Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

Someone should tell the Far left Dems that you can't Impeach any President with insufficient evidence.
Court cases are usually dropped when this happens.
“ Mueller: If we had confidence the President had not committed crimes, we would have said so. “
I missed the part where Mueller said the President committed obstruction.
Can you quote that for me?

Mueller said no such thing. His word salad translates into "he can't prove Trump didn't commit obstruction" - which isn't even remotely close to the job he was hired to do.
Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
1. Collusion is not a crime.

Nobody is saying this, you guys need to get yourself off this talking point, this is a 2017 debate topic.

2. The ONLY reason the Trump Tower meeting took place with the female Russian Lawyer was because Obama overrode his own DHS' BAN on this Russian which prevented her from entering the country. Yes, you read that right - BARRY actively took steps to have the ban lifted so she could enter the country and attend this meeting. (Can you say 'set-up'?)

Trump Jr. jumped at the opportunity to get dirt on Clinton from the "The Crown prosecutor of Russia". He got the invite from a Trump friend, has nothing to do with Obama and Obama didn't make Donnie Jr. take the meeting.

Donald Trump later lied about the reason for the meeting.

3. Evidence shows she met with Fusion GPS (and Ohr's wife) the day BEFORE the meeting, the day OF the meeting, and the day AFER the meeting. (Can you say 'set up'? )

No, I can't say set up. Fusion GPS is not a foreign adversary and especially not the Russian government.

4. Comey's FBI knew enough in advance about the meeting (when / where) that they had electronic surveillance set up AND Obama's own personal former CIA Russian Interpreter was there in the room. (Again, can you say 'set'up'?)

No. Translators work for a lot of people. Did the translator make them have the meeting or decide what they would talk about? You're a nut.

5. Trump Jr stated he was led to believe the meeting was about Russian adoptions. When he found out it was not he claimed he texted his Secretary and directed her to call his cell phone so he could make the excuse that he had to leave to attend another meeting. Everything he said happened was proven to have happened. Phone records show 15 minutes into the meeting he texted his secretary and just a few minutes later she called him - he left.

No. Trump wrote Jr.s excuse letter and you are still buying it. It was a lie. How have you not known this?

6. EVEN IF HE DID BELIEVE THE MEETING WAS ABOUT POTENTIAL POLITICAL OPPOSITION RESEARCH ON HILLARY, SO WHAT?! Again, collecting political opposition research IS NOT ILLEGAL. Does anyone needs a reminder at this point that Hillary had purchased a Russian-authored fake news dossier from a Trump-hating foreign spy working with and being paid by the Russians? THAT is okay, but attending a meeting with a Russian lawyer about possible opposition research on Hillary is 'illegal'?
*** ADDED NOTE: Unlike Hillary (and Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Ohr, etc...) Trump Jr walked away from the meeting WITHOUT ANY INFORMATION HAVING EXCHANGED HANDS (according to everyone at the meeting, to include the Russian lawyer later). Hillary purchased the Russian-authored dossier offered to her, and the Obama agency directors ended up using the information illegally.....but Trump is the criminal?


So what? Then why all the lying? Why try to have others write bogus notes for official records? Why try to get all these people (who rightfully declined) to fire Mueller? And why wouldn't they? Why did they lie about the Trump tower meeting and the 180 contacts with Russians? Why did Trump say he fired Comey becuase of the Russian investigation?
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
No...the GOP controlled Senate would never ever vote guilty....we need to vote them out in 2020 too.



Mueller said no such thing. His word salad translates into "he can't prove Trump didn't commit obstruction" - which isn't even remotely close to the job he was hired to do.
A question liberals do not understand, much less ask themselves:
How would Mueller prove Trump did not commit obstruction?

(Hint: It has to do with his intent)
Yes. If you're being investigated for say murder and even though you didn't commit the crime you tamper with evidence or try to get others to lie for you to authorities then that is a crime.


1. If a dead body is found and there is no evidence found to even suggest 'YOU' had anything to do with it, the FBI is not going to be allowed to decide to investigate 'YOU' (because they hate you) for the crime.
-- Former FBI agent Page testified there was never any evidence to suggest Trump committed the 'NON-Crime' of 'collusion' OR the real crime of 'Conspiracy' BEFORE the official investigation was opened.

2. President Trump never 'tampered with evidence'. He complained about being unfairly / illegally targeted, continued to profess his innocence, and continued to criticize the now-exposed traitors. He reportedly TALKED to WH Counsel about the possibility of having Mueller fired...but it never happened.

IN FACT, after listening to great advice / counsel President Trump ordered the GOP and his administration to let Mueller's investigation continue all the way to conclusion. He ordered his administration to fully comply with Mueller and his team. His administration released thousands of documents, and over 100 witnesses willingly allowed themselves to be interviewed.... So the continued claim by Democrats and snowflakes that Trump attempted to obstruct the Mueller investigation - which WAS allowed to finish its investigation and received cooperation from the President and his administration - is completely undermined by the documented cooperation given and orders from the President to allow it to continue.

And, again, the entire investigation was bogus to begin with - there was no underlying crime...there was no evidence of ANY crime committed by Trump or anyone on his team that warranted an investigation or Special Counsel appointment....In every argument snowflakes attempt to make their attempt to do so relies on their ignoring this proven fundamental fact.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
Nowhere does Mueller say this.
Not once.
in that dude's mind he did. so as long as his fantasy is met, he's good. Now back to reality.
“ Mueller: If we had confidence the President had not committed crimes, we would have said so. “
I missed the part where Mueller said the President committed obstruction.
Can you quote that for me?

Mueller said no such thing. His word salad translates into "he can't prove Trump didn't commit obstruction" - which isn't even remotely close to the job he was hired to do.
Again, the way he plays games, and the way he conducted his Fake Investigation, tells you EXACTLY what he was hired to do, and that was to discredit the president, keep the pressure on to keep his popularity numbers down, and try to find a crime and anything at all that gave The DemNazi Brownshirt Hitler Party a chance at 2020.
pray tell how did the russians help again? mueller found nothing in what, 3 years of digging? and clinton-bitches keep running to BUT POPULAR VOTE!!! and wanting 250 years of history changed cause they lost 1 fucking election.
How did the Russians help?

Evidence shows the Russians authored the Dossier, which the Trump-Hating foreign spy who was working WITH them and being PAID BY them while working FOR Comey.

These are the same Russians, BTW, who Obama learned in 2014 were attempting to hack our power grid and who was conducting a counter-Intelligence operation using social media in the United States, and failed to stop them, allowing it to continue for 2 years.

The false suspected counter-intelligence report authored by the Russians that the Trump-hating foreign spy sold to Hillary and to the FBI.....

- the report Bruce Ohr testified he told the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI was fake, unsubstantiated, and unreliable BEFORE they chose to intentionally, knowingly, illegally use it anyway to commit FISA Court abuses and perjury before Congress -

....was used in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election....and then afterwards in a failed coup attempt.

Knowingly or not, Hillary and Obama's agency directors participated in Russia's counter-intel op using the Russian-authored dossier...
I still want to know why no federal agency inspected the DNC server? I'm waiting? Mueller won't answer that one with his own dick.

DNC would not turn it over for a forensic study to be done!
so the question is where was the subpoena?
Breaking Update!

Pelosi to have news conference coming up anytime soon in response to Mueller statement.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. (Wednesday morning) amid pressure to testify

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to deliver his first public statement on his investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Justice Department.

The Justice Department announced
Mueller would make a statement on Wednesday morning--his first in the more than two years since he was appointed as special counsel."

Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. amid pressure to testify

It should be happening RIGHT NOW.....

“ Mueller: If we had confidence the President had not committed crimes, we would have said so. “

And if he couldn't identify a single crime committed by the President after 1.4 documents examined, 500 people interviewed, and having the full force of the U.S. government and close to 40 million dollars to use, he should have said he has no confidence that the President committed any crime.

Walsh didn't indict or recommend charges be leveled, but he spelled out the infractions committed by President Reagan and Vice President Bush.

Starr didn't indict or recommend charges be leveled, but he spelled out 13 specific crimes committed by President Clinton while in office and provided the evidence he had for each.

Mueller could have done the same. He didn't. He couldn't. At the very worst he should have said there is no conclusive evidence to accuse President Trump of any crime. Instead in his report and in his little speech this morning he just spreads out a lot of innuendo to give the Democrats ammunition to use to keep the witch hunt going.

He was wrong to do that. Despicable even. It is indefensible.
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Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
Nowhere does Mueller say this.
Not once.
in that dude's mind he did. so as long as his fantasy is met, he's good. Now back to reality.
Willful misinterpretation = lying to yourself
I didn't say he proved it, that wasn't the reason for the investigation. He did come up with quite a few uncomfortable facts for Trump that would be indictable if it weren't for the fact that Trump is currently the president.
Presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your claim is specious at best.
For collusion. Not for obstruction. Why is it you guys can't tell the difference?
Your ignorance is on the loose again..
Obstruction REQUIRES corrupt intent.

Thus, your previous claim is specious at best.

Obstruction requires an intent to obstruct, not whether what they are attempting to cover up was a crime.
how is that different than what the other poster wrote exactly?
pray tell how did the russians help again? mueller found nothing in what, 3 years of digging? and clinton-bitches keep running to BUT POPULAR VOTE!!! and wanting 250 years of history changed cause they lost 1 fucking election.
How did the Russians help?

Evidence shows the Russians authored the Dossier, which the Trump-Hating foreign spy who was working WITH them and being PAID BY them while working FOR Comey.

These are the same Russians, BTW, who Obama learned in 2014 were attempting to hack our power grid and who was conducting a counter-Intelligence operation using social media in the United States, and failed to stop them, allowing it to continue for 2 years.

The false suspected counter-intelligence report authored by the Russians that the Trump-hating foreign spy sold to Hillary and to the FBI.....

- the report Bruce Ohr testified he told the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI was fake, unsubstantiated, and unreliable BEFORE they chose to intentionally, knowingly, illegally use it anyway to commit FISA Court abuses and perjury before Congress -

....was used in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election....and then afterwards in a failed coup attempt.

Knowingly or not, Hillary and Obama's agency directors participated in Russia's counter-intel op using the Russian-authored dossier...
I still want to know why no federal agency inspected the DNC server? I'm waiting? Mueller won't answer that one with his own dick.

DNC would not turn it over for a forensic study to be done!
cause their pakastani lovers ran away with the goods.

Those same Pakistani Hackers hacked in to Congressional files on behalf of Hillary Clinton. They were also greedy SOBs and that is why they sold John Podesta's emails to Seth Rich who then made his deal with Wilkileaks.

Even after they were caught doing that red handed and most of them fled, did Clinton part ways with the remaining Pakistani Hacker?

Nope, She hired him Directly to work for her campaign, almost like an "in your face I am above the law bitches" move.

That pretty much describes her entire life.

Above The Law.

A high ranking criminal that is untouchable for some reason.

My guess is that it goes back to The Cocaine Ring back in ARK with The CIA, and the GOV running weapons to Central America.
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Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration and The Deep State to get rid of Trump, period.

Even though his stupid report found no crimes, Mueller still tried to write the thing and leave it open ended.

400 Pages of No Evidence and Not even being able to name One Crime, and Dimwits like Nadler are still going to go all in on a bet for 2020 of impeachment because this thing blew up in their faces and they just have no hope at beating President Trump in fact, I would not be surprised that the GOP doesn't end up with a Super Majority because of idiots like Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi and Schummer.
so the excuse now is that mueller couldn't indict him because one can't indict a sitting president. So my question then is why did we do an investigation if that was a known fact? seems like we indeed wasted 30 million dollars on a failed investigation that couldn't investigate! too fking funny folks, too fking funny. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I think that Mr. Mueller needs brought before the Senate to answer for himself. Issue a congressional subpoena.

Yeah, Mueller can declare he refuses to testify under oath before Congress all he wants to. It is no secret he believes himself to be above the law - he violated official Subpoenas during his investigation by refusing to provide Congress with documents (as did Rosenstein).

I agree Mueller should be subpoenaed to testify under oath.

There is more than enough significant evidence to prove that Mueller's role in all of this was more than just as 'Special Counsel'. Again, DOJ Bruce Ohr testified that Mueller was working with him and Russian-authored Dossier 'delivery boy' Steele BEFORE the official investigation was opened and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel.

I would love to hear his explanation for why he was already working on / had access to the Dossier and was working with Steele - who was also working for his protégé FBI Director Comey - during the FBI's own investigation of Trump and before the official investigation had been opened and he was officially brought in as Special Counsel.
-- I don't know about the rest of you but I counted at least 3 serious Conflicts of Interest there that should have prevented Mueller from ever being named Special Counsel.

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