META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

It’s impossible. You can’t make a list of things that would get one banned. People are clever. They will come up with new, totally objectionable things to say that aren’t on the list. Consistency is also a problem. It will always come down in one way or another to subjective judgement. There will be differences from one moderator to another.

It sounds fine, but it just won’t work.

It's not impossible. The bigger question is, what would we do if we determined that Facebook et al *weren't* consistently applying the standard. I'd prefer the soft-touch and just periodically collect data and analyze whether or not they're doing a good job complying with their own TOS. As I said, our tech sector is in the business of gathering data analytics so that can be done.

I'm not saying it's easy to get social media to behave but I refuse to accept that nothing can be done about misinformation, hate speech, invasions of privacy. We can compel companies to be better corporate citizens.
I think this is another one of those slippery slope fallacies: if we allow the government to create the FCC, the government will control the media. If we allow the FTC to control advertising, the government will ban advertising on whim. Except that neither happened. In both cases, there's a regulatory framework that's not at odds with the First Amendment. That's possible with regulating social media companies as well.

I'm sure I'll get called a commie ...
Many "conservatives" on the thread seem to see it the same way you do.
, which is fine, but I think we as a society are terrified of government doing anything because we have somehow bought into the notion that citizens are completely separated from it, and that it's inherently out to oppress us. We forget that we can vote, that we can organize, that we can protest, and so forth. The government is whoever we send to represent us. I don't fear government regulation per se; I fear sending the wrong people to Washington to do the regulating. We can prevent that though.

So, it's all good. Because democracy?

The democracy part is exactly what scares me. Liberals and socialists revere democracy in a way that makes no sense to me. They seem to think the majority is never wrong, and that anything the majority wills is good and should be forced on the rest of society by government. I don't care what the majority wills, government must be held to strict limits on its scope and power. Without such an assurance, democracy isn't viable.
And what of the medical doctors that were posting legitimate medical opinions? Is the CDC and St. Fauci the end all and be all of medicine and any other opinion must be silenced? The CDC is now admitting much of what they put out was total crap.

I'm sure but I'm not sure what you're referring to specifically. In the early days of COVID there was a lot of unintentional misinformation, but there were certain claims made as time went on that were just indefensibly, egregiously wrong (i.,e, Hydroxychloroquine works, but masks don't." I mean people died because of misinformation.

You don't think there should be accountability if someone negligently spreads false information that ends up killing people who make life/death decisions based on that information? You're entitled to your opinion but I think there should be accountability. The least social media sites can do is remove shit that's egregiously false and potentially life threatening.
Many "conservatives" on the thread seem to see it the same way you do.

And I don't fear conservatives the way you do - I am a progressive who acknowledges that every democracy needs a healthy, vibrant, educated, mature conservative party to push back on some of the occasional grandiosity of liberalism - like just giving people $10,000 tuition breaks on a whim, for example.

I just happen to disagree with Trumpists on what conservative really means. When I think of conservatism, I think of time tested values that work: extended families, education, an honest day's pay for an honest day's work, community service, looking out for one's neighbors, regardless of who they are or where they're from. Those are conservative values. The Republican party has turned conservatism into nativism and tribalism, which masquerade as conservatism, but aren't.

I fear the elitists who push propaganda and the plutocrats who are buying up farm land and water rights and who steal and waste our precious resources while the bourgeoisie suckers on both sides argue over who's more triggered.

So, it's all good. Because democracy?

The democracy part is exactly what scares me. Liberals and socialists revere democracy in a way that makes no sense to me. They seem to think the majority is never wrong, and that anything the majority wills is good and should be forced on the rest of society by government. I don't care what the majority wills, government must be held to strict limits on its scope and power. Without such an assurance, democracy isn't viable.

I fear people who fear democracy.
And I don't fear conservatives the way you do
It's not really conservatives I fear. It's statists (people who think government should "run" society). Statists lean left and right. And centrist I suppose
I fear people who fear democracy.
Then I should thoroughly terrify you. ;) The unbridled will of the mob is the most dangerous thing on earth.
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Where is the Constitutional authority?

No airwaves dumbass. The Constitution appears to mean nothing to you.

They regulate phone companies don't they, no airwaves there either. My internet is delivered by a common carrier via a land line. And according to the supremes, congress has the authority to regulate the internet under the interstate commerce clause.

Which would be even more reason for the social media companies to censor even more than they do now if you are going to hold them responsible for what anyone/everyone post on their sites.

Just imagine if this site was legally responsible for what we all post, do you think it would stay in operation?

Well it might give them an incentive to actually fact check the commies and the permanent bureaucracy. They can call them out on their lies for a change.

I'm sure but I'm not sure what you're referring to specifically. In the early days of COVID there was a lot of unintentional misinformation, but there were certain claims made as time went on that were just indefensibly, egregiously wrong (i.,e, Hydroxychloroquine works, but masks don't." I mean people died because of misinformation.

You don't think there should be accountability if someone negligently spreads false information that ends up killing people who make life/death decisions based on that information? You're entitled to your opinion but I think there should be accountability. The least social media sites can do is remove shit that's egregiously false and potentially life threatening.

Even St. Fauci says the masks you get at the drug store are worthless and cloth masks even more so. And it's been proven HCQ along with ivermectin were very effective for early treatment. So it wasn't false information. Big pharma just couldn't pocket billions and St. Fauci couldn't pocket his cut.

You want to know what the false information was? If you're vaccinated you couldn't get or spread covid, FALSE. Masking was effective, FALSE. Social distancing was effective, FALSE. Schools needed to be closed to stop the spread, FALSE. I can go on, but if you're not getting it now you never will.

It looks like Mark Zuckerberg has ordered his troops to remove any conservative who is making their opinion heard and are getting the word out well.

A group of some 18 Wyoming conservatives, who were exposing the Cheney lies and were being successful at getting the word out about her denial of due process and support of red flag laws which deny due process have been banned from face book. Facebook took actions based on their "community standards" but then failed to state why they banned these people. Funny how they still allow Death to America from many here.

In my case, we had just begun to go after the 87,000 IRS agents that are most certainly Bidens Secret Police. The Posse Comitatus Act stops the government from using military troops against the people. As IRS agents they are free to go after the people. They have bought millions of dollars in ammunition and weapons and there recent job posting mentioned using deadly force against We the People..

I posted this on Facebook:
View attachment 684563
META has now banned 18 conservatives in our group for comments like this. We were successful in helping stop Liz Cheney's re-election and now we set our sights on Democrats as a whole. Because they do not like the linkage to a fascist organization and how they were set up in the 1930's by another dictator, they are banning people who see these fascists for what they are. Face Book is now protecting fascism in the US.

We live in perilous times and we as Good Men and Women must stand up or we will lose our freedoms forever. Facebook is giving democrats donations in kind for active censorship of opposing views.

Feel free to post your experiences with Facebook or as I call them FASCISTBOOK. They are hard and fast removing any content damaging to democrat politicians.

A national survey of Certified Republicans about Facebook was conducted in the first quarter of 2020..
14 million Republicans were asked if they were going to stop using Facebook due to censorship.
3 have been confirmed to close their Facebook accounts. The rest said they have no plans to discontinue use of Facebook since it's really convenient.

The second quarter saw a marked increase in Facebook participation and revenues, along with Disney, Twitter and Delta Airlines.
democrats could not be attributed to the gains.
Even St. Fauci says the masks you get at the drug store are worthless and cloth masks even more so.

I don't believe he ever said that they're worthless - not even now. They reduce the spread of transmission, which has been well documented. What is true now is that the virus has evolved to become much more infectious. In fact COVID is believed to be the most infectious virus that we know of. Even so, it has been documented that proper masks (N95, KN95, KF94, etc) are effective at reducing transmission, particularly if more people are wearing them. They cannot actually prevent an infection from occurring, and I don't believe anyone ever claimed they could.

And it's been proven HCQ along with ivermectin were very effective for early treatment.

I don't know where you're getting this information from but as far as I know this is just not scientifically supported. Keep in mind that *a* study that shows it could be effective doesn't necessarily establish that it is. That's why researchers try to replicate findings. So many things can go wrong in a research project, not because people are trying to scam us but because a finding that might be established in one setting with one group of people may not be generalizable to the entire population. They could also be analyzing their data wrong. And so forth. But no, ivermectin and HCQ are not generally recognized as effective at preventing or treating COVID.

So it wasn't false information. Big pharma just couldn't pocket billions and St. Fauci couldn't pocket his cut.

Dr. Fauci has disclosed his finances as he is required to do by law. He does not own individual stocks; he invests in other things and he is a millionaire by virtue of his years of salaries, royalties, speaking engagements, and so forth, but most people who reach his level of acclaim aren't exactly poor. He's 81 - he's had time to accumulate wealth. There is no evidence to support what you posted above.

You want to know what the false information was? If you're vaccinated you couldn't get or spread covid, FALSE.

It's false because nobody credible ever made that claim - I have no idea where you're getting your information but everything you've posted so far is factually incorrect. I think you should evaluate the sources of your information and find better ones.

Masking was effective, FALSE.

The evidence on masking is tricky, but most conventional science believes that the greatest benefit derived from masking is when *everyone* wears the right kind of mask, the right way, and preferably in areas with proper ventilation and that aren't too crowded. The topic of whether masks are or aren't effective is a tricky one because it depends on a multitude of factors. If, for example, you are the only one wearing a mask and you happen to enter a place where there's high transmission, poor ventilation, and most people aren't wearing a mask, then true, masks are a lot less effective in that scenario. That's why there are mask mandates - to get everyone to comply and help each other out. Even if you get infected, science suggests you're probably at least marginally better off wearing a mask than without, as it reduces the viral load. I mean, why not take any advantage you can get?

Social distancing was effective, FALSE.

Again, it depends. If by "social distancing" we mean 4 feet in an enclosed area with lots of COVID-positive people and poor ventilation and no masks, then no, social distance doesn't work. But social distance was recommended as part of a series of public health guidance. The best kind of social distancing is to stay away from people altogether unless it's necessary but nobody was going to recommend that into perpetuity.

Schools needed to be closed to stop the spread, FALSE. I can go on, but if you're not getting it now you never will.

This is the big one, and it's debatable. Keeping kids at school while there's an ongoing pandemic is/was risky, but it's true that there's real harm done by keeping kids isolated. It is likely that some mistakes were made and that perhaps schools could have been open more than they were. But that's Monday morning quarterbacking.
I'm a fan of anything that shits on the white wing but that's besides the fact that you are indeed free to "do it yourself".

That's freedom of speech. Cry about it.

I absolutely admit to agreeing with bullying you pussies off the political and social playground. 😄

Awww. So sad. 🥺

You just made your way up to the top 10 worst human beings on this board. congrats.
Forcing individuals individuals or businesses to "live by" the First Amendment is a direct violation of the First Amendment.

Then keep looking. Sicking government on them will only make matters worse.

Sometimes there is only one solution that doesn't involve throwing out the whole system.
And then shielded from opinions they might not like, but only the "wrong" opinions.

That is how people choose to live. Look at TV new and Talk Radio. People want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else.

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