Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

This is why it was a mistake to allow him to say anything unless he was under oath.

Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.
MUELLER IS A SORE LOSER! He lied today about his ability to find a crime.. what a cry baby...
this is what communist do divide us!
This is why it was a mistake to allow him to say anything unless he was under oath.

Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.

If he makes it that far the statute of limitations runs out. If he's out in 2021, he could be charged.
President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.

And yet Mueller won't say what, if at all, Barr is lying about.
Mueller said something today?

Doesn't he know the DOJ already has closed this case based on his findings and report?


Yes, he knows. He's trying to get Congress to know that, as well, so they stop bothering him about it and let him get back to his life.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
This is why it was a mistake to allow him to say anything unless he was under oath.

Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.

If he makes it that far the statute of limitations runs out. If he's out in 2021, he could be charged.
Statute of Limitations on WHAT CRIME?
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.
Indict on What Crime Mueller stated he found Trump had committed unequivocally?

You have to name a crime, before you can recommend time.
Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.

If he makes it that far the statute of limitations runs out. If he's out in 2021, he could be charged.
Statute of Limitations on WHAT CRIME?
Obstruction of Justice.
President Trump should REFUSE Mr. Mueller's resignation. He hasn't completed the job he was assigned to do- which was either to condemn or exonerate his President. Send him back to his office and tell him to continue to work IMHO

That's NOT what Mueller was hired to do. He was hired to investigate and to give his report to the American people. It is up to the People (Congress), to decide what to do on the basis of that report.

That's been very hard to do since Barr has been lying about what the Report says since the day he received it, and refuses to allow Congress to see the unredacted Report.

And yet Mueller won't say what, if at all, Barr is lying about.
In fact, Mueller sad everything Barr said was correct.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
You have to have a willing Senate who would actually indict. We don't.

That's why the D's should concentrate on the Senate races next year.

So that in 2021, they can try again for impeachment and removal.

If the wait until the end of 2020 to impeach, the new Senate can consider the impeachment trial as their first order of business in 2021
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.

If he makes it that far the statute of limitations runs out. If he's out in 2021, he could be charged.
Statute of Limitations on WHAT CRIME?
Obstruction of Justice.
So where did Mueller say The President Definitely Obstructed Justice?

I thought you turd burglers were telling us that Trump was a Russian Puppet and any day now, Mueller was going to have The President of The United States in Handcuffs.

What happened to that?

Premature Ejaculation again for you?

And don't you have to commit a crime to obstruct justice?

It is not a crime to defend yourself against unjust accusations and an illegal investigation in search of a crime that was never committed.

Can you show me in The Mueller Report where beating Hillary Clinton's Ass in the 2016 Election is "Obstruction of Justice?"

I would admit it was Obstruction of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Russian Owned Fat Ass sitting in The Oval Office, but other than that....

A big fat Nothingburger.

Kinda like your life.
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.

If he makes it that far the statute of limitations runs out. If he's out in 2021, he could be charged.
Statute of Limitations on WHAT CRIME?
Obstruction of Justice.

He never charged him with Obstruction...…, he punted on it, the AG and his staff determined there was INSUFFICIENT evidence for the Obstruction charge, Case is now closed.

You got any more delusions to sell?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
please point to where collusion was legally found.

as for your meeting - how did that russian lawyer get into the country again? DOH!

now - if collusion isn't a crime why were we now investigating trump for actions you say are not even a crime? seems to me wasting this countries time and resources cause you're terminally butthurt is a bigger crime.

"Where collusion was legally found" is not a sentence that makes any sense. Collusion is not a crime therefore how would one legally find it?

I don't care how the lawyer got into the country, it's not really relevant unless you're really into conspiracy theories as a way of avoiding reality.

The investigation was to find out what connection the Trump campaign had with the Russians and were any crimes committed. Well, apparently Trump didn't like the embarrassment and possibly didn't want any example of collusion to surface and so he obstructed justice.

It's not that difficult.
So you have no legal basis to point to or go off of.

Got it. Trump should be scared to be sure.
So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.

If he makes it that far the statute of limitations runs out. If he's out in 2021, he could be charged.
Statute of Limitations on WHAT CRIME?
Obstruction of Justice.

He never charged him with Obstruction...…, he punted on it, the AG and his staff determined there was INSUFFICIENT evidence for the Obstruction charge, Case is now closed.

You got any more delusions to sell?
He violated his own charge to investigate The Nothing Burger.

He was supposed to make determinations on everything.

He punted because he knew 18 months ago that there was No Collusion and his Investigation was already exposed as a Fraud.

So he took the easy way out, and left it open ended because he could not accomplish his mission of taking down Trump.

Same reason Adam Shit Head and Avanatti are no longer The Face of The DemNazi Party.

Tainted Meat.

They had to pass it off to someone else.
This is why it was a mistake to allow him to say anything unless he was under oath.

Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
oh hell no, he's allowed in my country to have free speech. I give two shits what the man says. He should be careful not to contradict his report though.

not at all, it's called impeachment. trump can be impeached, now what will they say the charge is? Funny shit, the GOP in the senate will not take it up. so it would only be the house. they know that, they will avoid this impeachment idea like a fking plague.
So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.

If he makes it that far the statute of limitations runs out. If he's out in 2021, he could be charged.
Statute of Limitations on WHAT CRIME?
Obstruction of Justice.
So where did Mueller say The President Definitely Obstructed Justice?

I thought you turd burglers were telling us that Trump was a Russian Puppet and any day now, Mueller was going to have The President of The United States in Handcuffs.

What happened to that?

Premature Ejaculation again for you?

And don't you have to commit a crime to obstruct justice?

It is not a crime to defend yourself against unjust accusations and an illegal investigation in search of a crime that was never committed.

Can you show me in The Mueller Report where beating Hillary Clinton's Ass in the 2016 Election is "Obstruction of Justice?"

I would admit it was Obstruction of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Russian Owned Fat Ass sitting in The Oval Office, but other than that....

A big fat Nothingburger.

Kinda like your life.
He said there was no evidence to show trump didn't obstruct and that he didn't seek indictment himself because a sitting president can't be indicted

Pretty much justifies the Congress to launch their own investigations into the matter.
This sums up Mueller's theatrics today:



With his initial report failing to create the 'Impeachment Talk' push he initially wanted, with the exposed traitorous 'investigators' under investigation and waiting for the US IG report on FISA Abuses expected to put the co-conspirators in serious legal trouble, and with multiple DOJ investigations of exposed Democrat crimes beginning to become the main focus in the post-Mueller investigation.....

Mueller stepped up today to hold a press conference, rather than agree to testify under oath, to make a 2nd effort / attempt to get the exposed seemingly failed coup attempt back on track while diverting attention away from the investigations into his co-conspirators.

Mueller 'stirred the pot', whipping already rabid Trump-hating Democrats / snowflakes into a rejuvenated frenzy and re-igniting their call for Impeachment...without providing any more evidence of crimes committed by Trump or anyone connected to him than he did when he released is written report...which is NONE.

In his 2nd attempt to incite Democrats into initiating Impeachment proceedings against President Trump, Mueller stated that if he and his team had believed President Trump had not committed a crime he and his team would have said so. He and his team did not. Instead, he and his team declared there was no evidence of illegal collusion with the Russians and declared he could not / would not make a judgment regarding obstruction, that he would leave that decision to others.

If he truly believed Trump did NOT commit a crime and would have said so if he had, then it also stands to reason that if he truly believed Trump DID commit a crime he would have also said so. He did NOT do that, either. Again, instead he declared he would refuse to do his job, would instead choose NOT to make an official decision, and instead chose to allow others to speculate and do that part of his job.
-- In other words, Mueller FAILED TO PROVE GUILT, refused to MAKE THAT CALL

When a prosecutor walks away from a case without making an indictment or getting a conviction, that's called failing to prove guilt. The person on trial / being investigated walks away free, 'innocent'...they do not carry an asterisk by their name for the rest of their life with the words:

*** 'He was not indicted, he was not convicted, but the Prosecutor refused to declare he did NOT commit a crime...which we all know means 'he did it'

That's NOT how it works.

Sure, Mueller provided additional narrative in both his report and during his 'theatrical performance' today, but none of it was enough for Mueller and his team to complete their investigation by declaring, 'President Trump BROKE The Law'. Instead, it was added to the report and stated today to incentivize others to do what he and his team could not do, failed to do - declare and Prove the President committed a crime.

ONCE AGAIN Mueller stepped to 'center stage' and all he could manage to do was 'STIR THE POT' in an attempt to get others to do what he failed to do.....take down the President.

Dems ramp up calls for Trump impeachment after Mueller speaks out on Russia probe
So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.
In 2024.

If he makes it that far the statute of limitations runs out. If he's out in 2021, he could be charged.
Statute of Limitations on WHAT CRIME?
Obstruction of Justice.

He never charged him with Obstruction...…, he punted on it, the AG and his staff determined there was INSUFFICIENT evidence for the Obstruction charge, Case is now closed.

You got any more delusions to sell?
BTW, that is the way Mueller left it, for Barr to make the call. Barr did. It isn't fking rocket science.

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