Mexican president compares Trump rhetoric to Hitler and Mussolini


If he is so worried about a "Hitler" coming to power in the US, then maybe he should take steps to stop his people from coming to America and even take steps to help those that are here escape back to safety.

Or, if not, than admit he is a lying piece of shit.

Silly Correll always setting up strawmen what if scenarios. Stopping people from coming to the US had nothing to do with Trumps rhetoric.

Try again.

NO strawman.

If he is seriously worried that the US president is going to start committing genocide against his people,than he would want to get his people out.

Who said he doesn't? Lemme guess, the strawman...right?

Indeed, a massive defense build up should already be underway. Hitler was big on invading neighbors and committing genocide on their people.

The Mexican President wants or defense building happening or not doesn't change Trump's rhetoric either. You like to change the subject a lot

If he is seriously worried about that, then where is the calls for massive expenditures on military hardware and training?

Whether he calls for anything doesn't change Trump's rhetoric and people don't game to jump through your hoops just because you set them up. He could be on the phone with the military right now...or not. Still doesn't change Trump's fascist talk.
Trump along with stupid pathetic white people have drug this country so low to the gutter, expect very soon the people of Africa to give an opinion....

And who exactly has been leading this country for the last 7 years?

Who is president has nothing to do with Trump and his hate. Try again

What hate?...To stupid bastards like you, telling the TRUTH is HATE!

Lol...try again
the left are such intolerant suckers

Former UN Diplomat Richard Grenell: Reuters Hit Piece on Trump “Is a Farce” (VIDEO)

Mar 7th, 2016 1:55 pm

Former diplomat Richard Grenell, who has not backed a Republican candidate for president, told FOX News today that the Reuters report on Donald Trump with anonymous sources was garbage.

Reuters reported today that foreign diplomats are voicing alarm to US officials about Donald Trump. They used anonymous sources for their report.

Former UN diplomat Richard Grenell told FOX News the Reuters report was trifling.

all of it here:
Former UN Diplomat Richard Grenell: Reuters Hit Piece on Trump "Is a Farce" (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Color me shocked.

Of course he does. He doesn't want Trump as POTUS because Trump will build a wall to keep his people out of our country.

No illegals. No billions of American dollars those illegals send back to Mexico.

The Mexican economy depends on those dollars. Too bad. So Sad. Hope the Mexican economy can survive without American dollars because if Trump is POTUS that wall will go up.
Pissing off a former Mexican president is a good thing.

Illegals are a gravy train the Mexican pols desperately need to keep running.
Y'know, all things considered, it's not impossible that Trump is our next President.

I wonder if foreign officials who say stuff like this realize that.
Y'know, all things considered, it's not impossible that Trump is our next President.

I wonder if foreign officials who say stuff like this realize that.
No foreign officials said anything. It was made up garbage.
Fuck Mexico, if it weren't for their beachside resorts nobody would care. Ever heard somebody say, "I'm going to spend my vacation in Mexico city". Sure, except that it's a smog ridden, cartel infested, filthy, over populated shit hole, why wouldn't you want to go there? Ha ha.
Considering that we imported ~$295 billion from Mexico and exported ~$236 billion to Mexico (making it one of our largest trading partners), if you live in America (and I assume you do), you should probably care about Mexico.

I have no feelings or bias towards Mexicans in particular. Mexcio however does pose a huge problem in the US today. It is no secret that many South American gangs and drugs come through our southern border, and there is a huge burden on the border state economies and the safety of US citizens because of the influx of illegals.
Color me shocked.

Of course he does. He doesn't want Trump as POTUS because Trump will build a wall to keep his people out of our country.

No illegals. No billions of American dollars those illegals send back to Mexico.

The Mexican economy depends on those dollars. Too bad. So Sad. Hope the Mexican economy can survive without American dollars because if Trump is POTUS that wall will go up.

--- Like an Atlantic City casino. :oops:
I'm sure all you on the left would be posting this they were saying it about, Obama, Hillary or Bernie. you leftist are the most UnAmercian, intolerant and nasty to post this as if we are suppose to care.
he can come over and round up all his citizens here ILLEGALLY he doesn't like who the President will be and then go to hell.

And you are not a human being.
Y'know, all things considered, it's not impossible that Trump is our next President.

I wonder if foreign officials who say stuff like this realize that.

What difference would it make?
The best kept secret that the media will never admit is Trump is saying exactly what most Americans secretly think.
uneducated amercian

50% of american dont vote
just 24% vote to republican and 35% of republican like trump based on poll
so 8% of american like trump
Trump along with stupid pathetic white people have drug this country so low to the gutter, expect very soon the people of Africa to give an opinion....:banana:

The people of Africa do not have a vote and their opinion is meaningless.

Donald Trump campaigned in Norwalk, Iowa on Jan. 20, 2016. (Associated Press)
Donald Trump’s critics say Mexico can’t or won’t pay for a wall at the border, which he says is hogwash.

"When they say ‘but Mexico can't pay for the wall,’ I say of course they can," said the Republican frontrunner at a town hall in Norwalk, Iowa, on Jan. 20. "We have a trade deficit with Mexico that's unbelievably big. Humongous. It's a humongous number ($54 BILLION in 2015!). It's billions and billions of dollars -- far more than what we're talking about for the wall. (Current est. on building the WALL is $8 BILLION!) The wall's peanuts compared to that."

Sounds like Mexico can be FUCKED WITH and LIKE IT!

Actually it sounds like you're what they call an "easy mark".

Donald Rump (occupation: bullshitmonger) says "of course they'll do it" and that's all it takes.

Which reminds me --- how much you got on you right now?


"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"

Of course OCDGirl has no idea what a trade deficit she'll quickly look it up and make up some more bullshit

I see you already OWN the Brooklyn bridge.... GOOD FOR YOU!:ahole-1:

I see I have misunderestimated the level of your stupidity. You think mentioning a trade deficit somehow "proves" that Mexico is gonna pay for a fucking bridge.

Only reason I misunderestimated was because I didn't know they made Stupid in that low of an octane.

Only stupid doesn't realize that cutting the $54 billion deficit with Mexico to $44 billion pays for the wall.

Donald Trump campaigned in Norwalk, Iowa on Jan. 20, 2016. (Associated Press)
Donald Trump’s critics say Mexico can’t or won’t pay for a wall at the border, which he says is hogwash.

"When they say ‘but Mexico can't pay for the wall,’ I say of course they can," said the Republican frontrunner at a town hall in Norwalk, Iowa, on Jan. 20. "We have a trade deficit with Mexico that's unbelievably big. Humongous. It's a humongous number ($54 BILLION in 2015!). It's billions and billions of dollars -- far more than what we're talking about for the wall. (Current est. on building the WALL is $8 BILLION!) The wall's peanuts compared to that."

Sounds like Mexico can be FUCKED WITH and LIKE IT!

Actually it sounds like you're what they call an "easy mark".

Donald Rump (occupation: bullshitmonger) says "of course they'll do it" and that's all it takes.

Which reminds me --- how much you got on you right now?


"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"

Of course OCDGirl has no idea what a trade deficit she'll quickly look it up and make up some more bullshit

I see you already OWN the Brooklyn bridge.... GOOD FOR YOU!:ahole-1:

I see I have misunderestimated the level of your stupidity. You think mentioning a trade deficit somehow "proves" that Mexico is gonna pay for a fucking bridge.

Only reason I misunderestimated was because I didn't know they made Stupid in that low of an octane.

Only stupid doesn't realize that cutting the $54 billion deficit with Mexico to $44 billion pays for the wall.
How does that work? What is the logic?

Donald Trump campaigned in Norwalk, Iowa on Jan. 20, 2016. (Associated Press)
Donald Trump’s critics say Mexico can’t or won’t pay for a wall at the border, which he says is hogwash.

"When they say ‘but Mexico can't pay for the wall,’ I say of course they can," said the Republican frontrunner at a town hall in Norwalk, Iowa, on Jan. 20. "We have a trade deficit with Mexico that's unbelievably big. Humongous. It's a humongous number ($54 BILLION in 2015!). It's billions and billions of dollars -- far more than what we're talking about for the wall. (Current est. on building the WALL is $8 BILLION!) The wall's peanuts compared to that."

Sounds like Mexico can be FUCKED WITH and LIKE IT!

Actually it sounds like you're what they call an "easy mark".

Donald Rump (occupation: bullshitmonger) says "of course they'll do it" and that's all it takes.

Which reminds me --- how much you got on you right now?


"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"

Of course OCDGirl has no idea what a trade deficit she'll quickly look it up and make up some more bullshit

I see you already OWN the Brooklyn bridge.... GOOD FOR YOU!:ahole-1:

I see I have misunderestimated the level of your stupidity. You think mentioning a trade deficit somehow "proves" that Mexico is gonna pay for a fucking bridge.

Only reason I misunderestimated was because I didn't know they made Stupid in that low of an octane.

Only stupid doesn't realize that cutting the $54 billion deficit with Mexico to $44 billion pays for the wall.
How does that work? What is the logic?

Sell them more stuff and/or don't buy as much stuff from them is one way.

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