META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

Dedicated public space owned/leased by private companies like Facebook or Target may not be so exclusionary.

Of course they can. As long as they are not discriminating against a protected class they can be as exclusionary as they like

See above.

This will blow your little mind, but just because you say so, does not make it so.

You post lots of claims and never support even one of them.

That makes you nothing more than a story teller
When 2-3 same thinking virtually tied together platforms control the majority of the "acreage" of used space the trust issues come into play.

Fine add Twitter and others (run by pretty much the same cabal of people).

What you have is control of the narrative, or even worse, the discussion.

Again, you don't care because preventing the argument is easier for your side than actually participating in it, because we all know you think right leaning speech is violence.
When I see ads from FB lamenting that internet legislation hasn't changed much since the days of dial-up modems and they're begging government for new laws, I know they're not begging for legislation forcing them to allow more voices to speak. I also know who they expect to be seated at the table when government starts talking about new laws.
Nope. You're just making shit it. It may be the you want things to be, but, it's not that way yet.

Like I said, dems are down with your "public square" argument - the whip it out whenever they want some government takeover - so you may yet get your wish.
and we allow people to be as biased as they wish over TV and Radio and nobody whines about it.

Did you ever whine about Rush Limbaugh being too biased?
A lot of lefties did indeed complain about him, and complained vociferously that he virtually controlled AM talk radio for decades. They screamed all the time about re-instating the (un)Fairness Doctrine, even though that was the only arena in which they weren't already over-represented.
A lot of lefties did indeed complain about him, and complained vociferously that he virtually controlled AM talk radio for decades. They screamed all the time about re-instating the (un)Fairness Doctrine, even though that was the only arena in which they weren't already over-represented.

Yet one more example of how there is little difference between the two sides

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