Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

This whole show has been Democrat & Rhinos acting outside of rules and regulations. We will soon see they acted outside of the law too when IG & Barr are done. Notice that most of the suspects have been fired, resigned or retired. They can't be forced to testify unless a grand jury supeana them. The only thing good about this is they will have to pay their own legal fees. I knew Mueller was crooked when he put together his team of Trump hating Democrats. Mueller doesn't want to testify in congress or he will be put in a purgery trap himself. This is Sedition and should be put infront of a Military Tribunal instead of the Simon Says , Harvard Case Law civil courts. They have built into the Law escape hatches for those wealthy enough to use them. The Swamp creatures have already defied orders from federal judges and gotten away with it and I don't see them stopping now. Without indictements none of this stuff has any teeth.
Obstruction requires an intent to obstruct, not whether what they are attempting to cover up was a crime.
how is that different than what the other poster wrote exactly?
I am sure he does not know.
I am sure he thinks an action is obstructive in and of itself, regardless of intent; this is pure ignorance.

For instance:
A president fires a special counsel
- If he fired counsel because of a demonstrable conflict of interest or other corruption, it is not an obstructive act
- If he fired counsel because he is close to uncovering a crime committed by the President, that IS an obstructive act.

The left is in so far over its heard here, it can't see daylight.
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration

I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Who initiated all of this?

Obama, Clinton and all of Obama's men.

Obama committed Treason.

His act of purchasing Russian Propaganda to use in our election is enough to try him for treason, but he did a whole lot more than that.

Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...
Mueller just proved it to America............

that mueller is definately a part of 'the deep state" as well as being a dyed in wool (lies) RINO. Now he's retiring because he made quite a fortune off the "Trump/Russian Collusion" hoax he soaked for two years.
Mueller is a corrupt, democrat at heart. He also cannot stand that Trump won the election and that Trump twarted the plans of Obama and Hillary.

if he couldn't find any evidence after 2 yrs, millions and dollars and talking to hundreds of people...then there never was any evidence because it did not happen.
Any day now.....amirite? :71:
Actually you are wrong. There is no more 'any day now' because Mueller declared today 'IT'S OVER...I'm taking my ball and going home.'

The only investigations and reports left to wrap up and be released are the US IG's and the DOJs on the exposed criminal investigators.

Yeah cause Congress has no business running investigations into a president.
Any day now.....amirite? :71:
Actually you are wrong. There is no more 'any day now' because Mueller declared today 'IT'S OVER...I'm taking my ball and going home.'

The only investigations and reports left to wrap up and be released are the US IG's and the DOJs on the exposed criminal investigators.

Yeah cause Congress has no business running investigations into a president.
they did. both the house and the senate when the GOP had control! did you forget that? guess what they concluded? how many do you need? oh yeah, the one that finally gets the expected outcome right? fk the justice system, just get orangemanbad out of office cause he beat our queen.

honesty is never a good quality when one needs to divert from the final outcome that with which one didn't like.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. (Wednesday morning) amid pressure to testify

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to deliver his first public statement on his investigation into Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Justice Department.

The Justice Department announced
Mueller would make a statement on Wednesday morning--his first in the more than two years since he was appointed as special counsel."

Special Counsel Robert Mueller to make statement at Justice Dept. amid pressure to testify

It should be happening RIGHT NOW.....

He won't say if Trump was guilty and won't say he was innocent........................................for $30 million in taxpayer money

Thanks Robert!

I need a job like that.
So, if it wasn't $ a pay-off by Hillary, what was Mueller's reason for slanting 'justice' in her favor?

Butwhatabout......... explanation that would excuse your hero?????

One can only conclude that he is a crook and you are a dunce.

And, you certainly have the appropriate avi, as you are clearly the mental equivalent of a doggy chew-toy.
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...

Mueller had a lot of hatred for President Trump , because Trump wouldn't comp him his golf club fees.

This entire episode was at least partly due to Mueller's greed and sense of entitlement. The Mule figured since he was a big shot in the Deep State, a peon like Donald J. Trump should genuflect to his every desire.

Mueller was offended, and when he got a chance, he used it to get back at the Donald and punish him
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration
I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Mueller was appointed Special Counsel by Obama Deputy DOJ / US AG Rosenstein, an Obama toady and best buds with Mueller and Comey...
Mueller just proved it to America............

that mueller is definately a part of 'the deep state" as well as being a dyed in wool (lies) RINO. Now he's retiring because he made quite a fortune off the "Trump/Russian Collusion" hoax he soaked for two years.
Mueller is a corrupt, democrat at heart. He also cannot stand that Trump won the election and that Trump twarted the plans of Obama and Hillary.

if he couldn't find any evidence after 2 yrs, millions and dollars and talking to hundreds of people...then there never was any evidence because it did not happen.
Exactly, so WTF is Fat Jerry, Dick Sucking Nadler going to find?

Nothing which is the sum total of his contribution to America.
Nice rant, snowflake - sorry you could not handle the fact that your new hero Amash is making similar uninformed / ignorant accusations as the snowflakes, and he has no more evidence than they do....which is none.

You can lash out emotionally by calling the President names if you want (BTW, if anyone should be called 'Groper' it should either be disbarred sexual Harasser 'Slick Willy' or the 2020 leading Dem Candidate Unca Joe Biden)...whatever makes you feel better. :p

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

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and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
What obstruction? Mueller never had any evidence of obstruction or he would recommended legal action against Trump. He did not. His investigation was chasing a specter that deep state operatives were using to attempt a coup against a free and fairly elected POTUS.
Now the Muller has Case closed-AGAIN- can you create a separate section where the Muller-Trump themes can be discussed and declutter the Politics section of a concluded matter?
Thank you.

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
What obstruction? Mueller never had any evidence of obstruction or he would recommended legal action against Trump. He did not. His investigation was chasing a specter that deep state operatives were using to attempt a coup against a free and fairly elected POTUS.
these leftist ain't honest enough to answer your question. It really must suck to be a dick like them for their entire lives. I can't even imagine. not a speck of honesty.

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