Mexico Preparing for War Against Trump?

Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.

Do women ever talk dirty about men? I mean this seems like such a double standard.
Some wome love "bad" men. So what if Chris Brown to likes beat women, there are thousands of young women that would hook up with him in a heartbeat.

Rihanna did and stayed with him after he beat her up too. I think those women are emotionally unstable or "looking for love in all the wrong places." Kind of sad actually.
After a 13% drop in the value of the Peso, precipitated by the Trump's election, Mexico has reiterated that they will not be paying for Trump's wall. The people were warned of very hard times are coming to Mexico.

A bill will be introduced today in the Mexican Senate to retaliate against anticipated moves against the Mexican people by Trump. This bill includes measures to: expropriate property owned by Americans in Mexico in proportion to the Trump planned blockage of up to 25 billion dollars in transfers from the US to Mexico. Expropriation can effect a million Americans living in Mexico as well business interest.

His bill also includes the automatic review of 75 treaties with the US if Trump backs out of NAFTA. These treaties contain language that provides for cooperation of the two countries at ports of entry, sharing of intelligence about criminal activity including terrorism threats, accepting deportees, and extradition. These treaties include land exchange at borders and areas of joint administration.

Attempting to calm fears, President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Twitter he was ready to work with Trump, calling the neighboring countries friends who "should continue to work together for the competitiveness and development of North America".

Typical posturing in advance of negotiations. Each side builds their war chest so they have things they can negotiate in trade.
Sounds like you've been reading Art of the Deal.
After a 13% drop in the value of the Peso, precipitated by the Trump's election, Mexico has reiterated that they will not be paying for Trump's wall. The people were warned of very hard times are coming to Mexico.

A bill will be introduced today in the Mexican Senate to retaliate against anticipated moves against the Mexican people by Trump. This bill includes measures to: expropriate property owned by Americans in Mexico in proportion to the Trump planned blockage of up to 25 billion dollars in transfers from the US to Mexico. Expropriation can effect a million Americans living in Mexico as well business interest.

His bill also includes the automatic review of 75 treaties with the US if Trump backs out of NAFTA. These treaties contain language that provides for cooperation of the two countries at ports of entry, sharing of intelligence about criminal activity including terrorism threats, accepting deportees, and extradition. These treaties include land exchange at borders and areas of joint administration.

Attempting to calm fears, President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Twitter he was ready to work with Trump, calling the neighboring countries friends who "should continue to work together for the competitiveness and development of North America".

Typical posturing in advance of negotiations. Each side builds their war chest so they have things they can negotiate in trade.
Sounds like you've been reading Art of the Deal.

Actually never read it, but Trump is not the first guy to know how to negotiate. Sounds like the Mexicans have read it.
So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.

Do women ever talk dirty about men? I mean this seems like such a double standard.
Some wome love "bad" men. So what if Chris Brown to likes beat women, there are thousands of young women that would hook up with him in a heartbeat.

Rihanna did and stayed with him after he beat her up too. I think those women are emotionally unstable or "looking for love in all the wrong places." Kind of sad actually.
Trump has a kind of interesting history with women. His grandfather Fredrick Trump got his start in America by opening a brothel in Seattle then moved to the Yukon opening up a number of them there. He moved to New York and continued in the family business for a short time before passing away. He left everything to his son Fred. This was the beginning up the Trump fortune which Fred built into a real estate empire in New York worth a 175 million by 1973. When Donald was born he became a mommy's boy spoiled with fancy clothes and every toy known to man. Donald said his father was very strict but fair. Donald got into some trouble fighting over a girls, and his Dad shipped him off to a military school. In college, classmates said he loved sports, rarely dated, never drank or smoked. In the 70's he got quite a bit of money from his father and took over the family business. He also became a playboy dropping money everywhere he went driving his Rolls around New York and partying on the family yacht. He Married Ivana and began his love affair with the media building his reputation as a ladies man, cheating husband, and real estate tycoon, He was often seen with models and escorts and became a regular in the tabloids In the late 80's and 90's he went a bit crazy with all his business ventures and failures, broke up with Ivana, cultivated his image as a whore monger with regular appearances on the Howard Stern radio show discussing all his sexual exploits, married again, broke up in a few years began dating a slew of models. I think this was about the time he made the infamous tape. It was also about the time he supposedly met Bill Clinton at Jeffrey Epsteins, a procurer of young prostitutes. In the mid 90's he met Melania and became interested in politics and started cleaning up his act changing his image from playboy to financial genius.
I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.
For the 16th thousand time, illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicaid, nor food stamps, nor welfare. The only healthcare they are eligible for is emergency service through a hospital. Children who are US citizens are eligible for benefits but not their parents. According to immigration authorities about 99% of illegal entries are to get jobs or be with immediate family.
I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.
For the 16th thousand time, illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicaid, nor food stamps, nor welfare. The only healthcare they are eligible for is emergency service through a hospital. Children who are US citizens are eligible for benefits but not their parents. According to immigration authorities about 99% of illegal entries are to get jobs or be with immediate family.
build the Border Wall , its pretty simple thing to do . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- tax remittances being sent back to mexico .

When you declare war on a neighboring border--they're border patrol stops looking for terrorists trying to enter this country. We have got to have very good relations with our ESPECIALLY bordering countries, so they are encouraged to help fight off terrorism trying to enter this country. NAFTA is the north American trade agreement, meaning Canada would be affected also, should he try to abolish this agreement. I just don't think this country can afford to piss off both neighbors. Mexico is our Number 2 buyer of American products--so I don't see what all the anxiety is about them.

There are 100's of thousands of Americans that have bought condo's in Mexico for retirements, etc.--In fact Guadalajara has a huge population of full time residents American retiree's that bought and purchased a home, and many other cities and vacation resorts Americans have huge investments into these areas. Many of our doctors in the United States graduated from medical schools in Guadalajara.

It's endless the problems Trump has created with his mouth and threats. Mexico has a lot of power to do endless damage to the United States. And if working families live here, many of them legal citizens want to send part of their pay-check to their extended families in Mexico there is nothing illegal or wrong about that. Again I just wish that the Ass Clown President had a couple of his vacation resorts or golf courses in Mexico--and that would certainly shut him the fuck up.

If Mexico were to take action, then every other country we have legal signed contracts with on free trade could also screw us over. They would become very nervous and may take preemptive action by ceasing all American investments, including stock, bank accounts and properties.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

What nonsense about a minor player in the overall fiscal scheme.
I doubt there will be a wall because it just isn't feasible, IMO.
------------------------------------------------------------- sure its feasible , see the link to CNN 'wall explainer' , in fact its easy to build the wall . Trancontinental railsoad wasn't feasible because of the mountains , river , lakes , desert , forest and trees until we built it in the 1860s . Same for landing on the moon , same with manned deep sea exploration , same with Atomic bombs used on 'japan' . Lots isn't feasible until its done ChrisL !!
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The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.
For the 16th thousand time, illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicaid, nor food stamps, nor welfare. The only healthcare they are eligible for is emergency service through a hospital. Children who are US citizens are eligible for benefits but not their parents. According to immigration authorities about 99% of illegal entries are to get jobs or be with immediate family.
--------------------------------------------------------------- B.S . illegal alien parents eat the taco shells , refried beans , steak , cheese , onions and cheese that they buy with foodstamps for their recently dropped USA widdle babies Flopper .
I do feel bad for the GOOD people of Mexico, but just like we can't take in every stray cat or dog, we cannot take care of all their people. They need to make some positive changes in their own country. That is the ONLY way things will get better there.
A very small part of Mexico's 122 million people enter the US illegally. There are about 6 million undocumented Mexican immigrants in the US. About 3 million entered the US illegally and the rest overstayed their visas which means a relatively small percent of the people are entering the US illegally. It doesn't make any sense to them that the US, as wealthy as it is can't protect it's own boarders. This is why they went ballistic when Trump wanted them to pay for a wall.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ even the liberal dems say the number of illegal aliens in the USA is 11 million and that's much to low Flopper !!
President elect Trump has Mexico by the balls.
No, he grabs'em by the pussy, not their balls.

Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

Yeah, he knew he would be running and Hillary would have her henchman leak it. I mean Trump is an Evil genius, he saw this coming 11 years ago.
Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
Off the record? This guy was a billionaire celebrity on TV and a tabloid favorite. Was he really that stupid or was he just that arrogant to believe he can really do what he wants to a woman because he's got the money. I guess we have to give him some slack because he didn't know he would ever be running for president.
----------------------------------------- even I as a 14 year old knew that some women will do anything for money , they are called whores Flopper !!
But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.
For the 16th thousand time, illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicaid, nor food stamps, nor welfare. The only healthcare they are eligible for is emergency service through a hospital. Children who are US citizens are eligible for benefits but not their parents. According to immigration authorities about 99% of illegal entries are to get jobs or be with immediate family.
--------------------------------------------------------------- B.S . illegal alien parents eat the taco shells , refried beans , steak , cheese , onions and cheese that they buy with foodstamps for their recently dropped USA widdle babies Flopper .
Your basic assumption that people illegally enter the US to give birth to children to take advantage of US welfare programs is simply not true. It makes no sense. It's dangerous to cross the border and there is no guarantee of jobs nor any government support. All federal welfare programs require proof of citizenship, picture ids, and social security number and employment information. There is no assistance for family members who are not us citizens. There is no prenatal care except in a few states that fund it.

In Mexico, there are welfare programs for the poor which includes free medical care including prenatal care, prescriptions, and hospitalization for those who can not pay. This is also a limited food stamp and welfare housing program.

If we want to solve the illegal immigration problem we need to stop hiring illegals and we need to start tracking and enforcing visa expirations. If we do this our illegal immigration problem will disappear.
There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.
For the 16th thousand time, illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicaid, nor food stamps, nor welfare. The only healthcare they are eligible for is emergency service through a hospital. Children who are US citizens are eligible for benefits but not their parents. According to immigration authorities about 99% of illegal entries are to get jobs or be with immediate family.
--------------------------------------------------------------- B.S . illegal alien parents eat the taco shells , refried beans , steak , cheese , onions and cheese that they buy with foodstamps for their recently dropped USA widdle babies Flopper .
Your basic assumption that people illegally enter the US to give birth to children to take advantage of US welfare programs is simply not true. It makes no sense. It's dangerous to cross the border and there is no guarantee of jobs nor any government support. All federal welfare programs require proof of citizenship, picture ids, and social security number and employment information. There is no assistance for family members who are not us citizens. There is no prenatal care except in a few states that fund it.

In Mexico, there are welfare programs for the poor which includes free medical care including prenatal care, prescriptions, and hospitalization for those who can not pay. This is also a limited food stamp and welfare housing program.

If we want to solve the illegal immigration problem we need to stop hiring illegals and we need to start tracking and enforcing visa expirations. If we do this our illegal immigration problem will disappear.

If only real life were so simple ....
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
Off the record? This guy was a billionaire celebrity on TV and a tabloid favorite. Was he really that stupid or was he just that arrogant to believe he can really do what he wants to a woman because he's got the money. I guess we have to give him some slack because he didn't know he would ever be running for president.
----------------------------------------- even I as a 14 year old knew that some women will do anything for money , they are called whores Flopper !!
Trump was not talking about whores. His statement, "And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." This is the opinion of the president of United States? Wealth and power will allow you to do whatever you want to a woman. If this was just an isolated statement in a locker room, we might be able to just ignore it. However, when you put it in context of the Howard Stern tapes and his tweets on a variety of subjects, it becomes clear that we have elected a man to the presidency that's a self centered bully, totally lacking in empathy, who disrespects women, and believes wealth and position give you the right to take advantage of others less fortunate.

As Trump has said, "I can play nice" and that is exactly what he's doing now, trying very hard to convince the world that he can be presidential, a statesman, and a gentlemen. However I'm confident the real Donald will once again emerge and when it does, it will be a sight to see.
So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
Off the record? This guy was a billionaire celebrity on TV and a tabloid favorite. Was he really that stupid or was he just that arrogant to believe he can really do what he wants to a woman because he's got the money. I guess we have to give him some slack because he didn't know he would ever be running for president.
----------------------------------------- even I as a 14 year old knew that some women will do anything for money , they are called whores Flopper !!
Trump was not talking about whores. His statement, "And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." This is the opinion of the president of United States? Wealth and power will allow you to do whatever you want to a woman. If this was just an isolated statement in a locker room, we might be able to just ignore it. However, when you put it in context of the Howard Stern tapes and his tweets on a variety of subjects, it becomes clear that we have elected a man to the presidency that's a self centered bully, totally lacking in empathy, who disrespects women, and believes wealth and position give you the right to take advantage of others less fortunate.

As Trump has said, "I can play nice" and that is exactly what he's doing now, trying very hard to convince the world that he can be presidential, a statesman, and a gentlemen. However I'm confident the real Donald will once again emerge and when it does, it will be a sight to see.

1. The HOward Stern show, really is a good analogy for a "locker room".

2. And if you were unaware the women are effected by money and/or fame, you need to get out more.


Try to be less of a drama queen.
So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
Off the record? This guy was a billionaire celebrity on TV and a tabloid favorite. Was he really that stupid or was he just that arrogant to believe he can really do what he wants to a woman because he's got the money. I guess we have to give him some slack because he didn't know he would ever be running for president.
----------------------------------------- even I as a 14 year old knew that some women will do anything for money , they are called whores Flopper !!
Trump was not talking about whores. His statement, "And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." This is the opinion of the president of United States? Wealth and power will allow you to do whatever you want to a woman. If this was just an isolated statement in a locker room, we might be able to just ignore it. However, when you put it in context of the Howard Stern tapes and his tweets on a variety of subjects, it becomes clear that we have elected a man to the presidency that's a self centered bully, totally lacking in empathy, who disrespects women, and believes wealth and position give you the right to take advantage of others less fortunate.

As Trump has said, "I can play nice" and that is exactly what he's doing now, trying very hard to convince the world that he can be presidential, a statesman, and a gentlemen. However I'm confident the real Donald will once again emerge and when it does, it will be a sight to see.
Repeat after me...President Elect Donald J. Trump.
If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.
For the 16th thousand time, illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicaid, nor food stamps, nor welfare. The only healthcare they are eligible for is emergency service through a hospital. Children who are US citizens are eligible for benefits but not their parents. According to immigration authorities about 99% of illegal entries are to get jobs or be with immediate family.
--------------------------------------------------------------- B.S . illegal alien parents eat the taco shells , refried beans , steak , cheese , onions and cheese that they buy with foodstamps for their recently dropped USA widdle babies Flopper .
Your basic assumption that people illegally enter the US to give birth to children to take advantage of US welfare programs is simply not true. It makes no sense. It's dangerous to cross the border and there is no guarantee of jobs nor any government support. All federal welfare programs require proof of citizenship, picture ids, and social security number and employment information. There is no assistance for family members who are not us citizens. There is no prenatal care except in a few states that fund it.

In Mexico, there are welfare programs for the poor which includes free medical care including prenatal care, prescriptions, and hospitalization for those who can not pay. This is also a limited food stamp and welfare housing program.

If we want to solve the illegal immigration problem we need to stop hiring illegals and we need to start tracking and enforcing visa expirations. If we do this our illegal immigration problem will disappear.

If only real life were so simple ....
In regard to immigration it really is. If we put teeth into our immigration laws that hold employers responsible for hiring illegal immigrants the jobs will despair and illegals will stop coming. That might create a labor shortage in some sectors but that can solved by issuing more work permits. If we treat visas like identification and developed a tracking system we can stop overstays. Over a period of time, illegal immigration would become a minor problem.
Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.
For the 16th thousand time, illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicaid, nor food stamps, nor welfare. The only healthcare they are eligible for is emergency service through a hospital. Children who are US citizens are eligible for benefits but not their parents. According to immigration authorities about 99% of illegal entries are to get jobs or be with immediate family.
--------------------------------------------------------------- B.S . illegal alien parents eat the taco shells , refried beans , steak , cheese , onions and cheese that they buy with foodstamps for their recently dropped USA widdle babies Flopper .
Your basic assumption that people illegally enter the US to give birth to children to take advantage of US welfare programs is simply not true. It makes no sense. It's dangerous to cross the border and there is no guarantee of jobs nor any government support. All federal welfare programs require proof of citizenship, picture ids, and social security number and employment information. There is no assistance for family members who are not us citizens. There is no prenatal care except in a few states that fund it.

In Mexico, there are welfare programs for the poor which includes free medical care including prenatal care, prescriptions, and hospitalization for those who can not pay. This is also a limited food stamp and welfare housing program.

If we want to solve the illegal immigration problem we need to stop hiring illegals and we need to start tracking and enforcing visa expirations. If we do this our illegal immigration problem will disappear.

If only real life were so simple ....
In regard to immigration it really is. If we put teeth into our immigration laws that hold employers responsible for hiring illegal immigrants the jobs will despair and illegals will stop coming. That might create a labor shortage in some sectors but that can solved by issuing more work permits. If we treat visas like identification and developed a tracking system we can stop overstays. Over a period of time, illegal immigration would become a minor problem.

Or we could let wages rise.

And Trump has been talking about more "teeth" with regard to employers.

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