Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

I didn't say he proved it, that wasn't the reason for the investigation. He did come up with quite a few uncomfortable facts for Trump that would be indictable if it weren't for the fact that Trump is currently the president.
Presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your claim is specious at best.

For collusion. Not for obstruction. Why is it you guys can't tell the difference?
well good for fking you! post the piece of that report that backs your claim then. why are you afraid to walk the walk? bauk, a, bauk-a, bauk!!!!!

Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map
not sure what that is meant for? name the crime. why don't you? come on walk the walk, don't give me an opinion piece for the left. nope, walk the walk, bauk, a, bauk-a, bauk!!!!!

The crime is obstruction, the acts are detailed in the link. Read it.

It's amazing how you can insist that Mueller "proved" obstruction of justice based on a report where he said he didn't.

The other member did not state "proved" but you did.

That makes you a dumb ass.

Mueller made a great case for obstruction; if you are not too fucking lazy to read the report then you would already know what I state is grounded in fact.
except you can't point to the obstruction that is a crime. baulk-a, baulk-a, baulk come on walk the walk loser.
Bob Mueller spoke & he spoke these words.

"If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime.”

This is EXACTLY why it is the function of Congress to pursue the matter within their responsibility of over sight concerning the abuse of power by the executive, period.
The exhaustive, 2 yr $35 million Mueller witch-hunt uncovered what there was to be found and stated in no uncertain terms that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Congress will do no better but they have the report in hand and the authority to impeach Trump if they so choose (and I believe they will). The fact is they will get torched in the court of public opinion and Pelosi knows it but she can't contain the hysterical voices of her colleagues or their lemmings. You fools are squandering what little chance of winning whatever socialist you run in 2020 had but it's clear you just don't care because your butts still hurt so much. :D

GOP Congressman Amash is basically the only politician to come out & to emphatically state that Trump has committed "impeachable acts" which I have been stating the same thing, since reading Volume II of the SC Mueller report.
I was a proponent of Trump's impeachment BEFORE Amash voiced his opinion on the subject.

Amash has taken the high ground to take the out spoken position he has on the issue; his political position is now at stake.
That takes REAL BALLZ; something that no other politicians seem to have.

No wonder AmeriKKKa is in it's death throes.
There is no one of principle left within the leadership of this nation, other than Amash.

RIP AmeriKKKa ......................
fine, name them

See my signature? There is the link, and the info; it's all in Volume II of the report.
Go read it, if you care to.

Nope, I don't care to. I trust that it exists, and what you say is true.

FIRST, you must contend with some FACTS.

ONE; senior intelligence officials, who are non-partisan, have analyzed the data, and have come to different conclusions.

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

TWO; the investigation did not attempt to investigate Crowd-strike's claims. It took them at face value. There was no search done.

Crowdstrike is no more reliable than Roger Stone or Michael Cohen. This is the starting point of the investigation.

THREE; the DNC and FBI paid for spying on Trump. Illegal and unethical. The whole investigation was a set-up hoping that he would do something stupid, hoping that this would bog down his presidency.

Now, sure, if you want to try to impeach and convict a lawfully elected president by the sovereign people of the United States of America AFTER you confront the FACTS about how the establishment set him up like a bowling pin, only to knock him down and subvert the will of the people?

I say, JUST DO IT! Go for it! Watch and see how the electorate reacts. :71:

Open the books on the motherfucker. His whole career.

Volunteered for Vietnam. Battle tested Marine. But Trumpublicans have no trouble attacking decorated war heroes do you?
liberals have no problems attacking a SCOTUS nominee.
or trump
or conservatives in general

stop this one sided ONLY YOUR SIDE DOES IT fucking bullshit characterizations.
There’s some things that are only done by your kind.
name 1 thing that ONLY one side does.

nevermind. you're just trolling around with your fly open.
I didn't say he proved it, that wasn't the reason for the investigation. He did come up with quite a few uncomfortable facts for Trump that would be indictable if it weren't for the fact that Trump is currently the president.
Presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your claim is specious at best.

For collusion. Not for obstruction. Why is it you guys can't tell the difference?
he was found not to have colluded.

can the left tell the difference? obstruction only exists because collusion fell flat on its face.

like calling kavanaugh a rapist then wanting him gone for "lying".
GOP Congressman Amash is basically the only politician to come out & to emphatically state that Trump has committed "impeachable acts" which I have been stating the same thing, since reading Volume II of the SC Mueller report.
That takes REAL BALLZ; something that no other politicians seem to have.

Since there has been no evidence presented proving these 'Impeachable crimes', since no indictments or convictions of ANYONE have been made, that means it takes real IGNORANCE to make such unsubstantiated accusations, not 'ballz'.

So you read the 12 redacted obstruction cases?
Pathetic, keep supporting your woman groper.
Enough to ban him for me.
Admired by his cult rubes
Nice rant, snowflake - sorry you could not handle the fact that your new hero Amash is making similar uninformed / ignorant accusations as the snowflakes, and he has no more evidence than they do....which is none.

You can lash out emotionally by calling the President names if you want (BTW, if anyone should be called 'Groper' it should either be disbarred sexual Harasser 'Slick Willy' or the 2020 leading Dem Candidate Unca Joe Biden)...whatever makes you feel better. :p

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

The biggest, most telling statement Mueller made during his 'statement' is the fact that he REFUSES to testify under oath.

THIS is the type of response / declaration one would expect from a dirty prosecutor who intentionally hid evidence proving the people he was going after were innocent and sent them to jail anyway.

Mueller has declared he refuses to testify under oath before any committee because there are so many questions he can not answer (without lying), so many things he can not justify, so many he can not explain, so many things he claimed in the 2nd half of his written report and in today's 'statement' that he can not substantiate ...

Any prosecutor who does not have the confidence / ability to sit before a Committee and explain / justify his findings is one who knows his investigation and findings can not survive such a review.

His declaration that he refuses to testify under oath tells everyone all they need to know about this proven witch hunt.
anyone not willing to testify under oath about their own material, makes said material untrustworthy!! Just saying, he doesn't wish to be questioned about the people he indicted.
And there’s 14 more that we don’t even know about yet. It’s so exciting.



Republicans put an honest to God criminal into the oval office.

He’s already sharpened a pencil which he calls the American people. I hope someone gives him a pencil.

Since there has been no evidence presented proving these 'Impeachable crimes', since no indictments or convictions of ANYONE have been made, that means it takes real IGNORANCE to make such unsubstantiated accusations, not 'ballz'.

So you read the 12 redacted obstruction cases?
Pathetic, keep supporting your woman groper.
Enough to ban him for me.
Admired by his cult rubes
Nice rant, snowflake - sorry you could not handle the fact that your new hero Amash is making similar uninformed / ignorant accusations as the snowflakes, and he has no more evidence than they do....which is none.

You can lash out emotionally by calling the President names if you want (BTW, if anyone should be called 'Groper' it should either be disbarred sexual Harasser 'Slick Willy' or the 2020 leading Dem Candidate Unca Joe Biden)...whatever makes you feel better. :p

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and hitlery failed.
The biggest, most telling statement Mueller made during his 'statement' is the fact that he REFUSES to testify under oath.

THIS is the type of response / declaration one would expect from a dirty prosecutor who intentionally hid evidence proving the people he was going after were innocent and sent them to jail anyway.

Mueller has declared he refuses to testify under oath before any committee because there are so many questions he can not answer (without lying), so many things he can not justify, so many he can not explain, so many things he claimed in the 2nd half of his written report and in today's 'statement' that he can not substantiate ...

Any prosecutor who does not have the confidence / ability to sit before a Committee and explain / justify his findings is one who knows his investigation and findings can not survive such a review.

His declaration that he refuses to testify under oath tells everyone all they need to know about this proven witch hunt.
anyone not willing to testify under oath about their own material, makes said material untrustworthy!! Just saying, he doesn't wish to be questioned about the people he indicted.
And there’s 14 more that we don’t even know about yet. It’s so exciting.



Republicans put an honest to God criminal into the oval office.

He’s already sharpened a pencil which he calls the American people. I hope someone gives him a pencil.

still got nothing. baulk-a, baulk-a, baulk-a,

Come on ace, walk the walk, post the piece that trump is guilty of. why do you hesitate? are you unwilling to do what your big mouth has spouted off?
So you read the 12 redacted obstruction cases?
Pathetic, keep supporting your woman groper.
Enough to ban him for me.
Admired by his cult rubes
Nice rant, snowflake - sorry you could not handle the fact that your new hero Amash is making similar uninformed / ignorant accusations as the snowflakes, and he has no more evidence than they do....which is none.

You can lash out emotionally by calling the President names if you want (BTW, if anyone should be called 'Groper' it should either be disbarred sexual Harasser 'Slick Willy' or the 2020 leading Dem Candidate Unca Joe Biden)...whatever makes you feel better. :p

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
Nice rant, snowflake - sorry you could not handle the fact that your new hero Amash is making similar uninformed / ignorant accusations as the snowflakes, and he has no more evidence than they do....which is none.

You can lash out emotionally by calling the President names if you want (BTW, if anyone should be called 'Groper' it should either be disbarred sexual Harasser 'Slick Willy' or the 2020 leading Dem Candidate Unca Joe Biden)...whatever makes you feel better. :p

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
and she still failed.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. (Wednesday morning) amid pressure to testify

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to deliver his first public statement on his investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Justice Department.

The Justice Department announced
Mueller would make a statement on Wednesday morning--his first in the more than two years since he was appointed as special counsel."

Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. amid pressure to testify

It should be happening RIGHT NOW.....
In our system of jurisprudence citizens are innocent until proven guilty. Mueller had nothing to recommend criminal charges...ergo Trump is innocent of all the accusations made. Give it up liberals.
Open the books on the motherfucker. His whole career.

Volunteered for Vietnam. Battle tested Marine. But Trumpublicans have no trouble attacking decorated war heroes do you?
liberals have no problems attacking a SCOTUS nominee.
or trump
or conservatives in general

stop this one sided ONLY YOUR SIDE DOES IT fucking bullshit characterizations.

McCain, Kerry, now Mueller. Two Republicans and a Democrat. Trumpublicans are equal opportunists.
The exhaustive, 2 yr $35 million Mueller witch-hunt uncovered what there was to be found and stated in no uncertain terms that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Congress will do no better but they have the report in hand and the authority to impeach Trump if they so choose (and I believe they will). The fact is they will get torched in the court of public opinion and Pelosi knows it but she can't contain the hysterical voices of her colleagues or their lemmings. You fools are squandering what little chance of winning whatever socialist you run in 2020 had but it's clear you just don't care because your butts still hurt so much. :D

GOP Congressman Amash is basically the only politician to come out & to emphatically state that Trump has committed "impeachable acts" which I have been stating the same thing, since reading Volume II of the SC Mueller report.
I was a proponent of Trump's impeachment BEFORE Amash voiced his opinion on the subject.

Amash has taken the high ground to take the out spoken position he has on the issue; his political position is now at stake.
That takes REAL BALLZ; something that no other politicians seem to have.

No wonder AmeriKKKa is in it's death throes.
There is no one of principle left within the leadership of this nation, other than Amash.

RIP AmeriKKKa ......................
fine, name them

See my signature? There is the link, and the info; it's all in Volume II of the report.
Go read it, if you care to.
fk you, post the crime. go for it. why are you afraid to post one? bauk bauk bauk!!!!

more people who can't walk the walk. too fking funny. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I actually read the report; I was a proponent of the impeachment of Trump even before Congressman Amash.

Why was that? Because I READ THE GODDAMN REPORT.

Now, I understand you are too fucking lazy to read, or you are too stupid to know how to read = NOT MY PROBLEM.
And yet you are still wrong.

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
Since there has been no evidence presented proving these 'Impeachable crimes', since no indictments or convictions of ANYONE have been made, that means it takes real IGNORANCE to make such unsubstantiated accusations, not 'ballz'.

So you read the 12 redacted obstruction cases?
Pathetic, keep supporting your woman groper.
Enough to ban him for me.
Admired by his cult rubes
Nice rant, snowflake - sorry you could not handle the fact that your new hero Amash is making similar uninformed / ignorant accusations as the snowflakes, and he has no more evidence than they do....which is none.

You can lash out emotionally by calling the President names if you want (BTW, if anyone should be called 'Groper' it should either be disbarred sexual Harasser 'Slick Willy' or the 2020 leading Dem Candidate Unca Joe Biden)...whatever makes you feel better. :p

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.
I didn't say he proved it, that wasn't the reason for the investigation. He did come up with quite a few uncomfortable facts for Trump that would be indictable if it weren't for the fact that Trump is currently the president.
Presuming Mueller thought he could clearly demonstrate the necessary corrupt intent.
Which he said he could not.
Thus, your claim is specious at best.
For collusion. Not for obstruction. Why is it you guys can't tell the difference?
Your ignorance is on the loose again..
Obstruction REQUIRES corrupt intent.

Thus, your previous claim is specious at best.
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and hitlery failed.

Never heard of him.
and she still failed.

She did. However she managed to still win the votes of more people and she had the Russians working against her. But in the end, this is a thread about Trump, not Clinton and every time the topic gets too uncomfortable for the Trumpbots they have to scurry behind "but...but...Clinton".

You guys are as predictable as you are pathetic.
pray tell how did the russians help again?

mueller found nothing in what, 3 years of digging?

and clinton-bitches keep running to BUT POPULAR VOTE!!! and wanting 250 years of history changed cause they lost 1 fucking election.

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