Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

The problem here is that the current supreme court has made a decision and that decision allows one state to arrest and deport illegals.
Have they heard the case yet? Seems like an off the wall decision to allow it, before that?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 18:
[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Long-standing Supreme Court precedent recognizes Congress as having plenary power over immigration, giving it almost complete authority to decide whether foreign nationals (aliens, under governing statutes and case law) may enter or remain in the United States.1 But while Congress’s power over immigration is well established, defining its constitutional underpinnings is more difficult. The Constitution does not mention immigration, but parts of the Constitution address related subjects. The Supreme Court has sometimes relied upon Congress’s powers over naturalization (the term and conditions in which an alien becomes a U.S. citizen),2 foreign commerce,3 and, to a lesser extent, upon the Executive Branch’s implied Article II foreign affairs power,4 as sources of federal immigration power.5 While these powers continue to be cited as supporting the immigration power, since the late nineteenth century, the Supreme Court has described the power as flowing from the Constitution’s establishment of a federal government.6 The United States government possesses all the powers incident to a sovereign, including unqualified authority over the Nation’s borders and the ability to determine whether foreign nationals may come within its territory.7 The Supreme Court has generally assigned the constitutional power to regulate immigration to Congress, with executive authority mainly derived from congressional delegations of authority.8
In exercising its power over immigration, Congress can make laws concerning aliens that would be unconstitutional if applied to citizens.9 The Supreme Court has interpreted that power to apply with most force to the admission and exclusion of nonresident aliens abroad seeking to enter the United States.10 The Court has further upheld laws excluding aliens from entry on the basis of ethnicity,11 gender and legitimacy,12 and political belief.13 It has also upheld an Executive Branch exclusion policy, premised on a broad statutory delegation of authority, that some evidence suggested was motivated by religious animus.14 But the immigration power has proven less than absolute when directed at aliens already physically present within the United States.15 Even so, the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence reflects that Congress retains broad power to regulate immigration and that the Court will accord substantial deference to the government’s immigration policies, particularly those that implicate matters of national security.



The footnotes has the links to the Supreme court cases and rulings at the link posted!!!

But you're fine with biden bussing and flying in hundreds of thousands of illegals into the US and giving them free stuff while low income US citizens are being kicked out of their housing to make room for these illegals. Makes me wanna puke.
Just shove em back across the border.

Migrants are one of the key reasons why the Texas economy is booming:

illegals are not. illegals are not migrants. please keep your opinions in Canada canadian.
Quote the law

And how do you accout for other federal criminals being arrested by local authorities.

It is called a warrant. A warrant is an order from a judge and LEO’s are required to enforce it. By law.

As for jurisdiction. You need to learn how it works.
It is called a warrant. A warrant is an order from a judge and LEO’s are required to enforce it. By law.

As for jurisdiction. You need to learn how it works.
illegal is entering a country without proper paperwork. against the law, only fulfilling what's on the books already
It is called a warrant. A warrant is an order from a judge and LEO’s are required to enforce it. By law.
A person caught robbing a bank can not be arrested without a warrant?

A person that has violated a crime can not be arrested without a warrant.

Pure bullshit
Who cares? In the absence of federal law enforcement, SCOTUS is allowing Texas to arrest and deport illegals.
You go with that.... Where does the SC get that power from, in the constitution? As an American, you should care and should want to know imo....but, to each his own, I suppose?
Well then....... There's that. Texas can arrest and try to deport them. But apparently Mexico isn't going to give them the chance.

Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

March 19 (UPI) -- Mexico will not accept migrants deported by Texas, its foreign ministry said after the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a controversial law that allows Texas police to arrest people suspected of crossing into the state illegally.

The foreign ministry issued the statement Tuesday, condemning Texas Senate Bill 4, which makes it a criminal offense to illegally cross in to Texas via the Texas-Mexico border. The law also requires Texas judges to order those convicted to be returned to Mexico.
What? Do we have to shoot them?
A person caught robbing a bank can not be arrested without a warrant?

A person that has violated a crime can not be arrested without a warrant.

Pure bullshit

If arrested by a local cop, the local cop is doing so under applicable and overlapping state or local laws.

Enforce the law you say. Ok. Texas grabs some illegals. They request an asylum hearing. Texas shoves them back across the border. What happens to the Texas cops? You know, under the law?
If arrested by a local cop, the local cop is doing so under applicable and overlapping state or local laws.

Enforce the law you say. Ok. Texas grabs some illegals. They request an asylum hearing. Texas shoves them back across the border. What happens to the Texas cops? You know, under the law?
Asylum seekers must enter a port of entry in the adjoining country.

Legal asylum seekers will never ever have a problem
Well then....... There's that. Texas can arrest and try to deport them. But apparently Mexico isn't going to give them the chance.

Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

March 19 (UPI) -- Mexico will not accept migrants deported by Texas, its foreign ministry said after the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a controversial law that allows Texas police to arrest people suspected of crossing into the state illegally.

The foreign ministry issued the statement Tuesday, condemning Texas Senate Bill 4, which makes it a criminal offense to illegally cross in to Texas via the Texas-Mexico border. The law also requires Texas judges to order those convicted to be returned to Mexico.
Morons create an unenforceable law.
This could not have been just for politics, could it?
And the red hats eat it up
Asylum seekers must enter a port of entry in the adjoining country.

Legal asylum seekers will never ever have a problem

That’s not what the law says is it? And you ignored the other part. What happens to the Texas Cops who shove them back across the border?

You request asylum when physically present in the United States. Again. Learn what the laws say. Not what you think they say. Not what they should say in your opinion.

So what happens to the cops in question?
Migrants are one of the key reasons why the Texas economy is booming:

Those are legal immigrants, dipshit.
If arrested by a local cop, the local cop is doing so under applicable and overlapping state or local laws.

Enforce the law you say. Ok. Texas grabs some illegals. They request an asylum hearing. Texas shoves them back across the border. What happens to the Texas cops? You know, under the law?

Texas grabs some illegals. They request an asylum hearing.

Why do they deserve asylum?
That is why there is a hearing. The Judge decides if they have adequate grounds to request asylum. You know. Those folks who interpret and apply the laws?

Should be easy.
You have proof the government is oppressing you?
Buh bye.

Once the word gets out that fake asylum claims don't get you
a court date in 6-10 years, the flood will slow.

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