Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey

Posting stufff over and over doesnt make it so dumbass......

I'm sure truth repulses you like Dracula seeing the daylight. :0)

Republicans hate everybody .. especially, but not limited to, non-white people. Your party is built on it.
There's no danger of any truth coming from your direction. Intelligence either.

Fuck you asswipe.

Why don't you get back to whining about the Mexican boot up your ass. :0)

Hit me back when you pull it out. :lol:

Did that strike a nerve? You come in here and spew your vicious idiotic bile, and then you have a hissy fit when someone gives you what you deserve?

Are you whining?
At 0:14 you see the skinny Trump fags throw the first punch. Maybe next time they'll keep moving along.
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
What will happen is Oldschool will condemn the horrific violence and point to it as an indication that the right cannot be allowed to run anything.
The right is actually very well represented by the skinny fag who stars in the beginning of the video. Somebody rips his shirt, and then the skinny fag punches another completely innocent person because it's the first person he sees. To righties that is completely justified.

:lmao: Yea, that negates all the violent behavior on your side.

But who gives a sh** that the guy who was taunting him and physically threatening him got pushed, anyhow.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Another lib liar

Another dickhead whiner.

When you live by hate, hate is what you get. They don't hate white people .. they just hate you racist motherfuckers.

It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Hate is what you get.

Funny, I don't see people from the right side of the fence attacking attendees at Sanders and Hitlery rallies......seems to me that it is only Fabian socialist leftards that fear freedom of expression. Elections don't mean shit to me but these types of events seem to be a perfect opportunity to make some leftards suck their meals through a straw for a few months....sign me up on that.
Police need to be on watch for where they assemble and who stays behind...when the crowd goes off to commit the mayhem arrest the in Ferguson and Baltimore of this happening

These riots are carefully orchestrated. Helps when there is a liberal mayor to hold police off. As it was with the Occupoopers, these riots are well-funded and well-planned. The media is willingly going along by trying to place blame on the people who meet peacefully to exercise their rights as Americans. It's the scum attacking them that's the problem. And those scumbags are following a script. Meanwhile, back at the headquarters, the planners probably watch the violence on TV and pat themselves on the back for manipulating all the useful idiots.
At 0:14 you see the skinny Trump fags throw the first punch. Maybe next time they'll keep moving along.
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
Yes it's been suggested by conservatives in another thread that gun warfare should be allowed in this election cycle during these types of situation. Do you think that's a good idea?

I have no dog in this fight because I know that the elections are rigged and I refuse to sign anything that could incriminate me as being a "U.S corporate citizen" so I can't fill out an election registration card....but with that being said? If Trump does a pass through in Tampa, Florida and holds a rally? I'll be there wearing a Trump T-Shirt and wearing a "Trump For President" hat hoping that some George Soros operative attempts to accost me....once he invades my space? I am going to see just badly I can smash his nose into his face with the hopes of knocking out any remaining teeth he has. I wonder if Soros has a dental plan for the protestors he is funding? Because if I have MY way, one of them is going to find out...the hard way. (snicker)
Be careful bro... they might have some... dangerous... allies! :eek:


I don't fear anything....especially leftards. They are cowards at heart...hope this helps!!!!
At 0:14 you see the skinny Trump fags throw the first punch. Maybe next time they'll keep moving along.
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
What will happen is Oldschool will condemn the horrific violence and point to it as an indication that the right cannot be allowed to run anything.
The right is actually very well represented by the skinny fag who stars in the beginning of the video. Somebody rips his shirt, and then the skinny fag punches another completely innocent person because it's the first person he sees. To righties that is completely justified.

:lmao: Yea, that negates all the violent behavior on your side.

But who gives a sh** that the guy who was taunting him and physically threatening him got pushed, anyhow.
The skinny Trump fag was the guy taunting and physically threatening the innocent bystander.
At 0:14 you see the skinny Trump fags throw the first punch. Maybe next time they'll keep moving along.
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
Yes it's been suggested by conservatives in another thread that gun warfare should be allowed in this election cycle during these types of situation. Do you think that's a good idea?

I have no dog in this fight because I know that the elections are rigged and I refuse to sign anything that could incriminate me as being a "U.S corporate citizen" so I can't fill out an election registration card....but with that being said? If Trump does a pass through in Tampa, Florida and holds a rally? I'll be there wearing a Trump T-Shirt and wearing a "Trump For President" hat hoping that some George Soros operative attempts to accost me....once he invades my space? I am going to see just badly I can smash his nose into his face with the hopes of knocking out any remaining teeth he has. I wonder if Soros has a dental plan for the protestors he is funding? Because if I have MY way, one of them is going to find out...the hard way. (snicker)
Be careful bro... they might have some... dangerous... allies! :eek:


I don't fear anything....especially leftards. They are cowards at heart...hope this helps!!!!
Helps what? Did you take your meds today Dale? I'm very concerned.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Another lib liar

Another dickhead whiner.

When you live by hate, hate is what you get. They don't hate white people .. they just hate you racist motherfuckers.

It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Hate is what you get.
What a crock. Violence the last resort of the incompetent.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Another lib liar

Another dickhead whiner.

When you live by hate, hate is what you get. They don't hate white people .. they just hate you racist motherfuckers.

It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Hate is what you get.

All you've done is prove that you're a piece of shit who isn't qualified to be a member of the human race.

There is no justification for this behavior. None. Anyone who tries to justify it belongs in a cage with the rest of the animals


:0) Fuck you again moron.

You girly-men had lots of fun attacking people at Trump events, huh?

None of the violence coming from Trump supporters bothered you at all .. didn't say a goddamn word condemning that violence, huh? Lots of 'justification' for that, eh?

Now look at you .. begging for government to come and save your racist ass .. running down the street like a sissy with his pants on fire. :0)

I don't feel anymore offended by the boot up your ass then you did about people being attacked at Trump events.

I have an idea .. next time you have an event, when you clowns are leaving the event .. join hands and recite "We Shall Overcome."

It might work. :lol:
At 0:14 you see the skinny Trump fags throw the first punch. Maybe next time they'll keep moving along.
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
What will happen is Oldschool will condemn the horrific violence and point to it as an indication that the right cannot be allowed to run anything.
The right is actually very well represented by the skinny fag who stars in the beginning of the video. Somebody rips his shirt, and then the skinny fag punches another completely innocent person because it's the first person he sees. To righties that is completely justified.

:lmao: Yea, that negates all the violent behavior on your side.

But who gives a sh** that the guy who was taunting him and physically threatening him got pushed, anyhow.
The skinny Trump fag was the guy taunting and physically threatening the innocent bystander.

Legally, he would not likely face prosecution for instigating. He is far from an innocent bystander though.
Posting stufff over and over doesnt make it so dumbass......

I'm sure truth repulses you like Dracula seeing the daylight. :0)

Republicans hate everybody .. especially, but not limited to, non-white people. Your party is built on it.
There's no danger of any truth coming from your direction. Intelligence either.

Fuck you asswipe.

Why don't you get back to whining about the Mexican boot up your ass. :0)

Hit me back when you pull it out. :lol:

Your fellow black folks are being hurt the most by the Mexican invasion.....they are not welding weapons of war but are using the uteruses of their weapon to squirt out anchor after anchor baby....and you know why that is? Because these illegals produce a birth certificate written on bond paper that is then monetized allowing your beloved "gubermint" to borrow against their future labor. While these illegals work "under the table", they get "gubermint benefits and entitlements" that directs funds away from the black community and they are pissed.....want me to show you some youtube videos of blacks that despise the Barrypuppet? There are a plethora of them........seems that you are a traitor to your alleged race....(snicker)
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
What will happen is Oldschool will condemn the horrific violence and point to it as an indication that the right cannot be allowed to run anything.
The right is actually very well represented by the skinny fag who stars in the beginning of the video. Somebody rips his shirt, and then the skinny fag punches another completely innocent person because it's the first person he sees. To righties that is completely justified.

:lmao: Yea, that negates all the violent behavior on your side.

But who gives a sh** that the guy who was taunting him and physically threatening him got pushed, anyhow.
The skinny Trump fag was the guy taunting and physically threatening the innocent bystander.

Legally, he would not likely face prosecution for instigating. He is far from an innocent bystander though.
If I were the guy who the Trump fag punched for no reason, I'd consider filing a lawsuit.
At 0:14 you see the skinny Trump fags throw the first punch. Maybe next time they'll keep moving along.
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
What will happen is Oldschool will condemn the horrific violence and point to it as an indication that the right cannot be allowed to run anything.
The right is actually very well represented by the skinny fag who stars in the beginning of the video. Somebody rips his shirt, and then the skinny fag punches another completely innocent person because it's the first person he sees. To righties that is completely justified.

:lmao: Yea, that negates all the violent behavior on your side.

But who gives a sh** that the guy who was taunting him and physically threatening him got pushed, anyhow.
The skinny Trump fag was the guy taunting and physically threatening the innocent bystander.

ROFL! You must not be watching the same video I'm watching. A whole group of the Mexican animals started chasing him because he was wearing a "Build That Wall" T-shirt. One of them caught up to him and ripped it off his body. When he turned and started chasing his attacker, one of the other pursuers tried to block him. That's when he got a jab to his face.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Actually, Democrats tell you folks that a strawman/boogeyman hates you and claims it's you hate their guts for no good reason.

Little do you know that most of your problems were caused by Democrats on purpose, just so they would have something to blame on this invisible group, like the Tea Party, or anyone who is a threat to their power.
This is a classic tactic of 3rd world dictators. They make the lives of their people hard and blame it all on a strawman.

This keeps these ignorant peasants from figuring out that they're being scammed.

So you on the left are victims, and in turn you victimize conservatives, who just want to be left the fuck alone.

Stupid and completely expected.

Start from here fool .. I'm not a democrat .. nor do I need anyone to tell me about history. Your idiot party is virtually all-white .. and your stupid enough to believe that I need somebody to tell me that. I know exactly what you racist motherfuckers are .. and so do you and every rightwing asshole on this board. You're just too much of a coward to face up to what you are.

You've been reduced to just a bunch of whining cowardly losers. You've lost just about every social issue you've fought against.

Civil rights, gay rights, women's rights, abortion, same sex marriage, immigration, and it's not going to get any better for your side of the fence. If you can't elect a president .. and you can't .. you can't effect the makeup of the Supreme Court. Only democratic presidents will be choosing who sits on the Court.

None of this is happenstance .. republicans have worked real hard to be hated. :0) Your wish has come true.

Yea, telling people they can succeed if they put their minds to it is really, really mean. I find it cruel the way the left convinces people that living in shitty government housing with an Obamaphone and an EBT card is all they need.

Asking for border security so we can keep out the criminals and have immigrants follow the process is reasonable, not mean. Keeping people here safe should be the goal of both sides.

Racism is when the left puts you in a group and then pretends that you all think alike. And when someone in the group thinks differently than the left thinks they should, they are attacked and called names. The left especially hates blacks who reject nanny government. They don't believe blacks can make it on their own and they get so mad when that happens.
What will happen is Oldschool will condemn the horrific violence and point to it as an indication that the right cannot be allowed to run anything.
The right is actually very well represented by the skinny fag who stars in the beginning of the video. Somebody rips his shirt, and then the skinny fag punches another completely innocent person because it's the first person he sees. To righties that is completely justified.

:lmao: Yea, that negates all the violent behavior on your side.

But who gives a sh** that the guy who was taunting him and physically threatening him got pushed, anyhow.
The skinny Trump fag was the guy taunting and physically threatening the innocent bystander.

Legally, he would not likely face prosecution for instigating. He is far from an innocent bystander though.
If I were the guy who the Trump fag punched for no reason, I'd consider filing a lawsuit.
ROFL! If we walks into a police station, he'll be arrested. He's a thug.
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
What will happen is Oldschool will condemn the horrific violence and point to it as an indication that the right cannot be allowed to run anything.
The right is actually very well represented by the skinny fag who stars in the beginning of the video. Somebody rips his shirt, and then the skinny fag punches another completely innocent person because it's the first person he sees. To righties that is completely justified.

:lmao: Yea, that negates all the violent behavior on your side.

But who gives a sh** that the guy who was taunting him and physically threatening him got pushed, anyhow.
The skinny Trump fag was the guy taunting and physically threatening the innocent bystander.

ROFL! You must not be watching the same video I'm watching. A whole group of the Mexican animals started chasing him because he was wearing a "Build That Wall" T-shirt. One of them caught up to him and ripped it off his body. When he turned and started chasing his attacker, one of the other pursuers tried to block him. That's when he got a jab to his face.
Your skinny Trump fag punched a random bystander for no reason. I think the bystander should take the Trump fag to court.
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
Yes it's been suggested by conservatives in another thread that gun warfare should be allowed in this election cycle during these types of situation. Do you think that's a good idea?

I have no dog in this fight because I know that the elections are rigged and I refuse to sign anything that could incriminate me as being a "U.S corporate citizen" so I can't fill out an election registration card....but with that being said? If Trump does a pass through in Tampa, Florida and holds a rally? I'll be there wearing a Trump T-Shirt and wearing a "Trump For President" hat hoping that some George Soros operative attempts to accost me....once he invades my space? I am going to see just badly I can smash his nose into his face with the hopes of knocking out any remaining teeth he has. I wonder if Soros has a dental plan for the protestors he is funding? Because if I have MY way, one of them is going to find out...the hard way. (snicker)
Be careful bro... they might have some... dangerous... allies! :eek:


I don't fear anything....especially leftards. They are cowards at heart...hope this helps!!!!
Helps what? Did you take your meds today Dale? I'm very concerned.

When I type "I hope this helps"? What I am saying is that I have made a very salient point in the hopes that it awakens you as to what I am about and that you are getting a deeper look into someone that is your intellectual "better"....get it? Hope this helps!!! (snicker)

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