Mexican's die so American's can get high, and that's no lie !

Okay, legalize it !!!

Or..............................Americans could start showing more personal responsibility to their loved ones, their country, their own bodies, and to others by giving up their nasty destructive habits !!

What a novel idea ! :beer:
Novel, sure.
But so would giving up alcohol, tobacco, sugar, breads, fast food, over eating, stuffing at thanksgiving, and buying Chinese junk.
Point is, humans rebel. I read that when they ended prohibition, alcohol usage and alcohol related crimes went wayyy down. Like 30% or something.
Fact is, the unconstitutional war on drugs has cost us so much money, I couldn't even fathom it.
Our founders would be rolling in their graves if they knew we banned something that grew in a ditch.

I don't disagree with you about alcohol and tobacco, but I won't compare the others you mention to substances like pot, meth, or heroin that have ruined many many lives.
You'll be surprised to learn that the overwhelming majority of pot users lives have not been ruined by it, and that many people's lives are actually improved by using it.

Oh, yes, of course.....................................

That country is totally fucked....that's no lie either....
Very true. Weird how we don't care at all about them, who are in our own backyard, but completely obsess over a bunch of religious nutjobs running around in the sand on the complete other side of the planet... no?

I think we don't know what to do and neither does the Mexican government.

Their government is so corrupted by all of this that it's a tricky problem indeed and they're not necessarily attacking us in the same ways terrorists are. Most of that violence stays south of the border and on this end is them killing each other, so we can pretend it isn't a massive bloodbath going on.

but I think we're plenty worried about both problems and don't know what to do about either. whack-a-mole in both cases...
Okay, legalize it !!!

Or..............................Americans could start showing more personal responsibility to their loved ones, their country, their own bodies, and to others by giving up their nasty destructive habits !!

What a novel idea ! :beer:
Novel, sure.
But so would giving up alcohol, tobacco, sugar, breads, fast food, over eating, stuffing at thanksgiving, and buying Chinese junk.
Point is, humans rebel. I read that when they ended prohibition, alcohol usage and alcohol related crimes went wayyy down. Like 30% or something.
Fact is, the unconstitutional war on drugs has cost us so much money, I couldn't even fathom it.
Our founders would be rolling in their graves if they knew we banned something that grew in a ditch.

I don't disagree with you about alcohol and tobacco, but I won't compare the others you mention to substances like pot, meth, or heroin that have ruined many many lives.
Pot ruins lives when people let it "run" their lives. People with no will and/or just emotionally weak have problems anyways. Pot is the least of their worries.
Are people actually thinking about dead Mexicans? Most of them die trying to get here illegally. They are the ones we don't have to educate, medicate or incarcerate.
Okay, legalize it !!!

Or..............................Americans could start showing more personal responsibility to their loved ones, their country, their own bodies, and to others by giving up their nasty destructive habits !!

What a novel idea ! :beer:
Novel, sure.
But so would giving up alcohol, tobacco, sugar, breads, fast food, over eating, stuffing at thanksgiving, and buying Chinese junk.
Point is, humans rebel. I read that when they ended prohibition, alcohol usage and alcohol related crimes went wayyy down. Like 30% or something.
Fact is, the unconstitutional war on drugs has cost us so much money, I couldn't even fathom it.
Our founders would be rolling in their graves if they knew we banned something that grew in a ditch.

I don't disagree with you about alcohol and tobacco, but I won't compare the others you mention to substances like pot, meth, or heroin that have ruined many many lives.
pot has ruined many many lives?....pot?....i spent 30+ years around people who did drugs and the only drugs i saw that ruined lives was the heavy drinkers and those who did hard drugs like meth and heroin.....people who just did pot were just fine...yea i know the alcoholic and meth head smoked pot too,so it must have been the pot that fucked him up.....
Then legalize it. Do people have ANY idea the revenue/cuts in cost that would accompany that? Who are YOU to tell people they shouldn't be doing that?
BTW, I have a full time job, have been paying taxes since I was 14, both my bikes and my truck are paid for, I own my home and will have it paid for by 2021 and I smoke buds. How is that irresponsible?

It is not and the government war on drugs is what has killed those innocent Mexican's, and we are not winning that damn war because our government does not want it won...

Legalize it and tax it like everything else in life...
Okay, legalize it !!!

Or..............................Americans could start showing more personal responsibility to their loved ones, their country, their own bodies, and to others by giving up their nasty destructive habits !!

What a novel idea ! :beer:
Novel, sure.
But so would giving up alcohol, tobacco, sugar, breads, fast food, over eating, stuffing at thanksgiving, and buying Chinese junk.
Point is, humans rebel. I read that when they ended prohibition, alcohol usage and alcohol related crimes went wayyy down. Like 30% or something.
Fact is, the unconstitutional war on drugs has cost us so much money, I couldn't even fathom it.
Our founders would be rolling in their graves if they knew we banned something that grew in a ditch.

I don't disagree with you about alcohol and tobacco, but I won't compare the others you mention to substances like pot, meth, or heroin that have ruined many many lives.
You'll be surprised to learn that the overwhelming majority of pot users lives have not been ruined by it, and that many people's lives are actually improved by using it.

Oh, yes, of course.....................................

Are you huffing the paint you are using to broad-brush people with? lol
That country is totally fucked....that's no lie either....

You have to wonder where they would be if not for our tourist dollars, and American dollars that Mexican illegals send back home.

Maybe if that were the case there would be another revolution that might end up being for the best.

Still poor probably. Take the drug trade out and who knows. I'm no expert in Mexican sociology or politics, so, for me, it's a bit murky as to what it might be if this or that were to to happen.

Better off without cartels running things in a lot of places, no doubt about that. that's nothing but madness.....
Then legalize it. Do people have ANY idea the revenue/cuts in cost that would accompany that? Who are YOU to tell people they shouldn't be doing that?
BTW, I have a full time job, have been paying taxes since I was 14, both my bikes and my truck are paid for, I own my home and will have it paid for by 2021 and I smoke buds. How is that irresponsible?

Which is why you should be going to Jamaica for vacation....herb aplenty.
Wait a minute, is it alleged that El Chapo is innocent because he was only supplying the U.S.'s demand for illicit drugs? That's the strangest defense in history. As long as you bring up "the blood of innocent Mexicans you might consider why the Hussein administration refuses to investigate or prosecute the joint (no pun intended) operation between the ATF and the FBI called "op. fast and furious" which supplied the tools (about 3,000 illegal weapons) for monsters like El Chapo to murder innocent Mexicans.

I don't think that's the message at all. I think the point is, monsters like El Chapo thrive on our insane drug policies.
That country is totally fucked....that's no lie either....

You have to wonder where they would be if not for our tourist dollars, and American dollars that Mexican illegals send back home.

Maybe if that were the case there would be another revolution that might end up being for the best.

Still poor probably. Take the drug trade out and who knows. I'm no expert in Mexican sociology or politics, so, for me, it's a bit murky as to what it might be if this or that were to to happen.

Better off without cartels running things in a lot of places, no doubt about that. that's nothing but madness.....

The cartlels exist though, because of irresponsible Americans.
Wait a minute, is it alleged that El Chapo is innocent because he was only supplying the U.S.'s demand for illicit drugs? That's the strangest defense in history. As long as you bring up "the blood of innocent Mexicans you might consider why the Hussein administration refuses to investigate or prosecute the joint (no pun intended) operation between the ATF and the FBI called "op. fast and furious" which supplied the tools (about 3,000 illegal weapons) for monsters like El Chapo to murder innocent Mexicans.

I don't think that's the message at all. I think the point is, monsters like El Chapo thrive on our insane drug policies.

The policies of the users. Don't use, El Chapo and other drug lords don't exist.
That country is totally fucked....that's no lie either....

You have to wonder where they would be if not for our tourist dollars, and American dollars that Mexican illegals send back home.

Maybe if that were the case there would be another revolution that might end up being for the best.

Still poor probably. Take the drug trade out and who knows. I'm no expert in Mexican sociology or politics, so, for me, it's a bit murky as to what it might be if this or that were to to happen.

Better off without cartels running things in a lot of places, no doubt about that. that's nothing but madness.....

The cartlels exist though, because of irresponsible Americans.
Or because of stupid Americans and the stupid politicians they elect. Depends on your perspective.
Blame the US government. It's what they have wanted since the beginning. It is the elites war against the poor and disenfranchised.

That country is totally fucked....that's no lie either....

You have to wonder where they would be if not for our tourist dollars, and American dollars that Mexican illegals send back home.

Maybe if that were the case there would be another revolution that might end up being for the best.

Still poor probably. Take the drug trade out and who knows. I'm no expert in Mexican sociology or politics, so, for me, it's a bit murky as to what it might be if this or that were to to happen.

Better off without cartels running things in a lot of places, no doubt about that. that's nothing but madness.....

The cartlels exist though, because of irresponsible Americans.
Or because of stupid Americans and the stupid politicians they elect. Depends on your perspective.
Like it matters who they elect. :lmao:

The folks that elected BHO thought this insanity would end when Obama took office, I knew better. I know how the system works, it doesn't work for the people. It works for the elites and the SG.
That country is totally fucked....that's no lie either....
Very true. Weird how we don't care at all about them, who are in our own backyard, but completely obsess over a bunch of religious nutjobs running around in the sand on the complete other side of the planet... no?
Or obsess over folks out in Oregon standing up for their property. . . ? I mean, wtf?

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