Merrick Garland Hides Joe Biden’s Scandalous Recordings in Top-Secret Facility

I simply do a document search for all the false narrative words Trump supporters use and when it's not there I call them out in it.
And you have done the same thing in your responses.

Although it will be meaningless.
Then why, once again, do you waste all this bandwidth, defending something, as you just said, is meaningless.
Again, you will need to copy paste these accusations.
Don't have to do dick......................research before you you make a stooge out of yourself, once again.
Maybe according to the right wing media but not according to Hurr.

You should read his report maybe?
Simple question, do you get classified materials out of a Scif by accident? You literally have to hide them on your person like Sandy Berger. That's what Joe Biden HAD TO HAVE DONE! In no way does Hurr state that didn't happen because it DID!
And you have done the same thing in your responses.


Then why, once again, do you waste all this bandwidth, defending something, as you just said, is meaningless.

Defending it isn't useless. Trying to revisit Hurr's investigation as something it wasn't is meaningless.

Don't have to do dick......................research before you you make a stooge out of yourself, once again.
Ok. Don't.

Keep believing what makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

I didn't forget. Hurr went on to say he couldn't prove Joe knew he shouldn't take them.

Again, context matter.
That's the very same rationale that was used not to bring charges against Hillary Clinton...that she wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law, Cats! It seems like whenever Democrats break the law they're not intelligent enough to know that they've done so but when Republicans do so it's time for prison. Is that enough "context" for you?
That's the very same rationale that was used not to bring charges against Hillary Clinton...that she wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law, Cats! It seems like whenever Democrats break the law they're not intelligent enough to know that they've done so but when Republicans do so it's time for prison. Is that enough "context" for you?
False, of course.

The reason she wasn't prosecuted was lack of criminal intent.

I.E., the reason the orange slob IS being prosecuted.
Simple question, do you get classified materials out of a Scif by accident? You literally have to hide them on your person like Sandy Berger. That's what Joe Biden HAD TO HAVE DONE! In no way does Hurr state that didn't happen because it DID!
Me. Hurr had a different take.

From the report.

When Mr. Biden left office, he also knew his staff decided to store notecards
containing his classified notes in a Secure Compartmented Information Facility
(SCIF) at the National Archives, and he knew his notebooks contained the same type of classified information. As he told his ghostwriter during a recorded interview, the
same staff who arranged to secure his classified notecards "didn't even know" he had
retained possession of his classified notebooks. Twice in 2017, Mr. Biden visited the
National Archives SCIF to review his classified notecards while writing his book. Yet
he kept his notebooks, which also contained classified information, in unlocked
drawers at home. He had strong motivations to do so and to ignore the rules for
properly handling the classified information in his notebooks. He consulted the
notebooks liberally during hours of discussions with his ghostwriter and viewed them
as highly private and valued possessions with which he was unwilling to part.

\Ve do not, however, believe this evidence would meet the government's burden
at trial~particularly the requirement to prove that Mr. Biden intended to do
something the law forbids. Consistent with statements Mr. Eiden made during our
interview of him and arguments made by the White House Counsel and Mr. Biden's
personal counsel, we expect Mr. Eiden's defense at trial would be that he thought his
notebooks were his personal property and he was allowed to take them home, even if
they contained classified information. During our interview of him, Mr. Eiden was
emphatic, declaring that his notebooks are "my property" and that "every president
before me has done the exact same thing," that is, kept handwritten classified
materials after leaving office. Ho also cited the diaries that President Reagan kept in
his private home after leaving office, noting that they included classified information
That's the very same rationale that was used not to bring charges against Hillary Clinton...that she wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law, Cats!

What law did Hilary break?

It seems like whenever Democrats break the law they're not intelligent enough to know that they've done so but when Republicans do so it's time for prison. Is that enough "context" for you?
Because Trump allegedly obstructed justice and conspired to obstruct justice. He isn't charged with having the documents.

Me. Hurr said repeatedly that Biden fully cooperated with authorities and literally pointed out how Trump's case is different...yet hear you you are faithfully repeating the right wing talking points.
What law did Hilary break?

Because Trump allegedly obstructed justice and conspired to obstruct justice. He isn't charged with having the documents.

Me. Hurr said repeatedly that Biden fully cooperated with authorities and literally pointed out how Trump's case is different...yet hear you you are faithfully repeating the right wing talking points.
She ran the State Department through servers hidden in her home to escape Congressional oversight and then lied to Congressional investigators looking into the Benghazi attack. She told them that she'd handed over all materials having to do with Benghazi which was a blatant lie and then when the two servers were found out about by those investigators Hillary deliberately attempted to destroy the evidence of what she's been doing.
What law did Hilary break?

Because Trump allegedly obstructed justice and conspired to obstruct justice. He isn't charged with having the documents.

Me. Hurr said repeatedly that Biden fully cooperated with authorities and literally pointed out how Trump's case is different...yet hear you you are faithfully repeating the right wing talking points.
There was a legal question whether Trump had the Constitutional right to have those documents. That was something that should have been decided in the courts. Instead the Biden DOJ decided to raid a former President's home with an FBI swat team flown in specially from Washington, DC to conduct that raid.

There is ZERO question that Joe Biden STOLE classified documents when he was a sitting Senator...stole them and then stored them in places that were woefully unsecured!
Defending it isn't useless.
Your exact context was 'meaningless'.

I simply do a document search for all the false narrative words Trump supporters use and when it's not there I call them out in it.
Your 'false narrative words' are actually someone paraphrasing from the original context, you know, like the media does just about every waking minute.

Trying to revisit Hurr's investigation as something it wasn't is meaningless.
The intent here was Garland hiding what would be very embarrassing testimony, supportive of the Bidementia claims swirling now and before.

He isn't charged with having the documents.
Yes He is...they referred to it as 'willful retention of national defense information.

What law did Hilary break?
18 U.S.C. § 1924—is for Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Documents or Materials.

No, willful means intent.
Wait a which is it? You stated the exact opposite earlier.
What law did Hilary break?

Because Trump allegedly obstructed justice and conspired to obstruct justice. He isn't charged with having the documents.

Me. Hurr said repeatedly that Biden fully cooperated with authorities and literally pointed out how Trump's case is different...yet hear you you are faithfully repeating the right wing talking points.
There is also ZERO question that Biden allowed his "ghost writer" that had no high level clearance to view classified documents access to some of the documents that he illegally possessed...another blatant violation!
There is also ZERO question that Biden allowed his "ghost writer" that had no high level clearance to view classified documents access to some of the documents that he illegally possessed...another blatant violation!
Beyond that, the guy has admitted to 'willfully' destroying evidence and nothing was done.
She ran the State Department through servers hidden in her home to escape Congressional oversight and then lied to Congressional investigators looking into the Benghazi attack. She told them that she'd handed over all materials having to do with Benghazi which was a blatant lie and then when the two servers were found out about by those investigators Hillary deliberately attempted to destroy the evidence of what she's been doing.
What specific law did she break?

It was not criminal to use her own server for emails as SoD.

Hillary didn't destroy any servers. Please link this.
There was a legal question whether Trump had the Constitutional right to have those documents. That was something that should have been decided in the courts. Instead the Biden DOJ decided to raid a former President's home with an FBI swat team flown in specially from Washington, DC to conduct that raid.

Their was no valid legal question to ignore a subpeana.

The documents were subpeanad and Trump allegedly conspired with others to hide these documents...thus the conspiracy to obstruct justice charge.

Yep. And it's a good thing they did? Did you see all the documents Trump obstructed our govenrment from getting?

Some even had nuclear strategy for our allies.

Why did Trump obstruct justice?

There is ZERO question that Joe Biden STOLE classified documents when he was a sitting Senator...stole them and then stored them in places that were woefully unsecured!
That is in question because Hurr said he wouldn't be able to get an indictment.

I guess your speculation was wrong.

Sorry about that.
Your exact context was 'meaningless'.

That's what a lot of Trump supporters think.

Is that why they are so easily duped by the media?

Your 'false narrative words' are actually someone paraphrasing from the original context, you know, like the media does just about every waking minute.

I can't get any more exact then Hurr's actual report.

The intent here was Garland hiding what would be very embarrassing testimony, supportive of the Bidementia claims swirling now and before.


Executive privilege is a bitch isn't it?

Yes He is...they referred to it as 'willful retention of national defense information.

But he didn't know he couldn't have them.

We keep doing this same dance.

18 U.S.C. § 1924—is for Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Documents or Materials.

Wait a which is it? You stated the exact opposite earlier.
When did I do that?

It requires intent just like the law you posted states.

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