META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

So Twitter just banned a poster for this cartoon, deemed "hateful content"
They claim to be an open platform, they are not.

Many of the bans are really really not in line with their TOS, and when asked what a person did to get banned, more often than not they don't reply.

That is a contract violation, is it not?

Nope, it is not. The local pizza joint claims to be the best pizza in the state. I do not agree, does that mean they lied?
How is this hate?
I see your attempt to paint trans activism as unreasonable as hateful and pathetic. I reject whatever your notion of what reasonable accommodations are (mostly because no one is asking you to be accomidating, we're just going to bend you over and force you to respect other peoples rights) and I reject the strawman you've laid down across the tracks and tied with a rope so it's easier for you manage because you're a sapsy little bitch. But my problem isn't with hate itself. It's with trans hate. I'm more than happy that Facebook seems to hate you bitch ass trans bigots. That hate is just fine with me. 😁
How so?

So any criticism of trans activism is hate?

Of course not, hate is often in the delivery and not the message.

A woman says "how does this dress look on me".

One could answer "it is not really very flattering at all" and it would be fine answer. Or one could answer "you look like a fucking beached whale" to which the answer would be filled with hate.
Oh, this leftist government is DEFINITELY not on a short leash! When we've got political prisoners, FBI raids like the SS and Stasi, when we've got a massive crime wave encouraged, not stopped, by the government and a massive invasion of the United States from the South and a recession, yeah, this is no government under control!
This is a government trying to destroy the country it wants to rule and can't rule unless we are destroyed.
No, what we’ve got are conservatives lying about a non-existent ‘leftist’ government, ‘political prisoners,’ and the ‘SS and Stasi.’

We’ve got conservatives lying about a lawful, Constitutional search of Trump’s property, conservatives lying about government refusing to address crime, and conservatives lying about an ‘invasion’ from the South.

We’ve got rightwing lies and demagoguery, we’ve got rightwing authoritarianism, and we’ve got conservatives seeking to use the authority of the state to punish social media in violation of the First Amendment.

That’s what we’ve got.
I see your attempt to paint trans activism as unreasonable as hateful and pathetic. I reject whatever your notion of what reasonable accommodations are (mostly because no one is asking you to be accomidating, we're just going to bend you over and force you to respect other peoples rights) and I reject the strawman you've laid down across the tracks and tied with a rope so it's easier for you manage because you're a sapsy little bitch. But my problem isn't with hate itself. It's with trans hate. I'm more than happy that Facebook seems to hate you bitch ass trans bigots. That hate is just fine with me. 😁
So it's not "hate," it's you being a wibble snowflake because you can't defend your position without going the hate route, which means either you know your position is bullshit, or you just won't admit it to yourself, never mind anyone else.

And good to see you say the quiet part out loud in the last sentence. You got owned, bitch.
Of course not, hate is often in the delivery and not the message.

A woman says "how does this dress look on me".

One could answer "it is not really very flattering at all" and it would be fine answer. Or one could answer "you look like a fucking beached whale" to which the answer would be filled with hate.

Nice attempts at explaining without actually explaining.

Why is the cartoon "hateful"?

Give me an actual answer, you cheap, dime store hack-twat.
it is pretty hateful.
What's hateful about it? It's a merely reflecting the viewpoint out that trans-activists are making a mistake. It's not claiming they're evil, it's not mocking them, not even dismissing them. It's just saying that they're shooting themselves in the foot by being so aggressive with their ambitions.

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