Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...
Mueller just proved it to America............

that mueller is definately a part of 'the deep state" as well as being a dyed in wool (lies) RINO. Now he's retiring because he made quite a fortune off the "Trump/Russian Collusion" hoax he soaked for two years.
Mueller is a corrupt, democrat at heart. He also cannot stand that Trump won the election and that Trump twarted the plans of Obama and Hillary.

if he couldn't find any evidence after 2 yrs, millions and dollars and talking to hundreds of people...then there never was any evidence because it did not happen.
Exactly, so WTF is Fat Jerry, Dick Sucking Nadler going to find?

Nothing which is the sum total of his contribution to America.
Trump ruined all their plans. So they hate him with a passion.
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...

Mueller had a lot of hatred for President Trump , because Trump wouldn't comp him his golf club fees.

This entire episode was at least partly due to Mueller's greed and sense of entitlement. The Mule figured since he was a big shot in the Deep State, a peon like Donald J. Trump should genuflect to his every desire.

Mueller was offended, and when he got a chance, he used it to get back at the Donald and punish him

Trump also threw him out of The White House for begging for The FBI Director's Job.

Mueller should never have been allowed to be appointed and half his staff had confilcts, and the other half are under criminal investigation.
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
If collusion had been found then collusion would have been charged
Stop lying, collusion was not found and all the what if’s and might ofs means zero in a fact based world
but collusion isn't a crime but apparently defending yourself from accusations of things that are not even a crime are in fact a crime.

Yes. If you're being investigated for say murder and even though you didn't commit the crime you tamper with evidence or try to get others to lie for you to authorities then that is a crime.

Indeed it is. And the only person we KNOW did your hero, the shrilary. Hmm.. I find it interesting that you don't care about her obvious crimes.
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency
So how many Russians voted in the 2016 Presidential election?
Now the Muller has Case closed-AGAIN- can you create a separate section where the Muller-Trump themes can be discussed and declutter the Politics section of a concluded matter?
Thank you.
Maybe put it under the conspiracy theory banner.
Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency
So how many Russians voted in the 2016 Presidential election?
Way less than democrat dead people and illegals
Now the Muller has Case closed-AGAIN- can you create a separate section where the Muller-Trump themes can be discussed and declutter the Politics section of a concluded matter?
Thank you.

Mueller said 'It's Over' and walked away.
- That doesn't mean Nadler or the Republicans are going to let him do so. He still might be subpoenaed to testify by either group.

Nadler has certainly not given up.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. (Wednesday morning) amid pressure to testify

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to deliver his first public statement on his investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Justice Department.

The Justice Department announced
Mueller would make a statement on Wednesday morning--his first in the more than two years since he was appointed as special counsel."

Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. amid pressure to testify

It should be happening RIGHT NOW.....

Yup, listening now. Nothing but a slimy fucking lawyer. Tripping over his words. He is a piece of shit and I hope he dies.
Must be a con-servative Republican Christian.

That’s all you ever say. It’s gay, even for you Pete.
Now the Muller has Case closed-AGAIN- can you create a separate section where the Muller-Trump themes can be discussed and declutter the Politics section of a concluded matter?
Thank you.
So right I’ll repeat it twice
The Mueller show looked like a hostage video. Since when is it the responsibility of the government or the individual to “ prove innocence of a crime” ?
Open the books on the motherfucker. His whole career.

Volunteered for Vietnam. Battle tested Marine. But Trumpublicans have no trouble attacking decorated war heroes do you?
liberals have no problems attacking a SCOTUS nominee.
or trump
or conservatives in general

stop this one sided ONLY YOUR SIDE DOES IT fucking bullshit characterizations.

McCain, Kerry, now Mueller. Two Republicans and a Democrat. Trumpublicans are equal opportunists.

Big tent and all.
Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency
So how many Russians voted in the 2016 Presidential election?
Just the ones here on USMB.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
He could have recommended it...the House issues indictments...called impeachment. But you must have legal grounds. The Democrats have no legal grounds.
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...
Mueller just proved it to America............

that mueller is definately a part of 'the deep state" as well as being a dyed in wool (lies) RINO. Now he's retiring because he made quite a fortune off the "Trump/Russian Collusion" hoax he soaked for two years.
Mueller is a corrupt, democrat at heart. He also cannot stand that Trump won the election and that Trump twarted the plans of Obama and Hillary.

if he couldn't find any evidence after 2 yrs, millions and dollars and talking to hundreds of people...then there never was any evidence because it did not happen.

The Duh Heap state has always been with us, and always will.

Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...

Mueller is Dale Cooper. Comey is a Boy Scout.
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...

Mueller had a lot of hatred for President Trump , because Trump wouldn't comp him his golf club fees.

This entire episode was at least partly due to Mueller's greed and sense of entitlement. The Mule figured since he was a big shot in the Deep State, a peon like Donald J. Trump should genuflect to his every desire.

Mueller was offended, and when he got a chance, he used it to get back at the Donald and punish him

Trump's 'drain the swamp' agenda was an immediate threat to deep state operatives who absolutely did not want any investigation into their tactics or how they did things. They could always depend on previous Presidents looking the other way and not putting them under any kind of scrutiny. Almost as important, Donald J. Trump was not one of THEM. He presented a challenge to and then dethroned their presumed queen who was supposed to be President by pure default. And then to heap coals of fire upon their head, he was unwilling to settle for any kind of status quo that had not been working. He was upsetting and offending the permanent political class and threatening their ability to increase their power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth at taxpayer expense.

I now firmly believe Mueller was among the deep state operatives that he put together to be the team to investigate the President. And if a team like that--people who loathed and despised Trump and had a massive grudge against him for defeating their Hillary and after examining 1.4 million documents and interviewing 500+ people and spending close to $40 million--could not identify a single specific crime to accuse him--it is a pretty safe bet that he is innocent of the crimes Mueller alludes to but doesn't name.
This is why it was a mistake to allow him to say anything unless he was under oath.

Whose permission should he seek to speak?

How about we put Trumpyberra and Mueller under oath?
you can put trump under oath when you charge him. it's really quite simple. why didn't mueller do that so you could finally get that? hmmmmm honesty again right?

So, you have no problem restricting Mueller's freedom of speech?

If old Trumpyberra gets charged, he will be out of office.

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