Merged -- Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion and Comment Threads for 30 Sept.

How many conversations at the party did she have with him before going into a bedroom with both boys?

You didn't watch a goddam minute of that hearing. That's obvious.
The hearing showed her to be the opportunist she is.

Actually it clearly said she was pushed into the room from behind by she couldn't tell who. That's how I knew right in the OP that he didn't watch a damn thing.
This should be a two-way street. I don't expect any investigation will prove anything either way, but if it can be proved she was outright lying, she should go to prison. It would make the next dingbat think and may have precluded this sham.
She lied and she should pay the price.
How are you going to prove she lied? She and other witnesses have said they don't remember some things. The only one that's said they remember everything, despite heavy drinking, is Kavanaugh. Yeah right, HE lied.

Well lets start with the fact ford said she was unaware

of the fact the committee would come to her?

This will now be investigated by the FBI…..

Did the feinstein libtards lie to her? Does ford not have a tv or a radio?

It’s clear there is a lie here………..

She said she couldn’t fly, then we find out ford is flying all over the FLUCKING WORLD…

Another lie………..

And then there’s the lying libtard Mr. Dick blumenthal…….

He quoted a Latin phrase about if you lie once you will lie again…

I tried looking up the exact phrase on the net but low and behold

I couldn’t find it anywhere…..

Go figure…………

Just like his Vietnam service.

What a rotten lying libtard Skunk blumenthal is....

If he would lie about that he would lie about anything.....

Like all tards he's a liar....
I have no idea if she is lying. I doubt her story but have seen no evidence of her lying
she said she was too scared to fly

she has also changed key parts of her story
Correct but in my opinion she is a gullible person who has been severely manipulated by her attorney and the DNC.

I believe something happened to her but I don't believe it was him.
How many conversations at the party did she have with him before going into a bedroom with both boys?

You didn't watch a goddam minute of that hearing. That's obvious.
The hearing showed her to be the opportunist she is.

Actually it clearly said she was pushed into the room from behind by she couldn't tell who. That's how I knew right in the OP that he didn't watch a damn thing.
Yes, she is so believable with her ever changing story lines!
Well lets start with the fact ford said she was unaware

of the fact the committee would come to her?

This will now be investigated by the FBI…..

Did the feinstein libtards lie to her? Does ford not have a tv or a radio?

It’s clear there is a lie here………..

She said she couldn’t fly, then we find out ford is flying all over the FLUCKING WORLD…

Another lie………..

And then there’s the lying libtard Mr. Dick blumenthal…….

He quoted a Latin phrase about if you lie once you will lie again…

I tried looking up the exact phrase on the net but low and behold

I couldn’t find it anywhere…..

Go figure…………
Not addressing the lies he told? Why is that? Thought I'd forget? Clean up your language and get back to us when you've calmed down and can think straight.

What lies did he tell gargoyle?
Quit being such a punk. He lied about remembering everything. That was in a previous post, shortbus.

I knew you couldn't answer the questions Dip Shit.....
Why should I care what you think? You're nothing more than an immature potty-mouth punk. Do you even know how to read or do you have someone read and type for you? :laugh2:

Your retort exposes you as an idiot....
ignorance of legal fact;

  1. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.

  1. 1.
    the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
    "the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination"
    synonyms: proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, attestation
    "they found evidence of his plotting"

For all the board retards let's be crystal clear.

Let's stay the fuck on topic, Gramps! Your OP was NOT concerned with a comparison of ACCUSATION vs. EVIDENCE so just drop the Straw man comparison derailing shtick. Your OP dealt solely with the subject of EVIDENCE & EVIDENCE ONLY!

Now who were to be considering the testimony of the two giving that testimony at the hearing last Thursday on the Sept 27th? The Senate JUDICIARY Committee. They are legally and Constitutionally charged, among other things among their duties, with matters regarding Federal courts and judges and Judicial proceedings, both civil and criminal, generally.

That's why there are so many former attorney's, former prosecutors and former judges on that committee. When that committee is taking testimony from folks before the committee in chambers or in public, they are responsible for evaluating and judging that testimony on its content given their responsibility of a thumbs up or down recommendation is their end product. That should be obvious as Hell, so keep that fact fixed in you mind.

Now recall the American Bar Association, the Professional bunch who judge the performance of Judges defines, once again to get it locked into your skull;

"Evidence - Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used by the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other." [Emphasis Added]
~~ Glossary ~~

Let's also consider the legal definition of testimony which the two figures at the center of this mess gave at the hearing last Thursday on the Sept 27th from the Wexford legal dictionary;

"Testimony - Oral or written evidence given by a competent witness, under oath, at trial or in an affidavit or deposition."
~~ testimony ~~

Now to the transcripts of the hearing last Thursday on the Sept 27th. During the opening comments by Grassly, he made reference to these very two items. Here are some snips of his introductory comments;

"Throughout this period, we did not know about the Ranking Member’s secret evidence."

"My staff made eight requests for evidence from attorneys for Ms. Ramirez and six requests for evidence from the attorney for Ms. Swetnick."

"My staff has tried to secure testimony and evidence from attorneys for both Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick."

"The testimony we will hear today concerns allegations of sexual assault."

"Today’s hearing was scheduled in close consultation with Dr. Ford’s attorneys, and her testimony will be the subject of this hearing."

"My staff made repeated requests to interview Dr. Ford during the past eleven days, even volunteering to fly to California to take her testimony."
~~ Grassley Statement.pdf ~~

Hopefully, you understand what testimony is in a legal context, because Kavanaugh and Dr Ford both gave testimony UNDER OATH before they both sat to give their testimony, their evidence! Give up your silly, childish word play and face up to your error like the man your are!
Stay on topic???

This is the FIRST POST. The opening post. My post...

She offered ZERO evidence. Is appearing meek all it takes?

Don't get pissed off because I made you look stupid. And have no doubt, you got schooled. Not because I'm some genius but because you are a clueless moron.

PS. Typing all that bullshit doesn't make you look intelligent. Speaking from your mind with your own thoughts is how you convey ernest and thought out posts. Any moron can plagiarize off the net
Stay on topic???

This is the FIRST POST. The opening post. My post...

She offered ZERO evidence. Is appearing meek all it takes?

I know what your OP was or are to too poor to pay attention to the fact that I quoted it several times? You were the one trying to change the predicate which was your OP, which I kept dragging you back to,'re not fooling any honest folk with that canape of horseshit!
Don't get pissed off because I made you look stupid. And have no doubt, you got schooled. Not because I'm some genius but because you are a clueless moron.
You're trying to get that pile of crap off the ground, while not commenting on a single word of my last post? And you call ME the moron?
PS. Typing all that bullshit doesn't make you look intelligent. Speaking from your mind with your own thoughts is how you convey ernest and thought out posts. Any moron can plagiarize off the net
Again not a mention about the content of my last post to which you have responded! The reason is obvious! You can't refute the content or the logic of it. You should learn if you're going to plant your feet and make a claim like you did, that Dr Ford "offered ZERO evidence" in your words evidence when YOU, Gramps, don't know the fucking legal definition of evidence, PUTZ!

Now regarding your accusation of plagiarism, you prove that fucking lie of yours you fucking slime ball! I was wrong the other day about giving you the benefit of the doubt about being an honest person and not a liar, but never again. From now on, when you are wrong, and when you lie, it'll be full tilt boogie open season on your dishonest ass.

Now take another lap around the goal posts Lucy in your faux elation of your faux victory.
ignorance of legal fact;

  1. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.

  1. 1.
    the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
    "the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination"
    synonyms: proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, attestation
    "they found evidence of his plotting"

For all the board retards let's be crystal clear.

Let's stay the fuck on topic, Gramps! Your OP was NOT concerned with a comparison of ACCUSATION vs. EVIDENCE so just drop the Straw man comparison derailing shtick. Your OP dealt solely with the subject of EVIDENCE & EVIDENCE ONLY!

Now who were to be considering the testimony of the two giving that testimony at the hearing last Thursday on the Sept 27th? The Senate JUDICIARY Committee. They are legally and Constitutionally charged, among other things among their duties, with matters regarding Federal courts and judges and Judicial proceedings, both civil and criminal, generally.

That's why there are so many former attorney's, former prosecutors and former judges on that committee. When that committee is taking testimony from folks before the committee in chambers or in public, they are responsible for evaluating and judging that testimony on its content given their responsibility of a thumbs up or down recommendation is their end product. That should be obvious as Hell, so keep that fact fixed in you mind.

Now recall the American Bar Association, the Professional bunch who judge the performance of Judges defines, once again to get it locked into your skull;

"Evidence - Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used by the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other." [Emphasis Added]
~~ Glossary ~~

Let's also consider the legal definition of testimony which the two figures at the center of this mess gave at the hearing last Thursday on the Sept 27th from the Wexford legal dictionary;

"Testimony - Oral or written evidence given by a competent witness, under oath, at trial or in an affidavit or deposition."
~~ testimony ~~

Now to the transcripts of the hearing last Thursday on the Sept 27th. During the opening comments by Grassly, he made reference to these very two items. Here are some snips of his introductory comments;

"Throughout this period, we did not know about the Ranking Member’s secret evidence."

"My staff made eight requests for evidence from attorneys for Ms. Ramirez and six requests for evidence from the attorney for Ms. Swetnick."

"My staff has tried to secure testimony and evidence from attorneys for both Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick."

"The testimony we will hear today concerns allegations of sexual assault."

"Today’s hearing was scheduled in close consultation with Dr. Ford’s attorneys, and her testimony will be the subject of this hearing."

"My staff made repeated requests to interview Dr. Ford during the past eleven days, even volunteering to fly to California to take her testimony."
~~ Grassley Statement.pdf ~~

Hopefully, you understand what testimony is in a legal context, because Kavanaugh and Dr Ford both gave testimony UNDER OATH before they both sat to give their testimony, their evidence! Give up your silly, childish word play and face up to your error like the man your are!
Stay on topic???

This is the FIRST POST. The opening post. My post...

She offered ZERO evidence. Is appearing meek all it takes?

Don't get pissed off because I made you look stupid. And have no doubt, you got schooled. Not because I'm some genius but because you are a clueless moron.

PS. Typing all that bullshit doesn't make you look intelligent. Speaking from your mind with your own thoughts is how you convey ernest and thought out posts. Any moron can plagiarize off the net
Stay on topic???

This is the FIRST POST. The opening post. My post...

She offered ZERO evidence. Is appearing meek all it takes?

I know what your OP was or are to too poor to pay attention to the fact that I quoted it several times? You were the one trying to change the predicate which was your OP, which I kept dragging you back to,'re not fooling any honest folk with that canape of horseshit!
Don't get pissed off because I made you look stupid. And have no doubt, you got schooled. Not because I'm some genius but because you are a clueless moron.
You're trying to get that pile of crap off the ground, while not commenting on a single word of my last post? And you call ME the moron?
PS. Typing all that bullshit doesn't make you look intelligent. Speaking from your mind with your own thoughts is how you convey ernest and thought out posts. Any moron can plagiarize off the net
Again not a mention about the content of my last post to which you have responded! The reason is obvious! You can't refute the content or the logic of it. You should learn if you're going to plant your feet and make a claim like you did, that Dr Ford "offered ZERO evidence" in your words evidence when YOU, Gramps, don't know the fucking legal definition of evidence, PUTZ!

Now regarding your accusation of plagiarism, you prove that fucking lie of yours you fucking slime ball! I was wrong the other day about giving you the benefit of the doubt about being an honest person and not a liar, but never again. From now on, when you are wrong, and when you lie, it'll be full tilt boogie open season on your dishonest ass.

Now take another lap around the goal posts Lucy in your faux elation of your faux victory.
I'm done with you so do us both a favor and stop quoting me. K? Thanks
This should be a two-way street. I don't expect any investigation will prove anything either way, but if it can be proved she was outright lying, she should go to prison.

It would make the next dingbat think and may have precluded this sham.
Yes. Theougnjer miserable ass in jail
Correct but in my opinion she is a gullible person who has been severely manipulated by her attorney and the DNC.

I believe something happened to her but I don't believe it was him.
I agree shebis being used, but I thinj she is a willing participant

I do not believe tgat an aggressive pass towards her marred her for life, or made her a poor student

I do not believe that her best friend git left at a party and has zero recollection of it, her story is that she sonehow got home miles away and can't remember tge long walk home

I alsi don't believe tgart she only had 1 beer and is 100% certain of that

I also don't believe she listened to them,"pinballing" down the stairs and laughing
This should be a two-way street. I don't expect any investigation will prove anything either way, but if it can be proved she was outright lying, she should go to prison.

It would make the next dingbat think and may have precluded this sham.
What about all the other accusers?
The high school "friends" who saw him falling down drunk?
The College "friends" who said he was an obnoxious drunk?

Don't forget them.
If she refuses to say where and when the alleged assault happened, she is simply not credible. She was quite obviously being so vague because she knows that if she doesn't say when and where it happened, she cannot be proven wrong and be prosecuted for her perjury.

That said, Trump should reconsider his nomination. The guy was actually crying at the hearing. If he cannot lay off the bottle for even one fucking day when he has to testify under oath, he's got a serious drinking problem.
Correct but in my opinion she is a gullible person who has been severely manipulated by her attorney and the DNC.

I believe something happened to her but I don't believe it was him.
I agree shebis being used, but I thinj she is a willing participant

I do not believe tgat an aggressive pass towards her marred her for life, or made her a poor student

I do not believe that her best friend git left at a party and has zero recollection of it, her story is that she sonehow got home miles away and can't remember tge long walk home

I alsi don't believe tgart she only had 1 beer and is 100% certain of that

I also don't believe she listened to them,"pinballing" down the stairs and laughing

She feared for her life when he allegedly put his hand over her mouth.
Yet, it was the laughing that got to her the most.
What's wrong with this picture? (Because something is!)
the right is worried about a liar -

:laughing0301: thats some funny shit.

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