Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

This sums up Mueller's theatrics today:



With his initial report failing to create the 'Impeachment Talk' push he initially wanted, with the exposed traitorous 'investigators' under investigation and waiting for the US IG report on FISA Abuses expected to put the co-conspirators in serious legal trouble, and with multiple DOJ investigations of exposed Democrat crimes beginning to become the main focus in the post-Mueller investigation.....

Mueller stepped up today to hold a press conference, rather than agree to testify under oath, to make a 2nd effort / attempt to get the exposed seemingly failed coup attempt back on track while diverting attention away from the investigations into his co-conspirators.

Mueller 'stirred the pot', whipping already rabid Trump-hating Democrats / snowflakes into a rejuvenated frenzy and re-igniting their call for Impeachment...without providing any more evidence of crimes committed by Trump or anyone connected to him than he did when he released is written report...which is NONE.

In his 2nd attempt to incite Democrats into initiating Impeachment proceedings against President Trump, Mueller stated that if he and his team had believed President Trump had not committed a crime he and his team would have said so. He and his team did not. Instead, he and his team declared there was no evidence of illegal collusion with the Russians and declared he could not / would not make a judgment regarding obstruction, that he would leave that decision to others.

If he truly believed Trump did NOT commit a crime and would have said so if he had, then it also stands to reason that if he truly believed Trump DID commit a crime he would have also said so. He did NOT do that, either. Again, instead he declared he would refuse to do his job, would instead choose NOT to make an official decision, and instead chose to allow others to speculate and do that part of his job.
-- In other words, Mueller FAILED TO PROVE GUILT, refused to MAKE THAT CALL

When a prosecutor walks away from a case without making an indictment or getting a conviction, that's called failing to prove guilt. The person on trial / being investigated walks away free, 'innocent'...they do not carry an asterisk by their name for the rest of their life with the words:

*** 'He was not indicted, he was not convicted, but the Prosecutor refused to declare he did NOT commit a crime...which we all know means 'he did it'

That's NOT how it works.

Sure, Mueller provided additional narrative in both his report and during his 'theatrical performance' today, but none of it was enough for Mueller and his team to complete their investigation by declaring, 'President Trump BROKE The Law'. Instead, it was added to the report and stated today to incentivize others to do what he and his team could not do, failed to do - declare and Prove the President committed a crime.

ONCE AGAIN Mueller stepped to 'center stage' and all he could manage to do was 'STIR THE POT' in an attempt to get others to do what he failed to do.....take down the President.

Dems ramp up calls for Trump impeachment after Mueller speaks out on Russia probe
It’s time for him to be investigated.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker

Russia Russia Russia russia......forever.
Russia is currently protecting your fat piece of shit by preventing 12 subpoena’d criminals from extradition. They attacked your nation and you celebrate them for it. Go fuck yourself, traitor.

You are one little emotional gooey loonbat. Where were you when O was undermining Israel you little hypocrite.
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker

Russia Russia Russia russia......forever.
Russia is currently protecting your fat piece of shit by preventing 12 subpoena’d criminals from extradition. They attacked your nation and you celebrate them for it. Go fuck yourself, traitor.

You are one little emotional gooey loonbat. Where were you when O was undermining Israel you little hypocrite.
In AMERICA. Where are your loyalties?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.

Impeachment is not a criminal charge. The trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice and the Senators would be the jury. The Trumpublicans won't convict him. If they did, they would still have to vote to remove him from office before any criminal charges could be filed.

I bet you had a lot of papers that were graded F or worse. You are dumber than Joe Biden.

Sorry Putin Pole Smoker. Since you are a Mental Midget, with a tiny dick, and a poor grasp of The English Language, let me set you straight, dingle berry picker.

"High Crimes and Misdeameanors"

Ring a Bell, Clown?

That means you have to have a factual basis to initiate investigations in to crimes which can lead to impeachable offenses.

That was what The Mueller Report was supposed to do.

You got a big fat NOTHING.

No High Crimes

No Misdemeanors.
And the AG said no crime

And Mueller agreed with 720 former federal prosecutors that if Trump wasn't protected by a Justice Department rule, Trump would have been indicted.
Barr is a Trump hand puppet.
You people are so easily manipulated. SAD.
Mueller and his team were responsible for investigating and coming to the conclusion / decision that the President committed a crime or not.

Today Mueller declared he chose to make no decision because he and his team worked under the DOJ precedent that a sitting President could not be charged with a crime.


Robert Mueller and his team were not / are not 'DOJ'. Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel charged with investigating and reporting the finding of a crime or not.

The DOJ precedence did NOT apply to his investigation. Nothing was stopping Mueller and his team from filing a report in the end stating he and his team found evidence of and concluded that the President had broken laws.

In fact, you could bet everything you own that had Mueller and his team actually found evidence that the President had broken laws they would have laid out this evidence and made this fact clear instead of TWICE NOW presenting nothing but INUENDO and INSINUATION to incite Democrats to move to begin Impeachment proceedings.

Also, US AG Barr testified under oath before Congress that Mueller stated emphatically 3 SEPERATE times that the DOJ precedence HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS FINAL DECISION / CONCLUSION.

That means someone is lying....

...and I will believe the person who has proven he has no problem testifying under oath, defending his actions and decision and answering any questions - as the US AG has already done, over the one who perpetrates another 'stir the pot' 'drive-by' while simultaneously declaring he REFUSES TO TESTIFY OR ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS.

Today's Mueller presser was another attempt to politically smear the President with innuendo that he made clear he refuses to substantiate, defend, or answer any questions about.
Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.

Impeachment is not a criminal charge. The trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice and the Senators would be the jury. The Trumpublicans won't convict him. If they did, they would still have to vote to remove him from office before any criminal charges could be filed.

I bet you had a lot of papers that were graded F or worse. You are dumber than Joe Biden.

Sorry Putin Pole Smoker. Since you are a Mental Midget, with a tiny dick, and a poor grasp of The English Language, let me set you straight, dingle berry picker.

"High Crimes and Misdeameanors"

Ring a Bell, Clown?

That means you have to have a factual basis to initiate investigations in to crimes which can lead to impeachable offenses.

That was what The Mueller Report was supposed to do.

You got a big fat NOTHING.

No High Crimes

No Misdemeanors.

The majority party has the to power to impeach him with any charge they want and can seal it with a simple majority vote.
Mueller and his team were responsible for investigating and coming to the conclusion / decision that the President committed a crime or not.

Today Mueller declared he chose to make no decision was because he and his team worked under the DOJ precedent that a sitting precedence could not be charged with a crime.


Robert Mueller and his team were not / are not 'DOJ'. Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel charged with investigating and reporting the finding of a crime or not.

The DOJ precedence did NOT apply to his investigation. Nothing was stopping Mueller and his team from filing a report in the end stating he and his team found evidence of and concluded that the President had broken laws.

In fact, you could bet everything you own that had Mueller and his team actually found evidence that the President had broken laws they would have laid out this evidence and made this fact clear instead of TWICE NOW presenting nothing but INUENDO and INSINUATION to incite Democrats to move to begin Impeachment proceedings.

Also, US AG Barr testified under oath before Congrezx that Mueller stated emphatically 3 SEPERATE times that the DOJ precedence HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS FINAL DECISION / CONCLUSION.

That means someone is lying....

...and I will believe the person who has proven he has no problem testifying under oath, defending his actions and decision and answering any questions - as he has already done, over the one who perpetrates another 'stir the pot' 'drive-by' while simultaneously declaring he REFUSES TO TESTIFY OR ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS OR .

Today's Mueller presser was another attempt to politically smear the President with innuendo that he made clear he refuses to substantiate, defend, or answer any questions about.
Chock full of facts likely drawing a shriek at sky response.
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?
If your takeaway from Mueller today is that a sitting president cannot be indicted you are as stupid as democrats think you are. This was known going in. If that's Mueller came up with, his announcement was that two years and 30 million dollars was a waste of both time and money. He discovered that the sky is blue and water is wet.

No. It was worse than that. Mueller said that he had nothing to add to his report. Don't ask. He's retired. Leave him alone.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.
didn't mueller leave it up to the AG?
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

Shot at dawn? I'm not even a morning person.

I sure would like to know what Kushner's security clearance was though.

I'm not sure what the rest of your point is, the real news has been reporting as things have been happening.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.
didn't mueller leave it up to the AG?

Like he had a choice.

But then again, it's obvious today that he didn't.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.
didn't mueller leave it up to the AG?

Like he had a choice.

But then again, it's obvious today that he didn't.
well wait, sure he did, he wasn't the DOJ, he was a Special Prosecutor, he had all authority he needed. you're flat ass wrong friend. Doesn't matter now, he gave up his right to the AG. To scream at the AG for something he was handed is leftist. again, not a fking honest one among ya.
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.

Impeachment is not a criminal charge. The trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice and the Senators would be the jury. The Trumpublicans won't convict him. If they did, they would still have to vote to remove him from office before any criminal charges could be filed.

I bet you had a lot of papers that were graded F or worse. You are dumber than Joe Biden.

Sorry Putin Pole Smoker. Since you are a Mental Midget, with a tiny dick, and a poor grasp of The English Language, let me set you straight, dingle berry picker.

"High Crimes and Misdeameanors"

Ring a Bell, Clown?

That means you have to have a factual basis to initiate investigations in to crimes which can lead to impeachable offenses.

That was what The Mueller Report was supposed to do.

You got a big fat NOTHING.

No High Crimes

No Misdemeanors.

The majority party has the to power to impeach him with any charge they want and can seal it with a simple majority vote.
but to remove him they need to go to the GOP. hmmmm seems ridiculous to me. what is the exact point? do you know?
Yawn. So Mueller goes out and LIES on national television and every leftist idiot here laps it up like good little sheep. If lying Bobby was so interested in everybody having their day in court, why did he indict those "Russian" companies, knowing full well they wouldn't see the inside of a courtroom? Evidence to exonerate? Sorry Bobby, it doesn't work that way. Trump need not prove a negative. YOU had to prove your case and can't due to NO evidence. Mueller made a fool of himself and the idiot Dems will follow him right over the cliff.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.
didn't mueller leave it up to the AG?

Like he had a choice.

But then again, it's obvious today that he didn't.
well wait, sure he did, he wasn't the DOJ, he was a Special Prosecutor, he had all authority he needed. you're flat ass wrong friend. Doesn't matter now, he gave up his right to the AG. To scream at the AG for something he was handed is leftist. again, not a fking honest one among ya.

Barr was his boss, he was in he Dept. of Justice.

The AG lied and Mueller said as much such as when Barr said Mueller's decision had little to nothing to do with DOJ policy of not indicting a sitting president. Mueller set that straight today.
So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.

Impeachment is not a criminal charge. The trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice and the Senators would be the jury. The Trumpublicans won't convict him. If they did, they would still have to vote to remove him from office before any criminal charges could be filed.

I bet you had a lot of papers that were graded F or worse. You are dumber than Joe Biden.

Sorry Putin Pole Smoker. Since you are a Mental Midget, with a tiny dick, and a poor grasp of The English Language, let me set you straight, dingle berry picker.

"High Crimes and Misdeameanors"

Ring a Bell, Clown?

That means you have to have a factual basis to initiate investigations in to crimes which can lead to impeachable offenses.

That was what The Mueller Report was supposed to do.

You got a big fat NOTHING.

No High Crimes

No Misdemeanors.

The majority party has the to power to impeach him with any charge they want and can seal it with a simple majority vote.
but to remove him they need to go to the GOP. hmmmm seems ridiculous to me. what is the exact point? do you know?

Yeah me too, since he's getting voted out in 2020 anyway.....
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

Shot at dawn? I'm not even a morning person.

I sure would like to know what Kushner's security clearance was though.

I'm not sure what the rest of your point is, the real news has been reporting as things have been happening.
Lame dodge.
The questions were clear and pertinent: exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers and how many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

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