Mexican Holiday trumps Patriotism in California, court rules


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Patriotism takes backseat to Mexican Holiday

Court Backs High School in Flap Over American Flag T-Shirts

A California school principal did not violate the freedom of speech of a group of students who wore American flags on their shirts on Cinco de Mayo when he told them to turn the shirts inside out or go home, a federal judge has ruled.

Students sent home for offending Mexicans by wearing American flag t-shirts on Cinco De Mayo

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CA was handed over to Mexico a long time ago. The people in CA fell asleep at the wheel. Can't blame anybody but themselves for putting in high offices latinos who are looking to benefit Mexico and beyond and NOT California! The USA is next. It's that simple folks.
I’m surprised the boys didn’t get charged with disorderly conduct.

Evidently the American flag T-Shirts saying U.S.A. the boys were wearing were considered to be a form of profanity to the Mexican children. It must have been terrible to see such profane material.

Profane material is defined as including language that denotes certain of those personally reviling epithets naturally tending to provoke violent resentment or denoting language so grossly offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to amount to a nuisance.
In a few places in this country if you want to display an american flag on your property you will be forced to take it down...

However if you want to take that flag to the front lawn and set it on fire,or relieve yourself on it you will be allowed.In fact I'm sure some would cheer you on.

Or you can be like Michelle Obama seen recently questioning a flag ceremony...
She appears to be disgusted by the ceremony.It look like she asks her hubby..
All this for a flag,then she shakes her head in disapproval?

This country has changed so much in a short time in regards to respect for our flag.
CA was handed over to Mexico a long time ago. The people in CA fell asleep at the wheel. Can't blame anybody but themselves for putting in high offices latinos who are looking to benefit Mexico and beyond and NOT California! The USA is next. It's that simple folks.

Solamente queremos la vuelta de nuestra pais.
We need an "Occupy Wall Street"on the border, ASAP! The weather is fair and it hardly ever rains. Come one, come all!
At this point, the rule of law has broken down. The judge in question should be taken out and beaten to within and inch of his life.
So, now on May 5 people can't show American pride?
No, if the purpose of that action is to clearly provoke violent confrontation, the principal did that right thing.

On the previous Cinco de Mayo, Ware said, a group of Mexican-American students walked around with a Mexican flag, and a group of Anglo students responded by hoisting a makeshift American flag up a tree, chanting "U-S-A" and exchanging profanities and threats with the Latino youths.

Read more: Court Backs High School In Flap Over American Flag T-Shirts | Fox News
No, if the purpose of that action is to clearly provoke violent confrontation, the principal did that right thing.

On the previous Cinco de Mayo, Ware said, a group of Mexican-American students walked around with a Mexican flag, and a group of Anglo students responded by hoisting a makeshift American flag up a tree, chanting "U-S-A" and exchanging profanities and threats with the Latino youths.

Read more: Court Backs High School In Flap Over American Flag T-Shirts | Fox News

So why weren't the illegals instructed to put the flag of a foreign nation away, rather than demanding the Americans bow to the illegals?

This is an act of war. This principle and this federal judge are enemies of this nation and should be treated as such.
Can we just give California to Mexico and be done with them? Maybe some kind of agreement could be reached where they get California and all the illegals have to go there. that would solve two problems.
Can we just give California to Mexico and be done with them? Maybe some kind of agreement could be reached where they get California and all the illegals have to go there. that would solve two problems.

I live in California, and I'm armed.
Can we just give California to Mexico and be done with them? Maybe some kind of agreement could be reached where they get California and all the illegals have to go there. that would solve two problems.

if they did that you would not get anymore Grateful Dead ty die shirts.....think about that....
No, if the purpose of that action is to clearly provoke violent confrontation, the principal did that right thing.

On the previous Cinco de Mayo, Ware said, a group of Mexican-American students walked around with a Mexican flag, and a group of Anglo students responded by hoisting a makeshift American flag up a tree, chanting "U-S-A" and exchanging profanities and threats with the Latino youths.

Read more: Court Backs High School In Flap Over American Flag T-Shirts | Fox News

So why weren't the illegals instructed to put the flag of a foreign nation away, rather than demanding the Americans bow to the illegals?

This is an act of war. This principle and this federal judge are enemies of this nation and should be treated as such.
You don't if they are illegal and even if they are that should not effect the principals actions. The first priority of a principal has to be the safety of the students. Since you don't know all the details and judge certainly does, your statements are illogical.
You don't if they are illegal

I don't what if they are illegal? I don't condemn their actions? You may not, but I do.

and even if they are that should not effect the principals actions.

What this principle did was very close to treason. He supported the goals of a foreign nation over the rights of citizens of this nation.

The first priority of a principal has to be the safety of the students.

Bullshit. If that were the case, he would have prohibited the Mexican flag. He didn't - his goal was to promote Mexican dominance. This is VERY common in California, there is a "soft war" of conquest under way.

Since you don't know all the details and judge certainly does, your statements are illogical.

The judge took the side of Mexico over the USA - he is a traitor and should be treated as such.
The mexicans threatened riot and vandalism. They always do and that's how they get their way. If the American students rioted to stop Cinco De Mayo and vandalized the school, there would be no Cinco De Mayo and no problem.

It wa letting it get started in the first place.
You don't if they are illegal

I don't what if they are illegal? I don't condemn their actions? You may not, but I do.

and even if they are that should not effect the principals actions.

What this principle did was very close to treason. He supported the goals of a foreign nation over the rights of citizens of this nation.

The first priority of a principal has to be the safety of the students.

Bullshit. If that were the case, he would have prohibited the Mexican flag. He didn't - his goal was to promote Mexican dominance. This is VERY common in California, there is a "soft war" of conquest under way.

Since you don't know all the details and judge certainly does, your statements are illogical.

The judge took the side of Mexico over the USA - he is a traitor and should be treated as such.
Then, when the story got national attention and the five teenagers were touted as heroes for standing their ground, they acted like defenders of the First Amendment. Considering that, according to other students, the boys aren't known to wear American flag shirts any other day of the year, maybe they were making a statement after all - the kind you make to drivers who cut you off on the highway.

Now that more details have surfaced, it looks as if the boys have, all along, been acting like brats. While it's true that it is not the school district's policy to ask students to remove patriotic clothing, and Rodriguez is in hot water, it is also true that administrators at Live Oak asked students beforehand not to wear flag clothing on Cinco de Mayo - any flags, of the United States, Mexico or Estonia. That's because there had been tensions last year, according to what a Morgan Hill school board trustee told the Associated Press.

Live Oak high school kids out of control - SFGate

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