Message for Feminists: If you want us to take sexual harassment seriously...

The Right be like: Yeah, We believe bitches on a conditional basis

The Republican Party has cut all ties with Roy Moore and asked him to QUIT THE RACE.

The Democrats don't respond that way when it is one of their own.

They covered for the Clintons and backed them up while they abused women and made them victims of first rape and sexual harassment, and then slut shaming.

You don't know what you are talking about AGAIN.
Alabama GOP reaffirms support for Moore


11/16/2017 04:34 PM EST

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The Alabama Republican Party issued a statement Thursday confirming that it still supports Roy Moore despite recent sexual misconduct allegations against him.

The party's 21-member steering committee met to consider what to do about Moore, the GOP nominee for Senate, in light of a growing number of allegations that he pursued or forced himself on women when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s.
Alabama GOP reaffirms support for Moore
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

Cons think women should be raped if they dont conform to their dress code.
You are rapidly becoming one of the biggest liars here.
Youre already the biggest liar here.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

How about men learn to keep their hands to themselves unless KINDERGARTENERS are taught.
so stop putting candy and cookies next to them. kids near candy or cookie jars will eventually eat the candy or the cookie. fact.
The only thing about reaching in the candy jar, if you get your hand slapped, stop!
Exactly, however, some candy has habits of their own.
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Typical Trumpette, blame the victims.

Make it so when a woman complains, she is called a liar & a slut.

You are as big as a disgusting pig as the orange groper YOU put in the fucking White House.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

Cons think women should be raped if they dont conform to their dress code.
You are rapidly becoming one of the biggest liars here.
Youre already the biggest liar here.
not even close to you. not on the same planet as you.
I agree. He is an all universe level liar.
Feminists have been guilty of covering up for sexually abusive men who support the Planned Parenthood/abortion agenda. It's time for them to stop.


There you go.......:lol: :lol: it's all the feminists' fault.....because it was so much better before they came along....for......someone.......
I love how the OP thinks Harvey Weinstein "got a pass".
YES HE DID. He's been harassing women for DECADES AND GOT AWAY WITH IT even though hundreds or thousands of liberal Hollywood people knew about it and covered it up.
Younstrupid shit. he lost control of his company. He can no longer direct.

Meanwhile, YOU voted for a man that bragged about groping women. So really, STFU you hypocritical POS.
If you have to rape or sexually harass a woman to get some booty then you are a pretty sorry excuse for a man.
It's a sickness, truly. Liberals. I predicted the outcome of this topic with all the crybabies scratching and clawing their faces in faux outrage over simple facts. Like ALWAYS!
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Typical Trumpette, blame the victims.

Make it so when a woman complains, she is called a liar & a slut.

You are as big as a disgusting pig as the orange groper YOU put in the fucking White House.
trump is more successful with the "ladies" only because of his money.
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Typical Trumpette, blame the victims.

Make it so when a woman complains, she is called a liar & a slut.

You are as big as a disgusting pig as the orange groper YOU put in the fucking White House.
I said nothing of the sort. What a fucktard retard you are.

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