Mexico Preparing for War Against Trump?

The point is not Mexicans in China, the point is the wall and how married Trump is to it.

No, the joke was just that a wall isn't that big of a deal. We aren't talking about the walls of Jericho here. This wall isn't going to be 40-50 feet high. People are going to still have to be paid to patrol the wall just like they patrol the borders now. Then you have people that will just dig under the fence... or build ladders to climb over them. You really want to stop immigrants from crossing the borders? Hell, put out land mines! After a couple border hoppers see their buddies blow up into a red mist, they'll start thinking twice huh?
No, a 2,000 mile wall that runs through mountainous terrain, and deserts, that will breakup communities, farms, grazing land, destroy the habit of dozens of endangered species and cost 25 billion dollars is a big deal. If it becomes the linchpin that drives the two nations apart, the economic damage will be even greater to both countries.

If we do build this wall, people will look back on the Trump Wall as a colossal mistake for several reasons. Illegal immigration is in a down trend and has been for several years. The growing shortage of cheap Mexican labor will become a critical shortage both in Mexico and the US in less than 20 years. We may well be inviting the very people we are deporting today to come back and the call to "Tear Down that Wall" will once again be heard.

First of all, the wall will be 600 miles.

Apparently, you are not familiar with the terrain of the border. I'm curious --- just exactly how many "communities" will the wall break up? Farms? Since it's against the law for an American citizen to own property in Mexico, i think it's safe to say no farms are going to be divided. Exactly what "habit" of dozens of endangered species will be destroyed?

The rest? Simply nonsense ....

The wall will be over 1000 miles long.

True - of which a significant portion is already built. There are currently 580 miles of barrier in place.

That barrier is a joke. It all needs to be replaced.
No, he grabs'em by the pussy, not their balls.

Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
Off the record? This guy was a billionaire celebrity on TV and a tabloid favorite. Was he really that stupid or was he just that arrogant to believe he can really do what he wants to a woman because he's got the money. I guess we have to give him some slack because he didn't know he would ever be running for president.

I doubt there will be a wall because it just isn't feasible, IMO.
It obvious is feasible.

I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?

What's not feasible about it? It's a much smaller project than building I-10.

Who is going to pay for this ginormous project? Taxpayers? I'm sure THAT will go over well. It would be an extremely expensive endeavor. There is labor, materials, etc. to consider.
Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
Off the record? This guy was a billionaire celebrity on TV and a tabloid favorite. Was he really that stupid or was he just that arrogant to believe he can really do what he wants to a woman because he's got the money. I guess we have to give him some slack because he didn't know he would ever be running for president.

If you remember the quote accurately, he said "they let you do it." Why do all you leftwing douche bags keep pretending he didn't say that part?

Just a rhetorical question. We already know the answer.
Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
Off the record? This guy was a billionaire celebrity on TV and a tabloid favorite. Was he really that stupid or was he just that arrogant to believe he can really do what he wants to a woman because he's got the money. I guess we have to give him some slack because he didn't know he would ever be running for president.

He probably CAN do what he wants to certain types of women!
I doubt there will be a wall because it just isn't feasible, IMO.
It obvious is feasible.

I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?

What's not feasible about it? It's a much smaller project than building I-10.

Who is going to pay for this ginormous project? Taxpayers? I'm sure THAT will go over well. It would be an extremely expensive endeavor. There is labor, materials, etc. to consider.
The estimated cost is a little over $20 billion. That's a lot less than what I-10 cost. Labor, materials etc. are all considered in the cost.
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
Off the record? This guy was a billionaire celebrity on TV and a tabloid favorite. Was he really that stupid or was he just that arrogant to believe he can really do what he wants to a woman because he's got the money. I guess we have to give him some slack because he didn't know he would ever be running for president.

If you remember the quote accurately, he said "they let you do it." Why do all you leftwing douche bags keep pretending he didn't say that part?

Just a rhetorical question. We already know the answer.

Yes, and I'm sure there are some women who would let him do it too. Not surprising. There are plenty of gold diggers out there.
I doubt there will be a wall because it just isn't feasible, IMO.
It obvious is feasible.

I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?

What's not feasible about it? It's a much smaller project than building I-10.

Who is going to pay for this ginormous project? Taxpayers? I'm sure THAT will go over well. It would be an extremely expensive endeavor. There is labor, materials, etc. to consider.
The estimated cost is a little over $20 billion. That's a lot less than what I-10 cost. Labor, materials etc. are all considered in the cost.

I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.
I doubt there will be a wall because it just isn't feasible, IMO.
It obvious is feasible.

I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?
Uhhh ... three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (meals included)

And what do I get if I win?

Three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill, and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (but you have to pay for the meals)
After a 13% drop in the value of the Peso, precipitated by the Trump's election, Mexico has reiterated that they will not be paying for Trump's wall. The people were warned of very hard times are coming to Mexico.

A bill will be introduced today in the Mexican Senate to retaliate against anticipated moves against the Mexican people by Trump. This bill includes measures to: expropriate property owned by Americans in Mexico in proportion to the Trump planned blockage of up to 25 billion dollars in transfers from the US to Mexico. Expropriation can effect a million Americans living in Mexico as well business interest.

His bill also includes the automatic review of 75 treaties with the US if Trump backs out of NAFTA. These treaties contain language that provides for cooperation of the two countries at ports of entry, sharing of intelligence about criminal activity including terrorism threats, accepting deportees, and extradition. These treaties include land exchange at borders and areas of joint administration.

Attempting to calm fears, President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Twitter he was ready to work with Trump, calling the neighboring countries friends who "should continue to work together for the competitiveness and development of North America".

Typical posturing in advance of negotiations. Each side builds their war chest so they have things they can negotiate in trade.
It obvious is feasible.

I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?

What's not feasible about it? It's a much smaller project than building I-10.

Who is going to pay for this ginormous project? Taxpayers? I'm sure THAT will go over well. It would be an extremely expensive endeavor. There is labor, materials, etc. to consider.
The estimated cost is a little over $20 billion. That's a lot less than what I-10 cost. Labor, materials etc. are all considered in the cost.

I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.
I doubt there will be a wall because it just isn't feasible, IMO.
It obvious is feasible.

I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?
Uhhh ... three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (meals included)

And what do I get if I win?

Three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill, and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (but you have to pay for the meals)

I don't want to go to St. Louis or anywhere in that vicinity. I want to go to the Bahamas or Hawaii, and I want all expenses paid and that includes my meals. :D
I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?

What's not feasible about it? It's a much smaller project than building I-10.

Who is going to pay for this ginormous project? Taxpayers? I'm sure THAT will go over well. It would be an extremely expensive endeavor. There is labor, materials, etc. to consider.
The estimated cost is a little over $20 billion. That's a lot less than what I-10 cost. Labor, materials etc. are all considered in the cost.

I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.
It obvious is feasible.

I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?
Uhhh ... three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (meals included)

And what do I get if I win?

Three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill, and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (but you have to pay for the meals)

I don't want to go to St. Louis or anywhere in that vicinity. I want to go to the Bahamas or Hawaii, and I want all expenses paid and that includes my meals. :D

Well, now that we've opened negotiations .... ever been to beautiful downtown Burbank? (settle for McDonalds?)
I don't think it is. I'll bet you right now that no wall is built. How much you want to bet?
Uhhh ... three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (meals included)

And what do I get if I win?

Three nights at the Tahiti Bar, Grill, and Bait Shop just outside St. Louis (but you have to pay for the meals)

I don't want to go to St. Louis or anywhere in that vicinity. I want to go to the Bahamas or Hawaii, and I want all expenses paid and that includes my meals. :D

Well, now that we've opened negotiations .... ever been to beautiful downtown Burbank? (settle for McDonalds?)

Nope and nope. McDonald's? WTH? Lol. No way.
What's not feasible about it? It's a much smaller project than building I-10.

Who is going to pay for this ginormous project? Taxpayers? I'm sure THAT will go over well. It would be an extremely expensive endeavor. There is labor, materials, etc. to consider.
The estimated cost is a little over $20 billion. That's a lot less than what I-10 cost. Labor, materials etc. are all considered in the cost.

I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....
Who is going to pay for this ginormous project? Taxpayers? I'm sure THAT will go over well. It would be an extremely expensive endeavor. There is labor, materials, etc. to consider.
The estimated cost is a little over $20 billion. That's a lot less than what I-10 cost. Labor, materials etc. are all considered in the cost.

I really doubt that any wall is going to be built. Besides, if we remove incentives for them being here, then they won't be clamoring to come here, so a wall is really not necessary. AND, I think people would just be able to find a way to get around it. They have all kinds of "drug tunnels" as it is right now.

The drug tunnels are only there because we refuse to commit the funds necessary to solve the problem. Ground penetrating radar, as well as heat sensors, can accurately plot the locations of the tunnels in a single aircraft pass. It's not a question of capability - only of will.

But we wouldn't need to do all of that if we just remove the incentives. If there is nothing here for them, they aren't going to come.

There will always be something here for them ... in order to remove those incentives, we have to become them. As long as there is a fiscal difference, or a freedom difference, or a enhanced future difference, we become the preferred location. We can't remove all that ....

If they can't have jobs or social services support, then they won't come here.

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