META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

The irony of the one whining for 20 pages about FB being mean to "righties" calling someone else a snowflake is too much to take.

The whole idea of a snowflake is "melting under opposing opinion". What facebook uses as justification is protection of the snowflakes, so they don't have to be triggered by dissenting opinions.
What's hateful about it? It's a merely reflecting the viewpoint out that trans-activists are making a mistake. It's not claiming they're evil, it's not mocking them, not even dismissing them. It's just saying that they're shooting themselves in the foot by being so aggressive with their ambitions.

What is hateful is the it assumes all Trans people have gender dysphoria, which is far from the case.
I see your attempt to paint trans activism as unreasonable as hateful and pathetic.
Then you're an idiot. The cartoon made a valid criticism. Whether you agree or not, it wasn't fanning the flames of hate.
I reject whatever your notion of what reasonable accommodations are (mostly because no one is asking you to be accomidating, we're just going to bend you over and force you to respect other peoples rights)
Wow. Showing your true colors. Maybe people don't like being "bent over". Maybe that's why Trump voters are so fucking mad. And, for the record, no one has a "right" to be treated with respect, or be accepted by others. That's where civil rights has gone off the rails. Equal rights under the law is no longer enough.

But my problem isn't with hate itself. It's with trans hate. I'm more than happy that Facebook seems to hate you bitch ass trans bigots. That hate is just fine with me. 😁
Exactly. You're fine with hate that's directed against people you don't like. Special rights for special people. That's what government boils down to for most of you. It's just a tool to fuck over people you don't like and reward your friends.
What is hateful is the it assumes all Trans people have gender dysphoria, which is far from the case.
I don't really see that assumption in the cartoon, but ... so what? Why is a mistaken assumption "hateful"?

This is the kind of hypersensitive "wokeness" that people are get really fed up with. Legitimate criticism and discussion is squashed by reactionary nitwits.
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Social media has become the discussion place or Town Square. Freedom of speech must be protected there.
The problem is you’ve got it backwards.

‘Protected speech’ means protection from government restriction or preemption, as codified in First Amendment case law – case law that doesn’t apply to private entities or private property, such as social media.

The ‘town square’ is public property, a government venue subject to the First Amendment.

If demonstrators gather in the public town square to protest against government policy, and government prohibits demonstrators to gather in the town square because it opposes the content of the demonstrators’ speech, that would be an un-Constitutional preemption of speech entitled to First Amendment protections – protections against bad acts of government, not private social media.

Consequently, speech is not protected in the context of a private venue – including online social media platforms; that you might perceive social media to have significant influence on public opinion because of its size and ubiquity doesn’t mitigate the fact that those who participate are not entitled to free speech protections, and government is prohibited from interfering with private social media consistent with the First Amendment right to freedom of association and freedom of the press.
Then you're an idiot. The cartoon made a valid criticism. Whether you agree or not, it wasn't fanning the flames of hate.
What we have here is a difference of opinion. If you were trying to share this opinion on my website, like Twitter, I'd tell you to fuck off.
Wow. Showing your true colors. Maybe people don't like being "bent over". Maybe that's why Trump voters are so fucking mad. And, for the record, no one has a "right" to be treated with respect, or be accepted by others. That's where civil rights has gone off the rails. Equal rights under the law is no longer enough.
I don't give a shit if you don't like being made to respect other peoples rights, you'll be made to like the bitch you are. 😁
Exactly. You're fine with hate that's directed against people you don't like. Special rights for special people. That's what government boils down to for most of you. It's just a tool to fuck over people you don't like and reward your friends.
Twitter and Facebook aren't the government you bitch. It's those of you who'd like to use the government to force Twitter and Facebook to play with you that want "special rights". But yes, I am fine with hate. Especially yours when it's impotent and ineffectual. 😁
So it's not "hate," it's you being a wibble snowflake because you can't defend your position without going the hate route, which means either you know your position is bullshit, or you just won't admit it to yourself, never mind anyone else.

And good to see you say the quiet part out loud in the last sentence. You got owned, bitch.
You get owned, daily. It's Twitter banning you cucks, remember? 😝
so what? Why is a mistaken assumption "hateful"?

Assuming people that are different than you have a mental illness just seems sort of hateful to me.

But I guess we are all different in that
So Twitter just banned a poster for this cartoon, deemed "hateful content"

Private social media are at liberty to edit content as they see fit – including hate speech concerning transgender Americans.

And however subjective or wrongheaded one might perceive the designation of hate speech to be, that doesn’t invalidate the right or authority of the social media platform to make that designation and remove the hate speech.

As for the cartoon, yes – it’s clearly hate speech; the references to ‘biological reality,’ ‘trans activism,’ and ‘opposition’ to ‘reasonable accommodations’ are indeed intended to demean and vilify those transgender, that’s there’s something ‘wrong’ with identifying with a gender independent to one’s sex, and that for transgender Americans to seek to protect their rights and oppose discrimination is somehow ‘activism,’ to be ‘extreme’ or ‘unreasonable.’

Private social media are at liberty to edit content as they see fit – including hate speech concerning transgender Americans.

And however subjective or wrongheaded one might perceive the designation of hate speech to be, that doesn’t invalidate the right or authority of the social media platform to make that designation and remove the hate speech.

As for the cartoon, yes – it’s clearly hate speech; the references to ‘biological reality,’ ‘trans activism,’ and ‘opposition’ to ‘reasonable accommodations’ are indeed intended to demean and vilify those transgender, that’s there’s something ‘wrong’ with identifying with a gender independent to one’s sex, and that for transgender Americans to seek to protect their rights and oppose discrimination is somehow ‘activism,’ to be ‘extreme’ or ‘unreasonable.’

If you think this is hate speech, then basically anything you disagree with is hate speech, which renders the term meaningless.
No, what we’ve got are conservatives lying about a non-existent ‘leftist’ government, ‘political prisoners,’ and the ‘SS and Stasi.’
Not lying, it's a plain description. I can't believe you raided a past president's home, and put political prisoners in jail without bail who have done NOTHING and sentenced them to long prison terms.

Democrats: bringing Nicaragua to America, and not just the Nicaraguans.
No. In actual reality. Unless you were lying about Twitter banning that hateful cartoon from a bunch of bigoted bitches.

The cartoon is not hateful, it attacks no particular person, it attacks an advocacy group.

Your side just doesn't like being called out, it's because you are weak.
The cartoon is not hateful, it attacks no particular person, it attacks an advocacy group.

Your side just doesn't like being called out, it's because you are weak.

Yet you're here begging for enemies to promote your shit speech. 😂 Grow some balls bitch.
What we have here is a difference of opinion. If you were trying to share this opinion on my website, like Twitter, I'd tell you to fuck off.
And you'd have every right. I'd tell you to fuck off as well.
I don't give a shit if you don't like being made to respect other peoples rights, you'll be made to like the bitch you are. 😁
You go girl!
Twitter and Facebook aren't the government you bitch. It's those of you who'd like to use the government to force Twitter and Facebook to play with you that want "special rights"
A point I've made repeatedly, in this very thread. Apparently, in addition to being a beligerant jerk, you're also an idiot with no reading comprehension.
. But yes, I am fine with hate. Especially yours when it's impotent and ineffectual. 😁
The hate would seem to be all yours. But you're providing an object lesson in how things got this bad, so that's of some value at least.
And you'd have every right. I'd tell you to fuck off as well.

You go girl!

A point I've made repeatedly, in this very thread. Apparently, in addition to being a beligerant jerk, you're also an idiot with no reading comprehension.

The hate would seem to be all yours. But you're providing an object lesson in how things got this bad, so that's of some value at least.
Pussies like you have no perspective. This isn't bad at all. 😄

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