Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

Yup, you're definitely confused. You don't understand how the asylum process works at all.

Well I posted a link to the Customs and Immigration website for the correct page. What do the actual people who deal with that in the Government not understand about the process they administer.
So they have to prove it to the Texas cop who grabs them? Instead of a judge? Ok. Why not do all crime that way. Just have cops shoot anyone who they know is guilty?

We could have a judge listen to their fake claims.
After they're booted, if they want to try again, they could submit their fake claims properly.
Trump needs to replace the entire leadership in the military and HSA.

He needed to do that in 2017 but was either naive or part of the Kabuki Theater Bread and Circuses US government
He cant go that far without causing more pushback than it accomplishes

But if he picks out a few of the worst it will put the other officers on notice and they will fall into line

Then monitor all future promotions to keep the woke riff raft out of high positions
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We cant do that because we have too many wars going on around the world along with umpteen million bases in every country.
Where there’s a will there’s a way

Put trump in the white house again and just stand back and watch
You are the one without common sense if your objections to border security are genuine

I recognize it as a logistical nightmare of epic proportions to deploy the military as you demand.

But let’s pretend we can do it.

What would it take?

Let’s deploy the entire active duty Army. Well first we are going to have to abandon our treaty commitments to do so. But fuck them right? So what if world war 3 kicks off. We have responsibilities or something.

Now you have 1.3 million soldiers. But a lot of them aren’t going to be doing much on the line. I mean medics and dental assistants aren’t going to be much help. Of those 1.3 million roughly 150,000 are infantry. If we strip the basic training posts bare we can field that many grunts on the line. He’ll toss in MP’s, Engineers, and the rest. We now have roughly what they have covering the DMZ in Korea. Now we need ten times as many.

Fuck it. Put the truck drivers, supply clerks, and admin people on the line. We can double our totals. Now we only need five times as many right?

Of course soldiers are going to be pissed when they don’t get paid, because the admin people aren’t submitting the paperwork. And nobody is going to get food or any supplies because the truck drivers are on the line and not driving the trucks.

For every infantryman, there are roughly ten people in support. That is tankers, mechanics, cooks, medical, supply, map makers, and a host of other specialties you can’t even begin to imagine.

Use Helicopters. Great. Every helicopter needs at least ten hours of maintenance for every hour of flight. Now that isn’t all at once. But they have to pull engines and replace them. Replace blades. And do a hell of a lot of other things to keep the birds in the air.

You can’t keep the troops there 24 hours a day. You can maybe keep them there for a few days that way. Then you have to rotate them out and let another unit take over because your troops are exhausted.

Just as you only work part of the day, and part of the week, they need downtime too.

The logistical nightmare hasn’t even begun. You are talking about food, fuel, and a host of things that all have to be provided. If you have 1,000,000 troops involved that is 3,000,000 meals every single day. Do you have any clue how much food that is?

Aircraft fuel is about $6 a gallon for Jets. That adds up to a hell of a lot of money really fast doesn’t it? Especially when you are talking about those planes and helicopters burning hundreds of gallons every hour.

A Cessna Caravan burns $400 of fuel every hour. And we don’t use things that economical in the military.

A Blackhawk can burn nearly a thousand gallons in a single ferry flight.

Military trucks are not designed to be economical either. They burn Diesel fuel like it is a drug and they are addicted.

So even the logistics of supporting these troops on the border would be beyond expensive.

How many trillions are you willing to spend to do this? Add in the national guard and the price just skyrockets.

So how do we do this simple thing?
A pat on the back for a job well done.

Wrong. They would be charged under Federal Law for depriving the people of their rights under color of law. Five cops were just sentenced to decades in prison for those charges not related to immigration in Mississippi.
I recognize it as a logistical nightmare of epic proportions to deploy the military as you demand.

But let’s pretend we can do it.

What would it take?

Let’s deploy the entire active duty Army. Well first we are going to have to abandon our treaty commitments to do so. But fuck them right? So what if world war 3 kicks off. We have responsibilities or something.

Now you have 1.3 million soldiers. But a lot of them aren’t going to be doing much on the line. I mean medics and dental assistants aren’t going to be much help. Of those 1.3 million roughly 150,000 are infantry. If we strip the basic training posts bare we can field that many grunts on the line. He’ll toss in MP’s, Engineers, and the rest. We now have roughly what they have covering the DMZ in Korea. Now we need ten times as many.

Fuck it. Put the truck drivers, supply clerks, and admin people on the line. We can double our totals. Now we only need five times as many right?

Of course soldiers are going to be pissed when they don’t get paid, because the admin people aren’t submitting the paperwork. And nobody is going to get food or any supplies because the truck drivers are on the line and not driving the trucks.

For every infantryman, there are roughly ten people in support. That is tankers, mechanics, cooks, medical, supply, map makers, and a host of other specialties you can’t even begin to imagine.

Use Helicopters. Great. Every helicopter needs at least ten hours of maintenance for every hour of flight. Now that isn’t all at once. But they have to pull engines and replace them. Replace blades. And do a hell of a lot of other things to keep the birds in the air.

You can’t keep the troops there 24 hours a day. You can maybe keep them there for a few days that way. Then you have to rotate them out and let another unit take over because your troops are exhausted.

Just as you only work part of the day, and part of the week, they need downtime too.

The logistical nightmare hasn’t even begun. You are talking about food, fuel, and a host of things that all have to be provided. If you have 1,000,000 troops involved that is 3,000,000 meals every single day. Do you have any clue how much food that is?

Aircraft fuel is about $6 a gallon for Jets. That adds up to a hell of a lot of money really fast doesn’t it? Especially when you are talking about those planes and helicopters burning hundreds of gallons every hour.

A Cessna Caravan burns $400 of fuel every hour. And we don’t use things that economical in the military.

A Blackhawk can burn nearly a thousand gallons in a single ferry flight.

Military trucks are not designed to be economical either. They burn Diesel fuel like it is a drug and they are addicted.

So even the logistics of supporting these troops on the border would be beyond expensive.

How many trillions are you willing to spend to do this? Add in the national guard and the price just skyrockets.

So how do we do this simple thing?
We would monitor the border with drones, cameras, ground sensors and other means

When intruders are discovered we dispatch a team by wheel vehicle or helicopter to pick them up and return them to mexico after fingerprinting and a background check

It wont require anywhere near one million men as you seem to think
Meh, we'll push 50 miles into Mexico with tanks and gunships and deport them to Mexico anyway.
We would monitor the border with drones, cameras, ground sensors and other means

When intruders are discovered we dispatch a team by wheel vehicle or helicopter to pick them up and return them to mexico after fingerprinting and a background check

It wont require anywhere near one million men as you seem to think

First. One million men wouldn’t even be a start. Second.

Drones, cameras, and all that. If it worked we would use it to keep prisoners in jail with it instead of using guards. Trump wouldn’t need Secret Service agents standing around to protect him. He would have cameras and such.

And we do use aircraft and that sort of thing. We direct Border Patrol officers to arrest the people.

I just laid out the logistics, the tip of the iceberg for your idiotic deploy the military statement. I said it was idiotic and you basically said no it isn’t. Do you now acknowledge that it is a dumb idea?
The law says exactly that, that asylum seekers must enter through a port of entry, adjacent to the country they are fleeing

I posted the link. You read it and get back to me.
Oh, Okay,
Here is two quotes from your link, stating I am right
individuals who enter the United States through its southwest land border or adjacent coastal borders are presumed to be ineligible for asylum
Individuals are encouraged to use lawful, safe, and orderly pathways to come to the United States.
So you want another Afghanistan on our southern border. Great. Do you guys have any ideas that aren’t dumb?
Mexico should be f'ing CARPET BOMBED back to the stone age. Those MF'ers have aided in killing over 200,000 Americans with their damn drug trafficking. Are you on my frequency? The war is already raging, the only casualties are Americans.

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