"Merry Christmas" Versus "Season Greetings"...

Best Politically Correct Holiday Greeting Ever?

'Best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all'.

A Politically Correct Christmas Greeting

Ack! Too wordy!
I am highly offended by this whole thread and the OP who intentionally left out in insult:

Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanzaa
Merry Festivus
Merry Winter Solstace
Feliz Navidad


You see? Happy Holidays covers all of that with two simple words. :D Your ass is covered.

Thank you so very much, Chris. Being worried about all of that is the worst pert of the holidays. :p

I did find that great Politically Correct greeting, though...but I still like Happy Holidays. Thank you.

Happy Holidays to you! :p
Best Politically Correct Holiday Greeting Ever?

'Best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all'.

A Politically Correct Christmas Greeting

Ack! Too wordy!
That's ESPECIALLY why I like 'Happy Holidays'.
and aren't your really beating the war drum against Christmas here? It's your right to do so, but it seems that everyone on the left is claiming there is no war on Christmas and your post suggests otherwise.

Actually, I'm a conscientious objector on the War Against Christmas.

There is no "War on Christmas". There is a recognition that the state shouldn't impose it's view on religion on the rest of us.
PC is the war on anything decent, there is nothing more neutered than PC... lol

The truth is,

Conservatives vehemently argue that saying Merry Christmas (as opposed to any other greeting)

is absolutely, positively the POLITICALLY CORRECT thing to do,

and they then throw tantrums at anyone who does otherwise.
Actually they are the ones being babies about it, which is why people play it "safe" and say happy holidays, not because they want to, but to avoid offending someone.

The expressions 'seasons greetings' and 'happy holidays' have been in use since long before the rightwing crybabies decided to cry about them.
Those PC Expressions are fucking spineless and meaningless... why even use suck fucked up neutered shit?

Why make Santa Claus and decorated trees the focus of what is supposedly a celebration of the birth of Jesus?
Normally I don’t care, but there is nothing more pussy whipped than being PC... it must suck?


First of all,

"Seasons Greetings" came along as a reference to the CHRISTMAS season.

"Happy Holidays" is shorthand for "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" HOLIDAYS...get it?

Find something cry-worthy to cry about.
For these RW fanatics, ignorance is bliss. You are gonna spoil their fun by explaining that happy holidays and seasons greetings are not new PC language.
Merry Christmas, corporate America. Here's a tax hike on the middle class as your gift.
Why do people seem to care what greeting someone else uses? Calm down. I say Merry Christmas, but I am not going to clutch my pearls if someone wishes me a Happy Holidays or Season Greetings.

What if you tell someone "merry christmas" and they get all butt-hurt about it?
Grow up and just ignore. Good grief, are you a baby?

Actually they are the ones being babies about it, which is why people play it "safe" and say happy holidays, not because they want to, but to avoid offending someone.

The expressions 'seasons greetings' and 'happy holidays' have been in use since long before the rightwing crybabies decided to cry about them.

There is a difference between them being around, and the feeling of being forced to use them lest some snowflake such as yourself gets all butt hurt over being told the wrong one.
Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians.
Most of the rest, 13 percent, have no religion.
That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions.
Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian

MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- A Fox News poll reveals most Americans say "Merry Christmas." The poll taken December 9-10 shows 77% of Americans prefer "Merry Christmas" as opposed to saying something with less meaning.

The poll found that larger numbers of Republicans (87%) say "Merry Christmas", but Christmas numbers were lower with Democrats at 72%.
Most Americans Say 'Merry Christmas' - Christian Newswire

Just the facts

So what?

Hey, you know what, I'd be more impressed with Christians if they actually did the stuff Jesus said to do than how much they want to impose their silliness on the rest of us and commercialize their God-man's birth.

Yea it is always easy to be that stuffed chair, intellectually phony elitist poking fun at us Christian deplorables!
Just Curious...if you're walking down the street, and someone says, 'Happy Kwanza' or 'Happy Hanukah' to you, are you going to / do you get pi$$ed?

I have actually had someone say both to me. I responded by following ChrisL's great advice and said, 'Happy Holidays'.

So what is up with some people getting so pi$$ed if you say 'Merry Christmas'?
Just Curious...if you're walking down the street, and someone says, 'Happy Kwanza' or 'Happy Hanukah' to you, are you going to / do you get pi$$ed?

I have actually had someone say both to me. I responded by following ChrisL's great advice and said, 'Happy Holidays'.

So what is up with some people getting so pi$$ed if you say 'Merry Christmas'?

I would say "thank you, and happy holidays to you as well" and then flash them a big smile . . . :D
The expressions 'seasons greetings' and 'happy holidays' have been in use since long before the rightwing crybabies decided to cry about them.
Those PC Expressions are fucking spineless and meaningless... why even use suck fucked up neutered shit?

Why make Santa Claus and decorated trees the focus of what is supposedly a celebration of the birth of Jesus?
Normally I don’t care, but there is nothing more pussy whipped than being PC... it must suck?


First of all,

"Seasons Greetings" came along as a reference to the CHRISTMAS season.

"Happy Holidays" is shorthand for "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" HOLIDAYS...get it?

Find something cry-worthy to cry about.
For these RW fanatics, ignorance is bliss. You are gonna spoil their fun by explaining that happy holidays and seasons greetings are not new PC language.

Vintage Happy Holidays cards:

vintage happy holidays cards - Google Search
The truth is, Conservatives vehemently argue that saying Merry Christmas (as opposed to any other greeting) is absolutely, positively the POLITICALLY CORRECT thing to do, and they then throw tantrums at anyone who does otherwise.

Just curious - exactly who are these 'Conservatives' you speak of? I do not think I have ever met one.
Just Curious...if you're walking down the street, and someone says, 'Happy Kwanza' or 'Happy Hanukah' to you, are you going to / do you get pi$$ed?

I have actually had someone say both to me. I responded by following ChrisL's great advice and said, 'Happy Holidays'.

So what is up with some people getting so pi$$ed if you say 'Merry Christmas'?

Who's pissed, exactly?

99% of the complaints, pissing, moaning, and crying about this that come up this time of year are from the RIGHT.
The truth is, Conservatives vehemently argue that saying Merry Christmas (as opposed to any other greeting) is absolutely, positively the POLITICALLY CORRECT thing to do, and they then throw tantrums at anyone who does otherwise.

Just curious - exactly who are these 'Conservatives' you speak of? I do not think I have ever met one.

You. In this thread. Repeatedly.

Jesus Christ (no pun intended)
Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians.
Most of the rest, 13 percent, have no religion.
That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions.
Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian

MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- A Fox News poll reveals most Americans say "Merry Christmas." The poll taken December 9-10 shows 77% of Americans prefer "Merry Christmas" as opposed to saying something with less meaning.

The poll found that larger numbers of Republicans (87%) say "Merry Christmas", but Christmas numbers were lower with Democrats at 72%.
Most Americans Say 'Merry Christmas' - Christian Newswire

Just the facts

So what?

Hey, you know what, I'd be more impressed with Christians if they actually did the stuff Jesus said to do than how much they want to impose their silliness on the rest of us and commercialize their God-man's birth.

Yea it is always easy to be that stuffed chair, intellectually phony elitist poking fun at us Christian deplorables!
The problem is thst you so called Christians are not very Christian. "But the humble shall inherit the land, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." (Psalms 37:11) If you were truly humble, you would not be having such hissy fits over how people want to express themselves during this time of year.

Jesus was considered the Lamb of God and was gentle and humble. How much is this attitude you have about what people say during this time of year something he would condone? "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS." Mathew 11:29
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Who's pissed, exactly?

99% of the complaints, pissing, moaning, and crying about this that come up this time of year are from the RIGHT.

We definitely hang out in different circles. :p

(Just curious - how do you know they are all from the 'Right'? Do you stop and ask them their political preference? I am just asking because I know a lot of Democrats who say 'Merry Christmas'.)
You. In this thread. Repeatedly.
See, NOW you are just making sh!t up. I have never insisted that 'Merry Christmas' is the 'politically correct' thing to say and that it, above all other holiday colloquialisms, must be adhered to.

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