Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.

That's why the D's should concentrate on the Senate races next year.

So that in 2021, they can try again for impeachment and removal.

If the wait until the end of 2020 to impeach, the new Senate can consider the impeachment trial as their first order of business in 2021

Which means it's all a political calculation.
Which has nothing to do with whether or not a crime has been committed.
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.

Impeachment is not a criminal charge. The trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice and the Senators would be the jury. The Trumpublicans won't convict him. If they did, they would still have to vote to remove him from office before any criminal charges could be filed.

I bet you had a lot of papers that were graded F or worse. You are dumber than Joe Biden.

Sorry Putin Pole Smoker. Since you are a Mental Midget, with a tiny dick, and a poor grasp of The English Language, let me set you straight, dingle berry picker.

"High Crimes and Misdeameanors"

Ring a Bell, Clown?

That means you have to have a factual basis to initiate investigations in to crimes which can lead to impeachable offenses.

That was what The Mueller Report was supposed to do.

You got a big fat NOTHING.

No High Crimes

No Misdemeanors.

The majority party has the to power to impeach him with any charge they want and can seal it with a simple majority vote.
but to remove him they need to go to the GOP. hmmmm seems ridiculous to me. what is the exact point? do you know?

Yeah me too, since he's getting voted out in 2020 anyway.....
by whom?
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.

Impeachment is not a criminal charge. The trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice and the Senators would be the jury. The Trumpublicans won't convict him. If they did, they would still have to vote to remove him from office before any criminal charges could be filed.

I bet you had a lot of papers that were graded F or worse. You are dumber than Joe Biden.

Sorry Putin Pole Smoker. Since you are a Mental Midget, with a tiny dick, and a poor grasp of The English Language, let me set you straight, dingle berry picker.

"High Crimes and Misdeameanors"

Ring a Bell, Clown?

That means you have to have a factual basis to initiate investigations in to crimes which can lead to impeachable offenses.

That was what The Mueller Report was supposed to do.

You got a big fat NOTHING.

No High Crimes

No Misdemeanors.

The majority party has the to power to impeach him with any charge they want and can seal it with a simple majority vote.
but to remove him they need to go to the GOP. hmmmm seems ridiculous to me. what is the exact point? do you know?

Yeah me too, since he's getting voted out in 2020 anyway.....
Not going to happen. Your so caught up in your liberal media propaganda bubble, you don’t realize that Trump is popular with people because of his “no more establishment bullshit” attitude. When people start really taking a closer look at the potential Democratic nominee they will gravitate toward Trump because the Democrats are running 21 idiots and weirdo’s.
Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.

Impeachment is not a criminal charge. The trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice and the Senators would be the jury. The Trumpublicans won't convict him. If they did, they would still have to vote to remove him from office before any criminal charges could be filed.
Yep. But they need a charge of impeachment, and why!
To attempt to smear an innocent man before his re-election campaign in 2020. Impeachment would simply be more lowlife liberal politics.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
This is why it was a mistake to allow him to say anything unless he was under oath.

Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.

Impeachment is not a criminal charge. The trial would be presided over by the Chief Justice and the Senators would be the jury. The Trumpublicans won't convict him. If they did, they would still have to vote to remove him from office before any criminal charges could be filed.
Because conservatives believe in justice and that all citizens are innocent until proven guilty. If your going to have a trial it had better be backed by evidence and not just because you don’t like the person. Liberals want a travesty of justice and that would be a disgrace to the Constitution.
Good news today if you are a lights Congress to go for impeachment!! Go.....go......the greater the level of division the better, go!! Impeach a president for obstruction when there is no crime! Put it in the hands of the voters ftw!!:113::113:
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...
Mueller just proved it to America............

that mueller is definately a part of 'the deep state" as well as being a dyed in wool (lies) RINO. Now he's retiring because he made quite a fortune off the "Trump/Russian Collusion" hoax he soaked for two years.
Mueller is a corrupt, democrat at heart. He also cannot stand that Trump won the election and that Trump twarted the plans of Obama and Hillary.

if he couldn't find any evidence after 2 yrs, millions and dollars and talking to hundreds of people...then there never was any evidence because it did not happen.
Exactly, so WTF is Fat Jerry, Dick Sucking Nadler going to find?

Nothing which is the sum total of his contribution to America.
Trump ruined all their plans. So they hate him with a passion.
Liberals were already sizing up the desk, chair, and Presidential podium to fit Hillary. Then Trump took a giant shit on their inaugural parade. They have been out to destroy him ever since. :9:
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...
Mueller just proved it to America............

that mueller is definately a part of 'the deep state" as well as being a dyed in wool (lies) RINO. Now he's retiring because he made quite a fortune off the "Trump/Russian Collusion" hoax he soaked for two years.
Mueller is a corrupt, democrat at heart. He also cannot stand that Trump won the election and that Trump twarted the plans of Obama and Hillary.

if he couldn't find any evidence after 2 yrs, millions and dollars and talking to hundreds of people...then there never was any evidence because it did not happen.
Exactly, so WTF is Fat Jerry, Dick Sucking Nadler going to find?

Nothing which is the sum total of his contribution to America.
Trump ruined all their plans. So they hate him with a passion.
Liberals were already sizing up the desk, chair, and Presidential podium to fit Hillary. Then Trump took a giant shit on their inaugural parade. They have been out to destroy him ever since. :9:

Exactly true. Donald J. Trump was very classy about accepting victory, didn't really rub it in. If I had been the billionaire that had just schlonged Hillary Clinton, I would have had a hundred midget musicians on retainer to march from the Hilton to the Javits Center playing an appropriate tune.

But Trump didn't do that, he kept it classy.

Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
I remember how excited liberals were with Mueller appointment. “Oh boy...we got him now!” Accusations against Trump were more that a “nothing burger” it was a “fucking nothing 7 course meal that lasted 2 years.”
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

It’s ironic that you question other people’s intelligence, when it’s obvious you are so clueless to have your entire head embedded the the posterior of a pathological liar, a multiple adulter, a six-time bankruptcy deadbeat, who had daddy get him out of serving his country and of course the greatest narcissist ever.
Has there ever been such a horseshit slimeball in the presidency? Not quite a good role model for your kids or grandkids
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

It’s ironic that you question other people’s intelligence, when it’s obvious you are so clueless to have your entire head embedded the the posterior of a pathological liar, a multiple adulter, a six-time bankruptcy deadbeat, who had daddy get him out of serving his country and of course the greatest narcissist ever.
Has there ever been such a horseshit slimeball in the presidency? Not quite a good role model for your kids or grandkids
My reference to bitter leftard "intelligence" was a direct response to HappyJoy's trashing that of those who don't think as she does.
It was intended to cover those who believe such silliness as the POTUS is "a pathological liar" and "the greatest narcissist ever."
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
I remember how excited liberals were with Mueller appointment. “Oh boy...we got him now!” Accusations against Trump were more that a “nothing burger” it was a “fucking nothing 7 course meal that lasted 2 years.”
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.
I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

It’s ironic that you question other people’s intelligence, when it’s obvious you are so clueless to have your entire head embedded the the posterior of a pathological liar, a multiple adulter, a six-time bankruptcy deadbeat, who had daddy get him out of serving his country and of course the greatest narcissist ever.
Has there ever been such a horseshit slimeball in the presidency? Not quite a good role model for your kids or grandkids
So JFK, LBJ, Billy Clinton, and Obama were “role models?” JFK was an adulterer who even had sex with a 19 year old intern in he and Jackie’s White House bed. LBJ did things far worse than Nixon ever did. Made a profit off Vietnam War, cheated on his wife, and was indicted as a co-conspirator in 11 deaths in Texas after his 1975 passing. Real role model. Bill Clinton would lie if the truth would fit better. Obama won presidency because of slobbering love affair with liberal media. He also accepted a Noble Prize just because he was half black. Real role model as well.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
I remember how excited liberals were with Mueller appointment. “Oh boy...we got him now!” Accusations against Trump were more that a “nothing burger” it was a “fucking nothing 7 course meal that lasted 2 years.”
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.
Then tell your fellow liberals to quit trying to overthrow the government.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
FFS ... 2 full years of impeachment talk and you still don't know how it works? The Senate does not indict. Bush92 even spelled it out for all low-info leftarded asses: the House impeaches (indictment) and the Senate conducts the trial.
Excuse me, convict, not indict. But look at how excited you got. It was worth it just to make your day.
I remember how excited liberals were with Mueller appointment. “Oh boy...we got him now!” Accusations against Trump were more that a “nothing burger” it was a “fucking nothing 7 course meal that lasted 2 years.”
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.
Then tell your fellow liberals to quit trying to overthrow the government.
I could tell them but they're not going to listen to me.
"If we had, had confidence that the President had NOT committed a crime, we would have said so."


"We did not however make a determination as to whether the President DID commit a crime."

regardless what Mueller or anyone else says, RW pukes will fabricate the facts to suit the talking points Russians give them then fight to the death defending them ...
"If we had, had confidence that the President had NOT committed a crime, we would have said so."


"We did not however make a determination as to whether the President DID commit a crime."

The part you're not equipped to understand...

And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. And beyond department policy, we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially — it would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge.

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