Mesa AZ PIG COP MURDER: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video as MURDERED!

Force Science News #178: Important new reaction-time study addresses what’s “reasonable” 
in armed-suspect encounters & more

CONCLUSIONS. “Police officers have a legal right to use force, including lethal force, when it is reasonable to do so,” the researchers state. “An officer may shoot when there is an imminent risk of harm to self or others, or to stop someone who poses a danger to others if allowed to escape….

“There is a perception amongst some community members that officers are too quick to shoot those who only appear to pose a threat…. There are people who seem to believe that the ‘reasonable’ officer should wait until a suspect with a gun begins to use the gun against the officer before the officer utilizes lethal force. [But] would waiting be reasonable in situations where the suspect has his weapon in hand but not aimed?”

That’s the critical question Blair’s study addresses. “As our findings show, most officers can’t fire faster than a suspect with a weapon in hand, even if it is not aimed at the officer,” his team writes. Consequently, “we think that an officer who decided to shoot [in the kinds of situations tested] meets the legal definition of reasonableness,” given the “close range of the encounter, the lack of available cover, the failure of the suspect to comply with multiple warnings, and the data” collected.

The researchers stress, however, that they “do not believe that the findings support” automatically shooting “everyone with a gun” or “everyone with a gun who does not comply.” Armed encounters vary in their details, and “the individual officer must consider the totality of circumstances” in choosing a fitting response, including whether issuing commands is feasible or desirable before firing.

The researchers believe that certain training implications are clear from their findings. First, they support having officers participate in scenarios similar to those they used to convey “a better understanding of the dynamics involved” in armed confrontations and to “help correct inaccurate beliefs about shooting ability.” Also they believe training should “teach officers how to mitigate the dangers posed by armed suspects” through such means as distance and cover.

They hope that their findings “will help officers, and those who judge the actions of officers, to make more informed decisions about the reasonableness of officers’ actions” in deadly encounters.

A full report on the study has been accepted for publication later this year in the peer-reviewed journal Police Quarterly. Publication can be tracked at:

Not true they have no right to KILL and indoctrination has taught the public they have that right. They are here to SERVE and PROTECT they work for us.

THey can lie and say they felt threatened c'mon you think these cops don't use that line to get out of killing ppl. it happens constantly.
And you know that the officer lied? Have you ever seen demonstration of reaction times and how long a person has to react to a threat? If it were me I would be sure not to fall on the side of waiting too long and getting shot. Obey the law, obey the cops, no matter how much you hate them, and you will be OK. Run away, act suspicious and move in ways that seem a threat and things might not turn out well for you.

I said these Officers can LIE and even when you see what you see with your own two lies just because a law is a law DOESN'T make it right nor legal.

Our police have been militarized , they indoctrinated you zombies into accepting this type of behavior ...

Police never use to just shoot the fk out of people where the hell have you bee planet fantasy....

Or were you born ten years ago.

With over an estimated 80,000 SWAT raids per year, an increase in fatal (and often-times unnecessary) police shootings, and a routine dependence on militarized weapons and vehicles, local police departments are beginning to act like and resemble a standing army.

The American police force, however, is not a branch of the military, nor is it a private security force for the reigning political faction. It is an aggregation of the countless local units that exist for a sole purpose: to serve and protect the citizens of each and every American community. In recent years, however, there has been an increasing militarization of the police. It has not occurred suddenly, in a single precinct; it cannot be traced back to a single leader or event—rather, the pattern is so subtle that most American citizens are hardly even aware of it. Little by little, police authority has expanded, one weapon after another has been added to the police arsenal, and one exception after another has been made to the standards that have historically restrained police authority. When analyzed as a whole, this trend toward militarization is undeniable, and it is one that could have serious implications for American liberty if left unchecked.

The Rutherford Institute

Our Recent Work in Police State

Rutherford Institute Sues Police Over 'Broken Taillight' Traffic Stop

It is easier to sit behind a keyboard and look at these situations and say the police over reacted. But as the supreme court has ruled it is the perception of danger that is important, not the fact that there is actual danger.

Why does someone act like this guy did when the cops showed up? Probably drugs or he is just a feakin' fool. Never the less he is acting in a way that is not normal, that alone can be perceived as a threat. Waiting until you see a gun may turn out to be a death sentence and that may be why you hear of armed police being shot, without drawing their weapon, almost as much as you hear of unarmed people being shot by cops.

Oh I don't know. How normal is it to have a gun pointed at you and have someone threaten to kill you several times? You think it might have been because the cop as pointing a gun at him and threatening to kill him? I'm pretty sure most of us would act the same way.
No, I am damn sure I would NOT act like this guy did. I have been pulled over twice by police and their reason was total BS. Both said I was driving between the lines. Yes, really. I wanted to scream at them that I thought driving between the lines is what I was suppose to be doing. They were fishing that is all, it was night and they were just seeing what they could catch. Had I acted like an idiot things may have turned out much differently. But I remained calm, admitted to nothing, held my anger and nothing happened.
blah blah blah
cop murders someone..that and Trump this Trump that..that's all we've heard --
I hope they kill more bad guys..more idiots that are a threat to YOU, ME and the community--I feel safer

we've been over this before in other threads: the cops are NOT chronically shooting people for no reason--the numbers show this
there will always be problems, accidents, bad judgments, etc
and you would do the SAME as the cops--STFU--don't try to say you wouldn't shoot because you are NOT are NOT want to stay alive
most of the shootings are justified per the legal, fair, CIVILIZED courts who have MUCH more evidence than you or BLM
How old were you the first time you deep-throated a nightstick?
great worthless facts/etc
there are MILLIONS of calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops
there were about 900 police shootings last year
most of these are justified
there is NOT a major problem of police shooting for no reason

You must live on planet fantasy as well.
THIS DURING OBAMA's YEARS what is your excuse for these COPS

Officers on Trial in Killing of Kelly Thomas
See the pic in the middle this is what COPS did to an UNARMED man who had no weapons, and the guy was homeless he also suffered from mental illness.
Military personnel are trained to shoot when they see a weapon. Not when they think there might be a weapon. Perhaps training and policy needs to be revisited. Video can be misleading, but that looked like murder to me.
have you been in the military?
that's not what they are trained like .....not the Marines
there are rules of engagement

You mean like these rules?

sure, what's the problem??
the Rules of engagement can be different for different situations, areas,etc
now, were you in the military or not?

where do you see ''fire if you see a weapon''??
let me set you straight --A LOT of people in Somalia had WEAPONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there were weapons everywhere
The PIG could see the hand come back clearly empty when he murdered the person, so to belong to the Blue Murder Trophy Killing Crew. The Murdering PIG asshole scumbag gets hours and hours of training. So to deal with this, where he's got clearly the Yuge Kill Shoot drop on him. The dead had no history of wanting to die. The Pig is a Yuge COWARD, a 100% American Terrorist of the general public.

The officer is a HERO, who greatly improved the American gene pool and average IQ by removing thst waste of flesh and oxygen from it.

Wonder if you will say that when the shooting frenzy happens to your loved one which can happen even when pulled over. ............and has happened.
Shooting Frenzy? We just saw it on tape from a body camera.

What the hell are you talking about.
Force Science News #178: Important new reaction-time study addresses what’s “reasonable” 
in armed-suspect encounters & more

CONCLUSIONS. “Police officers have a legal right to use force, including lethal force, when it is reasonable to do so,” the researchers state. “An officer may shoot when there is an imminent risk of harm to self or others, or to stop someone who poses a danger to others if allowed to escape….

“There is a perception amongst some community members that officers are too quick to shoot those who only appear to pose a threat…. There are people who seem to believe that the ‘reasonable’ officer should wait until a suspect with a gun begins to use the gun against the officer before the officer utilizes lethal force. [But] would waiting be reasonable in situations where the suspect has his weapon in hand but not aimed?”

That’s the critical question Blair’s study addresses. “As our findings show, most officers can’t fire faster than a suspect with a weapon in hand, even if it is not aimed at the officer,” his team writes. Consequently, “we think that an officer who decided to shoot [in the kinds of situations tested] meets the legal definition of reasonableness,” given the “close range of the encounter, the lack of available cover, the failure of the suspect to comply with multiple warnings, and the data” collected.

The researchers stress, however, that they “do not believe that the findings support” automatically shooting “everyone with a gun” or “everyone with a gun who does not comply.” Armed encounters vary in their details, and “the individual officer must consider the totality of circumstances” in choosing a fitting response, including whether issuing commands is feasible or desirable before firing.

The researchers believe that certain training implications are clear from their findings. First, they support having officers participate in scenarios similar to those they used to convey “a better understanding of the dynamics involved” in armed confrontations and to “help correct inaccurate beliefs about shooting ability.” Also they believe training should “teach officers how to mitigate the dangers posed by armed suspects” through such means as distance and cover.

They hope that their findings “will help officers, and those who judge the actions of officers, to make more informed decisions about the reasonableness of officers’ actions” in deadly encounters.

A full report on the study has been accepted for publication later this year in the peer-reviewed journal Police Quarterly. Publication can be tracked at:

Not true they have no right to KILL and indoctrination has taught the public they have that right. They are here to SERVE and PROTECT they work for us.

THey can lie and say they felt threatened c'mon you think these cops don't use that line to get out of killing ppl. it happens constantly.
And you know that the officer lied? Have you ever seen demonstration of reaction times and how long a person has to react to a threat? If it were me I would be sure not to fall on the side of waiting too long and getting shot. Obey the law, obey the cops, no matter how much you hate them, and you will be OK. Run away, act suspicious and move in ways that seem a threat and things might not turn out well for you.

COPS did NOT use to wear MILITARY GEAR either. he has a Military weapon............. that is not NORMAL POLICE gear and it hasn't been.
Only since the end of BUSh and that asshole OBAMA has Police wearing military gear become an acclimation to the public and idiots accepted it. To put it shortly.
I am pretty sure a 9mm would have killed the guy just as sure and just as fast.

I also believe that civilians can own AR-15s. Just not full auto?

I think there is much more to this story then is revealed in the video.
The PIG could see the hand come back clearly empty when he murdered the person, so to belong to the Blue Murder Trophy Killing Crew. The Murdering PIG asshole scumbag gets hours and hours of training. So to deal with this, where he's got clearly the Yuge Kill Shoot drop on him. The dead had no history of wanting to die. The Pig is a Yuge COWARD, a 100% American Terrorist of the general public.

The officer is a HERO, who greatly improved the American gene pool and average IQ by removing thst waste of flesh and oxygen from it.

Wonder if you will say that when the shooting frenzy happens to your loved one which can happen even when pulled over. ............and has happened.
Shooting Frenzy? We just saw it on tape from a body camera.

Whats the excuse for this homeless man

Cops shoot to death homeless man for camping
blah blah blah
cop murders someone..that and Trump this Trump that..that's all we've heard --
I hope they kill more bad guys..more idiots that are a threat to YOU, ME and the community--I feel safer

we've been over this before in other threads: the cops are NOT chronically shooting people for no reason--the numbers show this
there will always be problems, accidents, bad judgments, etc
and you would do the SAME as the cops--STFU--don't try to say you wouldn't shoot because you are NOT are NOT want to stay alive
most of the shootings are justified per the legal, fair, CIVILIZED courts who have MUCH more evidence than you or BLM
How old were you the first time you deep-throated a nightstick?
great worthless facts/etc
there are MILLIONS of calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops
there were about 900 police shootings last year
most of these are justified
there is NOT a major problem of police shooting for no reason

You must live on planet fantasy as well.
THIS DURING OBAMA's YEARS what is your excuse for these COPS

Officers on Trial in Killing of Kelly Thomas
See the pic in the middle this is what COPS did to an UNARMED man who had no weapons, and the guy was homeless he also suffered from mental illness.

you just made my point--this is from 2011!!! !!
remember there are TENS of millions of calls for police assistance --per year
and this guy was NOT COMPLYING...this is the critical, common denominator in most of these shootings

YOU live in the fantasy world
Can't you DUNCES notice our POLICE WEAR f........................g military gear where years before Obama the only time military " LIKE" gear was worn was during armed robberies at a bank, or SWAT teams.
Now it's your local gawd dam cops who dress up like MILITARY .............

View attachment 165034
Me thinks that the upgrade in the equipment that police wear is in response to the upgrade(sic) in the hardware of the threat. 25 years ago people didn't have the access to weapons they have today. I would hate to be the one that sent a cop out after a guy with an AR15 with only a 9mm.
I n 2011, an estimated 31.4 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or 13% of the population, requested assistance from the police at least once. About 93% of persons who requested police assistance thought the officers acted properly, 86% felt the police were helpful, and 85% were satisfied with the police response (figure 1). About 93% of persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem. The findings in this report are
Can't you DUNCES notice our POLICE WEAR f........................g military gear where years before Obama the only time military " LIKE" gear was worn was during armed robberies at a bank, or SWAT teams.
Now it's your local gawd dam cops who dress up like MILITARY .............

View attachment 165034
Me thinks that the upgrade in the equipment that police wear is in response to the upgrade(sic) in the hardware of the threat. 25 years ago people didn't have the access to weapons they have today. I would hate to be the one that sent a cop out after a guy with an AR15 with only a 9mm.
right on target...anyone know about the 1985 Miami shootout? the cops were outgunned and got massacred for it..some were using revolvers against a much more powerful semi-auto rifle

1986 FBI Miami shootout - Wikipedia
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The PIG could see the hand come back clearly empty when he murdered the person, so to belong to the Blue Murder Trophy Killing Crew. The Murdering PIG asshole scumbag gets hours and hours of training. So to deal with this, where he's got clearly the Yuge Kill Shoot drop on him. The dead had no history of wanting to die. The Pig is a Yuge COWARD, a 100% American Terrorist of the general public.

The officer is a HERO, who greatly improved the American gene pool and average IQ by removing thst waste of flesh and oxygen from it.

Wonder if you will say that when the shooting frenzy happens to your loved one which can happen even when pulled over. ............and has happened.
Shooting Frenzy? We just saw it on tape from a body camera.

All Pigs are criminals who wear NO body cams, too start. Really just cowardly PIGS!.
If your work is SOooo fully beyond reproach, as a paid PIG. You should not be afraid of wearing body cams.
Only Criminals don't film their crimes. Like Cowardly Pigs do. Plus, If they don't wear two fully independent body
cam systems to start. SOOooo they can't claim it broke,
to cover up their crimes. They are criminals still. Till we ALL see both systems recordings of their actions.
So to clear them of crimes, by a third none partisan group.
Pro cops, but that cop was and is an utter piece of shit and the jury is worse than that.

Almost guaranteed the cop is not taller than 5'9.
This is the COP WHO SHOT THAT KID , Real winner here as the punks as libtards make excuses based off their idiotic indoctrination you dumbasses have no clue how wrong this is and how cops have been MILITARIZED . wait until one gets ur kid or grand kid and the days are coming too.


This is a former Arizona cop who executed an unarmed father of two while crawling on the floor of a hotel hallway as instructed.

If he weren't a cop, he'd be a gang member. But I repeat myself.

He was found innocent in a jury trial because the average American has an IQ just north of 90 -- 70 is mentally retarded.

Four reason someone becomes a cop:

1. Family tradition
2. Believes he's protecting and serving
3. Just needs a job
4. Legal way to kill
Don Cooper

Jeff Haas only 2 years on the force. He had several write-ups and was fired for unsatisfactory performance before this went to trial. The department was attempting to distance themselves before the trial even started
Pro cops, but that cop was and is an utter piece of shit and the jury is worse than that.

Almost guaranteed the cop is not taller than 5'9.

In my post on #95 the cop being about 5'9 im guessing you are probably right.
If someone tells you "Do not put your hands down for any reason or I will shoot you" and you put your hand down toward your waist, and you get shot, my sympathy button fails to be pushed.

You saw the video. The guy was so scared till he was shaking and begging. Pulling up his pants was just an unthinking reaction.

A time like that is not a time to "unthink".

He was too scared to think clearly. You can't see that in the video?
He doesn't care. He is a badge act by a coip is over the line, no matter how egregious. The cop could have emptied ten magazines into the dude on full-auto, and he would fall over himself defending it.

I believe you're right.
As damning as that video appears, I trust the jury system.

The same jury system that found Kate Steinle's murderer not guilty.

They see every piece of evidence. They hear testimony. Then they decide.
Not every piece.....
Oh, and here's an interesting detail from the Arizona Republic:

The judge did not allow jurors to hear about an etching on the dust cover of the rifle Brailsford used to shoot Shaver, which said "You're f--ked," because he felt it was prejudicial.
Not true they have no right to KILL and indoctrination has taught the public they have that right. They are here to SERVE and PROTECT they work for us.

THey can lie and say they felt threatened c'mon you think these cops don't use that line to get out of killing ppl. it happens constantly.
And you know that the officer lied? Have you ever seen demonstration of reaction times and how long a person has to react to a threat? If it were me I would be sure not to fall on the side of waiting too long and getting shot. Obey the law, obey the cops, no matter how much you hate them, and you will be OK. Run away, act suspicious and move in ways that seem a threat and things might not turn out well for you.

I said these Officers can LIE and even when you see what you see with your own two lies just because a law is a law DOESN'T make it right nor legal.

Our police have been militarized , they indoctrinated you zombies into accepting this type of behavior ...

Police never use to just shoot the fk out of people where the hell have you bee planet fantasy....

Or were you born ten years ago.

With over an estimated 80,000 SWAT raids per year, an increase in fatal (and often-times unnecessary) police shootings, and a routine dependence on militarized weapons and vehicles, local police departments are beginning to act like and resemble a standing army.

The American police force, however, is not a branch of the military, nor is it a private security force for the reigning political faction. It is an aggregation of the countless local units that exist for a sole purpose: to serve and protect the citizens of each and every American community. In recent years, however, there has been an increasing militarization of the police. It has not occurred suddenly, in a single precinct; it cannot be traced back to a single leader or event—rather, the pattern is so subtle that most American citizens are hardly even aware of it. Little by little, police authority has expanded, one weapon after another has been added to the police arsenal, and one exception after another has been made to the standards that have historically restrained police authority. When analyzed as a whole, this trend toward militarization is undeniable, and it is one that could have serious implications for American liberty if left unchecked.

The Rutherford Institute

Our Recent Work in Police State

Rutherford Institute Sues Police Over 'Broken Taillight' Traffic Stop

It is easier to sit behind a keyboard and look at these situations and say the police over reacted. But as the supreme court has ruled it is the perception of danger that is important, not the fact that there is actual danger.

Why does someone act like this guy did when the cops showed up? Probably drugs or he is just a feakin' fool. Never the less he is acting in a way that is not normal, that alone can be perceived as a threat. Waiting until you see a gun may turn out to be a death sentence and that may be why you hear of armed police being shot, without drawing their weapon, almost as much as you hear of unarmed people being shot by cops.

Oh I don't know. How normal is it to have a gun pointed at you and have someone threaten to kill you several times? You think it might have been because the cop as pointing a gun at him and threatening to kill him? I'm pretty sure most of us would act the same way.
No, I am damn sure I would NOT act like this guy did. I have been pulled over twice by police and their reason was total BS. Both said I was driving between the lines. Yes, really. I wanted to scream at them that I thought driving between the lines is what I was suppose to be doing. They were fishing that is all, it was night and they were just seeing what they could catch. Had I acted like an idiot things may have turned out much differently. But I remained calm, admitted to nothing, held my anger and nothing happened.

Did they point rifles at you, make you lie your face on the ground, scream as they threatened to kill you several times, and then make you crawl when they could have just handcuffed you at any time?

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