Men...who is single?

I hate it when they go "oh really?" with a bored look on their face as they sigh and flash their diamond rings and necklaces while sitting in front of the camera. Or, when they say "it will never be sold. Its family heirloom". LIARS LIARS PANTS ON FIRE! They are gonna sell it lickety split soon as they get out the door, lol.

Yeah, I suppose some of them are a little on the snooty side. :lol: Now that you mention it, I have seen that too.

Right, if they weren't interested in selling it, why bother to have it appraised?
Maybe I should send her to plentyoffish. But I thought I would try here, first. PoF is all strangers to me. Can't vet who I haven't ever posted alongside of, now can I? :lol:

Would avoid the dating sites. They're like bars, don't go to bars unless you wanna meet a substance abuser. In the same way, don't use dating sites unless you wanna meet desperate horny pathetic people.

Tried and true referrals from friends works better I think. Plus, should be asking her instead why she feels like she needs a guy in the first place? Relationships are swell, but pursueing them for the wrong reasons means they're not gonna work. Call me a romantic but I think if we're supposed to be with someone it'll work itself out and we'll find each other. Trying to find them deliberately though means we're more likely to find the wrong people.
I love thrift shops Gracie, but I always end up buying things I don't need LOL
Last scores at the thrift shop was the piano scarf for 15 bucks..sold on ebay for 200.00....pair of mens size 13 Uggs for 2 bucks...sold on ebay for 75.00. I need to go again on Tuesday. They are closed tomorrow and monday.

Holy Crap, that's great! I usually buy books, which I shouldn't do because I have too many and I can't read all of them.
I never...EVER buy anything that I can't or won't use myself OR sell on ebay. Always on the prowl, I am. What is sad is..the other "dealers" in town have discovered the owner is not very smart and prices stuff wildly. Stuff she claims is vintage is not and priced horridly where NOBODY will buy it, stuff she thinks is junk is a gold mine. But now the other antique dealers go there so I have to be on the ball. I made friends with the owner..told her about some candlesticks that were sterling, something else that was worth more than what she was asking..just to get on her good side. So now she tells me when she is hauling in new households she bought (estates) and I can get there before anyone else does. If I'm lucky.

That's a pretty cool way to make some extra pocket money, and nothing to sneeze about either.
Do you sell on ebay? I can tell you what to look for and what sells. So next time you hit the thrift will know what to buy.
Do old WWII college yearbooks have any value on ebay.

I have bunch from LSU, and would like to get rid of them.

Any nostalgia value??
I nominate Statistikhengst His only drawback is being a Democrat. Some good woman might screw his head on straight.
Stat is handsome. A man. Loves his daughter. Great daddy. But...he is in Germany. And he has a lady friend already. But he is too ornery and uses the C word. That will not suffice. All my friend has to do is click on names to read past posts. He will not pass even though I think he is a good guy in general.
No ones perfect!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Where in Los Angeles?
Actually, San Bernadino.

No wonder she can't find a man... San Berdoo? Sheesh... LOL
Maybe if she found the right guy that was stable, had a place of his own or is even renting but steady job or even semi retired, she would consider moving to be nearer to him. But that is WAYYYYYYY far in the future. Right now..just finding someone normal, ya know? Seeing the shit go down here between a few people...oy. But...I have faith that normal, decent, unmarried/divorced/widowed MEN are here. I just gotta find them. Or lure them out. And if some show up..then yep. Link goes in email. :)
Matchmaker, matchmaker find me a match, give me a find, catch me a catch. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Roadrunner..have Mr Retired Military join usmb. Lets see this guy and we all can vet him, lol.
He is so straight he does not even have internet.

Where is Ne-He-Mah?

Maybe I could trick him into letting you have a look.
Ne He Mah is navajo for USA/Earth/Home.
Used as code word during the war when they used Navajo to trick the enemy.

No internet is fine. Does he suffer PTSD? You said he is very serious. Does he babytalk a pet? Smile at strangers when passing by, laugh at a loud fart in the privacy of his home?
He does babytalk his dachshund.

Not ptsd, well, not from combat, Clinton didn't let them have bullets in Albania.

All of us have ptsd from their mother.

Oy, Gewalt.

Gracie, I will never say the C word again.




Oh, Cranberries!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How is she for menage trios? Foursomes? Cuffs or rope? She allergic to musty damp rooms, warm dry ones, or latex? How's she outfitted for lingerie? Can she walk in 4 inch spikes? Any aversion to artificial stimulation?

Oh, and can she be creative?

And where could somebody see her photo? Maybe she doesn't deserve posting some sort of men's one.
Maybe I should send her to plentyoffish. But I thought I would try here, first. PoF is all strangers to me. Can't vet who I haven't ever posted alongside of, now can I? :lol:

Would avoid the dating sites. They're like bars, don't go to bars unless you wanna meet a substance abuser. In the same way, don't use dating sites unless you wanna meet desperate horny pathetic people.

Tried and true referrals from friends works better I think. Plus, should be asking her instead why she feels like she needs a guy in the first place? Relationships are swell, but pursueing them for the wrong reasons means they're not gonna work. Call me a romantic but I think if we're supposed to be with someone it'll work itself out and we'll find each other. Trying to find them deliberately though means we're more likely to find the wrong people.

I know of at least two couples who met online and ended up married. It works for some.
Maybe I should send her to plentyoffish. But I thought I would try here, first. PoF is all strangers to me. Can't vet who I haven't ever posted alongside of, now can I? :lol:

Would avoid the dating sites. They're like bars, don't go to bars unless you wanna meet a substance abuser. In the same way, don't use dating sites unless you wanna meet desperate horny pathetic people.

Tried and true referrals from friends works better I think. Plus, should be asking her instead why she feels like she needs a guy in the first place? Relationships are swell, but pursueing them for the wrong reasons means they're not gonna work. Call me a romantic but I think if we're supposed to be with someone it'll work itself out and we'll find each other. Trying to find them deliberately though means we're more likely to find the wrong people.

I know of at least two couples who met online and ended up married. It works for some.

As commercials often say in the fine print,

"You shoudl not expect to experience these results." or, "Results not typical." :)
And where could somebody see her photo? Maybe she doesn't deserve posting some sort of men's one.

??? Having some trouble making sense of your last sentence. Typo maybe? I agree though, Gracie should ask for her permission to show a photo if she is serious about doing this. A lot of men are going to want to see what she looks like for themselves. Men are very visual creatures. :)
Maybe I should send her to plentyoffish. But I thought I would try here, first. PoF is all strangers to me. Can't vet who I haven't ever posted alongside of, now can I? :lol:

Would avoid the dating sites. They're like bars, don't go to bars unless you wanna meet a substance abuser. In the same way, don't use dating sites unless you wanna meet desperate horny pathetic people.

Tried and true referrals from friends works better I think. Plus, should be asking her instead why she feels like she needs a guy in the first place? Relationships are swell, but pursueing them for the wrong reasons means they're not gonna work. Call me a romantic but I think if we're supposed to be with someone it'll work itself out and we'll find each other. Trying to find them deliberately though means we're more likely to find the wrong people.

I know of at least two couples who met online and ended up married. It works for some.

As commercials often say in the fine print,

"You shoudl not expect to experience these results." or, "Results not typical." :)

True, but it couldn't hurt to give it a go. :)
Maybe I should send her to plentyoffish. But I thought I would try here, first. PoF is all strangers to me. Can't vet who I haven't ever posted alongside of, now can I? :lol:

Would avoid the dating sites. They're like bars, don't go to bars unless you wanna meet a substance abuser. In the same way, don't use dating sites unless you wanna meet desperate horny pathetic people.

Tried and true referrals from friends works better I think. Plus, should be asking her instead why she feels like she needs a guy in the first place? Relationships are swell, but pursueing them for the wrong reasons means they're not gonna work. Call me a romantic but I think if we're supposed to be with someone it'll work itself out and we'll find each other. Trying to find them deliberately though means we're more likely to find the wrong people.

I know of at least two couples who met online and ended up married. It works for some.

As commercials often say in the fine print,

"You shoudl not expect to experience these results." or, "Results not typical." :)

True, but it couldn't hurt to give it a go. :)

Would add people using dating sites have a big strike against them in that if your approach to a relationship is filling out what you want then it makes it seem like you're custom ordering a person. You want this, that, and the other things. If you don't meet the definitions you needn't apply. That's kinda objectifying I would say. While it's perhaps more efficient, it's also kinda distasteful in defining what you're looking for. People aren't static things and they'll change quickly and readily so specifying what you're looking for is almost redundant.

Dating sites are swell for finding people to have sex with. But not much else. A relationship with good foundation isn't going to start knowing things about each other you'd never ask them about in person like their income and education. Plus when you have so much information a lot of the mystery about people is lost. And mystery is good. Having it all laid bare for your scrutiny is eliminating a lot of what people enjoy as with discovering things about people. Plus it just means you're being judged and rejected over and over because you dont meet whatever minimum qualities a person's looking for. Could have awesome chemistry but you'd never find that out because you're now simply a set of definitions people are glancing at superficially.
Maybe I should send her to plentyoffish. But I thought I would try here, first. PoF is all strangers to me. Can't vet who I haven't ever posted alongside of, now can I? :lol:

Would avoid the dating sites. They're like bars, don't go to bars unless you wanna meet a substance abuser. In the same way, don't use dating sites unless you wanna meet desperate horny pathetic people.

Tried and true referrals from friends works better I think. Plus, should be asking her instead why she feels like she needs a guy in the first place? Relationships are swell, but pursueing them for the wrong reasons means they're not gonna work. Call me a romantic but I think if we're supposed to be with someone it'll work itself out and we'll find each other. Trying to find them deliberately though means we're more likely to find the wrong people.

I know of at least two couples who met online and ended up married. It works for some.

As commercials often say in the fine print,

"You shoudl not expect to experience these results." or, "Results not typical." :)

True, but it couldn't hurt to give it a go. :)

Would add people using dating sites have a big strike against them in that if your approach to a relationship is filling out what you want then it makes it seem like you're custom ordering a person. You want this, that, and the other things. If you don't meet the definitions you needn't apply. That's kinda objectifying I would say. While it's perhaps more efficient, it's also kinda distasteful in defining what you're looking for. People aren't static things and they'll change quickly and readily so specifying what you're looking for is almost redundant.

Dating sites are swell for finding people to have sex with. But not much else. A relationship with good foundation isn't going to start knowing things about each other you'd never ask them about in person like their income and education. Plus when you have so much information a lot of the mystery about people is lost. And mystery is good. Having it all laid bare for your scrutiny is eliminating a lot of what people enjoy as with discovering things about people. Plus it just means you're being judged and rejected over and over because you dont meet whatever minimum qualities a person's looking for. Could have awesome chemistry but you'd never find that out because you're now simply a set of definitions people are glancing at superficially.

That's true, but it's difficult for a lot of people to meet others, given work schedules and other things, so that's what they're left with. I think it's even worse to meet someone in a bar type setting though. Most of the time, they are buzzed or drunk. Lol. May not even remember you the next day. :lol:
True, but it couldn't hurt to give it a go. :)

You would unleash D4E on a dating site?

I didn't realize you had such a mean streak.

I was saying it more for Gracie's friend. :D

Some people have good luck with those sites. Others, not so much. I have heard some negative things about OK Cupid though. Some people say that they don't actually try to make a match and that it is just random mismatches, so I suppose checking out the site before you join would be good idea too. There are a couple of others I've heard about that are more for "hooking up" than for romance, so people do need to be careful out there.
I was saying it more for Gracie's friend. :D

Some people have good luck with those sites. Others, not so much. I have heard some negative things about OK Cupid though. Some people say that they don't actually try to make a match and that it is just random mismatches, so I suppose checking out the site before you join would be good idea too. There are a couple of others I've heard about that are more for "hooking up" than for romance, so people do need to be careful out there.

Oh, thank goodness!

I think dating sites are a perfectly sensible idea, as all they really do is put person A in contact with person B and the rest is really up to them.

I used Match dot com after my wife and I divorced, and although I was pretty nervous to be going out on a date for the first time in 30 years, I wouldn't say I had any bad experiences. Being the gentleman that I am, I allowed the women I dated to have the bad ones.

I just don't know why women are so put off by my extensive collection of Cabbage Patch memorabilia and get restless when I insist on reading to them those long passages from Remembrance of Things Past, but I figure if I keep at it long enough, I will find the perfect woman eventually.

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