Message for Feminists: If you want us to take sexual harassment seriously...

Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!


It only took one response for conservatives to put the blame back on women.

Stay classy.
Notice you can't even comprehend what I said. No one blamed any women, but if you continually see them dressed like that it might give men ideas. And that was what I said and that is a fact. I figured it would be 4 or 5 posts in before some lying liberal asswipe said I was blaming women.

The problem with many of you rabid libtard fools is that you try to ignore human nature and when the obvious happens...

cry baby 6.jpg
One of the things I really, really utterly detest about feminism is that most of their issues are 100% based on a jealous, childish, inferiority complex about men. For example, Swedish feminists (the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst) tried to pass a law that men are required to sit to pee in government buildings, because they said some gobbledygook about standing exercising an unfair advantage. Then they set of an "emergency hotline" (believe it or not) for what they called "mansplaining." I actually had to look that word up and it basically means whenever a male colleague flaunts a great deal of technical knowledge about whatever they're working on. Really. Feminists get "traumatized" by something as innocently ordinary as male didactism......basically smart, knowledgeable men make Swedish feminists feel stupid and they have to make an emergent issue out of it!!??
Fascinating.....just like Adam blamed Eve.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

How about men learn to keep their hands to themselves unless KINDERGARTENERS are taught.

Gimme a break! Feminists scream and yell if a Western male looks at them wrong, yet fiercely support the greatest exercise in human-rights-brutality against women on this planet, Islam. All the rapes, wife-beating, clit-chopping, stoning women to death, throwing disfiguring acid in the aces of disobedient women...........when feminists and liberals ffrantically support that, I believe the technical term for that is being more full of shit than a $6 bill.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

I'd just like to understand the reason for that out in public?
Yes, that was my point. It gives some men ideas that they may be easy. It's hilarious seeing all the libtards crying over human nature. lol
The Right be like: Yeah, We believe bitches on a conditional basis
what the fk does that even mean? it seems you are that way. I merely ask for evidence. I got photos of fish lips. I got nothing but a yearbook that the woman doesn't want authenticated. why? that implies distrust. I look at a 40 year career and weigh the accusations and they don't match the 40 year career of the dude. there is no pattern to the complaint in that timeframe. cause once one, always one, it is written so by liberal psychologists.
One of the things I really, really utterly detest about feminism is that most of their issues are 100% based on a jealous, childish, inferiority complex about men. For example, Swedish feminists (the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst) tried to pass a law that men are required to sit to pee in government buildings, because they said some gobbledygook about standing exercising an unfair advantage. Then they set of an "emergency hotline" (believe it or not) for what they called "mansplaining." I actually had to look that word up and it basically means whenever a male colleague flaunts a great deal of technical knowledge about whatever they're working on. Really. Feminists get "traumatized" by something as innocently ordinary as male didactism......basically smart, knowledgeable men make Swedish feminists feel stupid and they have to make an emergent issue out of it!!??
Fascinating.....just like Adam blamed Eve.

I'm not religious, I don't believe for a solitary second Adam & Eve existed - so I have no idea what you mean by tying in an ancient myth with me pointing out FACTS about feminist hypocrisy. Also, kindly point out in my post where I blamed ALL women for everything, as the A&E myth did
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

How about men learn to keep their hands to themselves unless KINDERGARTENERS are taught.

Gimme a break! Feminists scream and yell if a Western male looks at them wrong, yet fiercely support the greatest exercise in human-rights-brutality against women on this planet, Islam. All the rapes, wife-beating, clit-chopping, stoning women to death, throwing disfiguring acid in the aces of disobedient women...........when feminists and liberals ffrantically support that, I believe the technical term for that is being more full of shit than a $6 bill.
Show where any woman can successfully accuse someone for sexual harassment for "looking at them wrong"? You do yourselves no favors when you exaggerate and blame women because you can't keep your hands (and dicks) to yourselves.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

I'd just like to understand the reason for that out in public?
A formal event. Why can't men keep their hands to themselves?
Some men can't. I always could, and if not, took no for an answer. But I must ask, what are you talking about? Reason for what out in public? If you mean the women in the picture, I'm sure it was some fashion show or event of some kind.
Feminists have been guilty of covering up for sexually abusive men who support the Planned Parenthood/abortion agenda. It's time for them to stop.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

How about men learn to keep their hands to themselves unless KINDERGARTENERS are taught.
so stop putting candy and cookies next to them. kids near candy or cookie jars will eventually eat the candy or the cookie. fact.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

How about men learn to keep their hands to themselves unless KINDERGARTENERS are taught.
so stop putting candy and cookies next to them. kids near candy or cookie jars will eventually eat the candy or the cookie. fact.
The only thing about reaching in the candy jar, if you get your hand slapped, stop!
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

How about men learn to keep their hands to themselves unless KINDERGARTENERS are taught.
so stop putting candy and cookies next to them. kids near candy or cookie jars will eventually eat the candy or the cookie. fact.
Your lack of control is no excuse. Youre not a 5 year old. Appreciate but dont touch unless invited.
Feminists have been guilty of covering up for sexually abusive men who support the Planned Parenthood/abortion agenda. It's time for them to stop.


One of the things I really, really utterly detest about feminism is that most of their issues are 100% based on a jealous, childish, inferiority complex about men. For example, Swedish feminists (the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst) tried to pass a law that men are required to sit to pee in government buildings, because they said some gobbledygook about standing exercising an unfair advantage. Then they set of an "emergency hotline" (believe it or not) for what they called "mansplaining." I actually had to look that word up and it basically means whenever a male colleague flaunts a great deal of technical knowledge about whatever they're working on. Really. Feminists get "traumatized" by something as innocently ordinary as male didactism......basically smart, knowledgeable men make Swedish feminists feel stupid and they have to make an emergent issue out of it!!??
Fascinating.....just like Adam blamed Eve.

I'm not religious, I don't believe for a solitary second Adam & Eve existed - so I have no idea what you mean by tying in an ancient myth with me pointing out FACTS about feminist hypocrisy. Also, kindly point out in my post where I blamed ALL women for everything, as the A&E myth did
What I mean is that it suddenly occurred to me that the myth of Adam and Eve wasn't told to blame women for listening to the's a myth showing that Man (Adam) has always blamed the Woman (Eve) for his own misbehaviors.

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