Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
No...the GOP controlled Senate would never ever vote guilty....we need to vote them out in 2020 too.
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
No...the GOP controlled Senate would never ever vote guilty....we need to vote them out in 2020 too.
good luck with that.
I didn't say he proved it, that wasn't the reason for the investigation. He did come up with quite a few uncomfortable facts for Trump that would be indictable if it weren't for the fact that Trump is currently the president.
Presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your claim is specious at best.
For collusion. Not for obstruction. Why is it you guys can't tell the difference?
Your ignorance is on the loose again..
Obstruction REQUIRES corrupt intent.

Thus, your previous claim is specious at best.

Obstruction requires an intent to obstruct, not whether what they are attempting to cover up was a crime.
How about Comey setting a new legal precedent of "Intent" even when a crime is committed?

So according to Comey, even though someone has you caught Red Handed, and they even allow you to destroy evidence, if you are determined subjectively to have been too stupid to know you committed a crime, there is no intent even if you are guilty so no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute you.

Dem Tards have their own corrupt selves to blame for that one.
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration and The Deep State to get rid of Trump, period.

Even though his stupid report found no crimes, Mueller still tried to write the thing and leave it open ended.

400 Pages of No Evidence and Not even being able to name One Crime, and Dimwits like Nadler are still going to go all in on a bet for 2020 of impeachment because this thing blew up in their faces and they just have no hope at beating President Trump in fact, I would not be surprised that the GOP doesn't end up with a Super Majority because of idiots like Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi and Schummer.

Indeed. And it wasn't Mueller's job to "clear" Trump of obstruction. One can't prove a negative. Mueller couldn't fulfill the political mission of destroying Trump, but lobbed this last unethical attack as a parting gesture.

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
please point to where collusion was legally found.

as for your meeting - how did that russian lawyer get into the country again? DOH!

now - if collusion isn't a crime why were we now investigating trump for actions you say are not even a crime? seems to me wasting this countries time and resources cause you're terminally butthurt is a bigger crime.

"Where collusion was legally found" is not a sentence that makes any sense. Collusion is not a crime therefore how would one legally find it?

I don't care how the lawyer got into the country, it's not really relevant unless you're really into conspiracy theories as a way of avoiding reality.

The investigation was to find out what connection the Trump campaign had with the Russians and were any crimes committed. Well, apparently Trump didn't like the embarrassment and possibly didn't want any example of collusion to surface and so he obstructed justice.

It's not that difficult.
I didn't say he proved it, that wasn't the reason for the investigation. He did come up with quite a few uncomfortable facts for Trump that would be indictable if it weren't for the fact that Trump is currently the president.
Presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your claim is specious at best.
For collusion. Not for obstruction. Why is it you guys can't tell the difference?
Your ignorance is on the loose again..
Obstruction REQUIRES corrupt intent.

Thus, your previous claim is specious at best.

Obstruction requires an intent to obstruct, not whether what they are attempting to cover up was a crime.
And if there is no action then the theoretical is meaningless if even any theoretical
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
No...the GOP controlled Senate would never ever vote guilty....we need to vote them out in 2020 too.

You are very, very needy....:206:
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
looks like you're down in flames on that wish.

wallow in your misery. i'll be over here. laughing at your wallowing.
All future investigations and subpoena’s now justified. Enjoy, trash.
Yep, and they are ongoing as we speak, soon to be revealed, and not as you are hoping.
Any day now.....amirite? :71:
Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
1. Collusion is not a crime.

2. The ONLY reason the Trump Tower meeting took place with the female Russian Lawyer was because Obama overrode his own DHS' BAN on this Russian which prevented her from entering the country. Yes, you read that right - BARRY actively took steps to have the ban lifted so she could enter the country and attend this meeting. (Can you say 'set-up'?)

3. Evidence shows she met with Fusion GPS (and Ohr's wife) the day BEFORE the meeting, the day OF the meeting, and the day AFER the meeting. (Can you say 'set up'? )

4. Comey's FBI knew enough in advance about the meeting (when / where) that they had electronic surveillance set up AND Obama's own personal former CIA Russian Interpreter was there in the room. (Again, can you say 'set'up'?)

5. Trump Jr stated he was led to believe the meeting was about Russian adoptions. When he found out it was not he claimed he texted his Secretary and directed her to call his cell phone so he could make the excuse that he had to leave to attend another meeting. Everything he said happened was proven to have happened. Phone records show 15 minutes into the meeting he texted his secretary and just a few minutes later she called him - he left.

6. EVEN IF HE DID BELIEVE THE MEETING WAS ABOUT POTENTIAL POLITICAL OPPOSITION RESEARCH ON HILLARY, SO WHAT?! Again, collecting political opposition research IS NOT ILLEGAL. Does anyone needs a reminder at this point that Hillary had purchased a Russian-authored fake news dossier from a Trump-hating foreign spy working with and being paid by the Russians? THAT is okay, but attending a meeting with a Russian lawyer about possible opposition research on Hillary is 'illegal'?
*** ADDED NOTE: Unlike Hillary (and Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Ohr, etc...) Trump Jr walked away from the meeting WITHOUT ANY INFORMATION HAVING EXCHANGED HANDS (according to everyone at the meeting, to include the Russian lawyer later). Hillary purchased the Russian-authored dossier offered to her, and the Obama agency directors ended up using the information illegally.....but Trump is the criminal?

and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
If collusion had been found then collusion would have been charged
Stop lying, collusion was not found and all the what if’s and might ofs means zero in a fact based world
but collusion isn't a crime but apparently defending yourself from accusations of things that are not even a crime are in fact a crime.

Yes. If you're being investigated for say murder and even though you didn't commit the crime you tamper with evidence or try to get others to lie for you to authorities then that is a crime.
All this is designed to keep Mueller from testifying under oath. Once sworn, the questions can go anywhere - including his own culpability. That would force him to: come clean, take the 5th or commit perjury.
Mueller is not stupid - he knows all of this. This is why he is pulling this 'stunt' again, attempting to 'testify' without testifying under oath.

I think that Mr. Mueller needs brought before the Senate to answer for himself. Issue a congressional subpoena. Libs have insisted these subpoenas are sacrosanct, so they should have no problem with that. If he refuses to show up, lock him in solitary, like he did with Manafort. See if he breaks
Any day now.....amirite? :71:
Actually you are wrong. There is no more 'any day now' because Mueller declared today 'IT'S OVER...I'm taking my ball and going home.'

The only investigations and reports left to wrap up and be released are the US IG's and the DOJs on the exposed criminal investigators.
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration and The Deep State to get rid of Trump, period.

Even though his stupid report found no crimes, Mueller still tried to write the thing and leave it open ended.

400 Pages of No Evidence and Not even being able to name One Crime, and Dimwits like Nadler are still going to go all in on a bet for 2020 of impeachment because this thing blew up in their faces and they just have no hope at beating President Trump in fact, I would not be surprised that the GOP doesn't end up with a Super Majority because of idiots like Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi and Schummer.

Indeed. And it wasn't Mueller's job to "clear" Trump of obstruction. One can't prove a negative. Mueller couldn't fulfill the political mission of destroying Trump, but lobbed this last unethical attack as a parting gesture.
This is why it was a mistake to allow him to say anything unless he was under oath. The man knew for 18 months there was No Collusion.

His mission was to try to get Trump out of office but it's damn hard to convict an innocent man or to create an investigation to search for a crime.
I didn't say he proved it, that wasn't the reason for the investigation. He did come up with quite a few uncomfortable facts for Trump that would be indictable if it weren't for the fact that Trump is currently the president.
Presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your claim is specious at best.
For collusion. Not for obstruction. Why is it you guys can't tell the difference?
Your ignorance is on the loose again..
Obstruction REQUIRES corrupt intent.
Thus, your previous claim is specious at best.
Obstruction requires an intent to obstruct,....
Your ignorance rears its ugly head.

Obstruction requires corrupt intent:
Applying the obstruction statutes to the President’s official conduct would involve determining as a factual matter whether he engaged in an obstructive act, whether the act had a nexus to official proceedings, and whether he was motivated by corrupt intent.

Corrupt intent amazingly difficult to prove:
As an initial matter, the term “corruptly” sets a demanding standard. It requires a concrete showing that a person acted with an intent to obtain an “improper advantage for [him]self or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others.”

Absent an underlying crime to conceal, the standard from proving corrupt intent cannot be met:
the evidence we obtained did not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference. Although the obstruction statutes do not require proof of such a crime, the absence of that evidence affects the analysis of the President’s intent and requires consideration of other possible motives for his conduct.

The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

And so:
The actions might be indictable, presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your previous claim is specious at best
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. (Wednesday morning) amid pressure to testify

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to deliver his first public statement on his investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Justice Department.

The Justice Department announced
Mueller would make a statement on Wednesday morning--his first in the more than two years since he was appointed as special counsel."

Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. amid pressure to testify

It should be happening RIGHT NOW.....

“ Mueller: If we had confidence the President had not committed crimes, we would have said so. “
Here's the deal.

As far as Collusion, none was found. As far as obstruction, he made NO conclusion, so basically its OVER.

In the Ken Start Report, Clinton was labeled GUILTY five times. In the Mueller Report, Trump was never declared GUILTY of anything! That's telling!

Collusion is not a crime Mueller investigated. The report site many instances of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russians. Mueller was not able to conclude that there was a conspiracy or agreement between Trump and the Russian Government, but he certainly didn't find "no collusion". It's documented in the report
so he wasn't investigating collusion, but found it anyway and it's in a report that doesn't have it in there.

would you swallow this from the right?

Don't know if you don't read it.
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker

Yep, Mueller made that crystal clear!

Sure he did cupcake.

What part of No Collusion do you not understand?

Or maybe I need to write it in Noodle so you can comprehend.

Please be stupid enough to impeach the president.

Pretty much will guarantee a Super Majority for 2020 America is so sick of you trolls.

Or are you too stupid to know CNN is about to go under?
All this is designed to keep Mueller from testifying under oath. Once sworn, the questions can go anywhere - including his own culpability. That would force him to: come clean, take the 5th or commit perjury.
Mueller is not stupid - he knows all of this. This is why he is pulling this 'stunt' again, attempting to 'testify' without testifying under oath.

I think that Mr. Mueller needs brought before the Senate to answer for himself. Issue a congressional subpoena. Libs have insisted these subpoenas are sacrosanct, so they should have no problem with that. If he refuses to show up, lock him in solitary, like he did with Manafort. See if he breaks

If Mueller testified, it would be behind closed doors and just add tons of more mud to the swamp; as we would get two different interpretations of what was said. The Dem one and the Repub one. It would accomplish absolutely nothing.
Here's the deal.

As far as Collusion, none was found. As far as obstruction, he made NO conclusion, so basically its OVER.

In the Ken Start Report, Clinton was labeled GUILTY five times. In the Mueller Report, Trump was never declared GUILTY of anything! That's telling!

Collusion is not a crime Mueller investigated. The report site many instances of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russians. Mueller was not able to conclude that there was a conspiracy or agreement between Trump and the Russian Government, but he certainly didn't find "no collusion". It's documented in the report
so he wasn't investigating collusion, but found it anyway and it's in a report that doesn't have it in there.

would you swallow this from the right?

Don't know if you don't read it.
No Democrat has even read The Mueller report, so in Dem Tard land it actually says NOTHING.

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