with chips. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a damn about Jim being inside her.:cranky:

But, I think PoF has some interesting possibilities since I did go there last night just to poke around looking at pics and brief bios. If I wasn't married, that's where I would go, lol.
But you two are a lot alike. If I can get her to, I will hint for her to join so you and she can become pals like you and I are. Between the two of youse...and some poking and prodding from me...we can find those elusive single decent guys hiding here. ;)
What state?
If you would have read the thread, you would know.
Another question. You meet the love of your life. She is hot. Great bod. Wonderful mate. But she has thyroid issues later in life...or gets RA or some other debilitating disease, and gains some weight. Do you still love her?

And for women. Same question, but he doesn't get fat. He is in a car wreck and winds up paralyzed from the waist down. No more sex for him. Maybe for you if he uses his hands but nothing for him. Do you stay with him or still love him?

This should separate the horntoads from the real men. And women.
But you two are a lot alike. If I can get her to, I will hint for her to join so you and she can become pals like you and I are. Between the two of youse...and some poking and prodding from me...we can find those elusive single decent guys hiding here. ;)
What state?
If you would have read the thread, you would know.

Duh! Sorry. LA. Tell her pof. Plenty of fish. Its where everyone normal goes. Losers pay. IMO anyways. Lots of single guys out there wondering where are all the single ladies.

And I just had a first date. It went great. I'm seeing her again wednesday. Seems like a good fit. Hint. Give the guy a compliment if you want the date to work out. She put me at ease right away so I was myself. You girls can be too tough and a lot of good guys get away. Smile!

But I dont know what its like to be a pretty girl. Lot of dogs out there.woof!
But you two are a lot alike. If I can get her to, I will hint for her to join so you and she can become pals like you and I are. Between the two of youse...and some poking and prodding from me...we can find those elusive single decent guys hiding here. ;)
What state?
If you would have read the thread, you would know.

Duh! Sorry. LA. Tell her pof. Plenty of fish. Its where everyone normal goes. Losers pay. IMO anyways. Lots of single guys out there wondering where are all the single ladies.

And I just had a first date. It went great. I'm seeing her again wednesday. Seems like a good fit. Hint. Give the guy a compliment if you want the date to work out. She put me at ease right away so I was myself. You girls can be too tough and a lot of good guys get away. Smile!

But I dont know what its like to be a pretty girl. Lot of dogs out there.woof!
Beautiful women can be intimidating.

I was pretty well scared shitless of my GF as we courted.

But her kitties love me, so she was stuck with me.
Glad you found someone, Sealy. But still be wary for awhile. Even really nice folks can turn out to be major shrews or gold hunters or only want sex and will kick someone to the curb once done with them. But I hope she is "the one" for ya!
And yes. PoF seems to be the route. No way will I send her this link, lol. I give up. But at least now I know. Well, a little.

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