Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
I remember how excited liberals were with Mueller appointment. “Oh boy...we got him now!” Accusations against Trump were more that a “nothing burger” it was a “fucking nothing 7 course meal that lasted 2 years.”
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.

respect +1.
"If we had, had confidence that the President had NOT committed a crime, we would have said so."


"We did not however make a determination as to whether the President DID commit a crime."

The part you're not equipped to understand...

And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. And beyond department policy, we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially — it would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge.

Here's what you seem to forget. If he couldn't accuse somebody due to "no court resolution", then why did he indict those "Russian" companies? Convicted as a liar by his own words and deeds. Mueller was tasked with making a determination and failed to do so. So when will he be repaying that money he got?
Statute of Limitations on WHAT CRIME?
Obstruction of Justice.
So where did Mueller say The President Definitely Obstructed Justice?

I thought you turd burglers were telling us that Trump was a Russian Puppet and any day now, Mueller was going to have The President of The United States in Handcuffs.

What happened to that?

Premature Ejaculation again for you?

And don't you have to commit a crime to obstruct justice?

It is not a crime to defend yourself against unjust accusations and an illegal investigation in search of a crime that was never committed.

Can you show me in The Mueller Report where beating Hillary Clinton's Ass in the 2016 Election is "Obstruction of Justice?"

I would admit it was Obstruction of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Russian Owned Fat Ass sitting in The Oval Office, but other than that....

A big fat Nothingburger.

Kinda like your life.
He said there was no evidence to show trump didn't obstruct and that he didn't seek indictment himself because a sitting president can't be indicted

Pretty much justifies the Congress to launch their own investigations into the matter.

There doesn't have to be evidence Trump didn't obstruct. There has to be evidence he did. Minus that, he's clear. Now, why do you think Congress is going to do a better job than Mueller did?
The Congress has an action (impeachment) against a sitting president, if the evidence warrants it; whereas a Special Counsel has none since a sitting president can't be indicted. Mueller's investigation is left wide open, neither confirming obstruction nor eliminating it. It's up to the Congress now to sort it out.

Sort it out? Doesn't sound like there's much need for any other investigation then, since they're not going to find anything Mueller didn't. So it should take a few days. Look at the report and decide. But I can tell you that the report doesn't make a slam dunk case, and impeachment would be very risky. There's no way they convict him, and they just look petty after insisting on the report, then pushing ahead anyway.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.

Please do cite where Mueller said Barr "flat out lied about it". Be specific.
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Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.

Please do cite where Mueller said Barr "flat out loud about it". Be specific.

Mr. Barr said that Mueller told him that the DOJ prohibition on indicting the potus had nothing to do with his decision not to charge Trump last month.

Mr. Mueller today said that the DOJ prohibition against criminally charging the President was the ONLY reason why he didn't.

One of the two are lying.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.

That's why the D's should concentrate on the Senate races next year.

So that in 2021, they can try again for impeachment and removal.

If the wait until the end of 2020 to impeach, the new Senate can consider the impeachment trial as their first order of business in 2021

Which means it's all a political calculation.
Which has nothing to do with whether or not a crime has been committed.

Of course it does. Impeaching for political differences with no crime is a bad road to go down.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
I remember how excited liberals were with Mueller appointment. “Oh boy...we got him now!” Accusations against Trump were more that a “nothing burger” it was a “fucking nothing 7 course meal that lasted 2 years.”
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.
Then tell your fellow liberals to quit trying to overthrow the government.
I could tell them but they're not going to listen to me.

And that's the bind Pelosi is in. She knows impeachment is a non-starter, but her rabid base is demanding blood.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
I remember how excited liberals were with Mueller appointment. “Oh boy...we got him now!” Accusations against Trump were more that a “nothing burger” it was a “fucking nothing 7 course meal that lasted 2 years.”
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.
Then tell your fellow liberals to quit trying to overthrow the government.
I could tell them but they're not going to listen to me.

Funny how that works isn't it. You can have the best argument in the world, but if it doesn't fit the assigned talking points on either side, it will be ignored in favor of whatever the talking points are for that day or week.

The fact is that despite Mueller's really REALLY weaselly little speech this morning, he and the most partisan bunch of investigators ever assembled in the U.S. government with two years, 1.4 million documents, 500 witnesses, and close to $40 million dollars came up with absolutely bupkis evidence to use to even accuse, let alone indict President Trump.

Walsh didn't presume to indict President Reagan or Vice President Bush but he clearly laid out the laws both had broken. Since the laws they broke bore no penalty and it was close to the end of the Reagan Administration, Congress did not act.

Starr didn't presume to indict President Clinton but he clearly laid out 13 specific laws Clinton had broken along with the evidence for each. It was then up to Congress to evaluate that information and decide what to do about it. A partisan Republican Congress chose to impeach which they did. A bad move I thought at the time and still do. The Senate did not find that those 13 crimes rose to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and chose not to convict. Clinton didn't get off Scott free though as a federal court, based on the evidence, held him in contempt, the Arkansas Bar disbarred him, and the Supreme Court revoked his privileges to argue cases before the high court. But he was pretty much unscathed. He and Hillary went on to become multi-millionaires.

Mueller's job was never to indict President Trump. But if he had evidence to show that a crime had been committed, it was his duty to specify that crime and the evidence to support it. Then Congress could evaluate that information and decide whether or not to act on it.

Muller didn't do that because he had nothing to show. Instead he gave a meally mouthed recital of unsupported and unverifiable innuendo that he had to know the Democrats would use for ammunition to keep the witch hunt going in perpetuity.

That was wrong.
That was evil.
That was reprehensible.
That was indefensible.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
I remember how excited liberals were with Mueller appointment. “Oh boy...we got him now!” Accusations against Trump were more that a “nothing burger” it was a “fucking nothing 7 course meal that lasted 2 years.”
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.
Then tell your fellow liberals to quit trying to overthrow the government.
I could tell them but they're not going to listen to me.

And that's the bind Pelosi is in. She knows impeachment is a non-starter, but her rabid base is demanding blood.

In 2020, in every Presidential election, people want to hear about the candidate's great plans and programs for the future. A discussion about impeachment sucks all of the air out of the room.

The D's would be better served to talk about the New Green Deal
"If we had, had confidence that the President had NOT committed a crime, we would have said so."


"We did not however make a determination as to whether the President DID commit a crime."

The part you're not equipped to understand...

And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. And beyond department policy, we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially — it would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge.

Here's what you seem to forget. If he couldn't accuse somebody due to "no court resolution", then why did he indict those "Russian" companies?
Because those Russians could have their day in court if they wanted it. Trump could not.
Obstruction of Justice.
So where did Mueller say The President Definitely Obstructed Justice?

I thought you turd burglers were telling us that Trump was a Russian Puppet and any day now, Mueller was going to have The President of The United States in Handcuffs.

What happened to that?

Premature Ejaculation again for you?

And don't you have to commit a crime to obstruct justice?

It is not a crime to defend yourself against unjust accusations and an illegal investigation in search of a crime that was never committed.

Can you show me in The Mueller Report where beating Hillary Clinton's Ass in the 2016 Election is "Obstruction of Justice?"

I would admit it was Obstruction of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Russian Owned Fat Ass sitting in The Oval Office, but other than that....

A big fat Nothingburger.

Kinda like your life.
He said there was no evidence to show trump didn't obstruct and that he didn't seek indictment himself because a sitting president can't be indicted

Pretty much justifies the Congress to launch their own investigations into the matter.

There doesn't have to be evidence Trump didn't obstruct. There has to be evidence he did. Minus that, he's clear. Now, why do you think Congress is going to do a better job than Mueller did?
The Congress has an action (impeachment) against a sitting president, if the evidence warrants it; whereas a Special Counsel has none since a sitting president can't be indicted. Mueller's investigation is left wide open, neither confirming obstruction nor eliminating it. It's up to the Congress now to sort it out.

Sort it out? Doesn't sound like there's much need for any other investigation then, since they're not going to find anything Mueller didn't. So it should take a few days. Look at the report and decide. But I can tell you that the report doesn't make a slam dunk case, and impeachment would be very risky. There's no way they convict him, and they just look petty after insisting on the report, then pushing ahead anyway.
Nothing in Congress takes a few days and just looking at the report is insufficient since much of it is redacted. I suspect they will crank up investigations to sort this out. I hope they don't impeach him based on what I've seen so far. I'd rather see it left up to the American people to decide in the 2020 election.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
So now you pretend you knew and just misspoke? :laughing0301:
Obstruction of Justice.
So where did Mueller say The President Definitely Obstructed Justice?

I thought you turd burglers were telling us that Trump was a Russian Puppet and any day now, Mueller was going to have The President of The United States in Handcuffs.

What happened to that?

Premature Ejaculation again for you?

And don't you have to commit a crime to obstruct justice?

It is not a crime to defend yourself against unjust accusations and an illegal investigation in search of a crime that was never committed.

Can you show me in The Mueller Report where beating Hillary Clinton's Ass in the 2016 Election is "Obstruction of Justice?"

I would admit it was Obstruction of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Russian Owned Fat Ass sitting in The Oval Office, but other than that....

A big fat Nothingburger.

Kinda like your life.
He said there was no evidence to show trump didn't obstruct and that he didn't seek indictment himself because a sitting president can't be indicted

Pretty much justifies the Congress to launch their own investigations into the matter.

There doesn't have to be evidence Trump didn't obstruct. There has to be evidence he did. Minus that, he's clear. Now, why do you think Congress is going to do a better job than Mueller did?
The Congress has an action (impeachment) against a sitting president, if the evidence warrants it; whereas a Special Counsel has none since a sitting president can't be indicted. Mueller's investigation is left wide open, neither confirming obstruction nor eliminating it. It's up to the Congress now to sort it out.

Sort it out? Doesn't sound like there's much need for any other investigation then, since they're not going to find anything Mueller didn't. So it should take a few days. Look at the report and decide. But I can tell you that the report doesn't make a slam dunk case, and impeachment would be very risky. There's no way they convict him, and they just look petty after insisting on the report, then pushing ahead anyway.
And do you or Mueller have any evidence that House Dems are smart enough not to impeach anyway? :lol:
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.

Please do cite where Mueller said Barr "flat out loud about it". Be specific.

Mr. Barr said that Mueller told him that the DOJ prohibition on indicting the potus had nothing to do with his decision not to charge Trump last month.

Mr. Mueller today said that the DOJ prohibition against criminally charging the President was the ONLY reason why he didn't.

One of the two are lying.
I believe Mueller is lying. Then he walked away from the whole thing.
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

It’s ironic that you question other people’s intelligence, when it’s obvious you are so clueless to have your entire head embedded the the posterior of a pathological liar, a multiple adulter, a six-time bankruptcy deadbeat, who had daddy get him out of serving his country and of course the greatest narcissist ever.
Has there ever been such a horseshit slimeball in the presidency? Not quite a good role model for your kids or grandkids

Prove to us Trump filed personal bankruptcy and I will wait
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

It’s ironic that you question other people’s intelligence, when it’s obvious you are so clueless to have your entire head embedded the the posterior of a pathological liar, a multiple adulter, a six-time bankruptcy deadbeat, who had daddy get him out of serving his country and of course the greatest narcissist ever.
Has there ever been such a horseshit slimeball in the presidency? Not quite a good role model for your kids or grandkids

Prove to us Trump filed personal bankruptcy and I will wait

Personal? Whoever said that? He throws his debt into companies that investors pay for when those companies go bankrupt.
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

It’s ironic that you question other people’s intelligence, when it’s obvious you are so clueless to have your entire head embedded the the posterior of a pathological liar, a multiple adulter, a six-time bankruptcy deadbeat, who had daddy get him out of serving his country and of course the greatest narcissist ever.
Has there ever been such a horseshit slimeball in the presidency? Not quite a good role model for your kids or grandkids

Prove to us Trump filed personal bankruptcy and I will wait

Personal? Whoever said that? He throws his debt into companies that investors pay for when those companies go bankrupt.

You all imply it, since when does a billionaire micro manage 120 companies ?

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