Mexico Preparing for War Against Trump?

President elect Trump has Mexico by the balls.
No, he grabs'em by the pussy, not their balls.

Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
President elect Trump has Mexico by the balls.
No, he grabs'em by the pussy, not their balls.

Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.
President elect Trump has Mexico by the balls.
No, he grabs'em by the pussy, not their balls.

Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tape is being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

So what? A lot of guys talk dirty about women. So? Policy is more important important than his silly bragging.
Wearing a live mike in front a TV production crew camera? Yeah, I guess there are such men that really want to make a statement about how they really feel about women.

It was supposed to be an "off the record" conversation. Duh. I'm a woman and I don't really care about what he said. LOTS of women will in fact let him touch their pussies because he's super rich! Get real.
After a 13% drop in the value of the Peso, precipitated by the Trump's election, Mexico has reiterated that they will not be paying for Trump's wall. The people were warned of very hard times are coming to Mexico.

A bill will be introduced today in the Mexican Senate to retaliate against anticipated moves against the Mexican people by Trump. This bill includes measures to: expropriate property owned by Americans in Mexico in proportion to the Trump planned blockage of up to 25 billion dollars in transfers from the US to Mexico. Expropriation can effect a million Americans living in Mexico as well business interest.

His bill also includes the automatic review of 75 treaties with the US if Trump backs out of NAFTA. These treaties contain language that provides for cooperation of the two countries at ports of entry, sharing of intelligence about criminal activity including terrorism threats, accepting deportees, and extradition. These treaties include land exchange at borders and areas of joint administration.

Attempting to calm fears, President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Twitter he was ready to work with Trump, calling the neighboring countries friends who "should continue to work together for the competitiveness and development of North America".

Yes there are a lot of Americans that own property in Mexico, most of it in the tourist districts of Mexico. Billions of dollars worth, and it's no surprise that Mexico would do this to retaliate against any actions Trump takes. Basically confiscating American owned properties or Nationalizing to stand up against a bully. It's too bad that Trump doesn't own a couple of lavish resorts and golf courses down there--that would probably stop him from doing anything.

It's really a sad day in America that Trump was elected. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote--and he won the electoral college vote which means this country is more divided than ever. It's going to be a bloody fight between Republicans and Democrats from here on out.

Actually, you're wrong ... the Dems have become irrelevant, and all the caterwauling and foot stomping isn't going to override the majorities in the Senate and the House.

Umm yes it will, it's called filibuster.

Actually, you're wrong.

Maybe you remember ---- Harry Reid changed the rules so he could invoke the "nuclear option", avoid filibusters, and eliminate the 60 vote rule.

What goes around comes around.
Who cares if it true? Trump supporters don't have a problem with excepting all his lies. :dance:

Who cares if it true?

Lying liberals rarely care about the truth.

It's a joke meme... I don't care if she said it or not. I was actually looking for a meme I saw before but couldn't find it, so I posted this one. I'm not going to even try to pass it off as true. I just don't care. It's funny.

The point is not Mexicans in China, the point is the wall and how married Trump is to it.

No, the joke was just that a wall isn't that big of a deal. We aren't talking about the walls of Jericho here. This wall isn't going to be 40-50 feet high. People are going to still have to be paid to patrol the wall just like they patrol the borders now. Then you have people that will just dig under the fence... or build ladders to climb over them. You really want to stop immigrants from crossing the borders? Hell, put out land mines! After a couple border hoppers see their buddies blow up into a red mist, they'll start thinking twice huh?
No, a 2,000 mile wall that runs through mountainous terrain, and deserts, that will breakup communities, farms, grazing land, destroy the habit of dozens of endangered species and cost 25 billion dollars is a big deal. If it becomes the linchpin that drives the two nations apart, the economic damage will be even greater to both countries.

If we do build this wall, people will look back on the Trump Wall as a colossal mistake for several reasons. Illegal immigration is in a down trend and has been for several years. The growing shortage of cheap Mexican labor will become a critical shortage both in Mexico and the US in less than 20 years. We may well be inviting the very people we are deporting today to come back and the call to "Tear Down that Wall" will once again be heard.

First of all, the wall will be 600 miles.

Apparently, you are not familiar with the terrain of the border. I'm curious --- just exactly how many "communities" will the wall break up? Farms? Since it's against the law for an American citizen to own property in Mexico, i think it's safe to say no farms are going to be divided. Exactly what "habit" of dozens of endangered species will be destroyed?

The rest? Simply nonsense ....
build the Border Wall , its pretty simple thing to do . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- tax remittances being sent back to mexico .

When you declare war on a neighboring border--they're border patrol stops looking for terrorists trying to enter this country. We have got to have very good relations with our ESPECIALLY bordering countries, so they are encouraged to help fight off terrorism trying to enter this country. NAFTA is the north American trade agreement, meaning Canada would be affected also, should he try to abolish this agreement. I just don't think this country can afford to piss off both neighbors. Mexico is our Number 2 buyer of American products--so I don't see what all the anxiety is about them.

There are 100's of thousands of Americans that have bought condo's in Mexico for retirements, etc.--In fact Guadalajara has a huge population of full time residents American retiree's that bought and purchased a home, and many other cities and vacation resorts Americans have huge investments into these areas. Many of our doctors in the United States graduated from medical schools in Guadalajara.

It's endless the problems Trump has created with his mouth and threats. Mexico has a lot of power to do endless damage to the United States. And if working families live here, many of them legal citizens want to send part of their pay-check to their extended families in Mexico there is nothing illegal or wrong about that. Again I just wish that the Ass Clown President had a couple of his vacation resorts or golf courses in Mexico--and that would certainly shut him the fuck up.

If Mexico were to take action, then every other country we have legal signed contracts with on free trade could also screw us over. They would become very nervous and may take preemptive action by ceasing all American investments, including stock, bank accounts and properties.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

What nonsense about a minor player in the overall fiscal scheme.
No, the joke was just that a wall isn't that big of a deal. We aren't talking about the walls of Jericho here. This wall isn't going to be 40-50 feet high. People are going to still have to be paid to patrol the wall just like they patrol the borders now. Then you have people that will just dig under the fence... or build ladders to climb over them. You really want to stop immigrants from crossing the borders? Hell, put out land mines! After a couple border hoppers see their buddies blow up into a red mist, they'll start thinking twice huh?
No, a 2,000 mile wall that runs through mountainous terrain, and deserts, that will breakup communities, farms, grazing land, destroy the habit of dozens of endangered species and cost 25 billion dollars is a big deal. If it becomes the linchpin that drives the two nations apart, the economic damage will be even greater to both countries.

If we do build this wall, people will look back on the Trump Wall as a colossal mistake for several reasons. Illegal immigration is in a down trend and has been for several years. The growing shortage of cheap Mexican labor will become a critical shortage both in Mexico and the US in less than 20 years. We may well be inviting the very people we are deporting today to come back and the call to "Tear Down that Wall" will once again be heard.

Yeah, maybe I'm coming across wrong, but I don't support the wall.

There are much more cost effective ways to secure the border than building a WALL that can always be compromised. Today our electronics can pick up anyone trying to cross if they have warning in advance. Frankly I don't know why we can't situate National Guard all along our borders for training purposes instead of them being located within states.

When G.W. Bush put the National Guard on the border "attempted crossings dropped by 67%. IOW if they know they're there they won't even attempt it.

The wall is a physicalll barrier, its low tech and works. If there was a better way, why havent we done it?

Carly Fiorina--High tech person says indeed there is a way. Much more cost effective and better way to solve the problem. Walls can always be compromised. We have seen Mexicans build mile long tunnels to get through the fences and walls that are already there, it's not going to stop them from coming in.

Something they can't see, they can't compromise.

How naive you are .... but it's kinda cute .... on a 6 year old kid.
these lefty people are funny , first they laughed at the thought Trump , then they got nervous , then for the last day or 2 they are getting teary eyed and bawling / crying their eyes out , Its pretty funny eh ??

Trump has got a hard tow. 1. He didn't win the popular vote so he will be referred to as the Illegitimate President for the next 4 years. 2. Republicans like trade agreements--they have always had a pro attitude for them, so he's not going to be able to take on the North American Trade agreement with Mexico & Canada. He may be able to do something with China to stop their currency maneuvers but that's about it. 3. Republicans would never approve of tarrifs on American or foreign goods, as all that does is raise the price to consumers and doesn't create a single job.

So a lot of the things Trump has campaigned on will not be approved by Republican Senate and House members--and they have already stated that.

Gee --- not only naive --- but uneducated, too.

What a sterling combination.
I do feel bad for the GOOD people of Mexico, but just like we can't take in every stray cat or dog, we cannot take care of all their people. They need to make some positive changes in their own country. That is the ONLY way things will get better there.
A very small part of Mexico's 122 million people enter the US illegally. There are about 6 million undocumented Mexican immigrants in the US. About 3 million entered the US illegally and the rest overstayed their visas which means a relatively small percent of the people are entering the US illegally. It doesn't make any sense to them that the US, as wealthy as it is can't protect it's own boarders. This is why they went ballistic when Trump wanted them to pay for a wall.
I do feel bad for the GOOD people of Mexico, but just like we can't take in every stray cat or dog, we cannot take care of all their people. They need to make some positive changes in their own country. That is the ONLY way things will get better there.
A very small part of Mexico's 122 million people enter the US illegally. There are about 6 million undocumented Mexican immigrants in the US. About 3 million entered the US illegally and the rest overstayed their visas which means a relatively small percent of the people are entering the US illegally. It doesn't make any sense to them that the US, as wealthy as it is can't protect it's own boarders. This is why they went ballistic when Trump wanted them pay for a wall.

That is TOO many. Entered the US illegally or are residing in the US illegally -same fucking thing.
After a 13% drop in the value of the Peso, precipitated by the Trump's election, Mexico has reiterated that they will not be paying for Trump's wall. The people were warned of very hard times are coming to Mexico.

A bill will be introduced today in the Mexican Senate to retaliate against anticipated moves against the Mexican people by Trump. This bill includes measures to: expropriate property owned by Americans in Mexico in proportion to the Trump planned blockage of up to 25 billion dollars in transfers from the US to Mexico. Expropriation can effect a million Americans living in Mexico as well business interest.

His bill also includes the automatic review of 75 treaties with the US if Trump backs out of NAFTA. These treaties contain language that provides for cooperation of the two countries at ports of entry, sharing of intelligence about criminal activity including terrorism threats, accepting deportees, and extradition. These treaties include land exchange at borders and areas of joint administration.

Attempting to calm fears, President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Twitter he was ready to work with Trump, calling the neighboring countries friends who "should continue to work together for the competitiveness and development of North America".

They WILL pay for the wall ... whether it be by writing a check, losing US funds, or loss of business.

One way or the other ... Mexico will be held accountable for their actions.
I would be ashamed to admit that the United States is not capable of defending it's own boarders and has to resort to extorting money from a country as poor as Mexico to do so.

It doesn't have to, but we can. Tough shit for Mexico.
You sound just like Trump.

So, you think we should place Mexico's interests above our own?
I do feel bad for the GOOD people of Mexico, but just like we can't take in every stray cat or dog, we cannot take care of all their people. They need to make some positive changes in their own country. That is the ONLY way things will get better there.
A very small part of Mexico's 122 million people enter the US illegally. There are about 6 million undocumented Mexican immigrants in the US. About 3 million entered the US illegally and the rest overstayed their visas which means a relatively small percent of the people are entering the US illegally. It doesn't make any sense to them that the US, as wealthy as it is can't protect it's own boarders. This is why they went ballistic when Trump wanted them to pay for a wall.
Your figures are total bullshit. 11 million is the lowest estimate of illegals in this country. The actual number is more like 30 million ICE estimates that about 40 percent are from visa overstays.
President elect Trump has Mexico by the balls.
No, he grabs'em by the pussy, not their balls.

Did he grab your pussy? Is that why you're so whiny?
Just listening to what our fearless leader has to say.
When Trump meets with world leaders, he'll probably be tagged as Donald "Grab'em by the Pussy" Trump. Funny thing is Donald will probably love it. T-Shirts are now being sold on the Internet and a new game is available. Copies of the unedited tapes are being made available abroad translated in over 60 languages. However, it will probably be edited in a number of countries, primarily Muslim countries where such filth is not allow.

There's no bar so low that left wingers won't slither under it.
Who cares if it true?

Lying liberals rarely care about the truth.

It's a joke meme... I don't care if she said it or not. I was actually looking for a meme I saw before but couldn't find it, so I posted this one. I'm not going to even try to pass it off as true. I just don't care. It's funny.

The point is not Mexicans in China, the point is the wall and how married Trump is to it.

No, the joke was just that a wall isn't that big of a deal. We aren't talking about the walls of Jericho here. This wall isn't going to be 40-50 feet high. People are going to still have to be paid to patrol the wall just like they patrol the borders now. Then you have people that will just dig under the fence... or build ladders to climb over them. You really want to stop immigrants from crossing the borders? Hell, put out land mines! After a couple border hoppers see their buddies blow up into a red mist, they'll start thinking twice huh?
No, a 2,000 mile wall that runs through mountainous terrain, and deserts, that will breakup communities, farms, grazing land, destroy the habit of dozens of endangered species and cost 25 billion dollars is a big deal. If it becomes the linchpin that drives the two nations apart, the economic damage will be even greater to both countries.

If we do build this wall, people will look back on the Trump Wall as a colossal mistake for several reasons. Illegal immigration is in a down trend and has been for several years. The growing shortage of cheap Mexican labor will become a critical shortage both in Mexico and the US in less than 20 years. We may well be inviting the very people we are deporting today to come back and the call to "Tear Down that Wall" will once again be heard.

First of all, the wall will be 600 miles.

Apparently, you are not familiar with the terrain of the border. I'm curious --- just exactly how many "communities" will the wall break up? Farms? Since it's against the law for an American citizen to own property in Mexico, i think it's safe to say no farms are going to be divided. Exactly what "habit" of dozens of endangered species will be destroyed?

The rest? Simply nonsense ....

The wall will be over 1000 miles long.
It's a joke meme... I don't care if she said it or not. I was actually looking for a meme I saw before but couldn't find it, so I posted this one. I'm not going to even try to pass it off as true. I just don't care. It's funny.

The point is not Mexicans in China, the point is the wall and how married Trump is to it.

No, the joke was just that a wall isn't that big of a deal. We aren't talking about the walls of Jericho here. This wall isn't going to be 40-50 feet high. People are going to still have to be paid to patrol the wall just like they patrol the borders now. Then you have people that will just dig under the fence... or build ladders to climb over them. You really want to stop immigrants from crossing the borders? Hell, put out land mines! After a couple border hoppers see their buddies blow up into a red mist, they'll start thinking twice huh?
No, a 2,000 mile wall that runs through mountainous terrain, and deserts, that will breakup communities, farms, grazing land, destroy the habit of dozens of endangered species and cost 25 billion dollars is a big deal. If it becomes the linchpin that drives the two nations apart, the economic damage will be even greater to both countries.

If we do build this wall, people will look back on the Trump Wall as a colossal mistake for several reasons. Illegal immigration is in a down trend and has been for several years. The growing shortage of cheap Mexican labor will become a critical shortage both in Mexico and the US in less than 20 years. We may well be inviting the very people we are deporting today to come back and the call to "Tear Down that Wall" will once again be heard.

First of all, the wall will be 600 miles.

Apparently, you are not familiar with the terrain of the border. I'm curious --- just exactly how many "communities" will the wall break up? Farms? Since it's against the law for an American citizen to own property in Mexico, i think it's safe to say no farms are going to be divided. Exactly what "habit" of dozens of endangered species will be destroyed?

The rest? Simply nonsense ....

The wall will be over 1000 miles long.

True - of which a significant portion is already built. There are currently 580 miles of barrier in place.

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