Mexico Preparing for War Against Trump?

No, a 2,000 mile wall that runs through mountainous terrain, and deserts, that will breakup communities, farms, grazing land, destroy the habit of dozens of endangered species and cost 25 billion dollars is a big deal. If it becomes the linchpin that drives the two nations apart, the economic damage will be even greater to both countries.

If we do build this wall, people will look back on the Trump Wall as a colossal mistake for several reasons. Illegal immigration is in a down trend and has been for several years. The growing shortage of cheap Mexican labor will become a critical shortage both in Mexico and the US in less than 20 years. We may well be inviting the very people we are deporting today to come back and the call to "Tear Down that Wall" will once again be heard.

Yeah, maybe I'm coming across wrong, but I don't support the wall.

There are much more cost effective ways to secure the border than building a WALL that can always be compromised. Today our electronics can pick up anyone trying to cross if they have warning in advance. Frankly I don't know why we can't situate National Guard all along our borders for training purposes instead of them being located within states.

When G.W. Bush put the National Guard on the border "attempted crossings dropped by 67%. IOW if they know they're there they won't even attempt it.

Arrest, convict, and incarcerate employers knowingly hiring illegals.

As long as failing to pass E-Verify leads to immediate incarceration and deportation.

I've been using E-Verify since the program began and have found it 100% correct.

Call the cops on anyone it flags?
No, a 2,000 mile wall that runs through mountainous terrain, and deserts, that will breakup communities, farms, grazing land, destroy the habit of dozens of endangered species and cost 25 billion dollars is a big deal. If it becomes the linchpin that drives the two nations apart, the economic damage will be even greater to both countries.

If we do build this wall, people will look back on the Trump Wall as a colossal mistake for several reasons. Illegal immigration is in a down trend and has been for several years. The growing shortage of cheap Mexican labor will become a critical shortage both in Mexico and the US in less than 20 years. We may well be inviting the very people we are deporting today to come back and the call to "Tear Down that Wall" will once again be heard.

Yeah, maybe I'm coming across wrong, but I don't support the wall.

There are much more cost effective ways to secure the border than building a WALL that can always be compromised. Today our electronics can pick up anyone trying to cross if they have warning in advance. Frankly I don't know why we can't situate National Guard all along our borders for training purposes instead of them being located within states.

When G.W. Bush put the National Guard on the border "attempted crossings dropped by 67%. IOW if they know they're there they won't even attempt it.

Arrest, convict, and incarcerate employers knowingly hiring illegals.

But wait, what if Trump hired contractors who he knew used illegal workers? So... you're saying the new POTUS elect should be arrested?

Trump Hired Polish Illegal Immigrants to Build Trump Tower

Why do you think he continues to push for the 'Wall to Nowhere?'
Because it was an easy to understand solution for illegal immigration and since Trump's audience did not understand the problem, building a wall 40 feet high and 2,000 miles long seemed like a brilliant simple solution. Then the idea came to Trump that he can make the Mexican government pay for it. After all, aren't Mexicans rapist and murders sent here by the Mexican government? What a wonderful idea, a solution for illegal immigration and it won't cost us a dime. His supporters didn't bother to consider the fact that Mexico is basically a poor country, has terrible financial problems getting worst by the day, has no responsibility at all to protect US boarders, and would never agree to pay for it unless the money came from the US in some form.

Now, Trump has won and it's time to pay the piper; that is delivery on the hundreds of campaign promises.
There are much more cost effective ways to secure the border than building a WALL that can always be compromised. Today our electronics can pick up anyone trying to cross if they have warning in advance. Frankly I don't know why we can't situate National Guard all along our borders for training purposes instead of them being located within states.

When G.W. Bush put the National Guard on the border "attempted crossings dropped by 67%. IOW if they know they're there they won't even attempt it.

I would prefer an armed border.
Have all military personal do a stint on the border as part of their enlistment.
They don't even need that. What they need is what DHS has been asking for, more technology, more trained technicians and about 200 miles of fencing and a visa tracking system. What we're doing on the southern boarder is working. We have over three times the number agents patrolling the Southern boarder as we did in 2000. Apprehensions are down 30 percent in the last year and almost 80 percent below its peak in FY 2000 peak.

What we are not doing is enforcing our visa expiration's which now are the largest source of illegal immigrants. Regardless of what we do about the wall, visa expiration's are a bigger problem than illegal boarder crossings. If we don't enforce visa expiration's, we have open boarders. To enforce it we need a comprehensive visa matching system covering land, sea, and air. Such a system would be expensive, would require legislation and would probably result in longer lines at land boarder crossings.

Stats and Summaries | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Dude I lived near the border and it's a fucking sieve.
Military and tech ran by the military would be cheaper than a wall and wouldnt be as disruptive to people or wild life.
Add that to zero government funds for illegals and stiff penalties to companies that hire them and the problem is gone.

Penalties aren't enough. Incarceration needs to be added. doesnt do the job market any good if business's get shut down over it.
Hit em in the pocket hard enough and it will stop.

If one or two business owners go to jail, how long do you think that every business owner will clean up their act?

Citi and Chase have been fined 10's of millions, yet they still continued to robo-sign. Recently Wells Fargo did the same thing, got find, fired employees following company directives, and the CEO retired with a multi-billion dollar walkaway deal.
Mexico is not stupid enough to steal US Corporation Mfg plants, not even over correcting remittences, which is what Trump means by them paying for it.

A nation has every right to address remittances. If Mexico seized our plants, no country would do business with them and the US would seize Mexican's assets in the US.
They're not going to seize anything just like Trump is not going set aside NAFTA because it would create a financial crisis for both countries. It's the threat that's important because that creates uncertainly in business and financial market and that put's pressure on your opponent. Welcome to Trump's world of big deals. The stakes are big but so are risks.

For Mexico, you place a 310.00 Peso/hr minimum wage for all NAFTA businesses.

More of your bad math, like your $23.50 based on inflation whopper?

My $23.50/hr is based on actually cost increases (including rent) where the majority of Americans live; within 200 miles of water.

My $23.50/hr is based on actually cost increases

Your $23.50 is based on faulty math.

Prove it!
I would prefer an armed border.
Have all military personal do a stint on the border as part of their enlistment.
They don't even need that. What they need is what DHS has been asking for, more technology, more trained technicians and about 200 miles of fencing and a visa tracking system. What we're doing on the southern boarder is working. We have over three times the number agents patrolling the Southern boarder as we did in 2000. Apprehensions are down 30 percent in the last year and almost 80 percent below its peak in FY 2000 peak.

What we are not doing is enforcing our visa expiration's which now are the largest source of illegal immigrants. Regardless of what we do about the wall, visa expiration's are a bigger problem than illegal boarder crossings. If we don't enforce visa expiration's, we have open boarders. To enforce it we need a comprehensive visa matching system covering land, sea, and air. Such a system would be expensive, would require legislation and would probably result in longer lines at land boarder crossings.

Stats and Summaries | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Dude I lived near the border and it's a fucking sieve.
Military and tech ran by the military would be cheaper than a wall and wouldnt be as disruptive to people or wild life.
Add that to zero government funds for illegals and stiff penalties to companies that hire them and the problem is gone.

Penalties aren't enough. Incarceration needs to be added. doesnt do the job market any good if business's get shut down over it.
Hit em in the pocket hard enough and it will stop.

If one or two business owners go to jail, how long do you think that every business owner will clean up their act?

Citi and Chase have been fined 10's of millions, yet they still continued to robo-sign. Recently Wells Fargo did the same thing, got find, fired employees following company directives, and the CEO retired with a multi-billion dollar walkaway deal.

Base the fines on company income.
The taco stand gets a 5k fine and the large corporation gets a 5mill fine.
Yeah, maybe I'm coming across wrong, but I don't support the wall.

There are much more cost effective ways to secure the border than building a WALL that can always be compromised. Today our electronics can pick up anyone trying to cross if they have warning in advance. Frankly I don't know why we can't situate National Guard all along our borders for training purposes instead of them being located within states.

When G.W. Bush put the National Guard on the border "attempted crossings dropped by 67%. IOW if they know they're there they won't even attempt it.

Arrest, convict, and incarcerate employers knowingly hiring illegals.

As long as failing to pass E-Verify leads to immediate incarceration and deportation.

I've been using E-Verify since the program began and have found it 100% correct.

Call the cops on anyone it flags?

I don't hire them and notify Homeland Security.
They don't even need that. What they need is what DHS has been asking for, more technology, more trained technicians and about 200 miles of fencing and a visa tracking system. What we're doing on the southern boarder is working. We have over three times the number agents patrolling the Southern boarder as we did in 2000. Apprehensions are down 30 percent in the last year and almost 80 percent below its peak in FY 2000 peak.

What we are not doing is enforcing our visa expiration's which now are the largest source of illegal immigrants. Regardless of what we do about the wall, visa expiration's are a bigger problem than illegal boarder crossings. If we don't enforce visa expiration's, we have open boarders. To enforce it we need a comprehensive visa matching system covering land, sea, and air. Such a system would be expensive, would require legislation and would probably result in longer lines at land boarder crossings.

Stats and Summaries | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Dude I lived near the border and it's a fucking sieve.
Military and tech ran by the military would be cheaper than a wall and wouldnt be as disruptive to people or wild life.
Add that to zero government funds for illegals and stiff penalties to companies that hire them and the problem is gone.

Penalties aren't enough. Incarceration needs to be added. doesnt do the job market any good if business's get shut down over it.
Hit em in the pocket hard enough and it will stop.

If one or two business owners go to jail, how long do you think that every business owner will clean up their act?

Citi and Chase have been fined 10's of millions, yet they still continued to robo-sign. Recently Wells Fargo did the same thing, got find, fired employees following company directives, and the CEO retired with a multi-billion dollar walkaway deal.

Base the fines on company income.
The taco stand gets a 5k fine and the large corporation gets a 5mill fine.

Jail time is the only thing that will work.
Dude I lived near the border and it's a fucking sieve.
Military and tech ran by the military would be cheaper than a wall and wouldnt be as disruptive to people or wild life.
Add that to zero government funds for illegals and stiff penalties to companies that hire them and the problem is gone.

Penalties aren't enough. Incarceration needs to be added. doesnt do the job market any good if business's get shut down over it.
Hit em in the pocket hard enough and it will stop.

If one or two business owners go to jail, how long do you think that every business owner will clean up their act?

Citi and Chase have been fined 10's of millions, yet they still continued to robo-sign. Recently Wells Fargo did the same thing, got find, fired employees following company directives, and the CEO retired with a multi-billion dollar walkaway deal.

Base the fines on company income.
The taco stand gets a 5k fine and the large corporation gets a 5mill fine.

Jail time is the only thing that will work.

Oh bullshit.
You put a mans/womens work of a lifetime at risk and I guarantee they'll follow the rules.
After a 13% drop in the value of the Peso, precipitated by the Trump's election, Mexico has reiterated that they will not be paying for Trump's wall. The people were warned of very hard times are coming to Mexico.

A bill will be introduced today in the Mexican Senate to retaliate against anticipated moves against the Mexican people by Trump. This bill includes measures to: expropriate property owned by Americans in Mexico in proportion to the Trump planned blockage of up to 25 billion dollars in transfers from the US to Mexico. Expropriation can effect a million Americans living in Mexico as well business interest.

His bill also includes the automatic review of 75 treaties with the US if Trump backs out of NAFTA. These treaties contain language that provides for cooperation of the two countries at ports of entry, sharing of intelligence about criminal activity including terrorism threats, accepting deportees, and extradition. These treaties include land exchange at borders and areas of joint administration.

Attempting to calm fears, President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Twitter he was ready to work with Trump, calling the neighboring countries friends who "should continue to work together for the competitiveness and development of North America".
Now would not be the time to visit Mexico....and I feel for those people who have vacation/retirement homes down there.

It's their fault for deciding to live large in a corrupt country. The reason why it is so cheap down there is because it sucks. Third world countries do.

The reason it's so corrupt is that it's full of Mexicans.
There won't be any wall. It's symbolic. Bottom line is we're going to hold Mexico accountable, and that means dollars.


if there is a wall ....let it be :D

I have no problem with walls!:thup:

Again! We don't need a wall. Arrest, convict, and incarcerate employers knowingly hiring undocumented.

Let's see if Trump can walk the walk. I'm not holding my breath.

Trump won the election, so we're getting the wall, douche bag.
They're not going to seize anything just like Trump is not going set aside NAFTA because it would create a financial crisis for both countries. It's the threat that's important because that creates uncertainly in business and financial market and that put's pressure on your opponent. Welcome to Trump's world of big deals. The stakes are big but so are risks.

For Mexico, you place a 310.00 Peso/hr minimum wage for all NAFTA businesses.

More of your bad math, like your $23.50 based on inflation whopper?

My $23.50/hr is based on actually cost increases (including rent) where the majority of Americans live; within 200 miles of water.

My $23.50/hr is based on actually cost increases

Your $23.50 is based on faulty math.

Prove it!

Show me the minimum wage on your start date (1970, I thought) and the index you're using and I'll show you.
Mexico going to war? I don't think they're that stupid. They would wake up from the first siesta being presented with congratulations on becoming an American citizen and a bill for back taxes.
The last thing we want to do is make Mexico part of the United States.
Now the derps that thought That Piece Of Shit would be able to dictate to other countries are finding out what reality is. Every country in the world that Piece Of Shit trump would threaten have their own arsenal to retaliate with.

We don't need to "dictate" to Mexico to make them pay for the wall. The money will come out of remittances. A 50% tax on those will be more than enough.

Like all left wingers, you're just a dumbass who thinks he's smart but actually doesn't know jack about the real world.
Mexico Preparing for War Against Trump?

no probably not

Mexico is ready to start renegotiation’s of the North American Free Trade Agreement

After a 13% drop in the value of the Peso, precipitated by the Trump's election, Mexico has reiterated that they will not be paying for Trump's wall. The people were warned of very hard times are coming to Mexico.

A bill will be introduced today in the Mexican Senate to retaliate against anticipated moves against the Mexican people by Trump. This bill includes measures to: expropriate property owned by Americans in Mexico in proportion to the Trump planned blockage of up to 25 billion dollars in transfers from the US to Mexico. Expropriation can effect a million Americans living in Mexico as well business interest.

His bill also includes the automatic review of 75 treaties with the US if Trump backs out of NAFTA. These treaties contain language that provides for cooperation of the two countries at ports of entry, sharing of intelligence about criminal activity including terrorism threats, accepting deportees, and extradition. These treaties include land exchange at borders and areas of joint administration.

Attempting to calm fears, President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Twitter he was ready to work with Trump, calling the neighboring countries friends who "should continue to work together for the competitiveness and development of North America".

The last thing the US needs is to go to war with the drug cartel known as Mexico.

How will I be able to afford my drugs?

Rehab, bud. I hear withdrawing from a heroin addiction is like having an ultra long agonizing case of the worst flu that you can imagine..............:omg:.

I've had to go through withdrawal from strong opioid painkillers, and it wasn't pleasant.

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