Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

Wow. The Biden Administration sure is fighting tooth-and-nail to import as many 3rd-world, semi-literate, unskilled foreigners in as possible, causing harm and expense to American citizens.

Why isn’t this treason?
It doesn't satisfy any of the three examples of treason in the Constitution:

The three acts of treason, as defined by the US Constitution, are:

Levying War Against the United States.
Adhering to the Enemies of the United States.
Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemies of the United States.
Drop them off in Mexico and soon enough they'll end up back here. My preference would be to deport them to these countries:

Countries That Received the Most Foreign Aid From the U.S. in 2022:
  • Ukraine ($12.4B)
  • Israel ($3.3B)
  • Ethiopia ($2.2B)
  • Afghanistan ($1.39B)
  • Yemen ($1.38B)
  • Egypt ($1.37B)
  • Jordan ($1.19B)
  • Nigeria ($1.15B)
The Ds sure weren’t afraid to impeach Trump over a nothingburger phone call. Why are the Rs standing by as Biden intentionally damages our country….even battling the courts to do so?

Because Democrats march in complete and total lockstep, while the media runs cover for any and every outrageous thing that they do.

There is literally nothing that they can't get away with.

None of this can be solved going through traditional channels.
It doesn't satisfy any of the three examples of treason in the Constitution:

The three acts of treason, as defined by the US Constitution, are:

Levying War Against the United States.
Adhering to the Enemies of the United States.
Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemies of the United States.
It Depends on What the Meaning of ISIS Is
Well then....... There's that. Texas can arrest and try to deport them. But apparently Mexico isn't going to give them the chance.

Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

March 19 (UPI) -- Mexico will not accept migrants deported by Texas, its foreign ministry said after the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a controversial law that allows Texas police to arrest people suspected of crossing into the state illegally.

The foreign ministry issued the statement Tuesday, condemning Texas Senate Bill 4, which makes it a criminal offense to illegally cross in to Texas via the Texas-Mexico border. The law also requires Texas judges to order those convicted to be returned to Mexico.
Just toss them across the border. As long as they are out of the US I don’t care what Mexico does with them. Keep them, move them south, itsxall the same to me. If Mexico doesn’t cooperate, just cut off all foreign aid and remittances. The two provide most of Mexicos income.
Well then....... There's that. Texas can arrest and try to deport them. But apparently Mexico isn't going to give them the chance.

Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

March 19 (UPI) -- Mexico will not accept migrants deported by Texas, its foreign ministry said after the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a controversial law that allows Texas police to arrest people suspected of crossing into the state illegally.

The foreign ministry issued the statement Tuesday, condemning Texas Senate Bill 4, which makes it a criminal offense to illegally cross in to Texas via the Texas-Mexico border. The law also requires Texas judges to order those convicted to be returned to Mexico.

They're posturing, TX can shut down trade and Mexico will swiftly reconsider.

They're posturing, TX can shut down trade and Mexico will swiftly reconsider.

They have ONE immigration removal policy between our Nation and theirs.

It lies with the Federal government....the United States with Mexico.

They can't be splitting it up have 4 different arrangements for States on the border and another with the federal govt.

States also can make NO treaties or agreements or arrangements with foreign nations...that constitutionally lies with the federal govt from my understanding....?
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Well then....... There's that. Texas can arrest and try to deport them. But apparently Mexico isn't going to give them the chance.

Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

March 19 (UPI) -- Mexico will not accept migrants deported by Texas, its foreign ministry said after the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a controversial law that allows Texas police to arrest people suspected of crossing into the state illegally.

The foreign ministry issued the statement Tuesday, condemning Texas Senate Bill 4, which makes it a criminal offense to illegally cross in to Texas via the Texas-Mexico border. The law also requires Texas judges to order those convicted to be returned to Mexico.
The Mexicans they have to take back. The Africans, Haitians and Venezuelans should be shipped back to their shitholes.
Mexico is not afraid of the Democrats and the feeble President of the USA?

I am not surprised. Biden and the Democrats are foreign policy imbeciles

It isn’t Democrats or the Nation that is doing this. It is a single State, and they have no agreement with Mexico. There is a solution however.

Pass an amendment kicking Texas out of the Union and let them be an independent nation. The Republic of Texas.
The Mexicans they have to take back. The Africans, Haitians and Venezuelans should be shipped back to their shitholes.
And it is a little more complicated than Texas just putting them on a plane without notice and dump them in the foreign country... There is policy between the USA and the foreign Nation, of how it is done...mainly humanitarian reasons I would imagine..
And it is a little more complicated than Texas just putting them on a plane without notice and dump them in the foreign country... There is policy between the USA and the foreign Nation, of how it is done...mainly humanitarian reasons I would imagine..
The best solution is to build the wall and deploy the US military along the border
The North American Union project, long in planning but formally birthed by Bush the Dumber, was the bastard child of NAFTA which kicked off the southern migration in earnest due to the exporting of cheap grains from the US to Mexico petting many agri workers out of work. The migration has morphed into a "benign" and sanctioned reconquering process here. The goal of the NAU? " "The NAU will develop a single market through a standardized system of laws which apply in all member states, ensuring the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital." ". They certainly have moved goods, services, and people, that seems to have worked. The US may not be declining as such, but it certainly is changing, and by design not incompetence. It's like your sister who starts using crack or meth; her teeth start falling out, she quits washing her ass, and no one wants to be her friend any more except her supplier, and yet she's still your sister only a little different. North American Union (FW)
Fine, just set-up a compound in TX and incarcerate them.....When Trump is elected he can direct ICE to send them back.

They can call it Andersonville on the Pecos for all I care.
Wouldnt it be easier to just shove them back into Mexico? Whats Mexico going to say, "you cant do that"? Abbott can tell them "i just did, now what the fuck are YOU going to do about it"? And Mexico wont do a fucking thing about it other than whine. :dunno:

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