MI Salon Owner "Bans" Trans, Etc. She Is Wrong.

This thread isn't about skin color.

Sure it is. Haven't people been making the case that they can choose to serve whomever they like for whatever reason if they own a business?

Skin color is exactly the reason public accommodation laws were made.
The bakers were happy to serve anyone birthday cakes, retirement cakes, cakes for holidays, etc. It's not the "artistry" for a certain class of people that's the issue. It was the artistry in service of the celebration of a certain event.

But you know this, right? Or have you suddenly gone stupid?
Funny how we didn't have the cake baker at our wedding or reception at all.
I am curious as to what a KKK cake would be like.

or if you prefer cupcakes:

It's been a while since I was at a hair salon, but it used to be the customer would tell the stylist what they wanted and the stylist would do it. Not a lot of creativity there. Kind of like being a classical musician.

As an aside your comment about "classical musician" took me off guard--but then I thought about it and was like, okay fair.

They're virtuosos. But maybe not the most creative.

I love that I've been in this so long and still learning--thanks!
As an aside your comment about "classical musician" took me off guard--but then I thought about it and was like, okay fair.

They're virtuosos. But maybe not the most creative.

I love that I've been in this so long and still learning--thanks!
They are told what to play, when to play and how to play the notes.
Amazing musicians but not creative. I guess you gotta go to a jazz show for that. LOL
Funny how we didn't have the cake baker at our wedding or reception at all.

If you came in and selected a cake from a catalogue and didn't specify anything, fair.

If you came in with your future wife and then asked the baker to make a custom cake for your EVENT, that's different.
They are told what to play, when to play and how to play the notes.
Amazing musicians but not creative. I guess you gotta go to a jazz show for that. LOL

The skill level is extreme and requires hours of practice a day. But you're right. Creativity not high.

Makes me feel a little better because I play several instruments, mostly by ear at this point, and most intuitively. From now I will claim I'm "creative" hahaha
The skill level is extreme and requires hours of practice a day. But you're right. Creativity not high.

Makes me feel a little better because I play several instruments, mostly by ear at this point, and most intuitively. From now I will claim I'm "creative" hahaha
Oh absolutely! I would do the same.
Now that I think about even in rock music there is limited creativity. With this sudden popularity of tribute bands. The play everything exactly like the original recording. I played in a couple. Not very satisfying but they pay quite well.
What does that mean, "complain about them"? Are that certain class of people absolutely above complaint no matter what they do?
From what I recall you said some nasty things about transgendered and you don't care for them. True?

I am curious as to what a KKK cake would be like.
A White Kake with confederate flag drawn in icing and a marzipan mini statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest riding across.

Or a wax cross with multiple wicks to be lit for the Birthday Kleagle to blow out.

I'd be OK with a baker saying no.

From what I recall you said some nasty things about transgendered and you don't care for them. True?

Does this transgender represent ALL transgenders? Is that what you're trying to tell me? I never said that
It isn't as though that's the only place to get your hair done. The trannies can go somewhere else or even open their own tranny hair salon. There are plenty of other businesses they can go to.


I agree with that :thup:

Sometimes I think these people do it on purpose, they go exactly to the places they are not wanted just to prove a point!
I agree with that :thup:

Sometimes I think these people do it on purpose, they go exactly to the places they are not wanted just to prove a point!

That's because the majority of trannies are attention whores. They need to be noticed and paid attention and praised by any means necessary.

Most trannies are trannies because they have nothing to offer society to earn attention and praise so they have to go to extreme measures to get that attention. Including purposefully seeking out situations to put themselves in so they can say "hey everyone look at me and how I am being mistreated. Please see how bad I have it for being a tranny"

They want the attention, they want to feel oppressed because so called marginalized victims are all the rage right now.
Some hard working innocent middle class salon owner in some small town in the Midwest gets turned into a federal case because lefties worry more about drag queens than the hard working people that make the Country great.
Sure the govt does. If you "choose" to drive a car, you're going to be required to:

1. Get a license
2. Show proof of registration
3. Show proof of insurance

If you choose to open a business, you're going to have to adhere to your state's and nation's public accommodation laws.

If you don't like those laws, lobby Congress to repeal them. And good luck.
Sounds like you prefer marxism, you wont be able to force that on the nation, the democrats are close
Why? Why are some moral convictions valid to you while others aren't?

A Muslim can have deep personal and religious convictions about selling a cake with a picture of Muhammad on it. Likewise, A Democrat can have deep and personal convictions about serving a Republican.

Is a business owner allowed to refuse service to people based on their personal convictions or not? It seems that has been settled with the baker and now you're sliding down the slippery slope.
Depicting Mohammed is a major religious crime requiring the death penalty. The infidel requesting the cake would have to be beheaded.

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