Mexican president compares Trump rhetoric to Hitler and Mussolini

And who in their right mind would listen to any leader of Mexico? :bang3:

The leader of the most corrupt country in the western hemisphere giving advice.:finger3:

I've spent many years travelling in and out of Mexico. Mexicans are fleeing this corrupt state where life has no value to come here and the democrats are fighting tooth and nail to turn this country in to what these people are fleeing. The crazy part is that those fleeing will vote for reproducing the same situation here. For over a hundred years, Mexico has used our country as a economic pressure relief valve to prop up their failed state.

His opinion is worth as much as Bernie's or Hillary's who would both love to turn our country into the corrupt oligarchy that is Mexico. The sad thing is, it will happen. We are one generation away from one party rule.

Democrats think this will be such a great thing when their party is the only one left. Thinking Democrats look South and see what's in store. They see it's not pretty. But even those thinking Democrats will step off the cliff before admitting their totalitarian fantasy won't work. They just have to try it here even though it has failed everywhere.
View attachment 66309

He's for America, NOT other countries that are RAPING US!
Not only does men like Trump PROVIDE THE LUBRICANT FOR RAPE, they're the one's who make Mexico and China possible. What about this can't you mindless shit for brains fucks comprehend??? I mean you people are just too gotdamned dumb for fuckin words. Ask Trump if he's so fuckin Pro American Labor, why are his apparel lines STILL BEING MANUFACTORED OVER THERE?????? You people have got to someday come to understand, the man your holding up as a hero, has sold you down the drain like all of corporate america has done...The reason he will NEVER RELEASE HIS TAXES, IS BECAUSE LIKE CORPORATE AMERICA...WITH HILLARY LEADING THE WAY...THEY DON'T PAY ANY AND ITS THE LITTLE PEOPLE, YOU AND ME, THAT DOES.....AGAIN, stop with the ignorance and get a clue, you mindless moron

What is it they say about you people, you can't fix stupid!

Why should he release his tax return? From what I see, there is NO LAW stating a candidate must, and now we have HISTORY as to what the DemoRATS especially Harry "The dirty Mob Fuck from Las Vegas" Reid did to McRomney, on the floor of the Senate, specifically so he could not get sued over his admitted LIES about McRomney's taxes! So FUCK anyone that wants to see them, they have his financial statements instead! This shit is so easy, even a nubian asshole should be able to understand! ....Well, perhaps NOT YOU!
Trump along with stupid pathetic white people have drug this country so low to the gutter, expect very soon the people of Africa to give an opinion....:banana:
If Trump really cared about the elitist former "president" of a corrupt country he might compare the Mex president's rhetoric to Che and Fidel. Is that a positive thing to the idiot low information left?
They are doing to the US what the white Europeans used to do to Asians a couple hundred years ago. They got the people addicted to opium and alcohol and looted them.
Trump along with stupid pathetic white people have drug this country so low to the gutter, expect very soon the people of Africa to give an opinion....:banana:

THIS is why We WHITE Conservatives and Patriots want to FLUSH the WHITE LIBERAL COCK SUCKERS OUT OF GOVERNMENT! ..... Nubians are EASY TARGETS if Africans, like you :ahole-1:, want to start shit!
The best kept secret that the media will never admit is Trump is saying exactly what most Americans secretly think.
Trump along with stupid pathetic white people have drug this country so low to the gutter, expect very soon the people of Africa to give an opinion....

And who exactly has been leading this country for the last 7 years?


If he is so worried about a "Hitler" coming to power in the US, then maybe he should take steps to stop his people from coming to America and even take steps to help those that are here escape back to safety.

Or, if not, than admit he is a lying piece of shit.

Silly Correll always setting up strawmen what if scenarios. Stopping people from coming to the US had nothing to do with Trumps rhetoric.

Try again.

If he is so worried about a "Hitler" coming to power in the US, then maybe he should take steps to stop his people from coming to America and even take steps to help those that are here escape back to safety.

Or, if not, than admit he is a lying piece of shit.

Silly Correll always setting up strawmen what if scenarios. Stopping people from coming to the US had nothing to do with Trumps rhetoric.

Try again.

NO strawman.

If he is seriously worried that the US president is going to start committing genocide against his people,than he would want to get his people out.

Indeed, a massive defense build up should already be underway. Hitler was big on invading neighbors and committing genocide on their people.

If he is seriously worried about that, then where is the calls for massive expenditures on military hardware and training?
The fucking audacity!!!
Apparently the beaner politicians haven't gotten the memo.
Trump thrives on this shit!!!
View attachment 66309

He's for America, NOT other countries that are RAPING US!
Not only does men like Trump PROVIDE THE LUBRICANT FOR RAPE, they're the one's who make Mexico and China possible. What about this can't you mindless shit for brains fucks comprehend??? I mean you people are just too gotdamned dumb for fuckin words. Ask Trump if he's so fuckin Pro American Labor, why are his apparel lines STILL BEING MANUFACTORED OVER THERE?????? You people have got to someday come to understand, the man your holding up as a hero, has sold you down the drain like all of corporate america has done...The reason he will NEVER RELEASE HIS TAXES, IS BECAUSE LIKE CORPORATE AMERICA...WITH HILLARY LEADING THE WAY...THEY DON'T PAY ANY AND ITS THE LITTLE PEOPLE, YOU AND ME, THAT DOES.....AGAIN, stop with the ignorance and get a clue, you mindless moron

What is it they say about you people, you can't fix stupid!

Why should he release his tax return? From what I see, there is NO LAW stating a candidate must, and now we have HISTORY as to what the DemoRATS especially Harry "The dirty Mob Fuck from Las Vegas" Reid did to McRomney, on the floor of the Senate, specifically so he could not get sued over his admitted LIES about McRomney's taxes! So FUCK anyone that wants to see them, they have his financial statements instead! This shit is so easy, even a nubian asshole should be able to understand! ....Well, perhaps NOT YOU!

Hey don't be hating on me, cause I could give a fuck. I'm just trying to school you sorry fucks to let you know, this hero, this Nazi God is a fake and people like you, like them German's back in the day, are grasping for fuckin want a solution to better fuckin government? STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS, GOTDAMNIT!!
View attachment 66309

He's for America, NOT other countries that are RAPING US!
Not only does men like Trump PROVIDE THE LUBRICANT FOR RAPE, they're the one's who make Mexico and China possible. What about this can't you mindless shit for brains fucks comprehend??? I mean you people are just too gotdamned dumb for fuckin words. Ask Trump if he's so fuckin Pro American Labor, why are his apparel lines STILL BEING MANUFACTORED OVER THERE?????? You people have got to someday come to understand, the man your holding up as a hero, has sold you down the drain like all of corporate america has done...The reason he will NEVER RELEASE HIS TAXES, IS BECAUSE LIKE CORPORATE AMERICA...WITH HILLARY LEADING THE WAY...THEY DON'T PAY ANY AND ITS THE LITTLE PEOPLE, YOU AND ME, THAT DOES.....AGAIN, stop with the ignorance and get a clue, you mindless moron

What is it they say about you people, you can't fix stupid!

Why should he release his tax return? From what I see, there is NO LAW stating a candidate must, and now we have HISTORY as to what the DemoRATS especially Harry "The dirty Mob Fuck from Las Vegas" Reid did to McRomney, on the floor of the Senate, specifically so he could not get sued over his admitted LIES about McRomney's taxes! So FUCK anyone that wants to see them, they have his financial statements instead! This shit is so easy, even a nubian asshole should be able to understand! ....Well, perhaps NOT YOU!

Hey don't be hating on me, cause I could give a fuck. I'm just trying to school you sorry fucks to let you know, this hero, this Nazi God is a fake and people like you, like them German's back in the day, are grasping for fuckin want a solution to better fuckin government? STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS, GOTDAMNIT!!

You are raving.

Wanting to deport illegals is not "nazi".

Try to be less hysterical.
View attachment 66309

He's for America, NOT other countries that are RAPING US!
Not only does men like Trump PROVIDE THE LUBRICANT FOR RAPE, they're the one's who make Mexico and China possible. What about this can't you mindless shit for brains fucks comprehend??? I mean you people are just too gotdamned dumb for fuckin words. Ask Trump if he's so fuckin Pro American Labor, why are his apparel lines STILL BEING MANUFACTORED OVER THERE?????? You people have got to someday come to understand, the man your holding up as a hero, has sold you down the drain like all of corporate america has done...The reason he will NEVER RELEASE HIS TAXES, IS BECAUSE LIKE CORPORATE AMERICA...WITH HILLARY LEADING THE WAY...THEY DON'T PAY ANY AND ITS THE LITTLE PEOPLE, YOU AND ME, THAT DOES.....AGAIN, stop with the ignorance and get a clue, you mindless moron

What is it they say about you people, you can't fix stupid!

Why should he release his tax return? From what I see, there is NO LAW stating a candidate must, and now we have HISTORY as to what the DemoRATS especially Harry "The dirty Mob Fuck from Las Vegas" Reid did to McRomney, on the floor of the Senate, specifically so he could not get sued over his admitted LIES about McRomney's taxes! So FUCK anyone that wants to see them, they have his financial statements instead! This shit is so easy, even a nubian asshole should be able to understand! ....Well, perhaps NOT YOU!

Hey don't be hating on me, cause I could give a fuck. I'm just trying to school you sorry fucks to let you know, this hero, this Nazi God is a fake and people like you, like them German's back in the day, are grasping for fuckin want a solution to better fuckin government? STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS, GOTDAMNIT!!
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:.....Yes, vote Socialist/DemoRAT because you only pay 35% tax now, the Hildebeast wants 50% and the Bern only wants 90%... Fucking dumb Nubian, YOU will NEVER learn, but then again, when YOU keep getting your Gov't check, you couldn't care less!

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