"Merry Christmas" Versus "Season Greetings"...

Why do people seem to care what greeting someone else uses? Calm down. I say Merry Christmas, but I am not going to clutch my pearls if someone wishes me a Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.

What if you tell someone "merry christmas" and they get all butt-hurt about it?
Is it a big deal?

The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas

View attachment 164262
The new cards, signed by Barron, Melania and President Trump read
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

There are obvious comparisons between the Obama's official Christmas cards and the Trumps' first Christmas card.

The last eight years of official White House Christmas cards all neglected to mention Christmas, President Obama opting instead for all-inclusive terms such as "Seasons Greetings."

"You go to stores, you don't see the word Christmas. It says 'happy holidays' all over," Donald Trump proclaimed in the past.

Now President Trump has vowed to take on the so-called war on Christmas.
The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas
Would you want someone sending you a card saying "Happy Hannukah?"
I suppose I could look at it as "good wishes" regardless of the celebration taking place, but would it be better to use a phrase that includes all instead of excluding so many?

Considering I get mistaken for jewish from time to time, i just say "same to you" and let it go.
Is it a big deal?

The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas

View attachment 164262
The new cards, signed by Barron, Melania and President Trump read
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

There are obvious comparisons between the Obama's official Christmas cards and the Trumps' first Christmas card.

The last eight years of official White House Christmas cards all neglected to mention Christmas, President Obama opting instead for all-inclusive terms such as "Seasons Greetings."

"You go to stores, you don't see the word Christmas. It says 'happy holidays' all over," Donald Trump proclaimed in the past.

Now President Trump has vowed to take on the so-called war on Christmas.
The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas
Why do you make such a big deal about this? No one is stopping you from saying Merry Xmas. Get a fucking life. Free speech. Remember that? Or are you anti-American?
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Why do people seem to care what greeting someone else uses? Calm down. I say Merry Christmas, but I am not going to clutch my pearls if someone wishes me a Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.

What if you tell someone "merry christmas" and they get all butt-hurt about it?

The next time that occurs would be the first time; however, to answer your question, I would likely tell the person to "Get over yourself" and go on about my day.
Is it a big deal?

The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas

View attachment 164262
The new cards, signed by Barron, Melania and President Trump read
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

There are obvious comparisons between the Obama's official Christmas cards and the Trumps' first Christmas card.

The last eight years of official White House Christmas cards all neglected to mention Christmas, President Obama opting instead for all-inclusive terms such as "Seasons Greetings."

"You go to stores, you don't see the word Christmas. It says 'happy holidays' all over," Donald Trump proclaimed in the past.

Now President Trump has vowed to take on the so-called war on Christmas.
The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas
You know that all Presidents had cards saying Happy Holidays, right?
If anything was ever done that was bad, wrong or illegal, it was a Democrat. You know that don't you? :coffee:
Why do people seem to care what greeting someone else uses? Calm down. I say Merry Christmas, but I am not going to clutch my pearls if someone wishes me a Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.

What if you tell someone "merry christmas" and they get all butt-hurt about it?
Grow up and just ignore. Good grief, are you a baby?

Actually they are the ones being babies about it, which is why people play it "safe" and say happy holidays, not because they want to, but to avoid offending someone.
Why do people seem to care what greeting someone else uses? Calm down. I say Merry Christmas, but I am not going to clutch my pearls if someone wishes me a Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.

What if you tell someone "merry christmas" and they get all butt-hurt about it?
Grow up and just ignore. Good grief, are you a baby?

Actually they are the ones being babies about it, which is why people play it "safe" and say happy holidays, not because they want to, but to avoid offending someone.
If someone gets snippy about your saying Merry Christmas, just smile and say 'have an nice day' and walk away. That really pisses people off. Now you have a nice day. :)
Why do people seem to care what greeting someone else uses? Calm down. I say Merry Christmas, but I am not going to clutch my pearls if someone wishes me a Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.

What if you tell someone "merry christmas" and they get all butt-hurt about it?
Grow up and just ignore. Good grief, are you a baby?

Actually they are the ones being babies about it, which is why people play it "safe" and say happy holidays, not because they want to, but to avoid offending someone.
If someone gets snippy about your saying Merry Christmas, just smile and say 'have an nice day' and walk away. That really pisses people off. Now you have a nice day. :)

I always have a nice day. Unlike progressive hacks I don't get offended when people are nice to me "the wrong way"
Why do people seem to care what greeting someone else uses? Calm down. I say Merry Christmas, but I am not going to clutch my pearls if someone wishes me a Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.

What if you tell someone "merry christmas" and they get all butt-hurt about it?
Grow up and just ignore. Good grief, are you a baby?

Actually they are the ones being babies about it, which is why people play it "safe" and say happy holidays, not because they want to, but to avoid offending someone.
If someone gets snippy about your saying Merry Christmas, just smile and say 'have an nice day' and walk away. That really pisses people off. Now you have a nice day. :)

I always have a nice day. Unlike progressive hacks I don't get offended when people are nice to me "the wrong way"
Is it a big deal?

The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas

View attachment 164262
The new cards, signed by Barron, Melania and President Trump read
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

There are obvious comparisons between the Obama's official Christmas cards and the Trumps' first Christmas card.

The last eight years of official White House Christmas cards all neglected to mention Christmas, President Obama opting instead for all-inclusive terms such as "Seasons Greetings."

"You go to stores, you don't see the word Christmas. It says 'happy holidays' all over," Donald Trump proclaimed in the past.

Now President Trump has vowed to take on the so-called war on Christmas.
The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas
I don’t usually get into this sort of thing, but “seasons greetings” and the like is horseshit PC Meaningless nothing. Lol
I think the PC shackles are just off so folks are finally where I'm at - basically, ain't my problem if you choose to be offended by a well meaning saying ~shrug~

Except are you really being "Well Meaning" when you say it, or is it, "I'm going to impose my religion on the rest of you!"
Religion is man made, obviously your religion is PC. Keep that repugnant shit to yourselves...
Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians.
Most of the rest, 13 percent, have no religion.
That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions.
Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian

MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- A Fox News poll reveals most Americans say "Merry Christmas." The poll taken December 9-10 shows 77% of Americans prefer "Merry Christmas" as opposed to saying something with less meaning.

The poll found that larger numbers of Republicans (87%) say "Merry Christmas", but Christmas numbers were lower with Democrats at 72%.
Most Americans Say 'Merry Christmas' - Christian Newswire

Just the facts

So what?

Hey, you know what, I'd be more impressed with Christians if they actually did the stuff Jesus said to do than how much they want to impose their silliness on the rest of us and commercialize their God-man's birth.
Christians don’t define Christianity never have never will. dumbass
Why do people seem to care what greeting someone else uses? Calm down. I say Merry Christmas, but I am not going to clutch my pearls if someone wishes me a Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.

What if you tell someone "merry christmas" and they get all butt-hurt about it?
Grow up and just ignore. Good grief, are you a baby?

Actually they are the ones being babies about it, which is why people play it "safe" and say happy holidays, not because they want to, but to avoid offending someone.

The expressions 'seasons greetings' and 'happy holidays' have been in use since long before the rightwing crybabies decided to cry about them.
Because it pleases us to do so... our country... we can do whatever-the-phukk we want to with it... next slide, please.

well, no you can't because we have this pesky first Amendment that says you can't impose your fairy tales on the rest of us.
Well, keep your PC to yourselves. It’s far too incestuous for most normal people. We don’t want no part of your fucking incestuous village... lol
I say either Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. If I am questioning whether or not a person may celebrate Christmas, I will just say Happy Holidays to them. I like Happy Holidays because it is all inclusive.
I don't know or maybe it's just me, but I don't really see this as some kind of competition. Don't bother wishing someone a happy anything if that is not what you are really meaning. At least understand the meaning of the holiday season, good will to all men (and women and children of course), and all of that. :)
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