Mexico Preparing for War Against Trump?

Uhhh ... three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (meals included)

And what do I get if I win?

Three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill, and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (but you have to pay for the meals)

I don't want to go to St. Louis or anywhere in that vicinity. I want to go to the Bahamas or Hawaii, and I want all expenses paid and that includes my meals. :D

Well, now that we've opened negotiations .... ever been to beautiful downtown Burbank? (settle for McDonalds?)

Nope and nope. McDonald's? WTH? Lol. No way.

Hey! It's just an opening offer ...... (I read Trump's book on the Art of the Deal)
And what do I get if I win?

Three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill, and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (but you have to pay for the meals)

I don't want to go to St. Louis or anywhere in that vicinity. I want to go to the Bahamas or Hawaii, and I want all expenses paid and that includes my meals. :D

Well, now that we've opened negotiations .... ever been to beautiful downtown Burbank? (settle for McDonalds?)

Nope and nope. McDonald's? WTH? Lol. No way.

Hey! It's just an opening offer ...... (I read Trump's book on the Art of the Deal)

That is WAY too low ball an offer. Lol.
The estimated cost is a little over $20 billion. That's a lot less than what I-10 cost. Labor, materials etc. are all considered in the cost.

I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.
Three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill, and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (but you have to pay for the meals)

I don't want to go to St. Louis or anywhere in that vicinity. I want to go to the Bahamas or Hawaii, and I want all expenses paid and that includes my meals. :D

Well, now that we've opened negotiations .... ever been to beautiful downtown Burbank? (settle for McDonalds?)

Nope and nope. McDonald's? WTH? Lol. No way.

Hey! It's just an opening offer ...... (I read Trump's book on the Art of the Deal)

That is WAY too low ball an offer. Lol.

Low ball ... you HAD to go there, didn't you????
I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.

Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.

Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?
But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.

Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?

Are you willing to send me to the Bahamas if I'm right? :D Put your money where your mouth is. I'm betting there will be no wall.
There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.

Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?

Are you willing to send me to the Bahamas if I'm right? :D Put your money where your mouth is. I'm betting there will be no wall.

Send you? No.

Take you? Now, we can talk.
If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.

Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?

Are you willing to send me to the Bahamas if I'm right? :D Put your money where your mouth is. I'm betting there will be no wall.

Send you? No.

Take you? Now, we can talk.

What if we hate each other? Then we would be stuck there together! :lol:
What's not feasible about it? It's a much smaller project than building I-10.

Who is going to pay for this ginormous project? Taxpayers? I'm sure THAT will go over well. It would be an extremely expensive endeavor. There is labor, materials, etc. to consider.
The estimated cost is a little over $20 billion. That's a lot less than what I-10 cost. Labor, materials etc. are all considered in the cost.

I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.
I agree. One big step would be to overturn the surpreme courts decision that public education has to be provided to illegal immigrants. Take away all the other freebies. Take away federal funds from sanctuary cites. Enforce laws to penalize employers that hire illegals (e-verify).
I do feel bad for the GOOD people of Mexico, but just like we can't take in every stray cat or dog, we cannot take care of all their people. They need to make some positive changes in their own country. That is the ONLY way things will get better there.
A very small part of Mexico's 122 million people enter the US illegally. There are about 6 million undocumented Mexican immigrants in the US. About 3 million entered the US illegally and the rest overstayed their visas which means a relatively small percent of the people are entering the US illegally. It doesn't make any sense to them that the US, as wealthy as it is can't protect it's own boarders. This is why they went ballistic when Trump wanted them pay for a wall.

That is TOO many. Entered the US illegally or are residing in the US illegally -same fucking thing.
Actually it's not the same thing. Entering the US without proper documentation is a criminal offense and you can be charged with a misdemeanor. You can be charge as a felon for repeated offenses and jailed

Overstaying a visa is a status violation. If you leave the country within a month of expiration, nothing happens. However if you stay long enough then you are subject to deportation and you can be barred legal entrance for 10 years. Overstaying a visa is not a criminal offense and there is no penalty. You can not be jailed. You can be detailed by the INS up to 30 days if you are flagged for removal. Local police can't usually hold you more than 24 hours unless you are charged with a crime and an expired visa is not a crime. Deportation which is referred to as removal is not consider punishment because there is no crime.

Our tracking system of visas is so poor, that we often don't know if or when many people with visas leave the country.
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Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.

Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?

Are you willing to send me to the Bahamas if I'm right? :D Put your money where your mouth is. I'm betting there will be no wall.

Send you? No.

Take you? Now, we can talk.

What if we hate each other? Then we would be stuck there together! :lol:
No problem, if he hates you, then he will simply leave you there. If you hate him then you can leave him there.
I do feel bad for the GOOD people of Mexico, but just like we can't take in every stray cat or dog, we cannot take care of all their people. They need to make some positive changes in their own country. That is the ONLY way things will get better there.
A very small part of Mexico's 122 million people enter the US illegally. There are about 6 million undocumented Mexican immigrants in the US. About 3 million entered the US illegally and the rest overstayed their visas which means a relatively small percent of the people are entering the US illegally. It doesn't make any sense to them that the US, as wealthy as it is can't protect it's own boarders. This is why they went ballistic when Trump wanted them pay for a wall.

That is TOO many. Entered the US illegally or are residing in the US illegally -same fucking thing.
Actually it's not the same thing. Entering the US without proper documentation is a criminal offense and you can be charged with a misdemeanor. You can be charge as a felon for repeated offenses and jailed

Overstaying a visa is a status violation. If you leave the country within a month of expiration, nothing happens. However if you stay long enough then you are subject to deportation and you can be barred legal entrance for 10 years. Overstaying a visa is not a criminal offense and there is no penalty. You can not be jailed. You can be detailed by the INS up 30 days if you are flagged for removal. Local police can't hold you more than 24 hours unless you are charged with a crime. Deportation which is referred to as removal is not consider punishment because there is no crime.

Our tracking system of visas is so poor, that we often don't know if or when many people with visas leave the country.

It's the same thing. They are here ILLEGALLY. They should be treated the same if they knowingly violated the law.
Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?

Are you willing to send me to the Bahamas if I'm right? :D Put your money where your mouth is. I'm betting there will be no wall.

Send you? No.

Take you? Now, we can talk.

What if we hate each other? Then we would be stuck there together! :lol:
No problem, if he hates you, then he will simply leave you there. If you hate him then you can leave him there.

I would totally stay there forever! Lol.
No, he grabs'em by the pussy, not their balls.

Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.

Do women ever talk dirty about men? I mean this seems like such a double standard.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?

Are you willing to send me to the Bahamas if I'm right? :D Put your money where your mouth is. I'm betting there will be no wall.

Send you? No.

Take you? Now, we can talk.

What if we hate each other? Then we would be stuck there together! :lol:
No problem, if he hates you, then he will simply leave you there. If you hate him then you can leave him there.

I would totally stay there forever! Lol.
If you make this bet with Spare Change, I suspect he will concede to lose the bet just to get you there. After all, there will be no way to objectively score who wins the bet anyway to determine a winner.
Sure they will .... if there is a chance for a better life for their children, they'll come. I absolutely agree we should remove the fiscal incentives - no welfare, no medicaid, no food stamps - but that doesn't remove the potential for a better life. Honestly, if it decreases the chances your son is going to be a drug cartel member, or your daughter is going to be attacked by gangsters, any father would consider it.

Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?

Are you willing to send me to the Bahamas if I'm right? :D Put your money where your mouth is. I'm betting there will be no wall.

Send you? No.

Take you? Now, we can talk.

What if we hate each other? Then we would be stuck there together! :lol:
I'll be at the beach - with my umbrella drink and sand castle.
Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.

Do women ever talk dirty about men? I mean this seems like such a double standard.

Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.

Do women ever talk dirty about men? I mean this seems like such a double standard.
Some wome love "bad" men. So what if Chris Brown to likes beat women, there are thousands of young women that would hook up with him in a heartbeat.
Well, we will have to disagree about this issue. I don't think they would risk it if there was no pay off. They wouldn't really have a much better life if they were homeless either.
Oh, I think we can agree I'm right and you're wrong .... see how easy that was?

Are you willing to send me to the Bahamas if I'm right? :D Put your money where your mouth is. I'm betting there will be no wall.

Send you? No.

Take you? Now, we can talk.

What if we hate each other? Then we would be stuck there together! :lol:
I'll be at the beach - with my umbrella drink and sand castle.

I'll have a Cosmo! I will try not to step on your sand castle. :p

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