Merkel's madhouse: a bombe against opposition.MS-presstitutes appease


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The entirely country is hijacked by far-left terrorists, beginning from Merkel and ending by an ordinary Antifa- terrorist.The former Germany as you know it ceases out to exist since 2005, as Merkel and her globalist gang by help of Deep State seized power in this sad country.Where are western presstitutes and why they never report about Merkel's leftist terror 'state'?
Lessons learned:Never vote and never believe any left or liberal. Their governance always end in destroyed economically and morally countries, millions of dead, 24/7 lies and brainwashing of folks.

Lefts(libs, dems, globalists & Co ) are enemies of humanity!

A terrorist attack was committed against the AFD office in the Saxon district town of Döbeln near Chemnitz on Thursday evening. At 19.20 a bomb shattered the shop window of the office. The blast damaged two vans parked in front of it and an adjacent building. Miraculously, no people were harmed. There is a suspicion of a politically motivated attack, says the police.
After the bomb attack, it looked like a battlefield around the AfD office. Splinters and debris from the attack lay many metres around in the vicinity of the strong detonation.
The deputy chairman of the AfD faction in the Baden-Wuerttemberg state parliament, Emil Sänze, suspects left forces behind the alleged attack.
Saxony's deputy prime minister Martin Dulig (SPD) condemned the act. There is no legitimacy for the attack, Dulig wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. "Violence is not one of the means of democracy. The AfD must be fought politically and not with explosives". Dulig wrote further: "This attack helps the AfD and harms democracy".
Dulig would have done well if he had condemned in the same breath the flawless call for violence by TAZ correspondent Ralf Socheck. In the commentary of the daily newspaper on 30.12.2018 he writes with regard to the participation of AfDers in talk shows on television that fascists would have been beaten up earlier by a "group 43". The taz journalist's conclusion: "Nowadays you need a lot of "groups 43"". So activists who are willing to beat up people like Alexander Gauland and his followers, who are explicitly mentioned in the commentary, physically attack where they are found. Obviously the seeds of left-wing verbal violence are sown in Döbeln.
What is equally repugnant is the appeasing way in which the media mainstream downplays the terrorist attack by Döbeln. BILD, for example, writes of an "unknown substance" that exploded like a "particularly strong firecracker", only to be forced to report on the enormous destructive power of the "explosion".
The police also keep the lid on the information pot "for investigation tactical reasons", quite differently than in Bottrop, when only a few hours after the presumed amok drive the ethnic group of the suspect German and even parts of his medical records were divulged.
Tagesschau and other major media such as BILD also trivialize the "explosion in front of the AfD office" after the Doebelner terrorist attack and hurry to point out in the same breath that nobody had been injured. Many of these media had compared the assassination drive in Bottrop with an Islamic terrorist attack shortly before, while they were almost minimizing the language of the attack against the AfD in Döbeln with "Explosion".

Once terrorist always terrorist


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