Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
And if you had confidence that he did( your mission) then you would have said so. You do the charging, Trump does not voluntarily submit to it NOR have to prove humself innocent
All today showed is Mueller is Worse than we thought, still trying to bang the drum for his witch hunt.
he failed at that today. bigly.
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency
how? what did they do? why can't you open up your jar and pull that rabbit out?

BTW, I know for a fact that hitlery received a dossier she paid for from them to collude against the trump campaign. now why would they do that if they wanted trump to win? that seems counter productive! at least in the real world. in your fantasy world I supposed anything is possible except for posting how russia helped trump.
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency

Wrong, we the people who VOTED for him, are what got him the presidency. The shrilary is easily the worst candidate to have ever been run. She was a useless piece of shit who said to the people of Wisconsin "you people are stupid, I can count on your vote so I won't waste time coming to your state".

Big mistake. Her ARROGANCE is what cost her the election. Not the russians, you dope.
pray tell how did the russians help again? mueller found nothing in what, 3 years of digging? and clinton-bitches keep running to BUT POPULAR VOTE!!! and wanting 250 years of history changed cause they lost 1 fucking election.
How did the Russians help?

Evidence shows the Russians authored the Dossier, which the Trump-Hating foreign spy who was working WITH them and being PAID BY them while working FOR Comey.

These are the same Russians, BTW, who Obama learned in 2014 were attempting to hack our power grid and who was conducting a counter-Intelligence operation using social media in the United States, and failed to stop them, allowing it to continue for 2 years.

The false suspected counter-intelligence report authored by the Russians that the Trump-hating foreign spy sold to Hillary and to the FBI.....

- the report Bruce Ohr testified he told the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI was fake, unsubstantiated, and unreliable BEFORE they chose to intentionally, knowingly, illegally use it anyway to commit FISA Court abuses and perjury before Congress -

....was used in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election....and then afterwards in a failed coup attempt.

Knowingly or not, Hillary and Obama's agency directors participated in Russia's counter-intel op using the Russian-authored dossier...
Nice rant, snowflake - sorry you could not handle the fact that your new hero Amash is making similar uninformed / ignorant accusations as the snowflakes, and he has no more evidence than they do....which is none.

You can lash out emotionally by calling the President names if you want (BTW, if anyone should be called 'Groper' it should either be disbarred sexual Harasser 'Slick Willy' or the 2020 leading Dem Candidate Unca Joe Biden)...whatever makes you feel better. :p

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
If collusion had been found then collusion would have been charged
Stop lying, collusion was not found and all the what if’s and might ofs means zero in a fact based world
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.
then why did they run with an investigation if they all knew that? to waste 30 million dollars? we didn't have any other needs in our country to use 30 million for? hmmmm I think you're lying.
pray tell how did the russians help again? mueller found nothing in what, 3 years of digging? and clinton-bitches keep running to BUT POPULAR VOTE!!! and wanting 250 years of history changed cause they lost 1 fucking election.
How did the Russians help?

Evidence shows the Russians authored the Dossier, which the Trump-Hating foreign spy who was working WITH them and being PAID BY them while working FOR Comey.

These are the same Russians, BTW, who Obama learned in 2014 were attempting to hack our power grid and who was conducting a counter-Intelligence operation using social media in the United States, and failed to stop them, allowing it to continue for 2 years.

The false suspected counter-intelligence report authored by the Russians that the Trump-hating foreign spy sold to Hillary and to the FBI.....

- the report Bruce Ohr testified he told the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI was fake, unsubstantiated, and unreliable BEFORE they chose to intentionally, knowingly, illegally use it anyway to commit FISA Court abuses and perjury before Congress -

....was used in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election....and then afterwards in a failed coup attempt.

Knowingly or not, Hillary and Obama's agency directors participated in Russia's counter-intel op using the Russian-authored dossier...
I still want to know why no federal agency inspected the DNC server? I'm waiting? Mueller won't answer that one with his own dick.
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency

President Obama told Uncle Pooty before the election to "Cut it out". So why didn't Vlad listen? Was Obama so ineffectual? So impotent? Such a pantywaist?

Further, during the last part of the campaign, Obama pointed out PUBLICLY that no one can fix an American election. It was impossible. Any talk of rigging an election was bullshit. Was Obama lying to the American people?

During the 2016 Presidential Election campaign, Obama was President, his HAND PICKED AG was in charge of the DOJ, Comey was FBI director and Brennan led the CIA. Why didn't they stop it? Why didn't those people say anything? Only two possible answers. Either they are lying now, or they were lying then
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
Nowhere does Mueller say this.
Not once.
pray tell how did the russians help again? mueller found nothing in what, 3 years of digging? and clinton-bitches keep running to BUT POPULAR VOTE!!! and wanting 250 years of history changed cause they lost 1 fucking election.
How did the Russians help?

Evidence shows the Russians authored the Dossier, which the Trump-Hating foreign spy who was working WITH them and being PAID BY them while working FOR Comey.

These are the same Russians, BTW, who Obama learned in 2014 were attempting to hack our power grid and who was conducting a counter-Intelligence operation using social media in the United States, and failed to stop them, allowing it to continue for 2 years.

The false suspected counter-intelligence report authored by the Russians that the Trump-hating foreign spy sold to Hillary and to the FBI.....

- the report Bruce Ohr testified he told the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI was fake, unsubstantiated, and unreliable BEFORE they chose to intentionally, knowingly, illegally use it anyway to commit FISA Court abuses and perjury before Congress -

....was used in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election....and then afterwards in a failed coup attempt.

Knowingly or not, Hillary and Obama's agency directors participated in Russia's counter-intel op using the Russian-authored dossier...
I still want to know why no federal agency inspected the DNC server? I'm waiting? Mueller won't answer that one with his own dick.

DNC would not turn it over for a forensic study to be done!
Mueller agrees with the 720 Republican and Democratic former federal prosecutors that actually read Mueller's Report that agree, that Trump only escaped the criminal charges of Obstruction of Justice because of the Judicial Department does not allow an indictment of a sitting president.
It's that simple and facts are facts.

Wow, they were able to find a whole 720 out of the TENS OF THOUSANDS of federal prosecutors. Seems like a very tiny number when that fact is known, doesn't it. They couldn't even get ONE PERCENT of the federal prosecutors to come down on their side. That, is what we call an epic fail.
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency
Trump did NOT get a Presidency from the Russians, it was just laying around with no one qualified enough to grab it. So it did what came naturally, he grabbed it by the pussy. :lmao:
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. (Wednesday morning) amid pressure to testify

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to deliver his first public statement on his investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Justice Department.

The Justice Department announced
Mueller would make a statement on Wednesday morning--his first in the more than two years since he was appointed as special counsel."

Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. amid pressure to testify

It should be happening RIGHT NOW.....

Yup, listening now. Nothing but a slimy fucking lawyer. Tripping over his words. He is a piece of shit and I hope he dies.
Must be a con-servative Republican Christian.
Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
if she had the russians working against her, how did she buy the fake dossier from the russians? How did she get Uranium One deal done? you're confused, I get it.

I'm still waiting on what trump received from russia!! name it ace!
What Trump got from the Russians?

Start with the Presidency

President Obama told Uncle Pooty before the election to "Cut it out". So why didn't Vlad listen? Was Obama so ineffectual? So impotent? Such a pantywaist?

Further, during the last part of the campaign, Obama pointed out PUBLICLY that no one can fix an American election. It was impossible. Any talk of rigging an election was bullshit. Was Obama lying to the American people?

During the 2016 Presidential Election campaign, Obama was President, his HAND PICKED AG was in charge of the DOJ, Comey was FBI director and Brennan led the CIA. Why didn't they stop it? Why didn't those people say anything? Only two possible answers. Either they are lying now, or they were lying then

I don't think they know how to tell the truth at this point.

Chances are, they are lying all the time.
I didn't say he proved it, that wasn't the reason for the investigation. He did come up with quite a few uncomfortable facts for Trump that would be indictable if it weren't for the fact that Trump is currently the president.
Presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your claim is specious at best.
For collusion. Not for obstruction. Why is it you guys can't tell the difference?
Your ignorance is on the loose again..
Obstruction REQUIRES corrupt intent.

Thus, your previous claim is specious at best.

Obstruction requires an intent to obstruct, not whether what they are attempting to cover up was a crime.

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
If collusion had been found then collusion would have been charged
Stop lying, collusion was not found and all the what if’s and might ofs means zero in a fact based world
but collusion isn't a crime but apparently defending yourself from accusations of things that are not even a crime are in fact a crime.
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration and The Deep State to get rid of Trump, period.

Even though his stupid report found no crimes, Mueller still tried to write the thing and leave it open ended.

400 Pages of No Evidence and Not even being able to name One Crime, and Dimwits like Nadler are still going to go all in on a bet for 2020 of impeachment because this thing blew up in their faces and they just have no hope at beating President Trump in 2020.....

In fact, I would not be surprised that the GOP doesn't end up with a Super Majority in 2020 because of idiots like Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi and Schummer.
Last edited:
pray tell how did the russians help again? mueller found nothing in what, 3 years of digging? and clinton-bitches keep running to BUT POPULAR VOTE!!! and wanting 250 years of history changed cause they lost 1 fucking election.
How did the Russians help?

Evidence shows the Russians authored the Dossier, which the Trump-Hating foreign spy who was working WITH them and being PAID BY them while working FOR Comey.

These are the same Russians, BTW, who Obama learned in 2014 were attempting to hack our power grid and who was conducting a counter-Intelligence operation using social media in the United States, and failed to stop them, allowing it to continue for 2 years.

The false suspected counter-intelligence report authored by the Russians that the Trump-hating foreign spy sold to Hillary and to the FBI.....

- the report Bruce Ohr testified he told the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI was fake, unsubstantiated, and unreliable BEFORE they chose to intentionally, knowingly, illegally use it anyway to commit FISA Court abuses and perjury before Congress -

....was used in an attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 election....and then afterwards in a failed coup attempt.

Knowingly or not, Hillary and Obama's agency directors participated in Russia's counter-intel op using the Russian-authored dossier...
I still want to know why no federal agency inspected the DNC server? I'm waiting? Mueller won't answer that one with his own dick.

DNC would not turn it over for a forensic study to be done!
cause their pakastani lovers ran away with the goods.

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